
By Lady_Kimiko

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Xotichl (Sou-cheel), as far as she knows, has never been an ordinary child. Found at age thirteen, abandoned... More

Chapter I: And Begin
Chapter II: Next Up
Chapter IV: Lost Count
Chapter V: Secret Life

Chapter III: First Incounters

85 7 3
By Lady_Kimiko

Copyright © 2012 Phyre_Confidential (J.B. Roberts)

All Rights Reserved.


There are moments in life when you miss someone so much that you just want to pick them from yours dreams and hug them for real!



Chapter 3

"Oh perfect! Simply marvellous! Your hair is now stunning, who knew a cyborg could look so pretty, thanks to my helping you," the red head, Sasha, commented and helped take the cape off from around Xotichl's neck. Xotichl didn't know what to think just yet, she hasn't seen herself in the mirror through the whole process. All she knew was that Sasha didn't get rid if her long hair. She maybe trimmed it an inch or two, but it still went past mid-thigh. She knew Sasha had also put in a large amount of die or whatever it was in her hair, and washed it before drying it altogether. She hoped she looked as she wanted to.

"Dear, it's your turn to see yourself now!" Sasha squealed, and turned the chair around. Xotichl barely recognized her hair when she saw it. It was still the same colour as it had always been, but now it had light brown highlights and lowlights even. It made her hair look pretty much as she had wanted. More colour without taking it all away. When Xotichl turned her head, she saw that the under layer of her hair was lighter than the top, almost the same colour as the highlights. It made it look of something like an ombré, but not quite that. Her hair was cut in neat rows and layered all around. The front cut in a down swoop to frame her petite face, and she even got a fringe that hung on the right side of her head, long enough to tuck behind her ear but short enough not to bug her. From the looks of it, it was perfect.

"Oh. My. Gosh," she breathed, and reared her eyes away from herself to look at Sasha through the mirror, "this is perfect! Thank you so much!" She exclaimed excitedly, and stood out of her seat. Without thinking of what she was doing, she gathered Sasha into a bear hug, jumping up and down like a hyper child on a pogo stick.

"Whoa-- oh, relax missy, it's just hair," Sasha told her and struggled out of Xotichl's tight grip. Her smile was just as bright as Xotichl's, though, and she bounced on the balls of her feet, trying to seem calmer than Xotichl was. Xotichl calmed herself down enough to give Sasha a grateful smile, then realized what she had said not only a few seconds earlier. "Right, Miss Salon, it's just hair," she mocked, and gave her another hug, "This is so much better than I imagined, thank you so much!"

Sasha beamed, "Your welcome Hun, now I've got some more hair to style, you and your hair best be on your way," Sasha patted Xotichl's back and she ran to another chair, saying hello and how do you do to the girl before beginning the process. Xotichl waved on her way out and into the crowd, and Sasha waved back before turning back to the pile of hair in front of her.

Bustling through the crowd of busy agents, Xotichl looked around at the little shop areas for a clothing department. She needed more than her current clothing if she was going to blend in better at the academy. When she spotted a sign that said Fashion Outwears, she traveled the distance and shoved past people in her hurry to make it before she had to leave to her penthouse. Making it to the little free store, she went up to the processor stationary desk and waved for one of the shops helpers to come to her rescue. Everyone around her wore more in date outfits, while she only wore the plain black blouse and purple jean tights. She didn't know fashion like most agents of the young female variety around her age did. She didn't even know what kind of ego she had long before the agency. Many kinds would fit her personality, but none that could stay for an hour of just that egotistic.

When a sales assistant who looked to be in her early thirties was walking up to where Xotichl stood, she could feel the woman's eyes on her. The lady wore a thin cover up and a black dress skirt, her hair was up in a small bun that had some of her black hair tumbling out of; like a waterfall. Her heels clicked on the tiled floor and she stopped a few feet away from Xotichl. The lady's eyes traveled from her feet up and finally met Xotichl's eyes, "You need help, I can see. Please follow me," she said dismissing her and turned around in her heels and walking towards some racks further in the shop.

Xotichl hesitated but followed the woman across the room, shuffling her feet on the floor and making scraping noise. The sales assistant looked back at her and scowled, "You must be an amazing assassin if you annoy your targets to their deaths," she said with a bemused expression.

Xotichl glared at her, but stopped the shuffling and walked properly, until she was surrounded by clothing of all different sizes, colours, and brands. "You want a new wardrobe, or a new style?" The sales assistant asked her and started searching through the racks.

"Um, a new wardrobe to replace my jumpsuits and cocktail dresses, and I suppose a new style is also in need," Xotichl answered her nonchalantly. The sales assistant nodded and cocked her head to the side, "what size are you?"

