Fast and furious. My version.

By TheBookLoverof99

749K 14.9K 990

Lexi Turner was a normal girly girl and did whatever her parents told her..... up until racing changed her. A... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 22

15.9K 317 103
By TheBookLoverof99

I've had many comments, asking to do some chapters in the point of views of characters such as Dom and Letty. If you want to I could put up a separate story. If you want to please comments so. I am still on the argument on if you guys want Dom to either end up with Letty or Lexi. Right now it's Letty=1. Lexi=2. come on people we can do better than this.


 I drove Mia home and didn't get out of the car until I knew for sure Dom wasn't home.

We walked inside, Mia went upstairs to put her things away when I stayed downstairs.

I noticed how untidy the place had got, poor Mia. She had to do all the cleaning herself in this big house. The others didn't worry about living in a mess.

"I'm sorry about the mess I didn't have time to clean. Do you mind if I do it now?"

"That's fine Mia, please, I'll help." I said.

"You don't have to." She said shaking her head at me as she picked up the basket off the floor.

"I don't mind helping you honestly." I said taking the basket off her hands beginning to pick up the blankets and odd clothing and other things that could be put in the washing machine.

I picked up all the rubbish while Mia put things away into cupboards. She vacuumed and I wiped down the surfaces, we were just doing the dishes when I saw Brian and Dom walk into the back garage.

"I should go." I said rushing to get my things.

"Lexi." Mia said softly.

I looked up to her eyes.

"Don't give him the power to scare you away."

"Mia the man I love accused me of trying to either kill them or arrest them this morning. What do you think I should do?"

"Stand your ground, make a point that it isn't going to get to you."

"Fine but if anything else happens I'm out of here."

"Of course."

Mia washed the dishes then ran upstairs to change into what she was wearing tonight for her date with Brian.

That ass. I wished so much that I could say something to stop him from doing, whatever it was he thought he was doing.

I put a plate away then grabbed the tee-towel and began drying a glass.

"Lexi?" Dom asked walking through the back door.

I took a deep breath and put on a small smile.

"Hey Dom. Brian." I said.

"What are you doing here?" Dom asked.

"Helping Mia with the dishes." I said continuing with the task at hand.

"Where is she?" He asked looking around pointing out the fact that I was doing the dishes alone.

"Upstairs getting changed for her date. Speaking of which. Brian you hurt her and I'll hit you with my car, then reverse over your dead body." I said.

Brian smiled and so did Dom.

"Dom was just giving me the same speech."

"Really? What he say?" I asked.

"You break her heart, I'll break your neck." he replied.

So true.

"You better believe it buster." Dom said.

I put the glass away then hung the towel up.

"I'm going to go and help Mia get ready." I said leaving them in the kitchen.

I walked up the stairs and knocked on her door.

"Mia, you done?"

"Yeah come on in."

I walked inside closing the door behind me.

"You look really nice Mia." I said sitting on her bed.

"Thanks. Hair up or down?"


She styled it and put on her shoes.

"Okay. Here goes nothing." She said taking one last look in the mirror.

"He must pay, keep the conversation going, stun him with your beautiful personality. You'll be fine." I said reassuring her.

She hugged me right before we both walked downstairs to find Brian and Dom in the lounge room sitting.

Brian saw us and stood up followed by Dom.

"You look beautiful." Brian said.

Mia glowed with happiness.

"Thank you. Are you ready?" She answered.

"Yeah, let's go. Bye Dom, nice seeing you Lexi." He said.

"You too. Be nice." I said glaring at him.

He smiled thinking I was joking, what he didn't know was that I wasn't. If he hurt her I would run him over with my car.

They walked down the front steps. Brian opened Mia's door for her then got in the car himself. I watched them drive off. Without me knowing Dom was standing really close to me watching out the same window I was.

"I better get going." I said trying to avoid an uncomfortable silence.

I walked away from him and grabbed my bags off the couch and started towards the door.

"Lexi." Dom started softly.

I turned to him and pushed the tears down.

"Yes Dom." I said sharply.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have assumed like that this morning,  You have a past and I shouldn't have judged." His face filled with regret.

"No you shouldn't have. I know you love her Dom, and as much as I want to be happy for you...I'm not. I am completely jealous and it kills me painfully again and again when I see you happy with her. I don't want to cause trouble, I swear. I came back for one purpose and...then I saw you and I fell completely in love with you again." I said keeping the tears down.

I kept telling myself that I wasn't going to cry in front of him.

"I love you too. Lexi. But I'm conflicted. When we were together, I had thoughts of what the future was going to be like. We would get married have kids one day. I saw it happening for us. With Letty I love her. But I can't see the future with her, at all. But I can't just get rid of her just because you're back, for all I know you may leave at any minute."

"It's true I can't stay. But you know that I didn't leave by choice Dom, I was forced to go and that love that I had for you back then, hasn't faded."

