Flames Of Seduction- Book 1

By LauraEBrown

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***This story contains mature scenes*** ------------------------------------------------------- She doesn't g... More

Before Reading
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
The Bonus Chapter- Part One
The Bonus Chapter- Part Two
After Reading
Wattys 2016 & Second Book

Chapter Thirty One

10.8K 405 31
By LauraEBrown

He positions himself before me, automatically, I wrap my legs around his waist, making my place more secure, all to get the best of our commission. He enters me, pushing down his shaft in me, slowly and slowly. Even with the speed, he has taken, my breath gets sucked out of my lungs. I clutch to his arms, forcefully that I think my nails are going to leave a mark on his skin, my first mark on him.

Picking up his speed, he thrusts me. I start panting and he starts groaning, grunts of how my muscles tend to clench around him. Seconds later, his thrusts get so intense that with each move of him getting in and out, I let out screams, begging for him to come silently.

"Come for me, Laura," as if reading my mind, he allows me to come. Needless to be told twice, I let go with a scream of his name. With some more force, he comes undone in me. The juicy wetness fills between my legs.

My used body drops helplessly on the mattress. Andrew rolls over and lies next to me. Reaching for me, he drags me closer to him and makes me put my head on his shoulder. The bounciness of the boat can barely be felt only some movement along with the waves. Our breathing by now has come to normal and we just keep quiet for some time as yet we are enjoying the silence. Frankly enough, I do. The smell of the air filled with our previous action with our sweaty body's tangled around each other is what I enjoy the most.

"Have you done this before with anyone?"

The voice is me. The question pops out of me, unknown and unwanted. I must admit, I have thought about him and how he acted toward the twelve women before me, but I've never intended to ask the question out loud. Maybe fumbling with it in my mind and let it eat my mind, but never let the question distance me from Andrew knowing how he can get tense when it comes to the last people he had a relation with. Especially if that comes to a special person like an ex.

"What do you think of me, Laura? That I'm some boyfriend material who would devote himself to spare some love for their girlfriend!" he chuckles at the end making it worse for me to function.

His remark hurts me and it's only fair to say he just proved me that we are here for fun and nothing else. And here I am, thinking that this man is changing for better or worse to be someone he promised me he can't be, and now look at where we are. I'm the fool I am, believed him.

To cover the mask of hurt on my face, I just stare down toward the painting that is hanging on the wall just in front of us. His words pierce my soul like nothing else can ever do. The heaviness of the tears behind my eyes can be felt, the threat to get shredded. Yet, I keep my composure by swallowing the pit once in a while. Hopefully, he doesn't notice the creepy silence between us, he doesn't even seem to care that his words are like a knife in my heart. Should he go and make up the best of our vacation? Why all the time, when everything seem to go as planned, he must take the dangerous step back never afraid that we may fall?

"I think we should go and enjoy the weather," with no eye contact, I reach for the towel and wrap it around me. Hesitantly, I make my way out of the suite and try to find my way toward the bathroom with no help of his. If I want to ask a question, I have to face him. And in my state of mind, facing him is the last thing I need. I should be at least five feet away from him because right now, I don't feel my mind.

In fact, this thought is killing me. He just proved me all this time, I've been squashing water. He proved me, I have no power and our relationship is no different from others. Well, news, I'm no differences from those twelve women.

Under the cool water of the shower, I let my guard down and cry. The droplets get mixed with my tears, almost making it look like I'm just having a moment to myself and everything is fine, yet inside, my mind is roaring, my heart is shredded into pieces. Why did I ask the pathetic question? Did I really want to know the truth?

"Why?" I whisper. Uncontrollably, a sob escapes my mouth. I cover it with my hands, making it a shuffle as if someone has put a hold on my mouth.

After I take a shower, I make my way upstairs with the towel still around me. There is no sign of Andrew so I grab my bag and turn on my heel and head back to the room and find it empty. He must be in the grand cabin, then. In silence, I change into my fresh underwear and my clothing.

