Hidden Hearts

By 52Mila52

353K 16.4K 2.6K

*This is a fan fiction based off of C. L. Stone's Ghost Bird series. Sang Sorenson is a very perceptive girl... More

Chapter 1. The beginning
Chapter 2. She who sees everything
Chapter 3. She who says it all
Chapter 4. She who hears everything
Chapter 5. Mr. Blackbourne
AN: Just a quick explanation...
Chapter 6. Gabriel
Chapter 7. Victor
Chapter 8. Kota
Chapter 9. And so it begins... or not?
Chapter 10. She who disappeared like a ghost
Chapter 11. Back to the beginning
Chapter 13. Dead meat
Chapter 14. Group hug!
Chapter 15. Silas
Chapter 16. Storm
Chapter 17. Nathan
Chapter 18. Dogs and bitches
Chapter 19. Grumpy bear
Chapter 20. Dreams and wishes
Chapter 21. First day
Chapter 22. First day part II
Chapter 23. What one does for family
Chapter 24. Sleepover
Chapter 25. First kiss
Chapter 26. Dominatrix?
Chapter 27. Missions and Retribution
Chapter 28. Moving
Chapter 29. Toasts
Author's Note
Chapter 30. The Academy - Aware
Chapter 31. Academy - Present
Chapter 32.
Chapter 33. Fire
Chapter 34. Family
Chapter 35. Bonding
Chapter 36. Academy - Request
Chapter 37. Academy - Inside
Chapter 38. Stalker
Chapter 39. Laying down the law
Chapter 40. When truths come to light
Chapter 41. Shortie!!
Chapter 42. Girls
Chapter 43. Boot camp
Chapter 44. The end

Chapter 12. The half-naked girlfriend

9.3K 411 125
By 52Mila52

The next morning I woke up to the smell of coffee and bacon. Opening my eyes I was at first disoriented, having forgotten where I was sleeping. Then, as the smell of spice wafted in the air I remembered. Kota...

The sound of steps coming up the stairs had me tensing. Was it Kota? His mother? Should I get up now and hide?

"Sweetie? Are you awake?" Asked Kota on his smooth, gentle voice as he came into the room and smiled at me where I was still laying on his bed, my clothes from yesterday on his hands, dried and folded.

Relieved that it was just him and not an angry parent I sat up and stretched, with my eyes closed, a yawn escaping from my lips. Opening my eyes I see Kota looking at me with a strange expression on his face. I wonder what he is thinking about...

It must have been something embarrassing because he flushed beet red.

"Good morning, Kota. Thank you for letting me stay over." I said gratefully. We had been kind of friends in the past, but he had no obligation of lending me his own bed.

Smiling sweetly at me he said. "Good morning. My mother already left for work and Jessica isn't home today. I brought you your clothes, get dressed and let's go down, breakfast is ready."

My insides warmed at his thoughtfulness. Blushing a little I stood up from the bed and took the clothes from his hands putting it on the side table, then, turning back to him I put my hands on his shoulders, leaned in and kissed his cheek.

Leaning back I looked at his flushed face and an old urge came over me. I want to pinch his cheeks! Along with a new one. I wonder if he'd blush even redder if I kissed his lips. Keeping my urges firmly leashed I said "You are so kind, Kota. Thank you for taking care of me."

Smiling down at me while still blushing a little he said, "No worries. I will go down to give you some privacy."

He left the room and I grabbed the clothes and dropped them on the bed. Kota had already said that we were alone in the house and that he'd give me privacy so I didn't bother with going to the bathroom to change and started disrobing in his room.

Undoing the buttons in the shirt I let it on while undoing the ties in the pants, I let them drop to the floor bending down to grab them and put them on the bed when I heard a quiet gasp behind me. Startled I dropped the pants and came face to face with a gaping Luke. We stood frozen there for what felt like hours until the sound of Kota's voice startled us back to attention. "Are you dressed yet, Sang?" he asked from downstairs.

Blushing we both jumped, Luke turned around quickly and practically ran down the stairs, almost tripping on his usually graceful footing. I grabbed my clothes and ran to the bathroom, screaming over my shoulder. "Just a minute!"


Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! I just checked my brother's girlfriend! Or at least I think she is his girlfriend and not just a one-night stand, because if not then Kota isn't as smart as I thought. That girl is a keeper, all curves and... Stop it Luke!!

