Wolverine's Son

By gamergirl1896

16K 356 75

When Logan was young he was a partier. And by that I mean he slept with a lot of women. Then he would leave... More

The Pack's New Home
The Arrival
Not an update
Important Information
Meeting Dark Wolf
Waking up and Adjusting

Meeting an Old Friend

3K 75 11
By gamergirl1896

(Four years later)

I sit in the abandoned house we all live in. There are more of us now. Thirteen of them in all. After my sister and I left our old home we met with other kids like me. We all have different powers but we all ran away from home.

We have no families. We are each other's family now, and we don't take just anyone. You have to prove yourself and pass my tests to join. I did that after some idiot tried to kill my sister for accidentally knocking over his drink. I beat him to a pulp then left him in the street.

I am very protective of my sister, and everyone knows it. You can get on my bad side real quick if you mess with her. I've killed people for hurting her. She and the pack are the only ones I will ever kill to protect. No one will mess with her as long as I'm still breathing, and I've proved that.

The rest of the family protect her as well. We all have each other's back. We all are very protective over each other. We are like a pack of wolves. Where you see one you better know that the rest of us aren't far behind.

We have at least two who stay behind to protect the younger ones, who are still to young to 'hunt' with the rest of us. The one in charge of that is Kassidy. She was the first we found after we left home. She was all alone and she was instantly protective over my sister. She has the powers of persuasion and manipulation. She is almost always at my side to keep me from killing people.

Jon was next I found him when he was trying to steal some food and he ran into the alley where I was. He shared his food and asked if he could join us. I told him 'yes' so now he is in charge of scoping out places for us to 'hunt' to get food. He has the power to hear people's thoughts and move things with his mind. He is my right-hand man, so he can tell me when someone is going to try to hurt me or the family.

Brick is next. His real name is Hector, but we call him 'Brick' because he is literally a wall of muscle. You punch him and it's like hitting a brick wall, and believe me I would know. We found him, well he found us. He knew we had food and he tried to steal some and I beat him and was about to kill him when Kass stopped me. I gave him two choices join us and him trying to hurt my sister would be forgiven, or he could take his chances fighting me and my back up, which was the very animals I talk to. He chose to stay with us, and now we are really close. He is the third member of my inner circle. He is also in charge of protection and security for the family.

The others are just hunters and whatever else we need to be, but they are no less important to the family and I tell them that every day. I am truly thankful for them all. They are loyal and obedient. I know I can count on them.

Me on the other hand. I am the leader of the pack. I tell everybody where to go and when to move. I've been leading since I started this group. I also chose who comes in and who doesn't. That job has caused many scraps. I've fought more rejects than actual enemies. One got so angry that he went after my sister, McKenna. I stopped him and killed him. The guys disposed of the body as I checked on Kenna, as we call her.

McKenna is my baby sister. She is the sweetest little girl you could ever meet. She is so loving and caring. She is the whole reason I am so harsh in who I chose to join. She is also developing powers of her own. She can freeze things on contact and she can shoot ice.

My powers are constantly growing and changing. Which makes me more dangerous. I seem to get a new power every week. Sometimes I get two, or it feels like it. The constant change makes me more of a threat to outsiders because I am such a quick learner and master my abilities very quickly.

I'm sitting at home playing with Logan's old dog tags, I always wear them to remind me that there are some good people left in this world. McKenna comes and sits on my lap. I smile and hug her. She lays her head on my shoulder and I see she has a book.

"Bubby, can you read to me?" She asks. She has been able to read since she was 4 but she still likes me to read to her.

"Of course Kenna," I say and I take the book and start reading. Soon she falls asleep and I kiss her head I carefully lay her on the couch and cover her up. I look at the doorway and see Kassidy and a hunter standing in the doorway.

I walk over to them and the hunter looks down. It's their way of submitting. I look at Kassidy and she looks straight at me.

"What? You know I don't like to be disturbed." I say slightly irritated.

"Jon and Brick found an outsider snooping a little too close to the perimeter," Kassidy says.

"Mutant?" I ask and she shrugs.

"We don't know." She says and I sigh.

"Watch my sister," I say to the hunter and they nod and go in the room and I look at Kass.

"Tell Brick and Jon to bring him here blindfolded," I say and she tells them through telepathy. I go and wait in the interrogation room. Which is really the basement.

They bring him in and set him in the chair and they take his blindfold off and I see a face I thought I'd never see again.

"L-logan?" I say and he looks at me.

"Clint?" He says and I look at Brick.

"Let him go," I say. They look at each other and I growl.

"Let him go!" I yell and they release him. He stands and comes over to me. I look at the guys.

"I've got this from here," I say and they nod.

"Don't forget to check the microwave," I say and they nod. That it's code for 'stay close'. They leave and I look at Logan.

"How are you here?" I ask him.

"Let's sit. It's a long story." He says and we sit.

"Well after I was shot I woke up and you, my wallet, and my dog tags were gone." He says and I remember the tags.

"Oh. Here. I took them to give to your family if I found them. I never did though." I say as I take the tags off and give them to him. He slowly takes them and looks over them.

"You had them? All these years?" He asks astonished.

"Yeah. To remind me of what you did for me." I say and he puts them back on.

"Thank you." He says and we proceed to catch up. I tell him everything that has happened and I explain about my powers. He, in turn, tells me that he too is a mutant and that we have similar base powers.

"So where is your sister?" He asks.

"She is taking a nap," I say then I hear a small knock at my door.

"Who is it?" I ask and I hear a small voice.

"Bubby?" I hear McKenna says.

"Come on, Kenna," I say and she opens the door and walks boldly to me and climbs in my lap. She looks at Logan.

"Who is that?" She says and I smile.

"That is Logan. The one I used to tell you about." I say and she nods.

"I remember now." She says as she stares at him. He smiles at her.

"Hello, McKenna." He says.

"Hello, Mr. Logan." She says quietly. I smile and she looks at me then at him.

"Logan, why are you here?" I ask and he sighs.

"I'm with a group of mutants and we go around looking for young mutants who are rejected by society and need to learn how to control their abilities. Then we take them to a safe place and teach them." He explains.

"That doesn't answer my question." I stare blankly.

"Our leader found you on his machine. It finds mutants, and it found you as you threw someone out into the woods and left them there." He says.

"Oh. And you came here because...?" I ask trying to get him to spit it out.

"We want you to come with us so we can teach you how to better use your powers." He says finally answering my question.

"I see," I say. "So you want us all to come with you and just leave all we have here?"

"Let's be honest, Clint. You'd be better off, even if it only got you off the street." He says and I sigh. Kenna looks at me and I look at her.

"Are we gonna go, bubby?" She asks and I sigh.

"You were telling me earlier that you would do anything to protect her. This may the best if not the only way to do so." He says and I look at Kenna who is staring at me.

"Fine, we'll try it," I say. "But only for a month, and you can't separate the pack."

"I'll call the team for the jet." He says as he pulls out a phone. I watch him and hope I made the right choice.

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