Exiled Chronicles - Purge War...

By con782

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Deox and Apprentice are part of The Anti-Exiled Ones and are agents in the middle of a nine year war against... More

Chapter 1: Snow Village.
Chapter 2: Back at Base.
Chapter 3: The Meeting.
Chapter 5: Old Friends.
Chapter 6: Casual Hitman.
Chapter 7: Free For All.
Chapter 8: Phase Two.
Chapter 9: Aftermath.
Chapter 10: History
Chapter 11: Genesis
Book Two - Connections
Chapter 1: The Front Lines.
Chapter 2: Giggling Brunette
Chapter 3: Anti-Exiled Ones.
Chapter 4: The Exiled Ones.
Chapter 5: Secret Mission.
Chapter 6: Meet the Esclavo.
Chapter 7: Genesis Clash.
Chapter 8: Family?!.

Chapter 4: Pub Knowledge.

42 1 0
By con782

The war nine years ago all but ruined the once great city of Edinburgh most buildings were lucky to be in one piece or still standing above four stories high. The winter air was still present in the city the temperature was very low above maybe one if lucky. The snow was present but not as deep in the village maybe about half a foot high. It was morning and the sun was just starting to reach the sky. In an alleyway next to an old destroyed block of flats and another block of flats a large black window appeared. It was Deox's vortex, the red and blue electricity surrounding it was a good give away. Stepping through the door Apprentice was first. He wore orange snow goggles and still had on his jeans stained with blood and the new top with 'SMUG' on it, His scabbard as always on his right side ready for combat. Next stepped through Deox as always in the same attire blue jeans and a large buttoned up black overcoat that went down to his knees. His hands as always in his overcoats pockets hiding his hands. The vortex behind them closed leaving them both standing in the snowy alleyway. Apprentice looked around with joy, eyes full of wonder this was it the city the big Scottish battleground for the event nine years ago.

“Don’t get too exited Apprentice, We are not here to sight see we are on an important mission.”

“I know I know but this is it. This is were you and many others made their names well known. The last hope battle. Its so overwhelming.”

“All this place is for many people is defeat not glory, just remember that not everyone wants their name well known for surviving that battle. Some would rather be on the dead list.”

Apprentice just stood quite looking at Deox's blank white mask. It was not often Deox spoke of his past or other people but when he did they were always sad.

“OK were we going then Deox.”

Deox voice was a little more happy “The pub”

Apprentice just stood looking at Deox, not something he was expecting for this mission but then Deox was unpredictable. They both started walking through the snow out of the alleyway to be met with a large road that went on for ages. It had burned out cars and litter all over the place. The snow made the scene that much more creepy. Eyes still large Apprentice took in all of the city. He noticed all the debris from buildings and craters around the place. Some more than others when he fell in, the snow hid them well. Deox would chuckle when it happened as it never happened to him. Covered in snow and rubble Apprentice and Deox walked for a good ten minutes always keeping a look out for Heth just in case. Apprentice remembers Deox telling him Heth rarely appear in the same place twice they were more like a walking army with no base. After a few more minutes of walking they ended up at a pub or what Apprentice thought was a pub. It had large green doors and a sign above the door.

“Listen Apprentice when we get in stay close to me, people now a days don’t like being questioned and stay to themselves plus this isn’t the safest of areas.”

“I don’t need protection Deox!” slammed Apprentice

“I know, but  stay close to me.”