Xotichl looked up in thought and cocked her eyebrow up, "What size? I don't know..." she trailed off, and the woman gripped the back of her blouse, pulling it up and then down to look at the tag. After a long time of humming and nodding, the assistant checked her jean tights to and Xotichl felt her cheeks flush. The assistant came around in front of her again and started picking clothing after clothing from the racks and dumping them over her arm in a big pile. By the amount of clothes she was hiving onto her arm, it looked like she was gathering the last of what clothiers were still intact before they was gone forever.

Xotichl raised her eyebrows, "How much clothes am I going to need to fit in at school?" She asked warily at the pile that seemed like it would topple out of her grip. The woman shrugged and put a finger to her chin in thought, "You would most probably need an outfit for everyday for approximately two months," she stated off, making Xotichl's eyes widen more, "but of course, after that, you can mix and match the styles. And of course, if necessary, you could re-wear them many times as you like. But you also would need to buy clothing once in a while dear, so you don't stand out. Something new every now and then will do the trick. Here," she dumped the pile into Xotichl arms, making her bend backwards in surprise from the clothes weight, "go try these on, and I'll show you how to match them up so you don't make a fool out of yourself."

Rolling her eyes, Xotichl turned towards the dressing room with the assistant hot on her tail. She practically dumped the heavy pile of clothes on a large purple plush covered bench, and heaved a sigh. This sure won't be as easy as I thought it would be, even for free, she thought. The assistant started rifling through the clothes, putting some on one pile and then another, before there were almost twenty piles of clothing that surrounded them both. Each set was either a top and bottoms or a dress and a cardigan as a cover up. They were a variety of colours, and they seemed to speak to Xotichl when she took notice in them. Only none were a happy just here for the ride kind of speaking, more a mysterious, in the mode and ready for action kind of talk. Xotichl nodded in appreciation. This woman was good.

"Alright, we have your hot days, lone days, cold days, dressy days, and even date days for those times when you really have to blend with the crowd," the woman stated, and held up an outfit for Xotichl, "Go try these on, and let me see how you look."

Since the assistant started to be more polite, Xotichl nodded more gratefully and went into the change room. What she didn't know was how much of a hassle shopping, or even play shopping, could be.

"So dude, are you or are you not going to get back with Ella Delorentis?" Gavin asked, and poked his best friend.

Lend rose his eyebrow and shrugged. He didn't like her that much, always whiney and screeching when she didn't get what she wanted, "Doubt it bro. Do you know what she did last time?" Lend asked Gavin, and Gavin only shrugged, "She almost literally tried to bite me, and I'd rather not mention where," he stated, and groaned, "Why do you ask?"

Gavin put his hands up on front of him to declare innocents, "My girl wanted me to ask you, you know, girls and their friend's right?" Lend nodded, only half believing him. He and Gavin had been friends for years, almost pre- kindergarten. They pulled pranks and were the so called bad boys at their elementary school. They were the best match of minds and both strong in fights. They always had stuck together in school and didn't let anyone tell them what to do; until Lend was shipped off to an academy in freshmen year that happens to be two states away for school.

He was angry at the beginning, but then had to deal with it. At least he got to see his friends during the two months of summer vacation.

Yeah, two months, he thought a grudgingly, there's no better way to reconnect with your guys in just two months before your shipped off again.

The summer was only a few days under a week finished before he would have to go back to West Virginia. He didn't even bother making friend for the three years he went there, and he had argued with his father about leaving the pack. He couldn't just do that; he couldn't make him be the only wolf in the pack to move away during the school year. Yet he did, for years.

"It's only for the best Lend," his father had said when the first discussed and argued, "you'll understand eventually."

His father had never gone to the school, and so far, he hasn't learned what he was supposed to understand at all. Not that I should, he thought, this is all punishment.

Somebody flicked his head, snapping his thoughts back to reality. He looked over to his side and saw Gavin giving him a bewildered look, "Dude, you alright there? You sort of shut down after we started talking about your ex," Gavin stated slowly.

Lend shrugged, he and Ella were together during the summers since he left, but last week was the end of his patience. He being the Alpha's son, Ella had been possessive over him and he hated every minute of it. He didn't know why he didn't end it sooner, or why it started at all. My life is one hell of a cliché one, Lend thought and internally groaned. He had only a few days left to hang with his friends before heading back to the academy, and this time was the only time he was so what happy about it. He wouldn't have to put up with Ella and her bickering every minute; she still wouldn't leave him alone after the 'breakup'. She was buying pissed over it, and kept saying things like, "The future Alpha female shouldn't be treated like this from the one who will mate her!" Or even, "You know there's no one better to be the Luna of the pack, I suggest you get your act together soon, baby."

The thoughts themselves sent unpleasant shivers down his spine, and he couldn't nag the feeling that she was close by and he should run. But instead, he stayed where he sat, on the front porch with Gavin blabbering away about what he expects to do the new semester. Lend only nodded and added in a few words in acknowledgment here and there to make Gavin think Lens was paying attention, when he wasn't. He wanted to get away from the pack, and he didn't know any better way than to go to the academy. Best ticket out if here, he thought, but still against my will.

