I wont give up. (Harry Styles...

By fxngirl06

4.5K 105 68

Blaire Dylan has always been a magnet to trouble. Whether its ex-boyfriends, or potential boyfriends, her lif... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Short A/N ***PLEASE READ***
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 10

134 11 6
By fxngirl06

*1 hour earlier*

Harrys P.O.V

I gripped her bottom lip with my teeth breathing heavily against her flawless face as I felt my hot breath hit of her pale skin and bounce back on to mine. I felt her hand caress the back of my neck as she brought it up and through my curly hair, tugging gently. I Pulled her closer to my chest and let go of her lip leaning my forehead to hers. I opened my eyes to see her lips throbbing for the connection once more, and her brown eyes fixed to my lips.

"Blaire I-"

"Don't talk, just kiss me." She whsipered cutting me off and attempting to entwine her lips to my ones. I bit down hard on my lower lip, refusing the link.

"first tell me.. how bad do you want this? How bad do you want us?" She slowly lifted her gaze to lock with my green tender eyes. Her coffee coloured eyes were screaming with desperation.

"With every bone in my body, I want you Harry, I want you right now." She slammed her lips to mine as I grazed my hand on her left thigh as she leaped up to straddle me-

"HARRRRY!!!! Can you grab another bottle on your way down mate." I heard Zayn call from downstairs.

I swiftly sat up

I grabbed my black t-shirt and pulled it over my body, as my chest rose and sunk uneasily. I dapped my forehead with my shirt retreaving sweat and throwing it aside. Was I dreaming? Was I dreaming about Blaire. Blaire and me...kissing... intimately.. this has got be insane. Iv known her for what? A week? And im dreaming about her... in that sort of way. Iv definitely lost it.

My panting was so loud it drowned away my throughts. This is crazy...iv never dreamt of a girl I only had a "thing" for... I know I like her more than I should and a part of me wants her to be mine but... No way... not like this. Yeah she is so hot and the fact that she kinda hates me is attractive but dreaming about her... in an intimate way when Iv known her about a week would mean I am..in love? Thats a definitely no... im positive with that.

I yanked the blanket of my body and stood up to view my reflection in the mirror. gosh, i looks a state. My hair pointing ever which way and my left eye was beginning to set in with the wound "Jake" left me with, and the other was blood shot and puffy. I tilted my face to the side and examined the scar on my lip, It was a different look for me... made me look tough and threatening.. something I wasnt used to being associated with. I stretched my arms up gripping them behind my neck, slightly distorting the tattoos on my biceps. i cracked my neck and ruffled my fingers through my hair attemping to straighten my hair out. God. I really dont wanna see Blaire again after that dream. I'll either cringe or embarrass myself... I guess this party tonight will help me take my mind off her...

wait... the party. Oh shit, louis invited her!! Why louis, why the hell.


I knocked my head back and gently punched my reflection in my mirror. "idiot" i muttered to myself grabbing a fresh t-shirt and pulling it over my body.

I left my room and scanned my lobby... where are the drinks kept? I had no clue, paul probably hids them somewhere.

I didnt know this place very well, cos it isnt really my house. It isnt really any of the boys houses, it belonged to paul, but is the only house we have in london that all the boys have their own room in, we have our own houses but we like staying here because we're all together and none of the fans know we live here, so we have a bit more privacy.

I sauntered into pauls room and saw a bottle of vodka sitting on top of his mini bar. It hadn't been open so I grabbed it without looking any further and climbed down stairs, stumbbling as I rubbed my eyes.

I walked into the lounge to see the boys busy organising the party; Louis setting up the stereo system, Zayn organising food and drinks, liam moving furniture and making space for dancing, and Niall just sitting on the sofa on his phone.

"Guys... I thought It was a little get together?" This was far too much for a couple of people.

Niall giggled without averting his eyes from the screen in his palm. "Yeah Harry, when have our parties ever been small?" Niall joked earing a snigger from Zayn.

"Yeah... I was just thinking this one would be different..." I trailed off at the end.

"Harry, you alright mate? Isnt something you would normally say." Liam winked nudging me with his elbow.

I glanced at him before nodding my head and trailing off into the kitchen and pouring myself a glass of orange juice, taking a large sip and flinching as the tangy after-taste rested in the back of my throat. I turned aroud at the call of my name.

"Harry?" I heard a deep voice call from the door. it was Zayn.

"Whats up mate?" I avoided eye-contact and swirled the orange juice about in the glass.

"Was gonna ask you the same thing... you feeling alright?" He gripped a hand on my shoulder and shook it playfully.

"Yeah Zayn just nervous about the party because of my cuts and... stuff." I gestured to the bruise on my eye and zayn laughed.

"haha, nothing a little make-up cant help... right?" He winked and I rolled my eyes.

"Right fine... i'll call lou." I whiped my phone out of my pocket and started to drop her a quick text.

