His girls (Roc Royal love sto...

By DDlolx2

486K 9.8K 2.5K

My life is not all that great. my name is Dimond I am 15. I have a little sister she is four and lord she has... More

His girls (Roc Royal story )
i really do love you no matter how much I get mad at you Roc
getting to know the truth about her
you are here whenever i need you :) <3
You really hurt me this time
maybe you did lose me for good
im there for you to
i am sorry that I pushed you away .. but i want you now
Open Road ..
why don't you love me
this time you pushed the both of us away
why did you come back
just for now
never really knew ...
having trouble feelings for both
Never know who's really there
new group
going to make you mine
kiss me like I want to be loved
just the party

meet and greet

17.6K 381 265
By DDlolx2

 HEY GUYS !!!!! so I know I said the auditions for my book would be over in like a couple of weeks but i already picked my four people to be in my story because in a couple of weeks I am going to NC and i need to update as much as possible !! but thanks you guys for all the auditons means alot ! : ) 


                    * I had just got home with Sparkle and I was scared as hell ! all of a sudden I heard a hard knock on the door , I opened it and there stood Roc * 

Dimond : what are you doing here ?

Roc : * comes inside the house * i heard what happened with Sparkle where is she ? 

Sparkle : uncle Roc ? 

Roc : Sparkle ! picks her up , swirls her around and kisses her ontop of her head* are you ok baby girl ? 

Sparkel : im fine 

Roc : who hurt you ?? 

Sparkle : nobody hurt me .. just some women picked me up from school and brought me to Dimond 

Dimond : and who was the women ? 

Sparkle : I don't know *shurgs her shoulders* 

Roc : did she say anything to you ?

Sparkle : she said that she knows everything 

Dimond : the hell does that even mean ??

Roc : this is some Pretty Liars shit -_-

Dimond : *rolles her eyes* Sparkle you are not going to school tomorrow 

Sparkle : why ?

Dimond : beause you need to stay home I need you to be by my side for now 

Roc : how long are you planning on missing school ?

Dimond : I don't know Roc .. 

Sparkle : uncle Roc ? 

Roc : yes ?

Sparkle :  I am sorry that I was being mean to you I was just mad and i missed you .. Alot 

Roc : *bends down in frount of Sparkel and holds her hands* I missed you even more sweetie

Sparkle : do you hate me ? 

Roc : of course not I can never hate you no matter what *kisses her on the cheek and pulls her into a hug* 

Sparkel : I love you 

Roc : I love you more 

Dimond : umm Roc since your here can we talk ? 

Roc : sure 

      *Dimond leads Roc up to her room , when they get there they sit on Dimonds bed and face each other* 

Roc : what you wanna talk about ?

Dimond : *sighs* I know we just broke up and all .. but do you still have feelings for me ? 

Roc : of course I do and I know you already knew that 

Dimond : i actually didn't 

Roc : do you have feelings for me ?

Dimond : as much as I want to say no .. I do 

Roc  look I know you don't want to ru- 

Dimond : *she shuts him up by kissing him and Roc kisses her back right away , then she quickly stops and moves back* i am sooo sorry I didn't know what I just did 

Roc : *smiles* don't worry about it *begins to kiss her again* 

                                                    THE NEXT DAY 

                          *Dimond wakes up and sees Roc laying down next to her , she smiles and kisses his cheek , Roc openes his eyes and smiles* 

Roc : morning 

??? : morning guys !! 

Dimond : the hell how did you get in here ???? !!!!

Princeton : Sparkle opened the door for me 

Dimond : this little girl ... 

Princeton : so I see you guys made up huh ? 

Roc : man what are you doing here 

Princeton : I wanted to see if eveyrthing was alright with Sparkel and stuff 

Dimond : a call or a text would be nice 

Princeton : check your phone smarty 

Dimond : whatever 

Princeton : soooo you guys did it or something ?