"Lend, your father would like to speak with you immediately," a pack member-the beta Jordan Collins- to be exact, broke through Lends mind and he felt the pressure of Jordan's hand on his shoulder. Lend looked up and nodded, and groaned as he stood up, heading for the door.

"Hey! No 'bye dude, see you next summer'? Real nice man," Gavin shouted at the doors threshold. Lend looked back and gave him the bird as a kind of joke gesture and he heard Gavin's snickers as he trudged up the stairs towards his fathers office. He never liked going in there. Usually-- no every time-- he was called into the office it was for something negative that Lend had done that his father was recently notified of. But this time, he hasn't done anything wrong... Yet.

Must be for the stupid academy, he thought bemusedly, what does he want now?

When Lend made it to the office, he hesitated with knocking on the door or leaving all together. But when he heard hushed voices inside, he couldn't help but eavesdrop on them. He pressed his ear gently against where the doorjamb and the door met, and steadied him so he wouldn't fall into the door. He stayed quiet and listened to the furious tone in his father's voice through the wood.

"What do you mean around the area? The territory is secure enough that no trespassers can enter without alerting the patrols. How can we have a disturbance?" His father whisper yelled, and a bumping sounded in the other side of the door. A muttered curse, and then another thumping noise came, like someone were jumping out of a chair but only managed to bump into the desk instead.

"Tell me what you know now, my sons going to be in my office any minute now and we can't have him hearing our conversation. So tell me, now!" The Alpha's vice rose an octave higher, as Lend could feel the anger and depression emitting from his father through the door. A new voice took over his fathers, the voice deep and raw sounding, "Alpha, sir. We do have the patrols out there every second we can get, yet the disturbance have alerted the elders. They told me to give you this message they received from the dark chi around pack territory," the man cleared his throat, and made a sort of choking sound as he did so. After a minute of the almost endless sound, Lend felt he should just burst into the room as demand to know what was going on. He knew he couldn't do that, but yet he still felt the urge to do something, at cause from the Alpha's emotions running into him.

The coughing abruptly stopped, and someone cleared there throat. Lend leaned in slightly as if he would be able to listen better; good thing no one else came up into the third floor but his father, their beta and himself. He would have glared at them anyway, but then the Alpha would definitely know someone was outside and he'd be caught. He wanted to keep hearing what they had to say, and more so what the message the elders had received said. Dark Chi? He thought curiously, but from where?

"The message said only this; 'Giving is better than receiving. So if you know what is best, you will give me what I want, before receiving what you wish to hold back'. I'm not sure what this means, and the elders are holding something back. But we were hoping you might have a clue," the voice said, his voice sounding smaller the more he talked.

The room stayed quiet for a moment, no sound but breathing on the other side o the wall. Lend was confused now, what did that mean? Who sent it? What did they want? What was the pack holding back? Those questions and more filtered through Lends mind, and he couldn't seem to shut his mind up without causing different questions to erupt. What did that have to do with him not knowing? Why wouldn't his father tell him the situation, didn't he trust him? Was it about him? He knew the last thought was most likely wrong compared to the rest, but it still revealed through his head.

The only time his mind shut up, was when he hears his father's voice again, speaking, "I see. Well, I haven't got the slightest clue what 'it' could want, but either way I want more patrols around the borders. And when my son leaves for his plain, I want him accompanied as well. No reason for him to get kidnapped for a ransom from whomever it is," his fathers voice shown on its own that he did know what was going on, and what the dark creature wanted from them. I guess that answers one of my questions, he doesn't trust me, Lend thought and stood up straight.

Deciding not to leave, he went and leaned against the wall by the door, an waited for them to finish. he tried every way he could manage to get the thoughts out of his cranium, even singing some song he had recently heard, but nothing worked. They were a merry-go-round, the more he payed attention to it- even to try and get rid of it- the more it spun. He heard rustling around in the office and some more talking for a moment or two, before the door swung open and a man- that Lend didn't know personally- walked out and strode away without giving Lend so much as a glance. Lens rolled his eyes at him and walked into the office, plopping onto the couch on the far side of the Alpha's desk and looking at his father.

Mr. Marauds' was an older pack member, though he was only in his late forties. He still had solid black hair that he always kept clean cut, but now and then you'd see a white hair at his most stressed times. His square jaw hasn't been shaved and there was noticeable stubble, and his square jaw clenched and in clenched in anticipation. His toned arms were on the desk and he slumped over, his hands running down his face. When lend could see his eyes, they were slightly blood shot, from lack if sleep. Lend stayed silent in his father's presence, waiting to know why he was called in.