I need to go and apologize to them both. Coming down stairs I meet with a horror filled Kota. "Luke? What are you doing here? And what were you doing up there with Sang?"

"Look man, I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to... Wait! Did you say Sang?" I asked him startled.

"Yeah, yeah, that's Sang up there, now please tell me you didn't do what I think you did!" He snapped.

Gaping at him for the revelation, because I had been too busy looking at her body to look in her eyes, I smiled big and ran back upstairs, Kota shouting at me from the ground floor. "Luke! Don't you dare!"

Entering his room I saw the bathroom door was closed but that wasn't a challenge to me. Taking out my lock pick kit I quickly opened the door and hurried inside before Kota could stop me. Sang gave a startled scream when I entered, sadly she was already dressed, and I picked her up in a crushing hug. "Cupcake!"

I wanted to swing her around happily but the small bathroom wouldn't allow for that so I contented myself in burying my face on her neck and blowing a raspberry, which made her gasp and laugh. God, I had missed that laugh.

"Luke! Put me down! Are you crazy?" she exclaimed while laughing.

"Not crazy at all, Cupcake, unless it is for you." I flirted, hoping to see that blush which we were all so fond of. And there was it, covering her cheeks in a pretty pink. Smiling I let her go and grabbing her hand dragged her back downstairs where an exasperated Kota awaited.

Looking in his eyes I silently asked him if his exasperation was because he would have to share Sang now or because I had seen her half-naked.

Understanding the question in my eyes and the smirk in my face he sent me glare that promised I would have hours later.

Shrugging, because seeing Sang had been worth it, I kept dragging her until we reached the kitchen.

Pulling out her chair for her to sit I sat to her right and Kota to her left.

"So, where have you been Cupcake?" I asked her quietly. The shadows in her eyes hadn't slipped my notice. The sweet girl who saved us was still in need of saving.

Pausing with her fork in the air she lowered it to her plate and turned serious eyes to me and Kota.

"I know you boys need to know about what happened, and I will tell you so we can get this matter out of the way but I don't want to keep repeating this story. It is my wish to put the past behind and move on, so I would like to ask you guys to update the others when you can. Okay?"

We both nodded our agreement and listened quietly while Sang recounted what had happened with her these past six years.

It was bad, and by the time she was done both me and Kota were struggling to contain our feelings.

Looking in his eyes I could see in them that he felt the same way as me: rage at her parents, for sending her to a place they must have known was bad, and at the injustices going on in that school and the vicinity; sadness at all that she had to go through practically alone; amazement at her strength; and last, but not less important, extreme annoyance with the good doctor for not having warned them of her presence sooner than this.

After they dealt with her parents, because they needed punishing, Dr. Roberts would pay for this. Luke Taylor was a very vindictive guy... checking with Kota he saw that he had permission to do his worst. Mentally rubbing his hands he thought, My, my, this is gonna be interesting...

Trying to calm down I did what I always do in bad situations. I focused in the good parts and tried to joke.

"So, you caused a nationwide scandal which led to investigations and arrests throughout the country, Cupcake! You are my HEROINE and I want to be like you when I grow up!" I told her smiling, earning a giggle in response.

"Oh, does that mean that you will wear my skirts then, Luke?" She teased.

Smiling at her I couldn't help but notice how pretty she was when she smiled. There were no shadows in her eyes then and I promised myself to make her smile lots and lots.

Kota, sitting beside her, relaxed at the sound of her happiness and turned admiring eyes at the unsuspecting girl. Hummm... The Boss is already half in love with Sang... wonder who else will fall for her from our group...

Looking at the tiny girl sitting between him and his brother he saw a young woman who had a heart of gold, a sweet nature, and a will made of steel, as resilient as the metal that while it melts in the fire it always returns to its original shape. It would be very easy to love her... the fact that she is incredibly beautiful even while wearing drab clothing don't help... but it would drive Gabe crazy!


Pulling myself out of my daydream about Sang, I am becoming a Luke... I turned to her and asked what she wanted to do now. We had already cleaned up the breakfast table and had the whole day free of Academy business to spend with her. Unless there was an emergency, of course... please, let there be no emergency!

"Huuummm... I am not sure. What are our options?" She asked nervously, raising her finger to her lips.

