Nothing but dreams ( A Dramio...

By MoonlightRose1992

246K 7K 2.3K

She keeps telling herself that she hates him with every fiber in her body. But when she starts to lose her fo... More

Nothing but dreams ( A Dramione Fanfiction)
Revealing the Head Boy
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter 11
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty

Chapter Ten

10.7K 348 68
By MoonlightRose1992

Many thanks to everyone who is reading Nothing But Dreams.
I still can't believe this story managed to get over 1,000 reads, it's so surreal. But still very much appreciated.

Of course thank you WisteriaMoon for beta'ing this chapter.

Before you continue reading this chapter I have to say a few things to refresh the storyline.
Sometimes Draco seems to be OOC but keep in mind that Dream Draco and real Draco are total opposites at this point. 

Hermione is confused about everything because she doesn't know what is happening to her. she still doesn't know about the potion.

This chapter contains a M-rated scene. 

˜ Chapter Ten ˜

It was a cold autumn night. The rain was tapping violently against the window frames.

It didn't take long before the Quidditch field and the paths to the castle were turned into puddles of mud.

Students were rushing to be inside, wrapping their cloaks firmly around them. Some of them were holding a book above their heads as they tried to find shelter from the inclement weather.

Only one person didn't seem to mind the cold, since the fire was protecting her from it.

She was staring into the flames, her body tingling with expectation. Without even thinking about it she reached out her hand, wondering what would happen if she let the fire consume her.

A wicked smile graced her lips.

'Consume me ?' She thought, pondering over the meaning of the word. ' What would that be like? Would I lose control?'

Maybe a change was good, maybe she needed it ... a change.

And as quickly she formed the thought in her head, she disposed it.

She was acting absurd.

What are you doing ?"

Her entire body tensed.

How could just a voice have this kind of effect on her ?

Ignoring me, I see." She could hear his smirk seeping through his words. She imagined how he would be standing behind her. His arms crossed against his chest as

he leaned against the nearest brick wall. His grey eyes fixed on her even though he knew she couldn't see him, he knew she felt it.

I know who you are."

Her words lingered in the air. And she waited, waited for him to respond. But when the silence lasted for what seemed like an eternity, she thought he was gone.

Slowly she turned around, expecting to see nothing but emptiness.

She was wrong.

She could feel her heart beating rapidly against her chest and she was vaguely aware that her mouth had become dry.

"Don't act so surprised. You already know who I am."

"You can't blame me for hoping that I would be wrong, Malfoy." Hermione whispered, studying him closely.

Draco shook his head, his smile never left his lips as he walked towards her.

"I told you that you weren't ready for the truth."

Hermione snorted a little, her bright brown eyes never leaving his grey ones, " And what kind of truth would that be ?"

He waited for a moment, kneeling in front of her before he spoke,"That you want me, Granger."

She was baffled. There was no other word to describe how she felt at that moment. How did he dare to be so arrogant.

And even though she knew he was wrong, she couldn't look at him; his stare was too intimidating.


"I am only telling the truth."

"No. You are not. You are assuming things, just to boost your arrogant ego." Hermione struggled to keep her voice normal and he knew it.

"Admit it Granger. It would make your life so much easier." Draco teased, his fingers caressing her cheek. " I am your deepest desire."

With one swift movement Hermione slapped away his hand, "Stop saying those things! I don't want you! In fact, the only thing that I want is for you to leave."

"Bullocks !"

She could feel her skin turning into a deep shade of red as anger took over. "How dare you ..."

Draco didn't wait for her to finish her sentence as he stood up and spoke, "Stand up."

"What ?"

Stand up."

When she still didn't move, he lifted her from her seat; ignoring her protests along the way.

"Why are you doing this ?" Hermione asked. She felt her knees trembling as she noticed how his eyes turned darker until they resembled the colour of the night.

"I want to prove my point."

Enough Malfoy! Stop these charades. This isn't you. This isn't even realistic, it's all just a dream."

Draco shook his head; never losing his patience, "You never took the time to meet the real me."

That short sentence, those words, held so much emotions in them that it almost felt real. Hermione looked at him, not really knowing what to expect.

Was it true? Had she been so clouded by her earlier judgement of him that she couldn't see past all of his mistakes? Had he changed?

Was he just as vulnerable and hurt as she was after the war?

He did seem to be a changed man ... Maybe...


This time it was Hermione's turn to shake her head, " This is wrong ! These feelings I have ... It needs to stop !"

"It can't stop until you finally give in."

"I can't ! Don't you understand? You are Draco Malfoy. You are the person I have to hate ... it doesn't make sense ..."

Hermione couldn't speak anymore as Draco pressed his soft lips against hers; preventing her to say something she might regret later on.

At first the kiss was gentle, as his hands were tangled in her brown hair. Hermione surprised herself as her own hands slid under his white buttoned shirt.

A sudden urge rushed through her and no matter how hard she tried to fight it, she couldn't stop it anymore.

She wanted Draco in ways she couldn't explain. She needed to feel his bare skin on hers, she wanted to feel his arms wrapped securely around her.

Their kiss quickly intensified as her lips moved against his slowly.