Lends father finally placed his hands firmly on the desk top, "Good day son, how are you doing?" He asked; his voice gruff and guttural. He stood up and walked around his desk and sat, leaning into the front of his desk with his arms crossed. He seemed to be waiting for Lend's response, but when he got nothing, he sighed and shook his head. Looking out the window, Mr. Marauds said, "You're going to the academy tomorrow night. You will fly overnight and get there in the morning. No arguments."

Lena's eyes nearly popped from his skull, "What?" He almost shouted at his father, and couldn't believe what he was hearing, "I am not, going early! There is no reason to go early! Going early to a school is... only stupid teens with no life goes to school-- a boarding school early!" He stuttered, trying to come up with a way to persuade his father. He had only a few hours left of he couldn't, and he didn't want to take that.

"I said no arguments. If you don't start packing your stuff I will send someone to do it for you. You can't alpha command them to stop. And tomorrow on the early evening you will board the plane that will take you to the nearest city to the academy. You know the drill," the Alpha stated flatly, still staring out the window.

Lend felt anger boiling inside him. Did he not have a say in his life on what he gets to do? "No way! I am not leaving because I was told to for no reason. Why am I going earlier? What's the problem? And why won't you tell me anything about what's happening!" He yelled, realizing what he had said. He shut up immediately when his father's eyes tarred away from the window and glared at him.

"We're you eavesdropping on me?" He asked his son, and glared immensely at him.

Lend sputtered, shocked that he was doing it in the first place. His father could be frightening when he wanted to be. But he tried to overcome the fear that came when the Alpha got angry, but this time he couldn't. "I- no I wasn't- I mean-,"

"Don't lie! Were you or were you not eavesdropping?" Me. Marauds nearly shouted; his face red and his eyes going dark.

This is not good, Lend shouted to himself. Just shut up and tell him! His wolf, Felix, shouted to him.

Oh now you want to talk? Lend thought sarcastically, thanks for that! It sure helps the situation here!

Felix growled at him. Just tell him the truth, his growl rumbled in Lend's head, make it easier on yourself!

Lend sighed and inwardly, he couldn't back down now. Remembering about the situation at hand, Lend looked right at the Alpha's face and flinched slightly. He was still glaring, and his eyes were nearly pitch black. He was obviously losing his patience. Lend could imagine steam blowing out of his fathers ears, just thinking about how that funny sight would be helped ease the stress in himself. Taking a deep breath, Lend muttered out, "Yes, I heard."

"What?" His father snapped back.

Like he didn't hear what I said, he rolled his eyes, but better not anger him more so his wolf unleashes. Taking another deep breath, he said much louder, "Yes, I heard a little bit. But that's why I'm confused, dad," he held his breath and waited with anticipation sweating off him.

Mr. Marauds stood up straight and startled over to where Lend sat, and grabbed the front of his shirt collar. Hefting Lend up to his face, he snarled, "You will not see anyone from this time now to when you get to the airport. No one will see you off and no goodbyes!"

Lend's eyes widened. He suddenly felt similar fear to what other pack members has witnessed and who had angered him to this state. For all Lend knew, his life would really be hell now.

Letting go of Lend's shirt, Mr. Marauds pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes. He stepped back away from his son, then opened his eyes to look directly at him. Once again, his eyes were no longer dark soulless black but they're usual colour; electric blue. The Alpha took a quick breath, "I had something- or someone else to to mention,"he started. Lend began wondering if he was going to tell him who they were talking about before he came, "You won't be the only one going to the Academy this year."

Guess not, Lend was surprised either way. Who was going with him? Better not be a bodyguard, Lend scowled at the thought. He asked his father the best question there was, "Who is it?"

"Raven Black. She will be in the grade lower than yours, but she needs to attend the school. Same as you. Dismissed," Mr. Marauds waved his hand, and opened the door, "And not a word about what you heard," Mr. Marauds warned. Lend shrugged and he walked out, the door slamming behind him.

Great, he thought, the day can't get much worse, can it?

The day passed very slowly for Xotichl; she had stopped at shop after shop, learning technique for makeup and hairstyling. She even went to the shoe shop slash gadget go stop and got some heels, flats and sneakers with shoe blades included. At the clothes shop, she had tried on every piece of clothing the sales assistant gave her. She wore one of her favourites now; a neon green crop top with a black undershirt and some dark green summer khaki's.

She had the bags sent to her room, but she knew she was the one who will have to pack everything. And I neglected to ask if the academy had uniforms, she scowled at herself, good job Sue.

Xotichl planned in leaving the centre to the weapons room and gather what she needs to stock up her dorm. And then when she was done with that, she's report back to Colonel Kobelsky's and show him her new look and what she had found out. Good thing I didn't bring the file with me, she reasoned to herself, I wouldn't have been able to do half as much as I did today, and I leave tomorrow night. So that's a start.