Roc : what no !  I just feel alseep here 

Princeton : mhm .. so I guess I will be seeing you guys in school 

Dimond : not me 

Princeton : why ? 

Dimond : i am staying home with my sister 

Roc : well I'll be going .. immma go home to get ready at my house so I might be late so school , then when school is over I will come and see you alright ? *smiles and Kisses Dimond and leaves the house* 

Dimond : ( P.O.V. : awwws shit ! ) 

Princeton : so you two dating again ? 

Dimond : No prince 

Princeton : then what the hell was that about ? 

Dimond : look we kissed yesterday so- 

Princeton : really ?! wow Dimond so your just gonna play me like that ??? 

Dimond : I told you I still had feelings for him Princeton ! 

Princeton : then why play with my feelings like that ?? 

Dimond : can I remind you that YOU kissed me first ?! 

Princeton : can I remind you that YOU said you had feelings for me ??? 

Dimond : that doesn't mean you go and kiss me ! 

Princeton : *shakes his head* you should really stay single because you are also messing with Rocs feelings 

Dimond : you didn't just say that 

Princeton : yup I did and ... I think I should look into Courtney more 

 Dimond : ( P.O.V. : this motherfucker !! ) GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HOUSE NOW !!! 

Princeton : *rolles his eyes* i was just playing Dimond

Dimond : does it look like I am in the mood to play ???? 

Princeton : ok ok im sorry 

Dimond : you can leave 

Princeton : fine i will see you later I guess *leaves the house* 

Sparkle : *skips into the room and lays down on Dimonds lap* can we have McDonalds ?

Dimond : since when do you like McDonalds ?

Sparkle : I just want a vinallia shake *smiles* 

Dimond : girl it is waayyy to early for you have a shake *tickles Sparkle* 

Sparkle : *she laughs and jumps all over the place * PPPPPLLLLLEEEAAASSSSEEEE 

Dimond : *laughs* alright fine ... go get dressed okay ? 

Sparkle : thank you ! *kisses Dimond on her cheek and goes to her room*

                                          { At McDonalds }

     *Sparkle  runs inside and picks a booth while Dimond goes to order *

Mary : *rolles her eyes and leans on the counter and talks in a grumby voice* Hello welcome to McDonalds  our special today is blah blah blah  what the hell you what ? 

Dimond : well then .. ill have one small and one large vinallia mikshake 

Mary : mhmm that will be 2.40 *looks at Dimond* (P.O.V. : damn she look fimilar) 

Dimond : *goes in her purse *                                        

Mary : umm do I know you from somewhere ??

Dimond : *looks at Mary * uhhh no ? 

Mary : *rolles her eyes* I am not fucking crazy I know you from somewhere ! 

Dimond : ( P.O.V. : is this girl outta her mind ?? ) uhh I think you have me confused *hands her the money* 

Mary : *takes the money and thinks real hard* ( P.O.V. : i know this girl from somewhere !  ....... OH WAIT I REMEMBER !!!!! ) wait your Dimond right ?! 

Dimond : umm yea ? how do you know ? 

Mary:  remember we were like best friends back in elementery school ?? 

Dimond : *thinks* wait .. is your name .... Mary ? 

Mary : YES !! *jumps over the counter and hugs Dimond* 

Dimond : *hugs back* wow no long time no see !

Mary : tell me about it ! 

Dimond : I am surprised you even remembered me 

Mary : *smiles* I have good memeory 


Mary : *rolles her eyes* well thats my boss .. so I guess we will talk later

Dimond : alright wanna exchange number ? 

Mary : yea ! 

