Who dares disturb Magnus Bane...

By barely_adulting

999K 31K 21K

Maaaalec babes!! I ship it hard so I decided to write a story about it. More

Im taking down this story.
Mister Cat Eyes
Do you have a belly button?
How may I grovel at the feet of your superior race?
Will you go out with me?
I have a date with Mister Blue Eyes
The Date (Part 1)
The Date (Part 2)
The Aftermath
1 years later
Mario Cart
I love you Alexander
I think its going to rain
Take me back
Youre dating a warlock?!
Happy Birthday Magnus
Snow day
Mister Cat Eyes
Welcome Back
Authors note
What next?
Wine and babies
The End

A Day with Magnus

23K 809 466
By barely_adulting

Hello my lovely lovely people I'm so glad that you all are reading this! It makes me so happy!! We reached 8k VEIWS and 400 something votes so WOOT WOOT!! Thank you all for your love and support! <3


Magnus's POV

I distinctly remember putting Dewi in bed last night, what with the five stories two drinks of water and the on going struggle of getting her not to sleep with two billion stuffties it's hard not to remember it. And yet here I am with her tiny fist on my face and her snores taking up the room's silence.

I look up and see Alec's beautiful laughing eyes staring right back at me and I can't help my own grin. She is pretty cute. When she stirs me and Alec hold our breaths but she doesn't wake up. We both sigh in relief.

'Wanna go make breakfast?' He mouths to me and I nod as we both cautiously creep out of the covers and down the hall slowly until we reach the living room.

"I swear we need to be more strict about sleeping in bed with us or she's going to be 23 before she sleeps on her own" I sigh running my fingers through my shaggy hair.

"How could you say now to her puppy eyes?" Alec says yawning and plopping on the couch. I hum my response and sit on his lap so I can lay on his chest. "I'm come on she's learning too much from Jace and his demon child" I snort and press my lips to his skin.

"Agreed. Maybe we should send her to Izzy's place instead" I murmur on his soft neck. He laughs and looks down at me.

"And risk her becoming even more like Izzy? No way I'll take my chances with the demon."

I shake my head and cup his cheeks lovingly. "Happy three year anniversary my darling" I whisper rubbing my thumb over his cheek gently. He grins and place a quick kiss on my nose muttering back the same good wishes in between yawns. I laugh and hoist myself up. "I'll make some food"

It didn't take long to whip up suitable breakfast for the occasion seeing that I'm pro at cooking, and a little magic for the rare mishap. By the time the waffles were done, Dewi came stumbling out in her Frozen pajamas and her long beautiful white wings. Any parent in the world knows that movie is a blessing and a curse. But I've learned to let it go.

I apologize for that I'm really tired.

Anyways she padded over to me and tugged on my shirt making me smile.

"Yes biscuit?" I said kissing her forehead. She held her hands up and went on her toes so of course I picked her up gently, placing her on my hip. "Wanna help Dada many yummy food?" She nodded rubbing her face in my shoulder and yawning.

"Here Mag I'll take her" Alec said coming over and pulling her to him. Her little wings jerked in surprise narrowly missing Alec's nose but then relaxed as he clamber into his arms. I patted her back then turned my attention back to food.

"NUMMY!!" shrieked Dewi slamming her hands on the table. Alec yawned and kissed her forehead then turned to me.

"I have to head up to the institute for a bit" he grumbled and I merely smiled.

"Perfect. I have some errands to run" I replied sipping my coffee. "And of course I'll bring little Dewi"

She merely shrieked and pounded her fists happily. I laughed and pushed her hair back gently babbling with her. When I looked over I saw Alec watching me with soft loving eyes. I did the only sensible thing to do and blushed pushing him away.

"Stop that you weirdo" I mumbled standing up and he just laughed.

"You're too cute" he sighed and I shaped my teeth at him.

"I am fully aware"

"Snacks are in the bag I'll be home by at least 7:00" Alec said as we came by the institute he kissed me twice then sighed. "I'll see you.... Tonight" he said putting his hand on my arm and smiled softly. I winked and kissed his cheek.

"See you then cutie" I purred and took Dewi from him. "I love you"

"I love you too"

Dewi was squealing for joy as I pushed her in the cart and it made me laugh hysterically. She thought it was the best thing ever and we were getting tons of stares but whatever. I sent a video to Alec.

I was looking for some more baby food, we had just run out that morning, when Dewi started getting fussy. I knew why, her wings were smushed in her shirt and that can't be comfortable. He picked her up and bounced her on my hip as she squirmed but finally fell still on my shoulder watching me look at the cans. She looked up at me after a while and I smiled down at her and she squealed.