Xotichl walked to the elevator and waited after she had pressed the up button. When the elevator finally stopped, agents streamed out and Xotichl was the only one to enter the small room. Or so she thought.

Mason happened to tumble out of the crowd and jump into the elevator last minute before the doors closed with a ding. Xotichl groan in frustration; couldn't he just leave her alone for once?

She looked into the wall and felt Mason's eyes roam her, she felt disguised by his lack of self preservation. Mason have a wolf whistle and said, "Well, twice in one day. Must be my lucky day, huh? And you didn't have to get all dolled up Sue-Sue, just for me."

Xotichl tried ignoring him, but his last phrase made her mad, "I didn't get all 'dolled up' for you, cocky shit. This is for my assignment," she turned and faced him, putting on her best scowl and glared at him.

Mason rolled his eyes, "Whatever you say, chicly," Xotichl was shaking from restraining herself of punching his lights out. The elevator seemed to go in for ever, and the elevator itself wasn't all that small, but the longer she stood alone with Mason the smaller it felt. She felt claustrophobic suddenly, and wanted to scream. She hated this, hated this so damn much.

The elevator stopped and the doors slid open, and Xotichl ran out and down the hall to get as far from Mason as possible. Who knew someone could make you feel so awkward and angry, she thought bitterly, oh why me?

She turned down the hall and nearly ran into a cart with some boxes stacked on it. Shouting sorry behind her at the cursing agent, she stopped in dr tracks at the weapon room and bent down for the scanner to take in her ID. When it blinked and the light went green, a buzzing sounded and the lock to the door clicked, and Xotichl entered the room.

The weapon room looked the same as always, but it was restocked often and this time looked overstocked. The walls were a black-grey and the floor a solid layer of concrete. Rows upon rows of shelves covered in gadgets and guns littered the room. Blades hung on open side and were shelved in length and agility, and the guns were categorized smallest, powerful, to largest. Small explosives- like the cigar bombs, trackers and grenades- were in packs and had boxes and cases all around them. Lockers also littered one wall; where all the agents with special equipment stored them.

Xotichl first walked up to her locker and scanned her ID, before opening her liked and taking out her katana. A katana was a double handed sword with two blades fused together, making it very powerful but also very large. Hers she had engraved with her initials, and a symbol that she found to represent herself. It was in its sheath, with gold sown into it in patterns like ribbons and stitching, and she dropped in over her shoulder so it hung off her back.

Digging into her locker, she snatched her Sai blades and twirled them in her hands, the triple blades disappearing from the speed she had it going at. They were more of a hand held weapon than anything else. You didn't really hold the handle but weaves your fingers through the three blades- one long in the middle and two stubby ones on both end- and you can strike easily if you have both of them. If someone were to strike at you, you could block it while still striking yourself with the second Sai blade, and make the kill. She wrapped a thin belt around her hip and put the blades in so she could carry them.

Those were Xotichl's two favourite weapons, and she only left them once in a while. Such as her last mission, she didn't need to bring them to stop the arms dealers. She could handle herself in her own time.

Closing her locker, Xotichl walked around the room, collecting some of each weapon other than the guns; she only grabbed a few pistols and months worth if ammo. She laid them down before grabbing three boxes and filling them with everything she took from the shelves; sticking up. She went back to the door and hit a buzzer for an intercom, "Excuse me, this is agent Flores. I need some crew to take my load to my room. If you can send some in that would be fantastic. I have a pass that means I can take anything I need so no questions."

Xotichl backed up and waited with the boxes beside her for some aid to come and help her. When two crew members entered the room, she showed them the boxes and they picked them up with a few grunts. She told them her floor and apartment never before picking up a box of her own and motioning for them to follow.

* * *

Dumping the boxes on what was left uncovered of her bed, she scanned her room. It was like a tornado hit and left everything to them. The clothes she got from the centre were in plastic bags on her bed and the shows in boxes on the floor. She even had makeup cases and packages stacked on her dressers and vanity. The weapons were on what was left of her room, with some leg room to walk in. She hoped she could get this cleans up a little before she went to bed. It was already 9:30pm.

"Hello dear, did you notice the boxes people were carrying into your room and-- for all that's holy, holy shit!" Randa came into the messy room and her eyes nearly bugged out of her head, "These people sure don't know how to leave things neat do they?" She clacked her tongue at the thought, "will you need help sweetheart?"

Xotichl smiled at Randa, "No, I'll be fine. I just need suitcases and duffle bags. Can you help me with that?"

Randa nodded and gave a quick 'be right back' before leaving Xotichl with her so called room. Xotichl started trying to get things organized by taking them out of their packages or boxes or bags, and putting them in a neat pile while throwing the boxes and such into a trash pile. Randa came back with duffels and suitcases and laid them out for Xotichl to start packing. Xotichl smiled in thanks and oiled up clothing into one suitcase -- along with a few jumpsuits-- and then zipping them up and moving them to the side. She packed a cosmetics bag and instructions on how to use some of what she had so she could learn how to apply them without making a fool out of herself.