The more I try to distance myself from him, the better would it be. I know now, this relation wouldn't last long, so better make it eliminated, so, at least, I can shield myself for afterward.

"Hey, hungry?" His voice, the same voice, that told me what we have is just pleasure and a temporary hunger, is now making it harder with each second to stand it.

Am I hungry? Yes, hungry for his attention, hungry for his feeling to get back while in here I pour my everything in this relationship. Yet, he doesn't pay attention to me, he doesn't seem to mind his word. For someone this accurate as him, it is a bit of a surprise to see he hasn't noticed the heavy tension. For a second, the thought of him knowing well how he affected me but doesn't seem to mind comes to my mind.

"Um, I'm good with whatever you have," taking a seat at the table, I sit down and watch him walking around the kitchen taking and placing some bowls and plates. When he returns to the table after he placed the wine and two flutes for that matter.

"So, these are prepared before, so I just needed to heat them up, is that ok with you?" he places two plates before us and sits next to me. Not looking up at him, I reply a 'yeah.

All of a sudden my appetite runs away. I'm sure before our intercourse, I was ready to eat an elephant, but now, when I look down at my food, I can't even stand it. Nibbling on the wraps, I once in a while take a piece and pop it into my mouth just for the sake of it.

"What's wrong, Laura?" Andrew calls out my name. Defeated in the battle to keep my head down and not to look at his eyes, I finally raise my head and look straight into his eyes. They say you can feel the coldness of the heart in their eyes, but Andrew's eyes don't give anything but warmth, I mean, who wouldn't fall for those beautiful icy blue eyes staring down at you. The combination gets even more intolerable when that sexy smile comes within.

"Nothing," to assure him of the situation in which I just lied, I apply a fake smile.

"You know, you can tell me everything you want," when in exchange I keep silence, he finally goes back to his meal with purse lips, "at least, eat something, I don't want you to pass out on me, besides, you have pretty much lost so much energy and you may need even more,"

Ah, yes, of course, I must have some energy for him to take pleasure in me, not that I don't take any part in it, but the thought of his only concern is the contract, hurts me the most.

Forcing down a bit, I try to convince myself, that he was talking about my welfare in terms of being someone special to him, not one of his fuck-bodies or as he puts it- his mistresses.

"Thank you for the meal," not bothering to help him in cleaning up the after mess, I take my leave and walk on the deck.

Finding my way to the bow pulpit, I grip the edge of the railing for support to reduce the turbulences despite the fact the yacht is staying put. The big strong trees on the shore are visible, even I can make out some people there. When the first moment I found out we are going to have our day spending in the yacht, I was thinking of blast times, but coming to Andrew, I should have guessed something, somehow will eventually disturb our moment, it's either me or him. Thinking about the logical statement, in which it says 'action speaks louder' I realize this is not about actions anymore, in fact, this is the words that come out of our mouth, unthoughtful, and then the moment we realize we have hurt someone with them.

The brain's function and ability to finalize the words is what makes us look stupid while talking or very mean when there is a sensitive subject speaking.

His words keep echoing in my mind, tormenting me over and over, is this what the rest of our relationship is going to be? Him not caring about in what state we are in, and with no attention, he smashes my heart. Why should I fall in love with someone like him? Why me? Why him? So many questions...

The wind blows to my face like a mother caressing her daughter's face. The softness is yet to softer than words can ever describe it. The smell divining, the view much crazier that can be seen. Behind me, I can feel his presence, standing, observing me, the hot gaze of his eyes, the same icy blue eyes staring at me. The attraction is an invisible line that drags me with him yet I'm not sure if the same thing is happing to him too. If the same feeling is growing in his heart, just like it is in mine.

Two strong arms snakes around my waist and I almost lose my balance, not because I feel threatened, but because I feel so overwhelmed even with a simple touch of his.

"You like the view, I see,"

"How can I not? This is freedom, love, and the start and the end of everything else. Just look at it." his breath on the crook of my neck gives me wanted and unwanted goose bumps, they feel so surreal against the soft wind blowing at us.