                 *They exchnage numbers , they say their goodbyes , Dimond takes the shakes and goes to sit with Sparkle * 

Sparkle : who were you just talkin to ? *sips on her shake*

Dimond : a old friend 

Sparkle : oh shes pretty *smiles* 

Dimond : very *smiles and laughs* 

Sparkle : can we hang out with her sometime

Dimond : *laughs* your to much .. but I can talk to her about it 

             * When they were done they went back to the house and chilled for the rest of the day*

                                  3:30 pm 

      * Sparkle was taking a nap in her room and Dimond was watching Tv then somebody rung the door bell* 

Dimond : uhhhhhhhh *gets up and opens the door* 

Prodigy : *smiles and he has books in his hands* hey Dimond 

Dimond : wasup come in 

Prodigy : *comes in the house and sits on the couch and Dimond sits next to him* 

Dimond : what's with all the books ? 

Prodigy : these are yours Prince told me to give it to you 

Dimond : he's mad at me huh ? 

Prodigy : *nods his head* but why ? 

Dimond : long story 

Prodigy : I'm all ears 

Dimond : i'll tell you another time 

Prodigy : *rolles his eyes* but I have good news ! 

Dimond : which is ? 

Prodigy : my two cousins are coming to our school tomorrow 

Dimond : oh that's cool , whats there names ? 

Prodigy : Kenndy and Arin 

Dimond : there sisters huh ? 

Prodigy : yea they are fraternal twins 

Dimond : aww I always wanted to be a twin ! 

Prodigy : *laughs * well you will see them tomorrow if you plan on coming to school 

Dimond : yea I will come *smiles* 

Prodigy : good .. well i better get going I have to go pick up my cousins from the air port

Dimond : alright *she hugs Prodigy and he levaes  the house* 

                                      THE NEXT DAY AT SCHOOL 

 *Dimond is at her locker getting her books* 

??? : umm hey do you know where Math is ? 

Dimond : *turns around and sees a tan skinned girl with long brownish hair and her ends were dyed  turquoise* Um you can follow me I have that class now 

??? : oka thanks ! I am new here so I don't know my way around my sister just left me .. by the way I am Kennedy whats your name ? *smiles* 

Dimond : Dimond *smiles* wait .. are you Prodigy's cousin ?

Kennedy : yea ! how did you know ?

Dimond : he's one of my best friends and he told me that you and your sister were coming to this school 

Kennedy : *smiles* Ohhh i see .. my sister and I are just gonna live here for a year because my dad had to do a job out here 

Dimond : oh what does your dad do ? 

Kennedy : I don't know really he won't tell us 

Dimond : how come ? 

Kennedy : *shurgs her shoulders* 

Dimond : *closes her locker* that sucks .... well you can just follow me to class 

Kennedy : *smiles* awsome ! 

    *Dimond begins to head to class and Kennedy follows right behind her , when she gets to class Princeton was there sitting in the corner sitting next to Courtney , Dimond walked to the back of the room and she sat in the back and Kennedy sat right next to her* 

Princeton : (P.O.V. : damn that new girl cute ) 

Courtney : so are we all gonna do something after school ?

Princeton : like what 

Courtney : hmm I was thinkin we should go out to eat at that new Diner 

Princeton : Im down 

Courtney : good I just hope Dimond can make it 

Princeton : I doubt it 

Courtney : why ? 

Princeton : she has things to take of *keeps glanicng at Kennedy * 

Kennedy : *whispers to Dimond * why does that afro puff keep looking at me ? 

Dimond : *rolles her eyes* that's Princeton my so called friend 

Kenndey : what happened between you two ? 

Dimond : long story 

Kenndey : oh I see 

          45 min later ...

{ Bell rings }

Dimond : so Kennedy are you sure where know where next class is ?

Kennedy : *smiles* I am sure but thanks anways 

Dimond : np prob *she packs up her stuff and leaves* 

Kennedy : *she packs and she begins to walk out the class room but sombody grabbed her wrist and spinned her around* 

Princeton : hey new girl *smiles* 

Kennedy : umm hi ...

Princeton : whats your name ?