Finally, Xotichl finished packing and organizing her new things. Her room was cleaned out and she had thrown the leftover trash in the can. It was past 12:00am by the time she had crawled into bed with a rumbling stomach. I guess I should have eaten more today, she thought sadly, I'm starving myself now.

Looking at the packed bags, Xotichl suddenly remembered she didn't meet with Colonel K. I guess I'll try and do that tomorrow. Ugh I'm tired...

Without another thought, her mind went dark as she fell asleep.

"Mom? Where are we going now?" Madelynn asked her mother, as they packed the car with what they could fit before leaving the rest of their things in the complex. It was a week until summer was officially over, and Madelynn needed to sign up for school right away. But with their leaving, she might have to wait a whole semester to do so.

Madelynn and her mother had been moving from town to town for three years. They hadn't stayed in one place for longer than two to three months if anything doesn't go wrong. They had to stay under the radar, and now they were moving again. But this time was different. Madelynn's mother usually told her where they were going as they drove there, but this time her mother ignored her question. It confused her.

"Mom? Where are we going? Mom!" Madelynn tried to break through her mother's thoughts, but she had no luck. Miss Swanee wasn't responding and kept muttering something under her breath. It only confused Madelynn even more.

They took a turn down a empty road and a few minutes later were on the highway headed south. We're heading for the American border, she thought with surprised and worry, but we've never left Canada before. Why know? Won't they find us?

Madelynn had to get her mother's attention, now.

"Mom! Tell me where we're going! Please?" She begged, shaking her mother's shoulders. It seemed to snap her mother's attention to her and she swerved her head to look at Madelynn. Her eyes were bloodshot and she shook her head, "I'm sorry sweetheart. I'm just out of it today."

Her mother's voice shook as she spoke, and Madelynn raised an eyebrow, "Alright, I understand. But again, where are we going? Why are we heading for the states?" Madelynn asked, glad she had her mother's attention now.

Ellie Swanee shook her head sadly, "I'm so, so sorry sweetie, but I have to do this," her mother's voice was flat, and she had her head turned back towards the road.

Madelynn's mother had always been an odd woman, and sometimes caused those around her to avoid her or look at her strangely. Madelynn was used to it, but this time even she was stumped in why her own mother was acting so strangely towards her. She needed to keep talking until she spilled, "Tell me what's going on mother! You're scaring me," and she really was, and Madelynn didn't like it at all.

Her mother sighed and rubbed her eyes, she glanced at her daughter for a second then back at the road. Even with that one second glance, Madelynn could see the guilt and regret swirling in her eyes. Her mother's soul shown weaker and weaker every year, and it worried her. She couldn't imagine a life without her mother with her at all times, but knew shed have to go through the pain of losing the last family member she knew soon. It was enough to make tears form in her eyes, but she blinked them back.

Madelynn being a Necromancer could communicate with the dead. Like ghosts, poltergeists and souls, she could see them, but she never got to choose if she wanted to or not. The only time she could, was when the spirit was in hiding. She could use her mind to pull them out of their realm and speak with them, but she could get hurt if she were talking to a poltergeist. For the living, breathing humans, Madelynn could see a light dancing in their chest like a ping ball jumping around in their to cage. The light would swirled around the heart and get weaker everyday closer to the persons death. But she didn't want to lose her mother like she did her father. She was the only one in her family who was a necromancer that she knew of, and one of the rarest kinds if mediums known to the world. The reason behind it was because she could raise dead body by having the souls trapped in their rotted corpses. She had done it, once before, so that's is how she knew she could do it at all.

"I'm leaving you, but you've got to understand--," her mother's words startled Madelynn and she interrupted her, "Leaving? Why would you leave me mom? How could you?" She cried, and felt the years falling now.

Ellie Swanee gulped and swallowed hard, "I'm not abandoning you for good sweetheart, I'm just bringing you to a boarding school. This school is safer than anything I've encountered, and your lucky enough to go there. They asked for you personally. Plus, there will be someone there for you to meet. She will help you, even if she doesn't remember us. Please don't hate me Maddy, I love you."

The years kept falling down her face and she hugged her mothers arm, burying her face into her shoulder. She said in a choked whisper, "Alright mom, I believe you. Just don't leave me, okay?"

Her mother went flustered, "Sweetheart, I'm not abandoning you--," Madelynn shook her head and looked up from her mother's shoulder, wiping the tears away before saying, "I'm not meaning that. I mean just don't pretend like your out of the picture. I want to be in contact with you. And don't... Don't lose to the temptation, okay?"