"Let me show you something, then," as the words get uttered out of his mouth, I feel my arms getting spread and his hands getting a hold of my arms like a bird ready to fly, ready to jump for its freedom, "keep them there, don't move," and then when his hands leave me, they come to connect where they left me, on my waist.

I close my eyes, letting my mind and skin explore the encounter. A known smile finds its way to my lips. Andrew tilts his head and I give him full access to my neck, his breath fans hot air on my neck and tickles me.

"I'm flying," opening my eyes, I grin as I observe the scene before me.

Never have I ever thought this act would be feeling this amazing. While watching Titanic, I always mimicked the silly thought of how cheerful Rose was, but now here I am, standing in the same position with a man I'm falling in love with. Only, let's hope this ship won't get sunk. But you know what they say? Good things follow bad things- the storm after the calm.

"I'm sorry," his voice comes as a whisper as if it wasn't meant to be heard.

"What for?" I ask.

"For ruining our moment, for upsetting you. I didn't mean it the other way, I was thinking of how you would get upset if you hear that I don't take women to date, I was so worried, so distracted that I didn't realize what I would say might hurt you." I turn in his arms to face him. Caged between the white railings, and his solid chest. His hot heated gaze upon me is another strong force to put me in place.

I have no idea what he's talking about, but I can sense the remorse hiding in his eyes in his voice. Letting him continue, I keep my silence.

"You are the only one who has ever stepped into this ship- not even my family- you are the only one whom I slept with, held her in my arms and saw her sleep soundlessly. You are the only one I have ever made love you." Joy takes over my body, the thought of being the only person holding the place in his mind- not heart, obviously. Yet, with all the joyfulness and the cheers of being special to him, I keep thinking about our contract, our relationship, and our past.

"Do you claim that I am special to you?" I arch an eyebrow all the while wondering if I have dreamed of his statement, of his confession.

"Well, if I'm telling you, you are the only person I have done all of these, that must mean you are special then,"

"What about the contract? Are you going to say the same thing about us in one and half months later?" I don't want to raise my voice nor do I want to make it more complicated and hard as it is, yet the curiosity, the envy of future doesn't give me the chance to keep these bunk questions in my mind.

"I've told you before, I just need to enjoy now, I don't want to think about the future, you shouldn't worry yourself about it too," demands and demands, that's all he can tell me. Is it too hard for you to give one thing to another?

"Denial is doing you no good," I state the matter of fact.

"It's not denial, it's enjoying the moment, besides, you must've realized by now, we are not ordinary people, you are not like other women I've been before, you do the math,"

"Well, sorry to break your bubble of hope, but I have low skills in math," curling my lips, I try to get out of his arms, and, to be honest, I almost do, that's until he catches me again and kisses me passionately.

Not needed to be kissed more furiously than this, I give in and moan as I let his tongue play with mine. It takes Andrew only half a minute to get rid of my clothing, which I've spent an hour in putting them on. Now all naked like the day we've been born, he kisses me as he slowly enters me, giving me the opportunity to catch up and use for his size.

We make love, or fuck- whatever the term is for it- twice in the deck, the good thing is, no one is around to have a show of two adults savoring the deck.

"I don't want to go back, can't we spend the night in here?" I start moaning as Andrew starts the engine and checks everything to move back to the waterfronts.

"For as much as I like to ravish that body of yours, we must return back, I've heard there is a beast in this ocean," he jokes about the morning sort of conversation or as I would like to put it 'the hell in paradise moments'.

Slowly the engine gets back its energy and the boat starts moving, with upper hand preparation, I have my arms clutched to Andrew and let my body brush against his, innocently. But we both know my act is far from innocent.

The shore comes to view slowly, the little houses little by little get bigger before our eyes. Soon we are entering the VIP part and he's guiding the boat professionally to its place. I would be lying if I don't say I'm not impressed by the way Andrew works the yacht as if he's born this way. Watching Andrew putting his all confidence in riding such a big boat and seeing that energy in him makes me realize I had indeed a good time, with all the ups and downs of ours, eventually everything came in a straight line, but what worries me the most is the this relation is heading- that terrifies me the most.

