Who Will I Be?

By xosugarcookiexo

37.1K 570 139

Lizzie Jonas is part of McKinley High's New Directions. She has a blast, even though her two older brothers N... More

Who Will I Be?
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Tweleve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen- Part 1
Chapter Sixteen- Part 2
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen- Part 1
Chapter Eighteen- Part 2

Chapter Six

1.8K 29 6
By xosugarcookiexo

Sorry for the wait, everyone! School is just...school. :)

------------------------------------------------------------------Chapter Six----------------------------------------------------

I knew something was wrong the minute Kurt walked into Glee. Tina rushed in first, finding a seat next to Mike, then Kurt came in. The boy seemed depressed, he has been like this since his little run in with Joe and Karofsky last week when he defeneded me. It wasn't surprising that the boys were now all over him with gay jokes and physical violence but they seemed to escalte it even more. He sat down next to me, a cold look on his face. I put my hand on top of his and he looked over at me, forcing a smile.  

"You okay?" Mr. Shue asked him, bending down to his level.  

He nodded, "I'm fine." He answered in a quiet voice.  

 With an unsure look on his face, Mr. Shue backed up and went back to the front of the class to discuss Sectionals. I turned around to Mercedes who gave me a worried look. We both noticed that Kurt has been becoming depressed, and it worried us more than any competion could. I noticed that Rachel also looked a bit concerned for Kurt as well. Huh. Usaully, the only person Rachel is concerned about is Rachel. Quickly, she turned back to Mr. Shue as he told us about the Hipsters and Warblers. Santana said something about gay jokes, making Kurt and I shoot her an annoyed glance.  

"Well, to get you guys pysched up about Sectionals, I thought we would have another Boys Vs. Girls competition!"  

 Everyone broke out into excited whispers, except for Kurt. He never liked the Boys Vs. Girls contest, sure, the boys were nice to them but they never listened to his ideas. I squeezed his hand again as the girls and boys broke seperated.

 As always, Kurt tried to sneak in with the girls...but he didn't get very far. As Rachel started talking about storyboards for choreography I glanced over at Kurt.   I had to talk to him later, I felt like I was losing him.  


"Kurt!"   I ran to catch up with him.

After glee, he stormed out of the room, which wasn't like him at all. He usually waited for me or Mercedes to get our stuff together. I fell into step with him as he flashed me a kind smile.  

"Everything okay?" I asked, fixing my bag.  

Kurt shrugged, "I guess. I think I may have made Joe angry.."  

 Before I could say anything else, Karofsky and Joe walked by and shoved Kurt into the row of lockers. I stiffled a scream, what the hell?  

"What's you problem?!" Kurt yelled at Karofsky's back.  

The two turned around, "You talking back to us, Hummel?" Karofsky responded, as him and Joe walked back towards us.

"Do you want a piece of The Fury?" Joe asked, holding up his fist.  

I stepped back, though I doubted a fight would break out it was still good to be at a safe distance.  

"The Fury?" Kurt asked, standing in front of me in a form of protection.  

 "That's what I named my fist." Joe smirked, obviously pleased with himself.  

I stopped myself from rolling my eyes.

Kurt snorted.   "With that level of creativity, you could easily become assistant manager at the rendering plant." 

 I couldn't help but let a little giggle slip out as Kurt finished his threat.   Karofsky and Joe gave each other confused looks.

"I don't know what that means, but if I find it's bad, The Fury is going to find you!"   Karofsky slapped Kurt's binders out of his hands as Joe pushed him into the lockers again.

The boys high fived each other as they continued down the corridor. I picked up Kurt's suppiles for him as he pryed himself from the lockers. After he composed himself, I handed him his binders.  

"Kurt, I'm so sorry! I should have never let you-"Kurt, in my office."  

 We both turned to see Mr. Shue on the other side of the hall. Kurt adjusted his satchel then gave me a little nod, leaving with Mr. Shue. I looked down the halls at Joe and Karofsky, laughing it up with the rest of the football team. I couldn't help but shake my head.  

 "If you think they look idiotic talking all the way down there, you should hear them in the locker room." Finn came up from behind and leaned on the lockers.  

I laughed and turned around, "Try hearing Joe at home, it's like he's in love with himself."  

"Pretty much the same way here," Finn smiled then looked around, "Where's Kurt? I thought I just saw him with you."  

