Hidden Hearts

By 52Mila52

353K 16.4K 2.6K

*This is a fan fiction based off of C. L. Stone's Ghost Bird series. Sang Sorenson is a very perceptive girl... More

Chapter 1. The beginning
Chapter 2. She who sees everything
Chapter 3. She who says it all
Chapter 4. She who hears everything
Chapter 5. Mr. Blackbourne
AN: Just a quick explanation...
Chapter 6. Gabriel
Chapter 7. Victor
Chapter 8. Kota
Chapter 9. And so it begins... or not?
Chapter 10. She who disappeared like a ghost
Chapter 11. Back to the beginning
Chapter 12. The half-naked girlfriend
Chapter 13. Dead meat
Chapter 15. Silas
Chapter 16. Storm
Chapter 17. Nathan
Chapter 18. Dogs and bitches
Chapter 19. Grumpy bear
Chapter 20. Dreams and wishes
Chapter 21. First day
Chapter 22. First day part II
Chapter 23. What one does for family
Chapter 24. Sleepover
Chapter 25. First kiss
Chapter 26. Dominatrix?
Chapter 27. Missions and Retribution
Chapter 28. Moving
Chapter 29. Toasts
Author's Note
Chapter 30. The Academy - Aware
Chapter 31. Academy - Present
Chapter 32.
Chapter 33. Fire
Chapter 34. Family
Chapter 35. Bonding
Chapter 36. Academy - Request
Chapter 37. Academy - Inside
Chapter 38. Stalker
Chapter 39. Laying down the law
Chapter 40. When truths come to light
Chapter 41. Shortie!!
Chapter 42. Girls
Chapter 43. Boot camp
Chapter 44. The end

Chapter 14. Group hug!

8.2K 414 79
By 52Mila52

"And who exactly are you calling a "bimbo" Mr. Taylor junior?" I asked the obviously drunk teenager in front of me. I felt like tearing him limb from limb.

I wished to have a happy reunion with San... Miss Sorenson, but now, thanks to him, I would have to... "Owen!"

I was interrupted by Sang turning her attention in my direction and flashing that incredible smile she always had. My anger instantly vanished, being replaced by wonder of the girl in front of me.

Same happy smile, same stunning, shadowed eyes, same beautiful chameleon hair. The body however was very different. Petite but with a perfect hourglass shape she was simply a stunning young woman. I wanted hug her like she once hugged me, dispel those detestable shadows she still carried, even while smiling at me.

Trying to control my unruly feelings I greeted her "Miss Sorenson."

Her smile fell and I instantly regretted my use of formality. It was safer to do so, but who cared about safety? Right now I didn't.

"I've missed you, darling." I told her, softening my voice, letting a bit of emotion to show in my eyes. As a kid she'd always been able to read me, even with my poker face on, but years had gone past and I could understand her uncertainty and need for reassurance. I felt the same.

Smiling back at me, this time with a good part of those shadows disappearing from her eyes, she walked in my direction and said. "I've missed you too, Owen. More than you will ever know."

Those words made my heart beat faster. A part of me didn't care that it had been a long time since we were friends or that I didn't know this girl anymore, all that more emotional side of me cared about was that she was back home, safe, and still sane after having gone through hell, and that she was beautiful.

Focusing back at their current situation he said "Let's go back inside so we can get more comfortable. There is a lot that needs to be discussed."

Nodding her head she moved past me and Luke leading the way into the living room with the two of us following right behind.

Luke looked back at his brother, who was now fussing with his precious jeep while grumbling under his breath.

"So, how have things been Owen?" Sang asked, sounding a little nervous.

"Very well, as you no doubt guessed the boys have all successfully joined the academy and become a part of mine and Sean's team." I told her, hoping that the knowledge that she'd succeeded in her wishes to help them had borne fruits.

Her eyes lit up at this. "I am so glad! Dr. Roberts did tell me that you were all okay, but hearing this from you is so much better, Owen."

"I am glad you are happy, darling." I answered and became silent.

Neither of us talked, we just stood there in the middle of the living room staring at each other awkwardly, the weight of all words not spoken, all the time lost, all the pain and uncertainty nearly crushing us with the tension. I was about to open my mouth and suggest that we all sit down so we could discuss a few very important business, using the mask of stoic, emotionless leader that I had created over the years, when a certain irritant doctor came into the room.

"Pookie!" He exclaimed before running to her and enveloping her in his arms, hugging her like there was no tomorrow.

I wish I had done that...