Apprentice just nodded. As the got closer Deox opened to the door and it had a new smell came and hit Apprentices nose. Smoke and beer with the smell of unwashed people. It wasn’t the most pleasant smell in the world but unique. The inside was shaped like an 'L' with the bar making up the one side of it. On one side of the bar stood a goblin of a woman. She was the height of ugliness she was small just tall enough for her head to reach over the counter. She had curly brown hair almost like she wore a ball on her head. Her nose was long and almost looked like a hook, the eyes matched they were dark and dirty brown. Her expression wasn’t one of happiness more like a form with anger thrown in for good measure. Apprentice noticed a few people in the pub two sitting at the counter their clothes worn and dirty. They sat a chair away from each other. At the right of the 'L' sat a table of three people one of them looked like an ogre with height to match. Strolling into the middle of the pub Apprentice noticed the floor was tiled it had once been white long ago but now dirty with dirt. This seemed to be the theme for the entire pub dirty and unwashed. Apprentice did what Deox said and stayed close to him. As Deox reached the counter he sat on the only free seat between the two men. Apprentice just stood behind Deox noticing the angry stares from the table.

“Hello Agnes, how are you?”

The small goblin of a woman just snapped a response back while cleaning a glass, poorly “What do you want Deox, I don’t want trouble it seems to follow you.”

A chuckle came from Deox “I only want to know were 'He' is. Any ideas?”

A click came from the right of Deox while the other looked at the back of Deox's head.

“Deox Ammon we have a bone to pick with you” his voice was crackly and a strong Irish.

The gun was an old revolver six bullets before reload. Apprentice had only ever seen a few guns in his life and they were never aimed at anyone he knew. The man had a strong brown beard and long saggy hair unwashed and unkempt. Hate within his eyes burning for Deox. Apprentice gripped his swords hilt ready to unleash it from his scabbard. He needed a good opening but due to him being right behind Deox he had no room to unleash and if he wanted to do he would need to jump back giving the perk enough time to shoot his gun and Apprentice knew he wasn’t faster than a bullet, few people were.

“Can I ask what I did?”

“You left us behind nine years ago. I was one of the ground troops that day. I watched you save only your own men and leave the rest of us for dead.”

“Yea that’s right,” the man next to Deox agreed.

“I see why you would hate me, but if I knew you were still there I would have come back. I don’t leave men behind.”

“Lies!” the gun now touching Deox's hair.

Apprentices grip on his sword grew tighter making his hand turn white from the force. Ready and waiting he just needed the slightest distraction and the guy would be dead were he stood. He couldn’t even use his creation ability as the time it took for something to happen would still not beat the bullet.

“Am sorry you feel so much hatred towards me. But you must remember you were a soldier and we were in the middle of a war zone mistakes happen we are all but human.” Calm and ready but with a hint of aggression in the speech.

The gun still firmly in place “I will use this I have waited over nine years for this.”

without hesitation Deox replied “Then do it. But are you prepared to attack an Anti-Exiled One? The punishment is severe.”

The other guy next to Deox panicked and got up and left the pub while the others brow started to sweat but the gun unmoving. He was a soldier after all he was trained for life and death situations.

“The hell with it.”

A large bang came from the gun and The guys hand jerked back from the recoil. Apprentice didn’t even move he just stared at Deox's head. Confusion on everyone’s face in the bar. Deox was fine was the bullet a dud? Was it a blank. No that’s not it why would a soldier fire a blank at someone he hated with so much passion.

“How?! How are you still alive I shot you in the head.”

The pub was silent everyone wanted to hear his answer.

“You see the minute you pulled out the gun I made a small vortex in the barrel not strong but good enough to send the bullet to a different dimension. Leaving me unharmed and leaving you at my mercy.”

The sweat was pouring out the guys face, his hands were covered in sweat.  His grip on his gun wasn’t good and the fact that the kid behind Deox was gripping the sword so tight in its scabbard he knew another shot would end him.

“So I am going to be nice to you. You are a soldier in response to me sparring your life from your own stupidity. I will open two portals. One will lead you to my base of operations the other to your death. I will tell you what one is what and you can choose get back in the fight or die like an insect. Its all your choice.” Deox turned around for the first time since sitting and looked at the table of men. “This can reply to you guys too. You can stop hiding and fight for your country. Unlike this guy you are allowed to choose to not enter either portal and just leave the pub.”