"Atta boy." Zayn playfully punched my stomach and left the kitchen, i laughed at his abnormal playfulness... he wasnt really the type.

I know I should of told him the truth but honestly I really dont wanna talk about my crazy dream about Blaire and my confusing feelings towards her. I should keep it all to myself

for now anyway...


I pushed past a couple of drunken dancers grinding on each other and holding red cups in the air and was faced with another snogging every inch of flesh off each other. Who are these people... do we even know them?

I looked over the crowd of faintly recognisable people and made my way to the drinks table and chugging beer down my throat feeling warm and intoxicated within seconds. I heard the beat of the music thump in my ear leading to my head. I felt dizzy and over-heated with anxiousness and uncertainty. I didnt wanna be at this party. Even though it was at our house, i felt like a stranger. I didnt fit in. Everyone was dancing and drinking and making out with any free body they could find. And there I was standing isolated at the drinks table. like a pathetic loser.

I saw niall imerge from the crowd and gestured me to follow him mouthing a word that I couldnt quite make out. I shoveled through the crowd once again and reached niall. He pulled my ear to his mouth literally shouted down it so I could hear him,

"Shes here" he shouted

it took me a while to process what he just said but when I finally did my body froze and then rush of adrenaline rush through every inch of my body ending at my head, like i was drunk on the thought of her.

"where is she" I could feel my pulse rate increase by the second.

"shes in the hall way, but harry she-" I couldnt stay for niall to finish his sentence and pushed through and towards the hall way.  

"Blaire?" I shouted desperately scanning my eyes to meet a couple of brown ones.

"Harry?" I turned around to be reaquinted with the fimiliar face of an angel. Wow... she was perfect. Everytime her chocolate eyes met mines, I could stay in the moment forever

"You came!" I sighed and leaned in to give her a warm hug, mmm she smelling amazing. I stepped back to see what she was wearing and was blown away. She looked stunning.

"Yeah... I did.. I-" She was cut off by a girl with brown hair.

"OH MY GOD B YOU NEVER TOLD ME IT WAS HARRY STYLES!!!" She screamed at her face shaking, wow it seemed  weird cause she seemed like one of those classy girls that always kept their cool.

"The one and only" I shrugged and winked at her and she flushed red. 

"Oh my god, im such a big fan, amazing to meet you, im moira." She brought her hands to her face and cupped it then subtly fanning herself. She seems lovely but I wanna talk to Blaire on her own.

"Likewise." I replied and at that moment niall approached us glanced at my face and caught on.

"Hey babe." He spoke to the girl eyeing her up and down and taking her hand.

"Oh my fuck you're niall horan!!" She squealed but then immediatly calmed down.

"Sure am, wanna dance." he winked and grabbed her hand escorting her to a space where they could dance.

Me and Blaire giggled and then linked eyes. Gosh... those eyes get me every time. She sighed and looked to the floor smiling putting a bit of hair behind her ear. 

I decided to break the silence.

"ehm...thank you for coming... I hoped you would" I leaned in and hugged her inhaling her fimaliar scent. She responded and hugged me back. Thank god, i was scared she would reject me.

We broke the hug and i caught her glancing at my burst lip. Lou did a good job of covering it but Blaire stil knew what was hidden underneath.

"Wouldnt of missed it." He smiled and I giggled at her response. Her sarcasm was easily readable.

"You want something to drink?" I offered placing a hand at the small of her back ready to lead her to the drinks table.

"Em...actually harry I-" She was cut off by a man with features that even I found slightly attractive.

"Blaire come and dance" He shouted over the music grabbing her waist and pulling her close.

My face must of changed from ecstatic  to confused within seconds. Who is this guy and why is he all over Blaire. 

I looked at Blaire and raised an eyebrow as if trying to say "explain"

"Oh Harry this is my best friend Nathan he is my....."date" for the night I guess" My body froze once again but this time it was for all the wrong reasons. She brought a date? Are you actually fucking kidding me? She only just left some utter asshole of a human being let alone boyfriend and has already moved on to someone new? Leaving me battered and broken not to mention DATELESS tonight.

Blaire looked at me with an unreadable expression.

"Nathan" or whatever the fuck is stupid name is brought a hand up for me to shake, smirking as if he could read the jealousy inside me.

"Great to meet you Harry styles"

I swallowed my pride and shook his hand, gripping it tightly before letting go in an abrupt motion


We nailed daggerings into each other for at least half a minute before Blaire broke it.

"Anyway, lets have that dance Nath, do you mind harry?" She grabbed "naths" arm and took him to the dance floor.

"Not at all" I muttered to myself, allowing an abandoned glass of vodka to greet my hand followed by my lips. The intoxicated rush was just what I needed right now.

But one glass was never gonna cut it.


I let ghe 5th glass of vodka flow down my throat as I squinted and cracked my neck to let it pass through. Id spent the last hour staring at Blaire and Nathan, rejecting every girl who wanted to dance, and chugging down bottles of alcohol. 