"Sean!" She squealed, putting her arms around him and hugging him back. "I have missed you so much!"

"Of course you did! I'm the best! Better than that stuffy person who is glaring at the back of my head right now." He said cheekily.

Sighing I said, "I don't know where you get those notions Sean, everyone knows that I am the better man."

Finally letting Sang go he turned to me and tugged her closer to where I was still standing.

"Oh yeah? So tell me, did you hug Pookie already today?" He asked, with a provocatively smug smile on his face. I should take that smile from his face with a punch.

Bad Owen... no punching his best friend in front of his old friend... he'd pay for this later...

Smiling wider at my glare he said "See, and that is why I'm the best man!" and proceeded to push her between us and wrap his arms around us, hugging us both, forming a Sang sandwich.

"Group hug!" He shouted and squeezed us all together.

Sang giggled and put her arms around me, giving me best hug I've felt in years.

Maybe I will go easy on him... for friendship sake, of course...

I pushed Sean away and put my own arms around her, my hands on her back, holding her delicately. Her warm, tiny body fit perfectly to mine.

"So, tell me Pookie. When did you meet Luke?" he asked suddenly.

I already knew the answer to that, but remained quiet because I was enjoying seeing Mr. Taylor squirming at his where he stood close to the windows, as if considering an immediate escape through them.

"Just this morning Sean, in Kota's house." She said sweetly, letting go of me and sitting beside Sean who was now in the couch, leaving a place for me to sit beside her, which I took.

"So you mean to tell me that at least two of the boys have been aware of your presence for a whole morning and didn't tell me?" Sean asked, clearly offended.

The two of us shared a glace promising to discuss priorities with the boys later. Meeting Miss Sang was grounds for an immediate red line for all they cared.

"Hey, you don't know what just happened, Doc." Luke said, trying to change the subject of conversation before he got hours.

Turning his attention to Luke, who was now sitting in the window sill with his hands on his pockets he asked, "What?"

"North spoke!" He said, beaming. He still couldn't believe that his brother had talked... or rather, bellowed.

Blinking at him in confusion it took a moment for Sean to understand what his young friend was telling him. "Your brother finally talked with you?" he asked.

Shuffling his feet he said "Well, more or less. More like he bellowed at me because of Sang's presence."

Scowling at him Sean asked. "Why did he bellow? What is there about her presence that would irritate anyone? Maybe I should check his health again, he might be insane."

Chuckling Luke told him "It might have been because she was messing with his Jeep."

Eyes widening in surprise and horror Sean wiped his head around to look at Sang for confirmation. Seeing the blush in her cheeks he burst out laughing, almost falling off the couch.

"Oh... my... God! Pookie! ... only you would get up to such trouble after just arriving home!" he said between gasps.

"There is a reason why Mr. Coleman nicknamed her Trouble after all. I am glad to see that you haven't changed, Darling." Said Owen, with his millimeter smile.

Hearing he say that she was home wiped the embarrassment off Sang's face and made her feel warm and safe. It had been a long time since she'd been home with her family. And that is what these boys always were. She knew the next few days would be emotional and awkward, but she hoped that soon they'd all settle together and be the team she always wished for them to become.

"Yes, it is good to be home, Sean." She said, smiling at them all.


Damn, I was just saved from Mr. Blackbourne's ire by a blonde bimbo...

Deciding to ignore the whole strange scene I had just witnessed I head to my jeep to check the damage.

I had been working on this car for quite a few weeks now trying to get it back in working order with very little success. He figured that after that girl messed with it things would be even worse. Maybe I should just sell this one and try to buy a newer model... Looking under the hood I am surprised to see that not only everything looks okay it looks to be in even better shape than I had left it the last time I tried to fix the car. Damn, I was saved by a bim... girl, who fixed my car better than I could. Who is she anyway? And why was the indomitable and emotionless Mr. Blackbourne all over her?

Curious and a bit remorseful at screaming with her after she fixed my car, I decided to go in search for them. Normally I would avoid Luke and his friends when they come over, but today I couldn't seem to take a little blonde mess from my head.

And she was quite a mess, he hadn't missed the way her ass looked stinking out from the hood of his car, nor had he missed her shadowed green eyes. That girl had seen hell and come back to tell the tale.

Was she academy too? Maybe that school wasn't all that bad after all.


Feeling a shift in the air coming from the living room's door I turned in my seat to watch as North came into the room.

He looks at them and asks, "Has you all eaten already?"

When they keep just looking at him with perplexed expressions I choose to answer him.