Kennedy : Kennedy .. and I know yours already Dimond told me 

Princeton : so are two like bff's now ? *laughs*

Kenndey : hopefully she seems really cool *smiles* 

Princeton : can't lie she is 

Kenndey : well I should go see ya around *smiles and walks away* 

   { In the hallways }

   *Arin { Kennedy's sister } was walking in the hallways looking for her locker and she looked lost as ever ! , RayRay passed by her and started laughing because her face was priceless* 

RayRay : (P.O.V. : sooooo this cute girl with cute wavy hair tan skinned and did I say cute ?? well her cute face looks lost and it is cracking me up ! )

Arin : is something funny ??

RayRay : *laughs* your face is funny 

Arin : excuse me ?! 

RayRay : *stops laughing* no no I didn't mean it like that 

Arin : *puts her hands on her hips* then how did you mean it ?

RayRay : the face reactions you were making were funny 

Arin : mhmmmm 

RayRay : but other than that your very pretty 

Arin : well thank ya ! *smiles* 

RayRay : *smiles* whats your name ?

Arin : Arin yours ?

RayRay : RayRay 

Arin : cool name and I like your hair *giggles* 

RayRay : awww thanks ! *laughs* but are you lost ?

Arin : umm im just looking for my locker 

RayRay : whats your locker number ?

Arin : 367

RayRay : oh your right next to me ! follow me 

Arin : ( P.O.V. : just great ... ) *follows RayRay * 

RayRay : *points to a locker* this is yours 

Arin : thanks *smiles and  openes her locker* 

RayRay : so um do you wanna have lunch with me and my crew 

Arin : sure but I have to look for my sis first 

Kennedy : Im here !!!! 

Arin : oh well RayRay this is my sister Kennedy and Kennedy this is RayRay 

RayRay : nice to meet 

Kennedy : same ! cool hair *smiles* 

RayRay : thanks 

Kennedy : so what were yall saying ? 

RayRay : damn ! 

Kennedy : what ?

RayRay : you really have that philly accent ! 


Kennedy : you can tell ? 

RayRay : yea my man Prodigy is from there 

Arin : Prodigy is our cousin 

RayRay : you lyin right ? 

Kennedy : nope ! *smiles* 

RayRay : well that explains a lot ....

                                { at the lunch room }

         *Everybody in inculding Kennedy and Arin are sitting down together*

Roc : soooooo let me get this stright .... you guys are twins and Prodigy's cousin ?

Arin : correct 

Roc : hmm cool 

Dimond : how you guys like it here so far ?

Kenndey : it's chill 

Arin : yea it's alright 

Kennedy : ( P.O.V. : i keep glacing at Princeton and I think he notices because he keeps smiling at me and hes reallllllyyyyyy cute ! ) 

Arin : ( P.O.V. : sooooo here it is I think Princeton is fucking sexy !!!!! but then we have RayRay who is drop dead sexy as well !!! well we will see who makes a move first ) 

Courtney : so I was thinking that maybe after school we can all go out to this new diner you guys down ?

Dimond : can't 

Princeton : told ya 

Dimond : shut up Princeton I am real tired of your ass ! 

Princeton : yo calm down ! it was never that serious ! 

Dimond : you get me so mad you know damn well why I can't do shit ! so you need to SHUT THE FUCK UP !!!!! 

Roc : .... 

RayRay : .... 

Prodigy : .... 

Kennedy : .....

Arin : ..... 

Courtney : ....

Princeton : well then ... 

Dimond : *rolles her eyes* im out

Roc : want me to come with you ?

Dimond : no I want to be alone *leaves the school * 

Arin : can you just leave school whenever you want ? 

Prodigy : no 

Kennedy : then why did she just leave ? 

Courtney : thats Dimond for you ..... 


Look guys I would right more but i just can't because I burned my middle finger curling my hair and it hurts like SHHHHHIIIIIITTTTTTT !!!!! and I am typing with like one finger but I will updae tomorrow !!! PLUS ! I have another character that I will be writitng about more in my next chap and I will also be talking about Mary a lot more !!! 

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