By the time Andrew has managed to put the boat in the exact same position and secure enough to leave it behind while I have my bag packed ready to get off of the boat, despite my opposite desires, it's almost five in the evening and the sun is ready to set and give herself a little rest. The tangles events of the day had us both wrapped around its finger that we didn't realize the passage of the day.

"Tired, aren't we?" Andrew asks when we are both tucked into the car and on our way back to his penthouse.

"Hmm," I answer with my eyes closed and head leaned against the back of my seat.

"Well, then you better take some rest, we are having the night ahead of us,"

"Do we?" I mumble as I feel my eyes getting heavier and the urge to sleep becomes more.

"Ah, Laura, you have no idea," this is the last thing I hear before I go to sleep. Who wouldn't? I'm sure with the amount of fun I had, everyone would find it in themselves to have just a second to take a nap.

When I feel myself getting moved and later lift, the long gone conscious comes back to me. Getting a small peak, I see myself being in Andrew's arms once again. Andrew offers me his smile before putting a kiss on my forehead. Even though I'm already awake, the tiredness in my body doesn't allow me to be awake, therefore, once again I doze out like a lifeless corpse.

Opening my eyes slowly just like a drama movie in which you find the main character in difficulty to understand her feelings, I take my surrounding. The unfamiliar room comes before my eyes, the unfamiliarity comes from not being here for so long and maybe a part that wished never come back in here.

Finding my way toward the walk-in closet, I dress into some T-shirt which is so uncomfortable, but since whatever Andrew had bought be is either something classy or a piece of clothing just to cover my nipples or the private part. Skipping a shower, I make my way downstairs, making myself ready all the way to face Andrew.

Facing Andrew, from the very moment I have seen him, has been always one of the most complicated encounters I have each day. Even those moments that I have to make a phone call to unknown people isn't considered as much hard as it is. Andrew is just... Andrew, you may never know which mode you are going to have the pleasure to meet.

"Slept well?" I find him in his office, staring down at his laptop with a frown on his face. Not even looking up once, he senses my presence.

Walking further into his office, I sit down at his desk, on the very same chair, I sit many times I've been here.

"I believe so," I reply with a shy smile, having a glance at the digital clock on his desk, the realization hits me that I've been sleeping for three hours. After the confirmation, a grunt comes out of me, not me to be specific, my stomach mostly.

"That's what you get when you don't eat dinner," this time Andrew raises his head and our gaze meet each other, the blue into brown and all the way back. I feel embarrassed for my action, although I know it was an act of aspiring for keeping my ground, the act was ridiculously childish.

"I'm sorry," I don't know why I even say that. By not eating, I didn't hurt anyone but myself, yet I find the need to apologize for my behavior.

"Let's feed you," he stands up, pushing his chair back and turns the desk where I'm attending. Hand in hand, we make our way to the kitchen.

We end up pulling out some pre-prepared food just like the lunch we had but only, this time, this is made by Pamela which makes it extremely delicious. Spaghetti and grapes with cottage cheese and Yogurt Parfait are all spread over the place for us to take a bit from each. We are both sitting on the bar stool, busy stuffing food in our mouth.

"What do you have in mind for tomorrow?" I ask as I swallow a spoon of yogurt.

"Nothing, just hanging around, I'm sure you are so tired that you would rather sleep over tomorrow,"

"True," I nod my head as yes as I take another spoon and put in my mouth. I'm sure the meaning of hanging around in Andrew's dictionary has different meanings which I take one or two guesses amount them.

Cleaning up our mess, we both decide to call it a night, since Andrew confesses he hasn't taken a rest unlike me since the moment we step into the apartment and would much rather hit the bed instead of working on his damn project, in his exact wordings.

Once we are both in bed, tucked neatly under the blanket, Andrew's naked chest touching my bare back, the lights turn off and we plunge into the darkness. The first few moments are in deep silence and almost has me thinking Andrew is sleeping by now, but my guess is dead wrong, as usual.