"I haven't yet. Why?"

Looking at the clock in the wall he frowns and says "it is already two in the afternoon. I will make something for us to eat. Will you guys want it too?" he questions focusing in the boys.

Snapping back to attention they answered at the same time, save for Mr. Blackbourne.

"You don't just talk, you can cook too? My God! He is skilled!" Luke exclaimed, which earned him a death glare from his brother. What did he mean by talking? He'd been going on and on for a little while now about that.

"I've already had some apple pie but I could eat more." Said Sean, having that glare directed at him this time.

"Apple pie? You had apple pie for lunch? That is not healthy! Don't you know it, doctor?" North bellowed.

Smiling at him like a proud parent Sean said. "That is right! I'm a doctor. I will continue to be a doctor. I will do doctor things!" then turning to me he said, "Turn around Pookie, let me check that head before Mr. Gruff here gives you a headache. Bad enough he already made you hurt yourself."

Seeing North's guilty expression I knew Sean's words had been a shot straight to the heart.

Ignoring Sean for a minute I walked over to North. He smelled like alcohol and musk and looked like a thug. Wearing all black, his clothes matched the color of his hair, and his mood if I had to guess by the way he stood, legs shoulder width apart, arms crossed over his chest; his eyes were an intense brown color and his jaw was covered in what could be a day old beard. He was tall, strong looking and a little scary but I didn't hesitate in putting my hand delicately over his crossed arms.

"I am okay. I didn't hit myself too hard in the hood. And it's your right to be mad that I was messing with something that doesn't belong to me. I'm sorry."

He blinked at me, looking perplexed at how to react to my apology.

"That is okay." He finally said gruffly, "You actually fixed it. Thank you, and I am sorry for shouting and scaring you." He added, looking very uncomfortable. I had the impression that this boy wasn't used with apologizing to people.

I simply smiled at him.

Looking at me curiously he asked "You aren't mad?"

Letting my smile acquire an edge and become mischievous I told him. "I don't get mad. I get even." I sent his startled face a wink and walk back to Sean, who was laughing along with Luke.

Searching Owen's gaze I see that although his expression had remained a stoic and emotionless mask a spark of amusement has ignited there, along with respect and caring.

I wink to him too and sit beside Sean on the couch, knowing by the shift in the air that North had already left and gone to the kitchen, Luke following right behind.


In the kitchen Luke watches curiously as his brother searches the refrigerator for the ingredients he is going to use to cook them a late lunch.

"So, who is she?" North asked, taking tomatoes, peppers, onion and garlic to the countertop, where he would cut them.

Still surprised at the fact that his brother was finally talking with him, he asked, rather dumbly. "Who? Sang?"

Receiving just a glare in response he decided to start talking so that maybe his brother would speak again. Come on... talk with me bro...

"She is an old childhood friend. We all met her when we were ten, in school, and Owen and Sean were thirteen years old, but we only knew her for a few weeks before she disappeared."

Frowning he asked me. "If you've know her for so little then why do you all like she is so especial to you guys?"

Smiling at him I said "Are you really asking me that? You are just talking with me right now because of her."

He grimaced but remained quiet.

"You have seen it too, no?" I asked him quietly.

He looked up at me with a question on his eyes.

"Her eyes. The shadows in then. The strength. The caring." I told him and he nodded.

"Yes. I did see that." He said after a while of silence. "Do you know what put that look in her eyes?" he asked, holding so tightly to the knife that his knuckles were turning white.

"Yes. She used to suffer abuse at home. Mostly from her mother. The dad was an uncaring bastard that just left her alone with a crazy woman." I told him, seeing his ever present scowl darken, no doubt remembering the abuse he'd suffered at the hands of his own father. My father.

"But that is not all." I added and his head shot up from looking at the vegetables he was quickly and very efficiently cutting.

"What? What else happened with her?" he practically bellowed at me. I only hoped the people in the living room hadn't heard him. I didn't want Sang to think that I was talking about her behind her back. Well... technically I was, but it was for a good reason.

Seeming to realize the same thing, he asked again, this time quieter, his teeth clenched. "What else happened with her?"

"Have you heard about the boarding school?" I asked him.

Grunting he said "Of course I have. It is in all the journals."

"Well, when her parents moved from here six years ago they didn't take her with them. Instead they sent her to that place. She's been there all this time and was one of the responsible for taking the whole place down." I told him and saw him pale. The news that Sang had suffered so much were very distressing to him, which meant that she'd already gotten under his skin.

Well... things are going to get interesting...

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