"I know, but how can I will make a decision that effects not only my life but our lives, Letty's life and Mia's life too. Based off the idea that maybe, one day you'll be able to come and actually stay."

"You decide whether loving me, is worth waiting." I said turning to leave, I reached for the doorknob.

"What did you mean that we were the last family you had? What happened to your parents?".

"Their dead. My Mother was murdered and my father killed himself. I guess after losing his wife and his favourite daughter he couldn't handle life anymore. Not even for me." I said not turning around just in case I started crying. "All I have is Sam's family and you guys."

Before he could say anything else I opened the door and ran out to my car. I threw the bags in the back and jumped in the front. I looked to the door I left wide open, where Dom now stood watching me.

I ripped my eyes away from him and sped out of there.

I picked up my phone and dialled Ben.

"Hello?" He said.

"Benny boy, how are you?" I asked remembering the last time we talked.

"I'm fine, I have the files you wanted from Gretel."

"That's good. I'm coming to see you so the place better be clean." I joked.

"Why are you coming?"

"The money, Ben I need the money from Gavin."

"Oh yeah, that, he has it, how far are you away?"

"Two seconds."


I hung up and pulled into the driveway.

I got out of the car and walked over to the front door and knocked.

Ben was the one that answered it.

Ben had dark skin, a British accent......and a major attitude. He didn't like that he wasn't as powerful as I was.

"Lexi, you're looking good."

"Flattery, lovely, where's Gavin?"

"Out back you're lucky. He got here just as you called."

I walked out the back and found Gavin lying on his back seated in a pool chair. Sunglasses on his eyes and only wearing swimming trunks revealing his, not so pleasant upper body.

I walked over and flicked him on the forehead.

"What the... Oh hey Lexi, how are you?"

"I'm fine, where's my money?" I said not even bothering to know how he was.

"Here." He said handing me a bag full of money.

"And it's all here?"

"Every dime. Do you really think I would miss anything. You scare the shit out of me." He said.

"Such sweet words. It better all be here or I'll drown you."

"Ben, where are the files I wanted?" I asked.

"Right here." He said handing me a bunch of papers connected by a huge paper clip.

"Thanks boys, I'll be going now." I said walking away.

"Gavin, next time you owe me money, please be on time. Ben till next time." I called back to them on my way out.

I climbed back in the car and called Owen.

"Hello my sexy Lexi, how are you?"

"I'm fine, I have the money Gavin owed us. Do you want it?"

"Of course why don't you go home and I'll be there soon."

"Okay, bye." I said hanging up.

I drove home in a hurry I wanted to get a start on the robbery files.

I parked and grabbed all my bags in the back then walked inside. I walked into my apartment and put all my clothing away and placed the robbery files on my computer desk. I separated my money and Owen's money from the bag. Putting my money in my safe and leaving Owen's money on the table.

There was a knock on the door interrupting me from my inner thoughts. I looked through my peep hole then let Owen in.

"Hey." I said kissing him.

"Hi there, where's the money?"

"It's on the table." I said locking the door behind him.

"Have you already separated what's yours and what's mine?" He asked flipping through the stacks.

"Yes I counted it. It's all there."

"That's' good. So how have you been?" He said turning from the money to look at me.

"I'm holding up. The other's found out about me being in the military."

"What?" He asked slightly surprised at my openness with my family.

"Don't worry I edited the story. So technically I wasn't lying, just holding back most of the story." I said.

"That's good." He said nodding, "So, I heard that you borrowed the robbery files?"

"Yes I did, I want to find out if it really is Dom. If it is then I will find out something to do, I won't let them fall."

"And if it isn't?"

"Then I'll find proof secretly about who it really is."

"You're playing with fire Lexi." He growled.

"Yes but, you know that I'm a good actress, and I can handle being undercover."

"Just be careful. So you went shopping, huh?" He said teasing me.

"You know I don't like it when you keep tabs on me."

"Yes but I just wanted to know where you were that's all."

"Yes I went shopping with Mia, during which I was bombarded with questions after she found out about the military earlier this morning."

"What kind of questions?"

"Why did I leave? What happened after I left? Things like that."

"And you edited most of that too?"


"Good girl."

"So how are things in England going?" I asked remembering that Tali hadn't called me in a while with an update, which meant that things must be steady.

"Fine, I'm leaving soon, to go back. Will you come with me?"

"I'm not sure, give me some time. I want to know where things stand at home."

"Okay I'm leaving in a week made sure your decision is made by then." He said making his way to the door with his money.

"Of course." I said kissing him before letting him out.

(I know what you're thinking. You're thinking how is it that I can write this story about Dom and Lexi, while having her also sleeping with Owen. Well I have my reasons. Ones I can't reveal as of yet but continue reading to find out.)

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