Hermione didn't notice that Draco had lifted her up and had carried her to his bedroom until she felt the satin sheets underneath her body.

"Malfoy." She whispered softly.

He smiled at her, accepting the fact that she wasn't ready to use his first name, "Don't speak."

Draco didn't waste any more time and set himself to work on the buttons of her white shirt. As he unbuttoned the shirt, he laid soft kisses on the newly exposed skin

of her chest. He gently lowered it off her arms, throwing it carelessly on the ground.

Hermione watched his eyes intently, finding herself blushing because of the way he was looking at her.

"Red is a beautiful colour on you." He teased before he lowered his head to the crook of her neck.

As she felt his soft lips on her bare skin she let out a moan in approval, her fingers running through the hairs at the nape of his neck.

Draco's hands made their way to her bare back, unclasping her black bra before slowly pushing the straps of it down her arms and tossing it onto the floor.

Hermione felt vulnerable, exposed and without thinking about it, she started searching for something to cover herself. Something that would make her disappear.

"Hermione, look at me." His voice was soothing as he spoke to her. "You are beautiful."

She waited for a moment, trying to ignore the lump in her throat. No one had ever said those words directly to her.

"You are so different." She was smiling as their lips re-connected. As they continued to kiss, Hermione started to let her hands move towards the white shirt Draco was still wearing.

She tore her lips away from his and started to unbutton it, leaving soft kisses on his bare chest.

After she had tossed his shirt aside, her hands moved lower until she reached the waistband of his grey trousers.

Hermione unbuckled his belt, pushing his trousers down his legs until his boxers were fully exposed to her.

"Green and Silver," She grinned, " Very original."

Draco laughed a little but didn't respond as his hands started to remove her skirt, kissing her hip bones along the way.

Without thinking about it Hermione lifted the lower half of her body, allowing him to slide her pleated skirt down her legs and ankles.

"How is it that I never saw before how beautiful you are ?" Draco questioned himself as he looked at her. Her brown curls sprawled over his pillow, her cheeks red from blushing.

He slowly removed his boxers, landing on the ground with a soft thud. After that he hooked his fingers around the waistband of her underwear, sliding it down her legs.

There was no turning back now.

He lowered his head once again, his lips on her collarbone, following a path down the valley of her breasts.

"Are you ready ?"

Hermione nodded, biting her lips nervously for what was about to come.

His hands found hers and he laced their fingers together, it was his way to try to calm her down, reassure her that everything would be okay.

Brown eyes met grey ones as they gazed at each other while he positioned himself at her entrance, gently guiding himself inside of her.

His thrusts started out slow, their kisses more passionate.

She allowed herself to wrap her legs around his hips and let go of his hands as his lips started to trail a path down her collarbone.

The sensation, the feelings ... it was so overwhelming.

Hermione let out a low moan, her hands grabbing the sheets beneath her, her grip tightening.

Draco's thrusts became faster, more frantic.

"Kiss me."

And he obeyed instantly, his lips moving lazily against hers, swallowing each other's moans. Draco continued thrusting into her and she lifted her hips off the bed to meet his every thrust.

She could feel her legs tightening around him and she knew that she was close.

She closed her eyes, savouring the moment as she moaned loudly, her walls tightening around him.

Hermione wrapped her arms around Draco's neck, her fingers ran through his sweat – soaked hair.

He was still kissing every piece of her body as she was still moving against him. It didn't take long before her erratic thrusts brought him to his own release.

They laid there for a while. His head resting against her bare chest as she softly stroke his hair.

Their breathing slowly turned back to normal.

Hermione ?" Draco asked with a hoarse voice, lifting himself on his elbows so that he could look at her properly. " Are you okay ?"

Hermione smiled at him, " I am perfectly fine."

He kissed her lips once again, noticing that her eyes never left him as he lay down beside her.

"What ?" He chuckled.

"You are so different from the Draco I know. You are sensitive and caring. I don't really want to wake up knowing that it was all a dream."

Wake up and get to know me ... the real me that is. You will see that I'm not so bad after all. You just need to open your eyes."

And then it was all gone.

Hermione slowly opened her eyes, taking in her surroundings. With a loud sigh, she realised that she was still in the common room. She had fallen asleep on the couch.

She slowly lifted her head, seeing that a pair of grey eyes were staring right back at her.

With a yelp, she launched herself further into the couch. "Malfoy !"

"Did you sleep well, Granger?" He purred, looking at her shocked expression.

"How long have you been sitting there?"

Draco shrugged a little, his grin never leaving his lips, "Long enough to hear you moan in pleasure. That must have been quite an interesting dream."

Hermione could feel herself blushing, "That is none of your business."

"Never knew you had it in you, Granger."

"Stop it !"

"Who was the bloke you were dreaming about? I bet it was that Weasel."

Hermione stood up, she needed to get out of this room.

"No ? Well then it must have been Potterhead."

She made her way to her own room, still ignoring everything Draco was saying.

"Have pleasant dreams, Granger." Draco called after her, still laughing loudly, before she closed the door behind her.

How could she face him now? How could she look at him without imagining his bare chest against hers? His lips against her skin?

Hermione buried her head into her pillow.

When had everything gotten so complicated?

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