 I sighed, "Mr. Shue called him into his office...he saw Joe pick on him."  

 Finn looked back in the direction of the team and narrowed his eyes. Even thought Kurt's Dad and Finn's Mom were only dating, it was obvious that Finn already sees Kurt as a little brother. Anyone could tell that he loved him in that brotherly way that all siblings should. I looked over by Joe and Nick and sighed, I wonder what that feels like.  


I laughed with Mercedes as we made our way into the choir room. Mr. Shue scheduled a last minute rehearsal, which wasn't very last minute since sectionals is on it's way. Still, Joe was pissed off that he had to come back to school to get me in a hour...pssh, like I was thrilled that he was picking me up.

 We took our seats next to Kurt and Tina as Mr. Shue took the floor. After giving a short speech on how he felt that some people weren't getting treated eqaully in the group, I glanced over at Kurt, he then told us about how he was changing up our little contest. The boys now had to sing songs traditionally sung by girls and girls had to perform a song done my boys.  

I smiled, this should be fun. Plus, it meant that I didn't have to hear Rachel rave about which Babara solo that she wants to add to the mashup. I looked over to Kurt, he looked so happy that he could jump out of his seat. I smiled, it was the old Kurt..the one that we all know and love. The boys went to the classroom across the hall so they could talk and maybe even practice as the girls stayed put.  

"We should do The Rolling Stones!" Tina smiled widely.  

 I smiled, "Maybe with a little Bon Jovi?"  

Lightbulbs went off in our minds as we started talking about song choices.  


Grew up in a small town

And when the rain would fall down

 I'd just stare out my window...  

I wrote the lyrics down as I sat on my bed. I was trying my hand at song writing lately, no one knows...not even Kurt. Why should they know? It's not a big deal, it's just a way that I relive stress at the end of a rough day. I rolled my eyes at the thought of today. Not only did watching my best friend get bullied ruin it, but the car ride home with Joe was just so unbearable. All that he basically did was insult me and the club, luckily, I learned how to tune him out. I tapped my pencil agantist my black binder along with the beat of my song.  

Dreaming of what could be

And if I end up happy

I would pray..  

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Quickly, I put the piece of notebook paper back into the rings of my binder and shoved it back under my bed. I pulled out my History book and pretended to be reading it.  

 "Come in!"  

Nick walked in, "Hey."  

 "Hey..." I nodded, waiting for him to go on.

  "Dinner's ready, so finish up your homework." He said in a monotone voice, the voice he used when he was dead tired.

  I just nodded and Nick left the room. Hm. Lately, Nick had just been so distant. Not just with me, even though he always is with me, but with pretty much everyone. During History he didn't even acknowlege his preppy jock friends. I shrugged to myself and closed my book as I left the room.  


"Hey, have any of you guys seen Kurt today?" I asked, setting my tray down next to Mercedes.  

 Tina shook her head, "Nope, I haven't seen him since Glee rehearsal this morning."  

 "He just needed to cool himself down after seeing us perform." Quinn smirked as she did a 'finger wiggle' with Mercedes.  

 I laughed. Our performance was pretty hot, we decided to do a mashup of Start Me Up/Livin' on a Prayer. I couldn't help but notice that Finn was staring at me the whole time too. To be honest, it seemed that the only time he paid attention to Rachel was when we went to dance in front of the guys. I danced in front of Kurt but shot Finn smiles whenever I got the chance. I went to go sit down.  

"Oh! Here he comes with...someone." Mercedes said in a questioning tone.

  I looked up from my napkin and smiled at the two approaching boys. It was Kurt, looking as happy as ever with a black-haired by wearing a little too much hair gel walking right beside him. They stopped in front of our table.  

 "Blaine, this is Quinn, Sam, Mercedes, Tina, Artie, Mike, and Lizzie. Everyone, this is Blaine." Kurt smiled, showing off Blaine.  

 He was wearing a school uniform of sorts as his eyes beamed at every word Kurt said. We all said hellos as Blaine gave a little wave.  

"Nice to meet you all. Kurt wouldn't stop going on about you while he was 'spying'." Blaine smirked. 

I laughed, "Wait, spying?"  

 "The boys asked me to go investigate The Warblers and I happily obliged." Kurt said as Sam dawned a guilty expression.  

Blaine smiled, "Yep, so we gave him coffee then sent him on his way." 

