Watch out for the Wendigo (Bo...

By tanakas_shaved_head

4.4K 230 87

> This story is a Supernatural Imagine! It's about Y/N, a girl who is dragged into a world, sometimes known a... More

The Woods
The Winchesters
So Be It
The Not So Great Camping Trip p. 1
The Not So Great Camping Trip p.2
The Not So Great Camping Trip p. 3
The Hospital
Author Note
The Dark Side
The Gates of Hell

Break Out

97 8 0
By tanakas_shaved_head

Sorry if I have grammar errors. It's sort of not edited.

Previously on Supernatural fan fiction: "Dean, please! Get me out of here!" You cry.

Dean looks down and then back up. "You know I can't, Y/N. You need to get the demon blood out of your system." He says calmly. You sniff and bring your hand up to your head. "Please...I hear them, Dean! I hear the screams of people! Over an over again! And I can do nothing to stop it! Please, let ME OUT!" You scream. Burning tears sting your face.

"No, you must sta-" Dean starts to say, but your anger takes over. You clench your fists and let out this growl/scream. All the objects around you fly outwards and hit the walls and the door. A loud crash echoed throughout the house. Dean's eyes widens. He quickly shuts the little window on the door.

"No! No...don't leave me." You whisper to yourself. "SAM! DEAN! BOBBY-CASTIEL ANYONE! HELP ME!"
Y/N's POV:
Day after day you sit on the little bed. Hallucination after hallucination you stay in the little room. Scream after scream your voice gets quieter. Until one day, you scream no more. Instead, you look up to see Dean opening the door to the panic room. He walks over to you and unlocks the handcuffs. But instead of saying something to you, he puts a finger to his lips.

Quietly you stand up and follow him out the door, rubbing your wrist. You follow Dean up the stairs, past the kitchen, through the hall way, and out the door.

But still, nether of you talk. Dean motions for you to keep following him. About 30 minuets later you're into the woods. By now both of you are sprinting, for hours on end. Finally your curiosity over powers you. "Dean! Wait! Where are we going?" You call out to him.

He frantically looks around, like someone might be watching. Then he walks up to you, inches from your face. "I'm not Dean." Dean says, well "Dean" says. He pulls out a pack of blood from his jacket. "Drink."

"I-is this demon blood?" You ask, poking the bag.

"Yes, now hurry. We mustn't be late." "Dean" hands you the blood and starts to run again. You look down at the bag. Your hunger grows and you start to sprint again. While sprinting you drink the demon blood. A smile appears on your face as you feel your power restore itself. Suddenly a burst of energy ignites inside of you and you bolt faster, passing "Dean".

Right now, you didn't care where you were going. All you cared about was feeding your hunger.
Dean's POV:
I walk down the stairs into the basement with a plate of food. I walk up to Bobby's panic room and nock on the door. "Lunch time kiddo." Hearing no response I try again. "Come on Y/N, this isn't funny." I open the slot, "Y/N?" To my horror I find the panic room empty.

I quickly put down the food on a table and open the door. I walk in and look around. "Y/N?? Y/N!!" I jog out of the door and look around the basement. "No, dammit!"

I continue to call out her name, searching every inch of the basement. I don't even notice Bobby come down the stairs.

"Dean? What is it?" Bobby asks timidly.

"She's gone." I reply, looking at Bobby.

Bobby looks taken back at first, but then look at the ground. He's deep in thought for a few moments.

We both rush upstairs. Sam is sitting in a chair, hands tied to the arms of the chair. He's sweaty and looks tired. "Hey Sammy, how are you holding up?"

Sam looks up, "Better."

"Good because we need to leave, now." I say as I grab my knife.

"Go? Why?" Sam says, sitting up. I walk over to him and cut the ropes. He looks up at me, rubbing his wrists.

"Y/N's gone." Sam's eyes widen. He quickly stands up, but almost falls over. I quickly put an arm under his. "Maybe you should stay here, Sammy."

"No, no. I'm fine." He stands up straighter. "I'll live."

Bobby and I look at him. I glance over at Bobby then look at the ground. " better not pass out."

I grab my bag and head out the door.
Sam's POV:
Dean walks out the door, leaving me and Bobby in the living room. Bobby opens his mouth to say something but I cut him off. "I'll be fine."

Bobby clenches his jaw, "If you say so." Bobby walks over to me and hugs me. "You better come home safe boy." He lets go and stares into my eyes with a stern look. I nod quickly. Bobby turns around and heads elsewhere. As soon as he leaves I collapse into a chair. I rub my forehead and close my eyes.

It's too hard to think with a splitting headache so I grab my bag and head out the door.
Dean and I drive down a long winding road. Neither of us speak for awhile, the only sound heard is the hum of the engine.

I decide to break the silence. "Dean."


"Do you know where we're going?"

Dean pulls over to the side of the road. ""

"Then why did we leave? Shouldn't we find out where she is first?"

"No. Y/N's ain't any other girl. Besides, where ever she is, if we took our might be too late."

I don't have anything to say. Where is she...what if the demons got her!? I was just about to say something when-


"I know where she is." We hear a deep voice say from the back. I jump in my seat and hit my head. Dean jumps too and we look behind us. There, sitting in the back seat is Cas.

"Where!?" I quickly say.

