The Gates of Hell

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The road so far: Y/N hangs her head low, but then looks up again. "I told him awful things-terrible! We need to go to the center of the cemetery now! Before it's too late!" Y/N slowly stands up, Dean and I supporting her.

"Woah, woah, woah, before what's too late? Y/N what'd you tell him!?" I sternly say.

Y/N looks at me dead in the eyes. "I told him how to open the Gates of Hell."
Y/N's POV:
You sit in the backseat of the Impala, sweat forming on your forehead. Wiping away the sweat you focus your attention on the passing gravestones.

The car is silent when you drive towards the center of the cemetery, and possibly your death bed. You grab your stomach, feeling it flip again. It feels like you have thousands of butterflies in your stomach. You rest your head on the window, groaning quietly as the Impala drives over a rock.

Sam glances behind him, "Y/N? What's wrong?"

"Just feeling a little queazy. Whatever that purple stuff was, it's not agreeing with my stomach."

It's silent for a few moments, but Dean breaks the silence. "We're here."

You look out the window to see some gravestones leading up to a tomb with big iron doors guarding the entrance. Azazel is no where to be found, so you get out of the car. Sam and Dean follow your lead and get out too. Sam slips his hand into yours and looks down at you. You squeeze his hand, then let go.

Dean takes out his knife and starts to walk towards the center. "I thought the only way to open the Gates of Hell was to use the Colt?" Dean says to you in a low voice.

"No. On the Demon Tablet it says that there is another way. You have to use the blood of a very powerful demon, the blood of some other creature, and the blood of a prophet.." You reply, your voice tailing off.

The three of you continue walking towards the center, when you see him. Azazel is standing in front of the gates. "Well looks like I win the race! Now all I have to do is collect my prize, too little too late kiddos." Azazel turns around and slits his wrist.

"Y/N! Get down!" Sam yells to you. You try to protest but Sam forces you behind a gravestone. "Please! Stay Y/N! You're too weak; he will kill you!"

You clench your jaw, but you know he's right. You crash your lips into Sam's. He's surprised at first, but then kisses back.

You break away and look up at him. "Go kick his ass Sammy."

Sam smiles down at you. "Yes Ma'am."

Sam gets up, and hurries away.
Sam's POV:
I face Azazel, Dean by my side. All I have is my gun. It won't stop him, but it'll slow him down.

Azazel smiles at us. "Where's the third musketeer?" He grins, "She still needs to help me out." Azazel's eyes flicker to the gate.

I spit on the ground in front of him in response. Azazel's grin turns into a scowl and he thrusts his hand upwards. Dean and I go flying backwards. I slam into a gravestone. My head snaps back and whacks against the stone. I yell out in pain.

"Sammy!" I hear from behind me. But before I know what's happening I see Y/N getting dragged towards Azazel with an invisible force.

"NO! Y/N!" I scream.

She screams and kicks but Azazel just drags her up a tree so her back is forced against the trunk. I can see her struggling against his power, but it's useless. He's too strong.

"Look who came home! My little soldier, lost and found again." Azazel teases her. He flicks his hand and a gash opens up on her face. Y/N screams in pain as blood runs down the left side of her face.

"NOO! STOP!" I try and use all my strength to get free. Dean growls and yells something too.

Suddenly a clicking noise comes from the gates. Azazel's head snaps towards the noise. I take my chance and break free. I run over to Azazel, tackling him. I punch him over and over again, using all my strength. Dean comes over too but Azazel forces us away, Dean drops the knife. Y/N falls to the ground.

Azazel grins and kicks the knife away. Dean charges at him and Azazel full-blown punches him in the face. Dean goes flying backwards and hits the ground hard, nocking him out.

"You son of a bitch!" I yell, getting louder with every word.

But before I know it I'm pressed against a gravestone...Azazel pointing my gun at my head.
Y/N's POV:
Your eyes slowly flutter open. You hiss in pain when you feel the cut on your fa-SAM!? WHERE IS HE???

You look up to see Dean lying on the ground, eyes closed. Sam's backed up against a gravestone, Azazel pointing a gun at his head.

"Looks like it's the end of the line for ya kid... too bad, I liked you." Azazel sneers.


You grab the knife, which was near by, and charge at Azazel. Everything seems to go in slow-motion.

You run the knife threw Azazel's back, feeling the knife rip threw his spinal cord. Lights start to flicker inside of him when-


He fires.

"SAM!" You scream. Azazel falls to the ground.

You leap over Azazel's dead body and collapse besides Sam's. Blood pours from a hole on the left side of Sam's chest...right around where his heart is. You go on your knees and grip his collar tight.

"Nononononono!" You hold your hand against the wound, trying to stop the blood. Tears stream down your face, blurring up your eyes so you can't see.

"Y...Y/N?" Sam breaths, his eyes barely open.

"Yeah, i-it's me Sam," you cup his face in your hands, "Stay with me Sam! Please! Oh God, please Sammy!" You choke out.

Sam tries to respond but slowly starts to close his eyes. "H-hey! No! Common open your eyes, dammit! Sam, look at me! Look at me! Common baby, please!" You cry.

Sam half-opens his eyes and looks at you. " you...and I always will..." He breaths.

You smile as fresh tears fall from your eyes. "I love you too Sam!"

You place your lips against his soft lips. You stay there for awhile, possibly your last kiss. When you break away Sam's eyes start to close again.

"sam...please.." You whisper. Sam falls forwards into your arms. His breathing slows...and slows...and slows...

Until he's limp.

You grip him harder as tears fall down your face. Your hand finds its way to his neck. You check his pulse.


You cry so hard you feel like you don't have anymore but more tears keep coming. You grip Sam tighter.

Who wants a sequel to this book? ;D

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