Bellerophone and the Hag

By RedCherry25

172 1 0

Everyone knows how the beautiful Belle falls in love with the handsome Beast. This is a retelling of the sto... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Character List

Chapter 4

10 0 0
By RedCherry25

Megaera stood in the shadows watching the stranger and his horse.  Jealousy and envy stirred in her breast as she studied them.  The horse was a magnificent breed that stood at least 16 hands tall with a coat as black as night and a of silver.  His bit was of silver and the fastenings were of gold.  The saddle was made of the supplest leather and it was well worn with age. 

Megaera's attention was turned to the young man who was currently sleeping on the rock.  Jealousy made Megaera's heart turn cold with passionate anger as she looked upon the man.  She knew that he was here for something.  Megaera guessed that it was for love.  The man was handsome with black hair that was streaked with a few strands of gray.  His hair brushed the tops of his shoulders and gave him a devilishly handsome look.  Megaera had no idea as to the color of his eyes, but she guessed that they were sky blue.  He was tall and fit with a fighters physique.  His clothes were of black serviceable cloth that seemed to be sewn with silver thread.  The leather boots that graced his feet were serviceable, but well worn.   A jewel encrusted sword rested at his left hip and there was most likely another weapon hidden somewhere about him. 

Curiosity made Megaera draw closer.  She wondered why this man was in her forest.  He appeared to be some sort of Lord who was down on his luck or from a family that was running out of money.  Sudden anger made Megaera pull back.  Her lip curled up to reveal blackened teeth that were crooked and in danger of falling out.  She had seen plenty of men like him when she had been a princess.  They had come crawling to her Mother and Father asking for her hand in marriage.  Megaera had always laughed at their pitiful appearance.  Now she almost wished that she had taken the time to get to know at least one of them.  Maybe then, she wouldn't be in the predicament that she was in.

Megaera shuffled forward with a bent back.  Her staff served as her cane and it made her jealous of those who could walk without the aid of such a crutch.  The horse raised it's head from where it had been eating.  It's ears flicked back and forth as it watched her with it's ever watchful eyes.  As Megaera got closer the horse watched her till finally it snorted loud enough that it woke up the sleeping man.  He sat up and was on his feet even as he was blinking sleep from his eyes.  His hand flashed to his sword before he lowered it.

The man bowed once Megaera was within six feet of him.  Her lips quirked in a frightful smile as she watched him.  The man straightened back up and looked her in the eye with eyes that reminded her of a clear summer day.  His face was free of any wrinkles, but there were smile lines around his eyes and laugh lines around his mouth.

"Greetings my lady.  I am Sir Bellerophone of Ganymede.  I have come here to beg your favor in helping me."

Megaera raised a withered eyebrow at the young man before she spoke in her croaky old voice.  "Why are you here?   What brings a Lord all the way to my little hut in the forest?"

"I am seeking a potion to gain the love of my Isabelle."

Megaera cackled and pointed a finger at him.  "A potion will not make her love you boy."

Bellerophone rested a hand on his sword and defiantly down at her stooped figure.  "She loves me, but asks for a token of my love.  Every token that I have ever given her is not enough.  With a trinket or potion, I know she'll love me just as much as I love her."

Megaera rested against her staff as she looked up at the young man.  Jealousy and greed burned in her heart and ran through her veins as she wished she was the object of this mans affection.  Megaera nodded before she spoke.

"In order for me to give you the trinket or potion you ask for you must do something for me first."

Bellerophone nodded.  "Anything you ask, I will do."

"You must spend a full turn of the seasons with me in my hut.  Do this and I will give you what you ask for."

Megaera wasn't surprised by the look that Bellerophone quickly hid.  It was one of disgust.  It was a look that Megaera was used to.  Megaera felt sadness creep over her and she refused to let the young lordling see her being weak.  She banged her staff against the ground a harrumphed at him.

"I will be at my hut.  Once you've decided what to do find me.  If you choose to leave then good riddance.  You can find your own way back out of the forest."

Megaera turned and made her way slowly back to her hut.  She made a detour and picked up the dead hare she'd snared and carried it into her hut.  The rabbit gave a meaty thump as she tossed it onto the table.  Megaera shuffled around her tiny cottage as she prepared rabbit stew for supper.  She pulled jars off the shelves and grabbed a handful of this and a punch of that which all ended up being thrown into the kettle of water.  A shadow darkened her doorway.  Megaera looked up to see the lordling standing in the doorway.  He had a resigned yet determined look about him as he stood there blocking her light.  Megaera scowled at him.

"You're blocking the light.  Make yourself useful and go skin the rabbit.  You can hang the skin in the tree out front."

Bellerophone wordlessly walked over and picked up the rabbit before he disappeared outside.  Megaera watched him from the window as he made his way over to the stream.  He knelt down and started butchering the rabbit.  Megaera grunted before she went to work adding the few vegetables she was able to grow into the kettle of water.  Envy and jealousy burned in her heart like a soft ember from a fire.  Hope was also in her heart, but it was so small that you could barely see it.  Megaera had hope that maybe this was the man who would break the curse.  Maybe Bellerophone was the one who could turn jealousy into gratitude and envy into compassion.  That was her hope, it was slim hope, but hope is always present even in the direst circumstances.

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