"She is with Azazel. I believe they are discussing some very bad information that will effect human kind. Azazel has gotten his hands on the Demon tablet. Y/N is a prophet so she's able to read it. We have to hurry. Go!" Cas says quickly.

Dean turns around and revs the engine. Wheels spinning, the Impala screeches into the street. We speed down the road, Castiel telling Dean where to turn.
"Here. In this cemetery."

Dean turns into the cemetery and we get out of the Impala. Dean looks at Cas.

"I'm sorry Dean, but this is where I must leave you."

"Wait Ca-"

Poof. And he's gone. Deans curses under his breath and takes out his knife. He motions for me to follow him. I take out my gun and point it at the ground, ready to shoot.

Once searching around the cemetery for about ten minuets, Castiel "poofed" back.

"Dean. I made a potion that would cure Y/N. Be careful, it has some side affects." Cas says, handing Dean a vile of glowing purple liquid. "Azazel and Y/N are by the statue of the angel. I will meet with you soon."

Dean nods towards Cas. As Cas disappears, Dean looks at the liquid. He glances at me with a doubtful look.

"Maybe if it works on Y/N...I could give it a try." I whisper.

Dean's eyebrows knit together in concern. "...maybe."

We continue our search for the angel statue. Not too long later, we see them. Y/Ns leaning on a gravestone, Azazel besides her. She blinks suddenly, like waking up from a dream. Y/N holds her head and stumbles backwards, but Azazel forces her to drink the demon blood. Y/N doesn't struggle and slowly gets the evil gleam back in her eye.

"No!" I yell, charging towards them. Azazel flicks his wrist, sending me into a wall. I hit my head and feel blood drip from my nose. I struggle to get up, but Azazel comes over. He uses his powers to hold me up against the wall, choking me.

"Sammy!" Dean yells out.
Dean's POV:
"Sammy!" I yell out. I charge towards Y/N. I let out a growl as I slam into her. I shove my shoulder into her stomach, nocking her to the ground. She screeches and throws a punch. Y/N hits me right the jaw. Y/N uses this opportunity to flip me over. She climbs on top of me and punches my nose, I fee it crack.

"Come on Y/N! This isn't you! This is the demon blood!" I yell between punches.

"Oh, but it is me. You just can't face it! You're just scared you'll never see little sweet Y/N ever again." She grabs my throat and leans close to my ear. Y/N squeezes my throat, threading to crush it. I hit her arm, trying to pry it off my neck. "I got a newsflash for you...this is the real me." She lets out a loud growl and throws me across the ground.

I groan and roll over, spitting blood on the ground. " isn't." I slide the knife out of the belt.

"Yes, it, IS!" She charges at my. I close my eyes and force the blade upward. Y/N lets out a yelp. When I open my eyes I find Y/N standing off to my side, a gash on her face.

She touches it, then looks at the blood. Y/N laughs, "You think that toothpick is going to stop me? It doesn't matter, I've already done the dirty work."

We start to circle each other. "Yeah? And what would that be."

Y/N chuckles. "Azazel and I shared...secrets. Things that only few people would believe, straight from the Demon Tablet itself."

I take my chance and glance over at Sam. He's fighting Azazel, on his own. I need to help him!...the potion!

Taking out the purple liquid Cas gave me earlier, I slowly walk towards Y/N. She glances down at the vile. Then she glares at me.

"Trying to poison me, are you!?" She spats. I don't bother answering her. I throw the knife and tack her to the ground, forcing the purple liquid into her mouth.

I back off, my eyes widening in surprise. Y/N lets out a shriek and steam rises from her throat. "What did you do?" She yells. We both stand up.

She try's to run over to me, but falls. I catch her and hold her in my arms. Her eyes role up into her head and her body becomes limp in my arms.
Sam's POV:
I back away from Azazel. He grins at me, knowing I have nothing to do. I wipe the blood away from my nose. Stumbling backwards I glance over. Y/N's cradled in Dean's arms, not moving at all. I can't even tell if she's breathing.

I focus my attention back on Azazel as he starts to speak. "I would love to stay for the family reunion, but I got other plans." Azazel snaps his fingers, and he disappears.

"No! NO! You come back here you bastard!" I yell.

"Sam!" I hear a tiny voice cry out. I whip my head around to see Y/N's eyes flicker open.

"Y/N!" I rush over to her. She sits up with the help of Dean. I kneel down besides her and pull her into a tight hug. I put my hand on her head as she nuzzles in the crook of my neck. I kiss her head and hug her tighter. I glance over at Dean, he's smiling.

I let go and Y/N looks at me, tears in her eyes. I wipe away her tears with my thumb, but tears of my own fall. "Y/N what happened? What did you tell Azazel?" Dean asks.

I take her hand and squeezes it.

Y/N hangs her head low, but then looks up again. "I told him awful things-terrible! We need to go to the center of the cemetery now! Before it's too late!" Y/N slowly stands up, Dean and I supporting her.

"Woah, woah, woah, before what's too late? Y/N what'd you tell him!?" I sternly say.

Y/N looks at me dead in the eyes. "I told him how to open the Gates of Hell."
I'm so sorry I haven't updated in so long! I've been busy and I couldn't come up with anything. :/

I'll try to be better, bye now! <3<3<3

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