Luke who was by her side brightened up at this and I got a bad feeling that he would get up to no good and take Sang with him. The rest of the guys were busy with missions today or I would suggest we meet with them, but for now it would be just the three of us. We needed a distraction before Luke snapped.

Grabbing her hand from her lips before I was tempted to kiss them I asked her.

"Have you already considered what you want to do with your life from here on? You are free to do whatever you want now and our team and the academy will help you however we can." I told her seriously while squeezing her hand in a show of support.

At the shift in conversation Luke turned serious and took her other hand. It was good that he was here today, from all his brothers Luke was the best one in diffusing tense situations as well as daydreaming of a good future. It was Kota's job to find the best way to make these dreams come true.

They would help her get her life on the road. It was the least they could do. And it would allow for them to spend more time with her...

Looking from me to Luke with a thoughtful expression she pulled us both to the living room where we all sat in the couch.

"You see... the problem is, I don't really know what I want." She told us sadly.

Trying to understand her dilemma so he could fix it, he asked. "What are your interests?"

"That is the root of the problem, I have a lot of crazy interest that don't connect and I am incapable of choosing just one to study or work at." She said, her voice gaining strength with her frustration with herself. "I love music, especially the process of composing new songs and starting new bands, I waste a lot of time during my day searching for little know bands that have great music. I love seeing they grow and acquire success. I also have an interest for learning about different cultures and their languages. I have made a study of Greek culture, as well as the Maya culture and use of cocoa, and other highly interesting civilizations with their different eating habits, languages and customs ... Oh my God, I'm not sure, really," she said. "There's so many choices. I don't know if I want to devote my life to only one. It all sounds good." She was rambling. "I like everything, I want everything, maybe not fully. I just want a touch."

Of course her saying that she wants a touch makes my mind go down the gutter...

"What do I do Kota?" her question snaps me out of my unruly mind and I feel my cheeks warming. On her other side Luke starts laughing quietly, no doubt guessing what had just happened while Sang observed us with confusion written on her face. She is so innocent about some things... we need to be careful about how we act around her.

"How about we make a list of your interests? We might be able to think of something. Besides, there is always the possibility that you might get everything you want, I don't see why you should limit yourself."

Seeing her nod in agreement I went to fetch paper and a pen and we began noting all the things she wanted to do with her life. By the time we were done it looked like this:

® Anthropology; (Definition: the science that deals with the origins, physical and cultural development, biological characteristics, and social customs and beliefs of humankind).

® Healthy and varied cuisine;

® Musical composition and promoting new bands;

® Science and chemistry;

® Sports.

Once we had summed up everything we started discussing how she could go about deepening her studies and who could better help her:

® Anthropology – Mr. Blackbourne, in special since he was a teacher at the local university, and Sean, Gabriel and Nathan for the study of different languages;

® Healthy and varied cuisine – Luke and Sean, but if she really wants to learn about health and nutrition she could study to be a nutritionist as a profession;

® Musical composition and promoting new bands – Victor and Gabriel already owned a studio and could use the help;

® Science and chemistry – Kota and Gabriel because they were taking courses in the local university about these subjects;

® Sports – Kota and Nathan.

"Here sweetie. These are just some suggestions that I could come up with right now, but if you think of something else just tell me and we will see how to go about it." I said, handing her the paper.

"Thank you, Kota." She said and hugged me tightly, her warm, tiny body fitting perfectly in my arms.

Letting me go she turned around and hugged Luke "And you too, Luke. I swear I don't know what I would do without you both."

Watching her interact with his brother he thought about how she had been the reason that brought their team together so many years ago with her cleverness, sweet disposition and open affection. Is it a coincidence that she comes back when we most need her once again or is it fate? He wasn't usually one to have such notions, those were more Luke's thing, but Sang was magical like that and put fanciful thoughts in his mind, including ones he wasn't sure he wanted to acknowledge... he thought, observing how his usually devil-may-care brother became all responsible with her.

Just then my phone rang. Oh no...


The ringing of his phone warned Owen of an incoming call. Looking up from the news in the newspaper about that boarding school that had been closed for severe abuse which he had been reading intently he checked that the caller was Dr. Phillip Roberts, from the Academy.

"Hello, Dr. Roberts. To what do I own the pleasure of your call?" He said formally.

