Different But Loved

By -Lovely-Blue-

47K 1.5K 234


Chapter 1.
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 19

1.2K 43 5
By -Lovely-Blue-

Iwan's POV.

Word's can't explain what I just did but hell I don't regret it. I made love to her to Maya. Hell she enjoyed it more than I did.

I feel the bed move and I open my eyes to see Maya walking to the bathroom. I watch as her legs are slightly open. She had my large shirt so I wasn't able to see her butt. She shuts the door from the bathroom and a few moment later I hear the water running.

I sit up from the bed but stop when I see blood on the sheets no bigger than a quarter. I smile even bigger as I am the only man who has slept with her and I will be her last. I am her first.

Getting out of bed I see my boxers and her underware are on the floor. I pick them up and place them into the basket inside the closet. Taking out some clothes for us I make my way to the bathroom and walk in. I see her taking a shower but I frown as I see her crying.

I walk inside the shower, the warm water hitting my skin. I hug her and she hugs me back but let's out a loud sob.

"You're alright baby." I run my hands up and down her arms, "You're just scared. Everything is going to be alright." I kiss her cheek, turning her around I making sure that I look into her eyes.

She nods her head before she gasp, realizing that she was bare naked in front of me. I saw her look me up and down and stopping right at my lower part before she gasp even louder and looked away.

I just chuckled at her innocence. I grab the shampoo and began to wash her hair and mine. Maya had the water going really hot but I wasn't going to run out just because of that.

I turn off the shower and I walk out grabbing some towels for us I wrap one around my waist and head over to her. I watch as she thanks me before looking down at the ground.

She is so beautiful I can stop saying that. I didn't care about her scar she had all over her body, I care for her, for the way she acts. Her only.

I wrap my arms around her as she steps out and laugh. I have this urge were I have to hug her. Her small body. Her long hair. Her laugh. Hey eyes. Can anyone relate to me?

"Gosh I love you with everything I got!" I say as I step back, making sure I can see all of her.  "We're going out to eat to celebrate us." She doesn't say anything besides her smile. She has me whipped?  She doesn't order me around and has me whipped?

Can I say that?

I look down at her to see a small smile on her. I grab her and twirl her around.  She squeals and giggles as I put her down. She hugs me back and we walk out of the bathroom.


"Iwan." I turn around to see Lan making his way towards me.

"What?" I look at him confused. He has a black eye and a cut on his bottom lip.

"Not only is daddy mad but we, as in us, as in my future boss Maya-" He starts to ramble getting me annoyed since me and Maya are suppose to go out and eat in just a few hours.

"Spit it out!" I pinch the bridge of my nose.

"The Salvadorians were the one's who attacked." What? My grandfather made peace with him. Why the hell would they attack?

"Are you sure?"

He nods his head. "The old man died of a stroke a few weeks ago and now his son took over. Like every dumb ass, they want to become powerful than what they are."

I make my way to my fathers office only to see him throwing everything to the side. I grab him before he could do anymore damaged.

"That son of a bitch!!!" My dad yells.

"What's going on?" I said as  he runs his hands through his hair before looking out of his broken window.

"The fucking Salvadorian! Son of bitch burn down my shipment!" He takes of his jacket and throws it on the floor.

My dad had his own small business but when it came to them he gets very upset.



Maya's POV

I look at the time to see that it is eight 'o' clock already. I have been waiting for Iwan to take me out to eat. I haven't ate all day because he was going to take me out.

I would order a whopper with large fries and a sprite from Burger king or a chili cheese dog from Sonic, which ever restaurant he would take me but I can't since I don't know how to drive or have money.

I hear my stomach growl and I slouch on the bed and rub it as I think of a Hersey pie and a cake. Closing my eyes I hum a song and think of food. 

I look at the time and see that thirty minutes has past. I pout and get up from my bed and head to the door and open it, making my way down stairs.

All the lights are turned off as a few laps are on making it look dim and beautiful but scary.

I make it to the dinning room and bump into someone. I step back to see a man glaring at me. I lower my head not looking into his eyes. Stepping aside I give him an apologetic look.

I didn't mean to make him mad I am a bit clumsy. I hear shuffling in the background and someone not that far away from us clears their throat.

"Is she going to apologize to you?" A deep voice says and I was sure it was the man who cleared his throat.

My eyes wided and I look at the man that I bump into looking at me with awe in his eyes.

'I'm sorry.' I mouth.

"Maya." He says my name in a beautiful way. Like. Like. Like. Like the sweet boy in your class who has never notice you.