I was definitely wasted.

I reached for the drinks table but a hand gripped my wrist and pulled my away.

"woah, easy tiger" I could only just make out who was infront of me. It looked like liam but honestly it could of been anyone. I hadnt a clue.

"I think you've had enough for tonight wouldnt you agree?" He took the glass from my hand and placed it on the table.

I inhaled and exhaled running my fingers through my curls.

"Its not over yet." I left liams side and proceeded to the drinks table on the other side of the room and instead of poring a glass I opened a bottle and chugged it down. It felt warm and heated inside my body but quickly changed to icy cool. I left the party and preceeded outside and made my way to the middle of the road.

The streets were empty and I felt a strong breeze tickle my neck soothing me.

I felt a hand touch my shoulder and I jumped and turned around to face.....him.

"What the fuck do you want?"

"wow...touchy" He spoke rolling his eyes.

I grunted and attempted to walk away but he grabbed my shoulder again.

"Look mate, I know we got off on the wrong foot but it doesnt have to be like that." 

I looked at him in confusion, what? Does he want me to "like" him or something?

"What are you on about?"

"Im just saying. Its pretty obvious that you like Blaire from the way you've been eyeing us the whole night, you just gotta accept that she's with me mate."

"Woah woah hold up. Shes not "with" you."

"Yeah.. but she will be, no offence but you're nothing on me. Iv known her for years, we've been through so much and yeah you "Harry Styles" but incase you havent noticed, she doesnt fucking care about how famous you are. She thinks you're an attention seeking dick to be quick frank."


He scoffed and leaned in closer to me,

"Oh but she has mate." 

What? How could she forgive him after what he did? Was this obnoxious big headed arsehole really that important to her?

"Don't kid yourself."

"Ha, face the facts harry. She wants me. Me and only me. She rejected your drink. You.. "harry styles" Now that is fucking embrassing."

I cant take this anymore. He knew exactly which buttons to press that could drive me over the top. He's taken it too far now. He's messing with me and im drunk. That the stupidest fucking mistake any human could make if im honest.

"You know nothing." I turned to walk away but was met but a howling laughter coming from behind me. he was laughing hysterically.


I fisted my hand and swept it forward battering it into his pale face and was immidiately met with crimson blood dripping out. I had no control over my actions right now. The alcohol had taken over.

He cupped his jaw with his palm, to stop the blood from streaming out. His hand was soaked with his blood.

"you know what Harry... im going to be the better person and walk away-"

"WHAT? You clearly wanted a fight and now im giving it to you."

"A VERBAL FIGHT! I was never gonna hit you. I was winding you up. I wanted to make you suffer."

"SO WHY WONT YOU HIT ME?!" I threw my hands up in confusion

"Cause im a decent person."

"Ha, dont fuck with me, I see right through your "innocence""

"Go home Harry, the alcohol is clearly getting to you."


"No mate, im just a lot smarter than you, your celebrity mind is tapered with."

Im sorry but I couldnt help it.

i swung my fist one more time but was clearly going to miss before Nathan moved his face into place with my fist so I hit him again. But this time he fell to the concrete ground.


I felt a tug on my t-shirt pulling me back. I turned around to see blaire standing there red faced

"Blaire... wha- I didnt mean to hit him he-"

"SHUT UP YOU FUCKING ANIMAL. LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE TO HIM. I WAS WATCHING THE WHOLE TIME" He kneeled to the floor and examined nathans burst jaw. Her nimble fingers gently rubbing the crippled skin... the same way she did to me that time at her house when jacob knocked me out.

"C'mon nathan, lets go home." he stood up and helped nathan up too.

"and you harry...stay the fuck away from me and get it through your think skull that I hate you. stay out of my business and STAY OUT OF MY LIFE."

I watched as her and nathan walked away in the dark. Nathan turned around and winked smirking at me mouthing something.

"Tapered mind"

He knew. He knew Blaire was standing there at the house enterence and he knew if he hit me she would hate him. Which is why he started winding me up again so Id hit him infront of her. That sly manipulative git. 

I wasnt going to let that dick get in the way of me getting to Blaire... its going to take a while to fix this but I will swallow every inch of pride inside me and even kiss his feet if it ment i could prove to Blaire im not a bad person.

I want her.


I need her.


hey guysssssss

soooo.... chapter 9 didnt get 10 votes but i decided to upload anyway cause I felt bad for making everyone wait

and also



thank you to everyone who voted and commented and been so amaziiiiing. But it would be great if you guys followed me too! I dont like to beg but I work hard with my stufffff.

also...im writing this new story. Its not a fanfic but a book about a girl in high school who falls in love yada yada yada I know its sounds so so so cliche but it wont be okay? It will be aweome! I promise

OR i might just end up making a fanfic with the boys not being famous?

so yeah....

chapter 11 at 10 votes again



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