"Owen, will you please just call me Phil? You make me sound old." Came the voice from the other side of the line. He sounded tired. He'd been like this since losing his wife a while back. Hearing he call me by my first name almost made me flinch. His own team and most academy members called him Mr. Blackbourne, which he preferred. Only Phil and Sean insisted in calling him Owen, which never failed to remind him of the other three people who also had called him by his first name: his father, his mother and Sang.

"How is it going, doc?" That was the best he could do.

"All is well. I'm calling you to bring some news you've been waiting for a long time now." Said Phil, sounding suddenly livelier than he had in quite a while.

"I am all ears, doc." I told him with growing curiosity, thought I knew that my voice was completely emotionless.

"We've found your bird, Owen. Or rather, she found us." He said with obvious pride in his voice.

It took him just a second to understand what the old man was telling him, and when he did the revelation hit him with the strength of truck. He doubled over, his cellphone falling to the ground, the sound of Robert's voice filtering through the speakers faintly. "Owen...are you there? Owen?"

He didn't hear him, the only sound being that of an irritating buzzing in his hears, his heart was racing madly and sweat was beading his forehead.

It had been many years since his last panic attack, he'd learnt how to control himself after his mother died. But the mere suggestion that Sand was back had him losing all control.

Taking deep breaths he manage to calm himself and grabbed his phone, standing back up he walked the short distance to his bed in his hotel room, with weakened knees, and sat down.

"I'm here Phillip. I apologize for my momentary lack of response." I say to him, my voice sounding a little strangled.

"It's okay, Owen. I'm sure that the news were a shock. Even I was struck mute when she appeared in the hospital." He answered kindly. However, his words almost caused a heart attack.

"Hospital?" I managed to ask.

"THE OFFICE! SHE CAME TO THE OFFICE!" He shouted, able to understand Owen's distress.

Breathing I sigh in relief he questioned. "She is fine, then?"

"Yes, yes. I even conducted all the tests. She is in good health physically."

Hearing the unspoken comment he asked, "And emotionally?" while holding his breath.

"She's very stressed, Owen. I've sent you a report of where she's been and what has happened the past six years. I'm sure you will want to know and she don't wishes to keep repeating the same history. She only want to push back the past and go on with her future."

Hearing this he felt the ball of dread that had been forming on his belly tightened. What had happened with her? And how much of the past did she want to forget? Did she not want them anymore? Did she hate him for not protecting her?

Deciding to try and find the answers to some of those questions he headed for his laptop to read said report while asking "Did she ask about us?" He'd managed to hide all emotion from his voice while asking that but his heart was still racing in his chest.

"Well, no, since I mentioned you guys first thing, knowing how important she is for you all, but she did say that she missed you lot and wished to meet you again."

The relief those words bought were stunning. She wants to see us...she missed us...

With renewed determination he decided to cut his trip short and go back home that same day.

Now that he was thinking clearly, however, something else occurred to him.

"How long, exactly, has she been back, Dr. Roberts?" He asked with the cutting precision of a sharp blade.

Obviously the threat in his voice didn't go by unnoticed "Eeerr... a couple of... days... maybe?"

Two days...two whole days... after six years you would think that two days meant nothing, but if you said that to Owen Blackbourne right now he'd kill you with just a look.

"Later we will have a conversation about priorities, Dr. Roberts." He declared before hanging up and focusing his attention on the laptop. He would send the report to Sean before he started reading it, and let him about his change of plans and the need to warn the boys.


After they were done talking about her options Kota's cellphone rang and he and Luke had to go, leaving her in Luke's house, since she didn't want to stay in an empty house. Uncle was at the dinner working, but North, Luke's stepbrother was supposed to be home somewhere.

She was bored... so bored... she'd tried to watch Tv first, then read a book, listen to some music. But nothing seemed to keep her attention, she needed movement. She needed to find something safer for her to do, and fast because she was getting dangerously bored.

Walking into the garage probably wasn't a good idea, but she went, and there she found something to occupy her time. Hummm, that book about Car Engines had been very interesting... I wonder if I can take a look at that black Jeep...

AN: I was going to follow the original books timeline for Sang meeting with the boys, but you know Luke. The silent, sneaky ninja totally messed with my plans... poor Victor didn't get to tackle her today, but he will have his chance another day... or maybe not. ;)

Also, it will be a while before I update again. Have a lot going on with university and such... so here is a little teaser of what comes next:



My, my... seems like little bro can speak after all, and in English too...



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