Madelynn's mother took a deep breath and nodded, "That I'll sure try my best at," she said, and gave her daughter a cheeky smile. Her soul already started to brighten, and Madelynn couldn't help but smile back from ear to ear. She sure hoped her mother meant shed try her best for both, and jot one or the other. If her hope was right, she wouldn't be losing her mother as soon as she thought.

I wonder who I'm supposed to meet there, Madelynn wondered, as they drove off the road to get across the American border; but, of course, without having to go through security and worry about passports. If only she knew, then she'd be fine.

Xotichl walked out of Kobelsky's office and began her journey back to her penthouse to say on last final goodbye. She had spoken to the Colonel about what she had read from the reports, what she planned on taking with her, and what weapons she would place at each sector of the dorm. He had announced of whom she would be roomed with, and it turned out to be Madelynn Swanee and Raven Black.

Two of the teens from my assignment, perfect, Xotichl compromised. She would be the best roommate ever. or at least she hoped so.

When she got back to her penthouse, she went straight to her little sunroom where a small veritable garden was growing. It was suspended on ground level, like the dirt was part of the floor. She had to sweep once in a while when the dirt extended from the gardens dugout, but she didn't mind. Xotichl had been growing a garden for a few months every year since she turned fourteen and a half. She loved being able to water them and relax with them. Today, though, she felt heartbroken. She would be leaving for an assignment tonight, and she knew it would be forever by the time she would beach. By then they'd be rotting crops. So she had to get the thrill of watering them one last time before she left, and to say her goodbyes.

"This is my goodbye to you all," she announced aloud to her plants, an remembered all that was growing in there: potatoes, tomato plants, corn, carrots, chives, strawberries, roman lettuce, pumpkins, and cucumbers. She loved all of those fruits and vegetables.

Turning on the hose, she stopped the flow of water to escape the hoses knob and laid it on the floor, then brought the water out and washed it over the plants and crops. She waved her arms to a tune in her head, watching the drops if water land on the leaves and fall into the soft dirt. When the water was at the right angle and the light caught it just right, stripes of rainbows show through it and danced around.

Xotichl turned the hose off and vended the water that was in the floor into the garden. She waved goodbye as if they were real people and left the room. Walking into the kitchen, Xotichl smiled sadly at Randa. She wouldn't be able to talk to her like she did every day. She would really miss her. Unknowingly, Xotichl hugged Randa from behind, and muttered repeatedly 'I'll miss you so much'. Randa turned around in Xotichl grip and gave her a proper hug, circling her arms around the girl and kissing the top of her dark hair. "I'm sure going to miss you to, dear," Randa's voice cracked and she started to cry. Xotichl was touched that Randa would be so sad about her leaving, even for a long while. So she smiled at Randa encouragingly, tighten her arms around Randa's body.

When they let each other go, Randa started laughing and wiped her years away. When Xotichl cocked a eyebrow up and tilted her head to the side, crossing her arm over her chest, Randa began laughing harder. She was laughing so hard, that years started streaming down her eyes again. By that, Xotichl was laughing too, almost falling to the floor when she had to hold her stomach from the cramps she was getting. Randa was already rolling on the floor, her laughter echoing in the large empty kitchen. Xotichl didn't know what was so funny, but she sure wasn't complaining. She needed a turn of events before she was on her way.

* * *

It was time. Xotichl's bags were loaded onto one of the IPPA's jets they had stocked by the airfield a couple miles out of the city. They had to drive out, which took an two hours or so. It was already 8:00pm, and if she wanted to get to West Virginia by morning, the plane has to depart soon. She had said goodbye to everyone that mattered, and boarded the private jet. It was a black light jet that could carry a large amount of weight, and Xotichl's suitcases along with her were no problem for it.

Entering the jets seat lounge, Xotichl sat on one of the soft chairs and looked out the window, hefting her feet into the cushion in from of her seat. She sighed and leaned the seat back, closing her eyes and slipping in some earphones the Colonel have her along with an iPhone for her to use. He had downloaded songs from the playlist she had on her computer and some messages from him into the iTunes. So it would seem like I was listening to music when I'm really listening to K's messages, genius, Xotichl applauded Colonel K in her mind. Let's just get this over with, I'm tired already. Xotichl sighed and waited for the jet to take off.

The rumbling of the engine and vibration of the plane moving woke a drowsy Xotichl, and she didn't even realize she fell asleep. She sat up with her chair and watched the runway go by, until the plane titled up as it took off. The jets wheels were brought into the plane and the runway got smaller and smaller the higher they went, and Xotichl's ears started to pop. She fished into her duffle bag and snatched a price of bubblegum, and tossed it in her mouth to stop the popping.

Her jaw worked tossed the cherry flavoured fun as she saw clouds coming into view, almost taking the rest of the view away. She love being able to see the world like this, and wished she could whenever she wanted too. The view was beautiful.