Most men there and then got up and left the pub. The few people left were the shooter the goblin woman and a giant ogre of a man. With a click of his right hand two portals opened at the door, one to the left of it and one to the right he then turned to the shooter.

“The one to the right is a fighting chance again. The one to the left is certain death. Pick!” Fury in his voice.

The man looked at his choices and like any one he ran to his right. As soon as his skin touched it the guy screamed. The vortex spun and ripped the guys skin, muscle then bone from him. Killing him within twenty long seconds. Apprentice the ogre and the bar women had eyes of shock, horror and surprise.

“Why! Why! Deox you tricked him you killed him Why!?” Apprentice blurted out.

“Easy he tried to kill me and he didn’t even try to come and fight on the front lines after I left him. He hid like a rat the army does not need people like that. However they do need people like the big guy sitting over their.”

Both vortex's closed and another opened at the door just one this time.

“Enter that vortex I promise its safe. I wouldn’t kill someone for no reason, for that would make me a monster.”

The large bald man looked at the vortex by the door and at Deox and Apprentice.

“Before I go can I ask a question its about my ability and my usefulness to the army.”

Apprentice was surprised he spoke very well he was expecting half words and barely able to translate it. His accent was a thick Scottish much like Deox's.

“Ask away were all friends here.”

“Well I have the ability to absorb damage but that’s it. I cant rebound it. What use am I”

“I see don’t be like that you are what we need the most. You are a warrior but also what most warriors aren’t. A shield you are a vital piece for this war. What would you say your limit is in terms of damage intake?”

He rubbed his bald smooth head to think.”I would say the furthest I have pushed it is maybe a clip of ammo to the face, A fireball to the stomach, being set on fire then being smashed by a ton of earth all at the same time.”

Apprentice looked at this big ogre and very quickly his appearance and ugliness was vanishing. What Apprentice saw as he spoke was a walking tank.

“wow” Apprentice had said it before he could think it.

The large man smiled and walked over to apprentice and pushed his hand towards him.

“Thank you young man. I am called Matt, and you?”

Shaking Matt's large hand with a grin on his face he replied “Am called Apprentice.”

“What a weird name you two have,”

“Don’t worry its not our real names. He are members of The Anti-Exiled Ones we all have code-names for some reason.”

“Will I?” Matt asked

Deox spoke before Apprentice. “Not yet. You will join the Tactical Heth Response Unit. Then with time you may some day join the Anti-Exiled Ones.”

“But wait Deox I thought there was only ever allowed to be ten in the Anti-Exiled Ones?”

“No there’s only ten now due to people dying really there is no limit to how many can join us all it takes is skill.”

“I suppose since your helping me I will help you.” Matt replied looking at the vortex “The person you are looking for I have a fair idea who it is. Its the banished one isn’t it.”

Deox just shook his head while Apprentice kept turning his head back and forth trying to see who was speaking.

“What I know is his new base is the High school at Portobello. Just head south from here. No more than maybe a three hour walk.”

“Thanks OK. Time to walk through.”

“Indeed. Thank you I hope we meet again young Apprentice.”

“Yea I already have a name for you anyway.”

“Oh what’s that then?”


“I like it see ya kid.” He walked through the vortex at disappeared this time not being ripped apart.

Deox turned to Apprentice after closing the portal

“Nice choice Atlas. The titan that holds up the sky and keeps us safe. Sometimes I forget you are intelligent. “

Puffing up his cheeks “What you mean forget!”

A chuckle came from Deox as he got off the chair and waved at the bar woman.

“OK looks like were going to school.”

“Really, School this better be where he’s at. You seem to attract trouble Deox.”

“Yea it will be nice to see the school again anyway.”

“what you mean?”

“We are going back to my school.”

Leaving the pub to be greeted by the cold air and snow they marched south.

“I cant wait am going to see the place that Deox learned from.”

“Don’t get your hopes up its just a school. I have always been a genius.”


This is Chapter 3. Please Read Vote and Comment Thanks.

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