Not Just Another Cinderella S...

By 11firegirl11

49.9K 2K 133

In all the love stories, there is a broken girl, someone who's afraid to fall in love. In all the love storie... More

Not Just Another Cinderella Story
1. Manchester
2. Spoiled Bitches
3. Mysterious Numbers
4. Now, She's Gone.
5. Furniture and Frappuccino's
6. Tweet and Trends
7. Meet and Greet
8. Sassmaster Out!
9. Tumbling Through Tumblr
10. Kisses and Hotel Rooms
11. Into The Crowd
12. Meet The Boys
13. It's Not That Easy
14. Green Monsters
15. Missing You
16. Find Me
17. Not-So-Little Cupcakes
18. LaBoom
19. Friends
21. All Good Things
22. First Dates
23. Key to my Heart
24. Now or Never
25. Christmas Eve
26. Tricks up Her Sleeve
27. Drunk Admittance
28. Guess Who's Back
29. Epilogue
One Shots (2)

20. Always.

1.1K 53 5
By 11firegirl11


"So it's 9:30 here in Sydney, and I am very, very tired," Chelsea mumbled sleepily to a camera. "And today, we're going to meet a few people, not gonna tell you who yet. I'm wearing this," she panned down with her camera quickly, "and now, I've got to get going!" She placed her camera in her bag, poured some dog food into a bowl for LaBoom, and waited for him to finish eating. Then she clipped his collar on, as he started whining excitedly after being cooped up in the hotel room.

"Ready to go film people?" she asked. I was definitely ready, filming people was always fun. Right?

We made our way back to the same beach we were at last evening, where Chelsea boldly walked up to a few girls, tapping one on the shoulder. They turned around, smiling at Chelsea, then looking surprised to see me.

"Um... hi, can I help you?" one of them asked politely.

"Yes, actually, could you read this for me?" Chelsea said, pointing the camera at them.

"I walked down to the beach yesterday, caught a couple of waves." She stopped, looking back up at the camera. "That's it?"

"Yeah, it's for a YouTube video. You don't mind right?"

"I don't mind." She looked down nervously for a second, before pulling out her phone. "Um, could I get a picture with you guys?" she questioned? I nodded and Chelsea and I stood on either side of her as she stuck her arms out in front, turning the camera to face her, and a faint click sounded followed by a blinding flash. The girl looked at it, smiling, before mumbling a thanks and turning back to her group of friends. Chelsea made her way around to a few more people, asking questions.

"Are you a fan of vegemite?"

"Have you ever seen a kangaroo in real life? What about a koala? A dingo?"

"Have you ever wrestled a crocodile?"

"Are there any dangerous animals people should worry about? Are animal bites a common way to die?" Most of the answers we got were over-done and sarcastic for the camera, making the whole thing quite funny. We also got a few more pictures with people. Finally, around noon, we headed to a small diner that was practically empty except for the four boys sitting in one corner, looking over a menu.

"Anyways, I said I'd be meeting someone today, so here we go!" Chelsea pointed her camera towards Ashton, who was still unaware she was there.

"Hey man," I said, sitting down on one side of the booth. LaBoom hopped up on my lap, unaware of how heavy he was yet. He looked at me first, but then Chelsea's camera caught his eye. He furrowed his eyebrows for a second before smiling, and waving. Chelsea laughed, putting it down.

"Hi, I'm Chelsea," she greeted politely, sticking her hand out.

"I'm Ashton, this is Calum, Michael, and Luke. Get off your phone Luke," he said, snatching it away. Luke punched his shoulder before smiling at Chelsea, introducing himself again.

"So, you mind me asking about the camera?" Ashton said, looking at it suspiciously.

"Um, I'd rather you not ask. You don't mind being featured in a YouTube video though, right?" she said questioningly.

"Oh man, that's going on YouTube? Cool," Calum mumbled, picking it up and making weird faces. Michael joined him, until they were both just laughing, the camera long forgotten. Chelsea laughed, turning it off and putting it away.

"So I heard you guys are coming out with a new album?" Chelsea asked, with a cute inquiring look.

"Yeah, in a week or so," Luke said proudly.

"Ugh, I can't wait. But at least you guys announced it closer to the release date, unlike someone..." Chelsea turned to look accusingly at me. I put my hands up in defense.

"Hey, we never actually announced it," I said, poking her nose. She scoffed.

"Close enough, we all know it's coming, and you said it would be out before Christmas." She poked her tongue out at me.

"Okay, okay, that' enough lovebirds," Ashton joked. "Now, let's get something to eat."


"I'm too tired," Ashton mumbled into Chelsea's head. Somehow, he had managed to convince her to piggyback him to where his cab was waiting, and somehow she managed to even though he was a good bit taller.

"I know you're tired, that's why you're going home now," she said, dropping him into the front seat of a taxi.

"Wait, give me your number," he said, pulling out his phone. She quickly entered her number, handing it back, as I tried to suppress my jealousy. "Bye!" He grinned as the cab pulled away. Chelsea stood up, arching her back and moaning dramatically.

