Fransykes~ Locked in for life

By yaoipandaorgasm

41K 1.9K 1.2K

FRANSYKES. How far he will go for the sake of love. Josh work's in a mental ward and looks at life like the m... More

Fransykes~ Friendly enemy
Fransykes~ Best fry of my life
Fransykes~ Disease
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Fransykes~ Empty
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Fransykes~ Locked in for life

10.3K 246 310
By yaoipandaorgasm


Hey people!  

Just wanted to say that i hope you like it. It was just a sick idea i came up with. I apologize if it's bad written ( I'm from Norway )   Sooo thank you for any vote and comment! Just give it a chance, it may seem boring and all that in the start but i promise, it will get somewhat better.

TRIGGER WARNING! mentions of self harm and EDs. 

 Josh Pov.

White walls, white curtains, white clothes, white bed sheets. Everything was white. Simple and white. Nothing I haven't seen before. If you weren't crazy from before, then you certainly became it in here.

My name was Josh Franceschi and I worked in a mental ward. And today was just another day; walking down these plain halls, listening to the faint screams of the patients, feel the cold stares bore into your neck. Yes, and sadly this was just a part of the job.

Today was Sunday, that meant new patients. It was pretty much just as much of an excitement each time; you never knew what you got.

I lined up with my coworkers. Again, white was the only color seen flashing through these hallways. Why white? Why didn't we choose blue or something? That was a way nicer color than white. White wasn't even a color. It was just plain and boring. How was white going to make people better? If you ask me I think it made people more insane.

The heavy doors to the mental ward opened and some nurses and doctors came walking in alongside with the new patients. This had to be the light of the day for me. It was the only time I got to see colors. The patients were dressed in their normal clothes until we made them change into the usual white uniform. It felt horrible to rip their personality away from them and blend them with the others. We took everything they owned and they were left alone with only their mind. I never understood why exactly. Their mind is their biggest fear and enemy, and we leave them alone with each other. It would kill them and make them crazier. Just like the surrounding white color.

I was greeted by a nurse with long blonde hair, which I knew from somewhere. She gave me some documents and made me sign some papers. As she smiled her forced smile to the patient for the last time, she walked off. The patient she had handed me was a woman in her middle 40s. She was put in here for schizophrenia and attacking her daughter. I read through the paper and noted everything that could be more important than other things.

"Hello Kaitlin. My name is Josh and I'm going to be your main doctor through your stay. If anything is wrong you call, and everything that goes on with you goes through me. Is that okay?" She nodded as she looked confused around the place probably wondering where she was. It was understandable seeing as she might have been another personality when she agreed to be put in here.

I followed Kaitlin to her room through the now crowded hall. Kaitlin got a single room since she could attack at any time, considering earlier. As we walked down the hall I explained her where the showers were and the phone, and everywhere else.

When we reached her room I gave her the white uniform. She willingly changed into it and gave me her old clothes. I put it in a bag with Kaitlin's name on it. I then gathered her stuff and put in a similar bag. The last thing I did before walking off was making sure she was alright with everything and making sure she understood everything perfectly. She luckily had no problems and I could walk of as she got used to the place.

I walked to the front desk and gave the lady sitting there, Kaitlin's things and received more documents about Kaitlin. This one read what medication's she was on and needed. It also read when all her therapy would take place and what group therapies she was on. I thanked her before putting the documents together with my other ones, and heading back to Kaitlin again.

As I walked down the hall I met lot of other patients who greeted me and looked at me with wide eyes. There was this one boy named Riley. He always hive fived me when we met. Riley told me that he looked at me like a big brother and was going to miss me when he went home. He was only 9, which made it even cuter. To be 9 he was extremely clever. I liked him a lot.

When I reached Kaitlin's room I saw her sitting on the bed still looking around. She seemed to be doing fine and nothing out of the usual was going on. That meant nothing but good things.