Xotichl turned away from the window and turned the television on that was installed into the planes wall, and flicked through movies that were available. Choosing an action comedy, Xotichl snuggled up in her chair and drifted off back to sleep.

* * *

"Miss Flores, we will be landing in West Virginia in approximately 50 minutes," an abrupt voice sounded around her, Xitichl's eyes opened and she stood up from the chair to stretch her aching back and neck. I should get ready for the landing, she thought, I'll be landing in a public airport.

She ran to the bathroom and flipped the door closed. After dropping her duffle bag into the counter, she shuffled through it for a change of clothes. She found another crop top and some long shorts and slipped them on, dumping her other clothes into the bag. Then she grabbed the cosmetic bag and retouched the makeup she had on: eyeliner, mascara, concealer, and a touch of blush on her cheek bones. When she finished that, she left the room with a half hour left to spare.

Xotichl sat back down in her seat and brushed her hair out, running her fingers through it and started braiding it from behind. She got good at doing her hair when she woke up years ago, and the braid only made hair rise an inch or two from its normal length. She checked to see how she did the portable mirror she had detached in her bag and nodded approvingly, she looked fine. Or as fine as someone who just got off of a sweaty plane can be, she thought.

The jet landed on the runway, parking at a port and the door buzzed before it opened. Stairs were brought in and Xotichl gripped her duffle bag as she walked down the stairs and off the jet. The sun shown bright and warm on her already sweaty skin.

Xotichl started walking into the building, and was amazed to see how many people were streaming around. She saw some trying to catch their flights and board planes, while other were leaving the area or waiting for loved ones to exit the planes. She walked with confidence, though she felt vulnerable around so many people.

Xotichl walked towards the baggage claim to get some luggage she had sent there while the rest was sent to her dorm room. She paced back and forth as she waited, her cart holding inky her duffle bag. Only she stopped and stiffened when she felt a pair of eyes on her, and a shiver traveled down her spine. She turned around to meet them. Who she saw surprised her more than she cared to admit.

Lend was exiting the plane with a very excited Raven bouncing around. She awed the sight of West Virginia when they were landing, but now she was asking Lend how much longer they had to wait for their luggage at the baggage claim. He kept waving her off, and felt like ripping her small head off. The way she kept pacing around waiting unnerved him and just annoyed him more.

"Ugh, my hair is all sweaty and oily; I'm going to half to wash it when I get to my dorm room, "Raven said as she ran her hands through her chocolate brown hair. Lend shook his head and turned away from her, and he locked eyes with a girl his age that seemed surprised to see him looking at her.

She was a small girl, and had tanned skin along with long, black hair that was done in a braid. It made her hair look shiny and smooth. She wore typical summer clothes, and was pacing around until she saw him. Her eyes widened and he saw her eyes; a pretty brownish green, and hazel had nothing on her eyes colour. It made her eyes look sort of soft and electric at the same time, but he didn't know how. He couldn't seem to take his eyes off of her at first, but didn't want to make her think of it as anything, so he changed his shocked look to a glare. She looked startled but held eye contacts and he was the one to pull his gaze away. He ran a hand threw his hair and shook his head. What has gotten into him?

"What are you looking at?" Raven asked him calmly, and looked around. She must have spotted the girl, because she had a grin on her face and she waved politely before turning back to Lend, "I see, side tracked huh?"

Lend's face went red and he felt his anger starting to flow, "No, not at all. Let's get our bags and leave, now!" Lend growled and his wolf whined inside his head.

What's wrong with you know? He asked Felix, and his wolf snapped at him. Oh, nothing. Not a damn thing.

Good, Lend snapped back, and grabbed Raven's luggage and his own when he spotted them, loading them into the cart. He glanced at the girl and saw her doing the same, some her cases her very large, yet she picks them up with ease. She must be some girl of she can still stand with that wait on her shoulders, he thought. He looked away to grab the last piece of baggage from the baggage claim and went to look back at the girl, only to see the spot where she was, was empty.

He swung around and searched the area, not quite sure why. She was just there and then she- vanished.

She's definitely not a typical humanoid, he reasoned, she must be paranormal.

A sudden range of questions grew in his head. Was she attending the academy? Would he see her again? She had a mysterious aura clinging to her, and Lend knew he would most likely not stop to find out what it meant if he ever saw her again.




Hey my fantastic readers! I had fun writing this chapter, and I made it exceptionally long so it would last a while. This chapter is 8473 or so words long! (No idea how many pages though to be honest)

I introduced two new POV's in the story, and those are the three I'm using for the whole story, if you were wondering!

School is in under three weeks, and in going on a trip in a week, so this might be the. May be the last chapter I update until I'm back.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy it. I again know I am an amateur writer and hope to get better, so I'll do my best every chapter!

Only four last things to say!






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