"My back... Save me..." She started to fall as I stretched my arms out, literally sweeping her off her feet. "Will you carry me now?" she asked, pouting. I grinned, unable to resist her.

"Come, my lovely lady," I said, as we made our way to our own cab. When we arrived at our hotel, I carried her up the elevator, before ungracefully tripping and dropping her on the ground.

"Ow," she mumbled, sitting up and rubbing her head. "I hit my head." She glowered at me, until she couldn't hold the face anymore and started to laugh. I laughed too, partially at my own clumsiness and partially at the fact that she was laughing.

"Are you okay though?" I finally asked, when we made it to our hotel room.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She disappeared into the washroom, coming out wearing a pair of shorts and one of my t-shirts. "I think I'm going to go to bed now, get an early night in," she said, snuggling in under the covers. I joined her like I usually did, holding her close and moving her around until it felt perfect. I looked down at Chelsea; she was already asleep, her breath tickled my neck once in a while. She stirred lightly, moving her hand down to my waist and draping one of her legs over mine. I smiled slightly, as every little thing she did made me fall deeper in love with her.

I didn't think I was falling in love, I didn't doubt I was falling in love. I was completely in love, in less than two months. Was that dangerous? Who was to say she wouldn't pack her bags and leave one day? But who could blame me? Her smile was so bright, and so contagious. She was always so happy, always having a positive outlook on life. She held so many strong opinions, yet never put down others. There was always something to talk about, whether it was something that happened a few days ago or stupid philosophical questions like the meaning of life. If she left, I'd be done for, and I knew it. I was scared, so scared, that she'd realize what I mess I was, and that I couldn't be fixed. She'd realize that, and leave. No one could 'put up' with someone forever.

"Harry? Are you okay?" Chelsea suddenly mumbled. She reached her hand up and wiped a few tears off my cheeks, making me realize I was crying.

"Yeah." But I wasn't. I was terrified.

"No, Harry. You're shaking." She grabbed my hands in her own. Even though mine were so much larger, she seemed so strong, like she could keep me safe. But from who? Herself? "Please, tell me what's wrong," she begged, her voice cracking

"Don't leave me," I mumbled, trying to bring her even closer.

"I won't."

"But how do you know? How do you know that?" I said, my voice getting louder as I panicked. "How do you know you won't meet someone, someone without problems, like... like Niall, or Ashton? How do you know that?" I had wrenched my hands from her grasp, and started pacing around our hotel room. I was unaware of LaBoom whining and circling my feet until I almost tripped over him. Chelsea scrambled up after me, trying to calm me down as my breathing got shallower. It was as if there wasn't enough air in the hotel room for me to breathe. I could feel myself shaking, as the room suddenly became cold. Chelsea's voice slowly faded, until it was just me. She left. She left. Someone grabbed onto my arm and I pushed them away, cradling my head in my hands as I tried to breathe. My lungs had stopped working, or at least it felt like it.

"Harry," someone said soothingly, as I felt warm air hit me. "Sit down." There was nothing else to do, so I did as they said, and crouched down in a little ball, as that person's hand ran soothingly up and down my back. "Breathe, Harry." Chelsea. It was Chelsea? But she left. She must've, after seeing how bad I was.

"Chelsea." Once I saw her, and was assured it was her, I clung onto her like a baby koala to its mum. She couldn't leave again.

"Harry, it's okay. Just breathe, nice and easy. In and out, okay? I'm here. And I'm not going anywhere." One of her hands ran up and down my back, the other was wrapped around my shoulders. Slowly, I did as she told me to, and everything gradually became clearer. I saw Chelsea kneeling in front of me, looking surprisingly calm in the situation we were in. I was crouched down in a corner on the balcony, where there was, thankfully, no way for outsiders to peer in.

"What... What's wrong with me?" I cried, clutching Chelsea even tighter.

"Harry, listen to me, there is absolutely nothing wrong with you. Nothing, you hear me?"


"I think you had a panic attack, Harry. A lot of people get them, it's not just you. If you met someone who had panic attacks, would you think they were crazy?"

"No... But-"

"No buts. You're the same. There's nothing wrong with you." She kissed me gently, reassuring me. "I'm not going anywhere for a long, long time, Harry. No one can predict the future, but I know I'll be here for as long as you need me."

"What if I'll always need you?"

"Then I'll always be here for you." There was no falter, no second guessing. She was straight to the point, she didn't say she'd be with me, she stated it. "Now come on, let's get you inside." I shakily stood, making my way over to the washroom where she turned on warm water, and helped my take my shirt off. "Go shower, I'll be right here if you need me." I stepped into the stream of warmness, feeling it wash away my worries.

"Louis?" Louis? Why was she calling him? "Yeah, I'm doing fine. Oh. Louis, I... I thought you should know. Well, Harry just had a panic attack. It wasn't anything serious, but he's pretty shaken up. Yeah, he's in the shower right now. Yeah. Yeah. I think that'd be a good idea. Great. I'll text you when we're back, yeah? Okay. Love you too." I heard a light chuckle as she hung up. I quickly stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around my waist.

