By httpriarkle

61K 2.7K 1.3K

❝ i'm chasing roller coasters. i've got to have you closer now. endless romantic stories; you never could co... More

notice <3
v. a thanks
vi. talks
vii. news
viii. pushes and pulls
ix. nightmare and noise
x. anxious
xii. new scars
xii. hey jude
xiv. maya penelope hart
xv. pills and ramblings
xvi. pity party
xvii. what a mess
xviii. what's death like?
xix. i want to leave
xx. i never meant to hurt you
[21] Distraction Through Distance
how i wanted it to end:

xi. confessions

2.7K 136 231
By httpriarkle

"praying like
a sinner."

Within the next four hours, Shawn, Josh, Lucas, Zay, and others had finally showed. Most all of the Matthews were there, all anxious for the fate of Maya Hart.

Darkness had set outside along with the sound of thunder and pouring rain. It matched Riley's mood. Melancholy. Riley rested her head on Farkle's shoulder, almost half asleep.

"Riley," Her father's voice pulled her back to the present.

Riley lifted her head off of Farkle's shoulder, her cheeks lightly pink.


"Mom and I are taking Auggie back home. Your grandparents are going to stay with him because it looks like we're gonna be here awhile. Anything you want us to get while we're there?"

"Um, my phone and it's charger, and a few books?"

Cory nodded and joined Topanga at the door, who had a sleeping Auggie perched on her hip. Riley rested her head back on Farkle's shoulder once her family was out of sight. Riley shut her eyes, and was soon lulled off to sleep.
"Doctor Turtleneck, is my niece asleep on your shoulder?" Asked a very amused Josh Matthews.

Farkle felt his cheeks burn a bit.

"I guess so," Farkle gulped.

Josh chuckled,"So her and the cowboy are no more?"

Farkle nodded.

Josh shook his head,"I always thought she was cuter with you anyways."

Farkle chuckled,"Thanks, I think."

Josh excused himself to get some food, and Farkle rested his head on Riley's. She shifted a bit. In her sleep, her hand felt around for Farkle's. Seeing what she was doing, Farkle let her grab onto his. Because of her death grip, Farkle could only guess that she was having a nightmare.

Relaxing his hand in hers, he shut his eyes too, only to have to rip himself when he sees the one and only Isadora Smackle waltz through the door. Shakily, Farkle jumps to his feet to greet his girlfriend. She offers him a very forced smile.

"Dearest," Smackle started,"I heard about your inferior friend, and my parents believed that it would be best if I came down here to support you."

Farkle gave her a half smile.

"Thank you, Isadora. I'm sure if Maya knew you were here, she'd appreciate it."

"But she can't. That is impossible. We both know that."

"Oh, hi, Smackle," Lucas spoke up from behind Smackle."Thanks for coming."

Smackle whipped around.

"Lucas!" She hissed,"stop hitting on me! Your girlfriend's in a coma!"

Farkle watched in amusement as Lucas laughed, shaking his head and blushing.

"She's not my girlfriend," Lucas whispered quietly as Smackle took a seat next to a still-asleep Riley. She looked at the sleeping girl with a look of disgust as her body sat rigidly in the chair.

Farkle took a seat next to Isadora, glancing passed her and at Riley. Lucas took the seat next Riley. Soon, Zay appeared with a bag of chips in his hands, stuffing his face. Zay slouched down in the chair next to Lucas.

For the next hour, Cory and Topanga returned and the six teenagers paced around, waiting for the fate of their friend. Soon, the nurse appeared.

"Friends and family of Ms. Maya Penelope Hart?" The nurse asked. In union, everyone stood.

"Maya is stable enough for visitors now. One at a time please. She's still in the coma, but she can hear you."

First, went Katy. As Farkle walked past the room to the vending machine, he could hear Katy tell her baby girl that she loves her; that she wants her to wake up. Then, Farkle made eye contact with Riley as she walked in and Katy walked out.
As Riley walked into her best friend's hospital room, she held her breath. Riley almost expected to see Maya awake. But she wasn't. Her skin was paled, and her body was hooked up to machines. Riley let her breath go.