"Josh, give me a hand." I turned around to find the source of the voice. My coworker Kellin was trying to drag an unwilling patient to his room. The patient was one of the new since he was dressed in his normal clothing. Besides I had never seen him before.

I hurried over and grabbed the patients other arm and pushed him forward so he would walk. This patient was struggling a lot, but thankfully he was skinny as hell which made him easy to push. His room was luckily not a long walk.

When we all were in the room I ran to the door and closed it as fast as possible, so the other patients didn't mind him and felt like struggling too.

Kellin had sat him down on the bed and tried calming him down, something that seemed to be the hardest task off the day. 

I grabbed the folder with the documents about the boy from Kellin and started reading through it.

"Oliver Sykes, 21.

Drug abuse, smoking, alcohol problem, self-harm, suicidal (suicide attempt twice), anorexic, depressed."

As I finished reading I almost dropped the paper. Such a young age and so many problems already. Usually I never felt anything reading through their files. It's not like I didn't care, because I did. But I had to keep it professionally and make sure not to bond with any patients. If I did it would become difficult situations to handle and I might have to quit my job, and I rather not.

I looked over at Kellin. The boy was fighting hard against him. He started yelling at Kellin.

"Get lost! I'm not crazy! Let me go! You can't help anyways!" Kellin was small and fragile, I was scared he might become hurt, so I tried helping. 

"Calm down Oli, let's talk about it before we decide anything. Okay?" miraculous enough he listened and became completely silent and relaxed. Kellin just mouthed me a ' how did you do that'. I just shrugged my shoulders and focused on the boy.

"Why don't you think you need to be here?" I bent down so I was face to face to Oliver who sat on the bed. "I'm not talking before he removes his fat ass out of here." he pointed towards Kellin. I almost chased Kellin out when he didn't move at first. When he was gone the room fell silent, but the tension was completely gone.

"I did one bad thing, and next thing I know is this awful place." Oliver had an unreadable expression on his face.

"Tell me?" I looked into his gorgeous brown eyes. He just shook his head and focused on the wall behind me. There was a long pause before another word was said.

"I'm going to paint these walls with blood, white annoys me." Oliver ignored the question and looked everywhere but me.

"You stop bleeding today Oliver. No more self-harm fights or suicide attempts." He looked at me with a shocked expression. But it soon turned to an extremely scary look. He looked like he was going to rip my head off, but soon after he relaxed again.

"Only thing that stops right now is this silly talk about getting better, and suicide is never an option crap." He looked away again at the wall. I figured maybe trying to break down his walls carefully was the only way he would talk. It might be difficult to do and take very long, but that's what he needed right now.

"I got all day, and I'm not leaving before I get something out of you." I lay down on his bed and waited for his reaction. As soon as I made contact with him and came to close he shoot up from bed.

"Get out! I'm not here to be all girly and cry about all my shit in life."

He was acting scared and protective, and I figured I might as well leave. They always used to talk then.

"If you're going to be all childish about this then I can place you at the children section."

I stood up from the bed. But before anything could happen Oliver grabbed my arm. Was he ready to talk already? I turned and looked at his face. His eyes were full of emotions, but the emotion that shone through the most was fear.

Before I could say a thing, Oliver got a better grip of my arm and sliced my wrist open. It automatically started bleeding a lot. I can't said it panicked me much, I found it more calming.

Oliver smashed my wrist against the white wall and used it as a paint brush. 

"AM I STILL ACTING CHILDISH OR WHAT?" I nodded at him and earned my head smashing into the wall as well.


The door opened and Kellin and some security guards ran in. The guards grabbed Oliver and held him back as he struggled to reach me. Kellin grabbed my hand and grasped as he saw what Oliver had done. I was starting to feel slightly dizzy and had to lie down. My body slid to the floor and Kellin still held onto me. I felt myself being lifted up and carried away. Last thing I heard was Oliver's distant yell. "I'M GOING TO MISS YOU JOSH!"

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