We all talked when Kurt's eyes glazed over. Mercedes and I turned around to see Joe and Karofsky making there way over to us. I glanced back at Kurt who had a whole new expression of fear on his face...it was like nothing I have ever seen before on him. Blaine gave him a friendly pat on the shoulder as the two boys went over to them.  

"Well, it's just lady boys all over now." Joe said, looking between Kurt and Blaine.  

Blaine stepped in front of Kurt a bit, "We already told your friend that we didn't want any trouble."  

Karofsky look down as Kurt looked at him with hurt eyes. Okay, something definetly happened between these two....but what? Joe gave a little snort at Blaine's response, I clenched my hands into fists. It was as if I was reaching my limit with Joe right here, right now. Mercedes could obviously see that since she put a protected arm over my shoulder, as if telling me not do anything drastic that I would regret.  

"You know pretty boy, you should probably head back to your gay school. We don't need anymore of your kind here, we already have him." He lazily gestured to Kurt, as if he wasn't worth his energy.  

"Look, like I said, I don't want any troub-." Joe pushed Blaine back into Kurt who stumbled back.

Oh no, Quickly, I stood up and ran in between the two boys and Joe. If anything happened to Blaine and Kurt because of my brother, I would never be able to forgive myself.  

 "Just stop Joe."  

Joe gave me a look, "Excuse me?"  

 Uh oh. I felt like I was about to break down crying whesuddenlyNick walked over to us. Yeah, that helps, I rolled my eyes waiting for him to be Joe's 'Yes Man'. But, instead, he stood his ground...with me. Nick stood in front of me.  

 "Joe, not today...okay?" Nick's act immedently went from tough to a plea.  

Joe couldn't help but smile at our attempt to be tough. Who could blame him? I probably looked like I was about to wet my pants. I looked over at my table, Sam and Artie ready to spring into action instantly when needed. Joe held up his hands and stepped back a bit.  

 "Fine, I'm done for the day." He then looked Nick stone cold in the eyes, "But we're going to talk later."  

 With that Karofsky and Joe made their way back to the jock table. Kurt and Blaine looked slightly relived, but the entire club was still tensed up with the presence of Nick. I cleared my throat.  

"Uh...thanks for the help, Nick. It means alot." I smiled at him.  

He looked around, "Don't mention it...ever." He furrowed his eyebrows and walked away.  

 Well, so much for a brother-sister bond moment.  


Nick P.O.V.

  I watched as Joe and Karofsky went over to Kurt and some other kid. I couldn't help but shiver at the sight of Joe pushing back Kurt's new friend. The poor kid didn't even go to this school and he was still given a hard time. I was just going to shrug the events off, until I saw Lizzie run in between the boys. What was she thinking?! A fight could break out any second and there she is right in the cross fire. I have to do something.  

I walked, even though I wanted to run, I had to make it look as if I didn't want to come to Lizzie's defense. Joe would kill me and my reptuation. I did a little speed walk to the fight zone and stood in front of Lizzie. I looked at her only to see a confused expression planted on her face. The rest of her friends looked like they were ready to kill me if they needed to...huh. Joe gave me a stone look, as if saying if I made one wrong move I would regret it. I swallowed my pride.  

 "Joe not today...okay?" Well, so much for being tough.  

Joe's face went from shocked to amused. As if he knew that I scared at out of my mind by him right now. He held his hands up and stepped back in a joking way.  

"Fine, I'm done for the day." He looked at Kurt and Lizzie. Then, he gave me a stone cold look, "But we're talking later." With that, he walked away.  

Great. Just great. The one time I decided to actually be nice to my little sister, I get a threat by my big brother. I turned around to face Lizzie, expecting to still see a confused or even annoyed look, but it was....a smile? Lizzie was smiling a look of admiration at me...me! I haven't seen her smile at me like that since middle school.

  "Uh...thanks for the help, Nick. It means alot." She continued to smile.  

 Help. I destoryed myself by helping her. I turned around and saw Joe glaring at me, he was waiting to judge my next move. I know it sounds silly, but this is critical. Turning on my annoyed persona, I looked around and gave her an annoyed look.

  "Don't mention it...ever." I walked away.   A sick feeling in my stomach creeped up. I was so close to having her trust me again, and I ruined it. Just like that.    


That's the end of 'Never Been Kissed'! I'm going to try to make each 'episode' one chapter long. What do you guys think? :)

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