Oh my. Did she just-


She did! She said-

"Did you just say Dada?" I asked busting out in a huge smile. She wagged her little head forward like a nod and giggled reaching for my lips.

"Dada" she said touching my face and poking my lips.

I almost cried right there in the supermarket which would have been mortifying. I pulled her to my chest and pressed a kiss to her forehead lovingly. "That's right Dewi I'm your dada" I breathed through a closed up throat.

She cooed and grabbed a jar of baby food waving it around as I laughed happily.

"Alright Dewster ready to play with uncle Jace?" Jace said when I entered the institute. I rolled my eyes and handed her to Clary, who's stomach was getting bigger every time I saw her, as she cooed to her softly.

"Please don't give a knife to my child ok?" I said patting Jace's cheek. He swiped at me as I walked past to the meeting room where Alec was.

"You guys can't expect trust from the vampires if you treat them like that!" I pushed the door open to see Alec arguing as he pointed to a map on the screen. "If you want control over downtown, play nice be friends and then we'll talk"

I beamed with pride at my cute husband getting all huffy over downworlder business. It made me feel loved. "Alexander" I called and he looked up instantly relaxing. "You ready?" I said shooting a smile.

He nodded and stood up shooting a glare at everyone in the room then came over and pulled me along out of the room. I grinned back at them then pulled Alec's arm around my shoulder so I could snuggle closer to him. He kissed my cheek making me smile more.

"How was your day my love?" he asked looking down at me and merely grinned. "That good huh?"

"Of course it was I got to spend the day with Dewi" I replied taking his other hand and played with his fingers. He laughed and cane in front of me holding me close.

"That is something to be jealous of." I nodded in agreement then put both hands on his cheeks.

"Guess what?" He hummed a what looking bemused. "She said her first word!!"

He went wide eyed and looked over at squealing Dewi as she played on the floor with Clary and Jace. They were going to be good parents. Jace however was constantly worrying and it was kind of annoying, to me and Clary. My little biscuit can take care of herself.

Dewi looked up at us and pointed screeching "DADA!!" Both Jace and Clary looked up at us and Alec covered his mouth looking down at me. I laughed and kissed his cheek softly before resting my head on his shoulder.

"Told ya. She was screaming it at the market today" I mumbled in his ear as he just laughed with joy. "Our little baby is growing up"

He nodded kissing me softly then went over to our beautiful baby girl. I folds my arms and leaned on a wall watching them.

I suddenly felt like I was going to cry for joy.

I had everything I never thought I'd have, a husband, a daughter, a family, a purpose. I had a purpose in life all of the sudden. Alec dropped into my life and I couldn't help but be incredibly grateful for him. I wanted I run over to him and show him right now but we were in public so that'll just have to wait.

"Magnus?" Alec's voice brought me back and he looked extremely worried. "Are you ok?" he whispered wiping my cheeks gently, I was crying? I nodded and took his hand.

"Can we go home? Please?" I whispered wrapping my arms around him tightly. He nodded and kissed my forehead.

"We'll pick her up tomorrow morning ok?" Alec called to Jace and Clays who both gave us a thumbs up. I sighed and took his hand ready to be alone with him for once in a long time.

"Hey sexy" Alec called from the couch as I turned on the tv. I wiggled my butt at him and he laughed harder. He hook his arms around my hips and yanked me back. "I have a spot for you right here"

I rolled my eyes and poked him. "Stop being a perv."

He rolled his eyes and kissed my cheek. "I-I.... I got a anniversary present from Clary" he whispered looking at me. "It's a new rune."

I furrowed my eyebrows and turned to him. "Oh yeah. For what?"

He cleared his throat and looked down. "It's for um... Immortality."

I froze for a second then scrambled up. "Wh-what?!"

"Magnus calm down" he said slowly standing up and only then did I notice I had started shaking. "I don't have to use-"

"YOU HAVE TO USE IT ALEC!!" I screamed grabbing his shoulders. He cupped my cheek and I felt my cheeks get wet. I pulled me close and I buried in his arms. "I can't lose you-I can't Alec"

He merely nodded and rubbed my back gently. "Ok ok we'll talk about it later ok?" I nodded and tried to take deep breaths. "Let's just enjoy each other tonight ok?"

I gripped his shirt tightly closed my eyes. Then I yanked off that stupid price of fabric and pushed Alec down. "Ok. Let's do that"

He just laughed and yanked me down. "You know I love you." he whispered in my ear as he messed with the buttons of my shirt.

I smiled and kissed his neck. "I love you too"


I should mention this is the second to last chapter OK BYEEEEEEEE!!!

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