You're thinking about Michael.

The annoying voice in my head says.

"No don't be sorry it was my fault. Mrs. Brosko, you shouldn't be out this late." He says and I hear everyone stop moving. There were three men aside from him.

So I have a curfew.

'Why?' I mouth him.

"Why isn't she talking Senri?" The same deep voice ask.

"Shut up Yori." Senri the man I bump into says. "I will be honest with you Mrs. Brosko every men here will f*ck anything with a hole. That why every maid is call out before eight."

I could feel my face turn red as he said that.

He looks behind him to the men behind him. "This is Yori, Levi, and Ben." Senri says with a smile. Yori seem to be my age. He has a baby face witch makes him look like a little boy. Levi and Ben looked to be thirty but looked younger if they both smiles. Levi has blond hair while Ben as brown hair.

"Maya what are you doing out here?" Iwan appears by my side nodding at Senri as if telling them they can leave now . "Lets go back to the room." He places his arms around my waist and starts to guild me but I stop.

Unwrapping his arms from my waist I make my way to the kitchen and open the fridge. Iwan followed behind me.

 I look inside too see a bag of grapes so that's the first thing I grab. I get a water bottle and slam the fridge door making the beer bottle that were inside echo.

I mood went zero to a hundred real quick. I am really mad right now! He said he would take me out to eat but he didn't! Now I have to eat grapes alone with water and there is nothing wrong with that but I had my hopes up from a big juicy burger.

"Baby what's wrong?" He places his hand on my shoulder but I smack it off. HIs eyes widened watching me closely . "Did I do something?"

Yes you did something! You didn't take me out to eat and now I am a very upset hungry girl! Just by thinking about it I wanted to scream at him! I wanted to tell him that I'm angry because-"

I stop and notice a red marker on the counter. I don't see a board so I write in big bold red letters on the white marble island top!


I could feel my face burn up as I confront him. I have never felt this way! He left me hanging. Hungry. Upset. I just want to throw a grape at him.

I watch him read it before his face turns blank. I didn't wait for his response, I walk out the door trying to slam it only to drop my water bottle.

I huff and leave my water behind. I look to my side and see everyone looking at me with worried. I give them a small wave and head my way back to the room. I eat the grape as I take every step.

I stop half way. Heck no I am not going to the room, I make my way downstairs again. I head my way opposite of the kitchen, passing the living room to finally see the back door. I wasn't trying to go back to that room. I am always staying in there I get bored being suck in that room.

I unlock the door and make my way to the pond that Lorenzo has taken me. With every step I pop a grape into my mouth. Even with a bag full of grapes I knew that I wouldn't get full. To get me full I needed some actual food and not just fruit.

I look down at my chest to see a small bright red dot. I brush it off thinking its a bug but it still lays on my chest.

What can it be. It's not a lighting bug. I hear a noise and turn to see a man with dark baggy clothes on.

"Mrs. Brosko." He takes something out from his back and pulling out a phone. "Nicky don't fire." He says something in Russian and the only thing I heard was Iwan name. "We thought you were a trespasser. You shouldn't be out here. It's not safe during this time." I ignore him and start to walk, he tries to het my arm but I jump back and glare at him. "Please ma'am it's not a good idea."

I continue to walk and as I get there I felt his every step behind me. But once we got to the edge of the wood he stopped. I heard him speak to someone on his phone before he came yelling for me.

I didn't know what I was doing. It felt as if someone else was in control of my body. I just watched as I kept waking. I see the pond appear The moon shines on the water making it look so beautiful. I feel my eyes burn and I am at the edge of crying.

I missed my mom, my dad. Mike, Henry, Alex. And Jason. 

I miss Jason the most. He took care of me he most and well I love him so much.

I stuff all the grapes in my mouth. Making sure not to miss any due to the hunger.

"Maya." I hear Iwan's voice I turn back so see him. I am glad he is here. I no longer feel mad at him. I cant be.

I look away from him and stare at the leaves on the ground.

"I'm very sorry. What can I do to make you happy."

I look at him with narrow eyes and stretch out my arm out and making a 'give me' signal with my hand. I could see a disgusted face. He takes out a small plastic black card and hands it to me.

I look at him in confuse and nod my head 'no'.

'Phone' I mouth and I do a texting motion with my hands.

He hesitated at first before reaching into his pocket.

I unlock it and head to the messages and open a new one and type him something


I hand him his phone and I watch as a smiles appears on his face, showing his white teeth 

"Lets go than.


I hope you enjoy

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