"Why did you call Louis?" I said sharply as soon as I got out. She looked shocked for a second, before sighing.

"Because, as much as you two both don't want to admit it, you're still friends. Best friends, even. You two still care about each other, and you're both either too scared, too wimpy, or both, to fix your friendship. He deserves to know, Harry." I sighed, realizing she was right.

"Sorry for snapping." She ran her hands through my wet hair, making water droplets fly onto her lap.

"It's fine. But you and Louis are going to meet up once we get back to London, there's no way out of this Harry."

"And Louis... he agreed?"

"He doesn't actually know yet," Chelsea admitted sheepishly. "He may or may not think he's meeting up with me while you're out getting groceries." I groaned loudly.

"What if he doesn't want to see me?"

"Then too bad for him, cause he's gonna have to." I sighed at her devious plan, shaking my head even though I was grateful. I missed Louis and his presence in my life. We had been together for months while we were on tour, and even though having the same five people around could get annoying, it still felt odd not to see him every day.

Chelsea entered from the washroom, her hair in a loose braid and wearing a pair of pyjama shorts and a yellow, flowy tank top. It was short enough to expose a thin sliver of skin around her stomach which was quite tempting. She sat down on the bed beside me, resting her hands on my shoulders, gently massaging them. I hadn't realized how much tension I was carrying around until it was gone, replaced by her soothing fingers working out any remaining knots. She was partially there with me, while another part of her mind drifted away to other thoughts. A thin strand of silky straight hair escaped from her braid, gently moving with each breath she breathed out. Absentmindedly, I played with it, turning my shoulders around square to hers. I gently traced a hand over her jaw line, rested behind her ear where I had tucked the strand of hair.

With a sudden burst of passion I didn't know she had, she grabbed my shoulders and brought me closer, crushing her lips to mine. My hands seemed to move of their own accord, one settling on her thigh and the other on her waist. Her skin was warm and soft, and I could feel the translucent baby hairs if I brushed over them gently. I brought my forearm up to her back, supporting her as I laid her down gently on the bed. She started unbuttoning my shirt with surprisingly nimble fingers, until it was off. Breaking apart for a second, I flung it to the foot of the bed, where it balanced for a second before sliding off. I turned my attention back to Chelsea, leaning down again. Her hands trailed up and down my stomach, occasionally making their way up to my back. It wasn't until her hand drifted down to my belt buckle did I realize how far we had gone.

"Wait, wait," I said, slightly out of breath. Chelsea looked at me worriedly.

"What's wrong?" Though she didn't voice it, I saw the insecurity in her eyes.

"Nothing, nothing. But our first time isn't going to be on a hotel bed, and we won't be stressed about what's happening tomorrow either." She rolled her bottom lip into her mouth, before setting it free. I noticed acutely that I had no shirt on when her eyes flickered down to my chest. I tried to subtly cross my arms, but Chelsea must've noticed since she crawled over, pulling them away.

"Don't. You are the most handsome, sexy person I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. But more than that, you are beautiful. Inside and out. It hurts when you're not as confident in yourself as I am." I saw tears rim her eyes, and I was sure mine were the same. She pushed my hair back, removing any stray strands from my eyes, and pulled me down to the bed. She pulled the covers back up over the two of us as she moved closer to me.


"No. No one's perfect to everyone, but everyone is perfect to someone. And I'm that someone, along with hundreds of other people out there."

"But-" As she interrupted again, I shushed her. "But I'm not like... other guys. Like Dylan. They're all so... strong. And manly. And I'm tall, and lanky, and clumsy, and awkward. And my hair's funny, and my feet are too big."

"No, shut up Harry. You're perfect. If you were a tall, dark, seductive hulk of a man with a buzz cut and arms thicker than pythons, with an eight-pack, I would never have cast a second look at you. I love how you can go from clumsy and cute in one minute, to sweet and charming the next, and then to a sexy god just as fast. I love your hair, I love your dry sense of humor sometimes, your ability to be silly and not care what others thing. I love how you're tall, it makes me feel safe. Your hair is perfect, I would kill to have curly hair. I love how you are always polite, and how you genuinely love your fans, and how fame hasn't gotten to your head. I love how you deal with things with maturity, you know how to keep the right things private, you can be the bigger person and look past things." She took a deep, shaky breath, looking me straight in the eye. "And I love you. I love you, Harry."

Oh my gosh, I almost cried writing this. Hopefully you guys almost cried too... And I hope you enjoyed it! If you did, please vote and comment. LaBoom is looking at you from the side.

I just heard the song In Case by Demi Lovato today. I linked it on the side in case you haven't heard it yet... it's amazing! Especially at the chorus, it's so powerful... Oh my gosh I almost cried.  asdfghjkl.

Next update will be on Friday, August 9th.

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