"You know you are the only one I'm sleeping with, well, I have done it once before, I'm not going to lie to you, but that time was because I was so drunk to move my ass out of the bed I just had a quickie with someone. But you are different, I don't know why I'm doing this, or what has me so wrapped up, but something keeps me so close to you that the thought to let go terrifies me, that's why I don't want to think of the future,"

They say darkness is the key to someone's feelings, they say only in darkness when you don't see anything, you are able to pour your heart out and wear all your feelings on your sleeves. I didn't believe in it until the moment, I found myself weeping slowly in the arms of the darkness in my room after I made sure everyone was sleeping. I cried myself to sleep to soothe the pain my rapist caused me.

"Then don't let go, why are you pushing up so much Andrew? You know you are only making things worse,"

"I know, baby, but your so-Prince Charming is a beast in the night, you won't stay with him when you see his true face,"

"Maybe I don't care about his true face,"

After my reply, nothing else uttered between us but silence. It's like everything is all of the sudden into this creepy silence that you can't exit. After fifteen minutes, I feel Andrew's breath come to even, that is when I take a wild guess he must be asleep then, doesn't take long for me to join him, though.

The morning starts with me tangled in Andrew's arms, my head on his chest. We have our breakfast in mostly sleep, according to us being exhausted. Andrew, then, excuses himself to his office, grumbling about how some of with his employees don't work as they should so in result he must spend his weekend on that. I just reply him with laughter which makes him even angrier.

For lunch, we go out so Andrew can have some distance from his office. The day goes by fast that I can't even make out of time and fast it can fly before your own eyes. After we return back, I make my way toward the library Andrew has been talking about since the day I came to his house desperate to be with him. The books are mighty old and may I add expensively. The library is separated into genres. I wonder how much time it would take to read all of these.

After searching the whole classic section, I finally found Pride and Prejudice, my second choice of the novel when it comes down to same old love, yet sweet. There are at least four different versions of the same book in different size and shapes!

It only takes me about an hour or maybe two or three to get tired of reading. It is a bit boring to sit on a chair no matter how much comfortable it is and read a book. Stretching my exhausted body, I put away the book and make my way toward the door, aiming for Andrew's office.

"Hey, can I come in?" I poke my head through the opening to get a view of Andrew, who seems to be in a way tired state.

"Yes," giving me smile, he then drops his head back to his work.

"I was wondering, I can be of any help for you, I'm dying here bored, so I thought maybe I can be here and have a game with your billions?" I offer him by cheering voice hoping to lift up his mood.

"Ah, I see then you are aiming for my money," he sarcastically replies.

"Well, there must be a use in having a billionaire as my boyfriend,"

"Ok, then you asked for it, you can't back out once I put these documents before, then," he stands up and walk toward a chest of drawers where I assume he keeps his documents there, he picks two heavy folders before with a thud on the glass coffee table, hopefully, it doesn't break. "So, you have to organize these based on the date and then check for my signature and put those with no signature for me to sign them. Oh, and also, since you wanted to play with numbers, why don't you use this calculator to make some adjustments to the numbers on this page, huh?"

I look at the documents before me with wide eyes, regretting my choice already. When I offered help, I was thinking more of something quite bit less than this mess, I'm guessing he doesn't have a secretary or his staff needs a good lecture.

"Oh, and did I mention if you fail to make even one number wrong, I shall spank you as well, and oh how may I enjoy it," he closes his eyes and does this crazy act of cracking his knuckles and rounding his head in a circle. He terrifies me, to be honest.

With no hesitation, I start working very carefully and observant scared that I would get punished for it. For as tempting as it may sound, I don't want to get my ass pink since tomorrow I would want to use that ass to sit on my chair and start working for another week.




wow, another chapter and i can feel my fingers getting out of my hand!!! what is your thoughts?? share me at least one bad point or bad view of my book, no hard feeling, spill it out!!!! VOTE!

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