"Peaches," She breathed as the tears fell down her face.

Riley shakily walked over to Maya's bed side, grabbing her hand. Maya's hand was cold. Too cold.

"Hey," Riley breathed, tears staining her face,"Maya. Peaches. The Amazon Warrior. I know you're in there, that fighter you are. Wake up, Peaches. It's as simple as that. I want you back. Everyone does. Look, I'm so, so sorry about our fight. You said it yourself that things may get tough, and we may throw some ice cream at each other. I talked to Lucas; he's all yours. I want you happy, and if it's Lucas that makes you happy, go for it. But please just wake up. It's you and me, remember? Honey and Peaches? Thunder and lightning? Riley and Maya? Ring Power? Maya, without you I would've never unfolded my hands; I would've never fell into Lucas' lap in the subway. Without you, I'm no sunshine. I'm nothing," Riley choked out, pressing Maya's hand to her own forehead. Riley began to sob. She needed her Peaches back.

Shakily, Riley stood and walked out of the room. She couldn't look back. If she did, she'd shatter again. She had already broken enough. She was in pieces.

Still shaking, she plopped down next to Zay. He looked at her, his slightly widened.

"You okay, Cotton Candy Face?"

Riley managed a small smile at the nickname.

"Honestly?" Riley slightly laughed."No."

Zay gave her a half smile.

"Riley?" Lucas asked, making Riley year his gaze to her."Are you done in there?"

Riley nodded. Riley watched as Lucas took to his feet and walked into the room.

"I'm going to get something from the vending machine. You want anything?" Riley asked Zay and Farkle, who had recently joined the two.

"I'm good, but thanks, Sugar," Zay declined.

"Farkle?" Riley asked.

He shook his head, declining. Sighing, Riley walked to the vending machine, only to stop when she heard Lucas' voice.

"-I don't know what I'll do if you die, Maya. I don't what I'll do if I don't have you to call me Huckleberry and Ranger Rick anymore. I don't know what I'll do if I watch you lay here and die. You're The Blonde Beauty, who's strong and independent and fierce. I still remember the first thought that popped in my head when I first saw you in the subway, it was how beautiful you are. And when I almost kissed you in Texas? That's when I realized I loved you. Maya Penelope Hart, I think I love you."

Riley felt something in her break at Lucas' last words. Riley knew she was over Lucas, or, at least, she thought she was. But Lucas was the first boy she ever cared for. Maybe she would always care for him, then, of course, being one of those moments where she knew she did, but wished she didn't. Having heard enough, Riley bolted down the hall, and she turned a sharp right. Riley ran into a door. An exit door. She opened it, leading to stairs. She ran up them, hearing footsteps follow her. But she didn't care. Riley could hear the rain become more and more intense.

A clap of thunder made Riley lose her balance for a split second. But she regained herself, and was soon found on the roof in the middle of the pouring rain. She wandered out in the middle of it.

"Riley!" Yelled a voice from behind her."Why are you out here?!"

"Because, Farkle, I needed some air."

"From what?!"


Farkle approached her quickly as the rain drenched them both. A flash of lightning illuminated their pale, water stained faces.


Riley snapped away from him before answering,"I heard Lucas tell Maya that he loved her."

She felt Farkle's hand grab her.

"I thought you said you and Lucas talked, that you were over him?" Farkle's tone was gentler.

"I thought I was!" Riley exclaimed, spinning on her heels to face Farkle.

"You will love again, Riley."

"But it just doesn't feel like it. It doesn't feel like I will be loved again, Farkle!"


"You what, Farkle?"

Riley watched Farkle's jaw move, but no sound came out. Instead of answering, he grabbed Riley by the shoulders and pulled his forehead to hers. Their lips were centimeters apart. His hands traveled to her neck.

"You love me?" Riley whispered, looking deep into his blue eyes.

Riley didn't notice the rain as it numbed her body. All she needed was the heat from Farkle's body.

"I do."

"What's going on here?" Asked a voice from the doorway that belonged to the one-and-only Isadora Smackle.
A/N: toooold you
Much love, Peaches
(Please don't kill me)

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