The Dark Side

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Previously on Supernatural fan fiction:Pamela let's go of your hands and you open your eyes. All you see is light. The rooms spins violently and you feel like you're going to throw up. Your eyes roll up into your head and you faintly hear Sam call your name. A ringing noise over powers everything else. Once every 7 seconds you hear a little bit of Pamela's chanting.


Everything goes quiet. You slowly open your eyes to find yourself in Deans arms. You look up at Deans face. He's saying something and he looks terrified. "Y/N? Y/N!" You blink a couple of times.

"Did-did it work?" You try to sit up but your head starts to pound. You groan in pain. "Woah! Easy there, tiger." Dean says. He picks you up and places you on the couch.

Sam kneels down beside the couch. "Y/N? H-how you feeling? Do you remember anything!?" You laugh. You cup Sam's face in your hands. "I feel fine, just a little headache." You partially lie.

Pamela walks over with Dean, she's holding her head. "You've got demon blood in you, correct?"


"Oh my gosh, this is terrible." She mumbles.

"What? What is?" You panic.

"'re a prophet."
The room became dead silent. Everyone stopped and stared at you. Pamela excuses herself from the room and goes elsewhere.

"I-I'm a what?" You ask, befuddled.

"You're a prophet. A prophet is a person who can read the Word Of God. Very useful is good hands, very bad in the wrong hands." Sam explains. You hold your head and slowly sit up. Sam places a hand on your back for support. He then sits down next to you. Dean stands in front of you two. "So...that's why Azazel wanted me so bad. He wants to know the God-stuff. Great, I'm going to become that much more of a mess."

"No, come on Y/N. You're not a mess-" Sam begins to say.

"No, Sam. I am a mess. I'm going to become a demon-blood-sucking person and probably turn evil! I can't control it, I know I can't. Even Dean said it, I know I wouldn't be able to control it..."

"Y/N don't talk like that." Dean starts, but you wave him off.

"There's no doubt I'm going to the dark side. Face it." You look at Sam, tears welling up in your eyes. "Maybe you can fight it. Maybe you can find a way to stop it. Maybe you can save me if its not too late-" It was Sam's turn to interrupt you now.

"You are strong Y/N. You can fight, never doubt yourself, always keep fighting." Sam says, grabbing your shoulders. Dean nods. "He's right. And we'll always be by your side."

You wipe the tears away before they fall. "Thanks guys, I really appreciate it. But I have been fighting, I've tried, I've tried so hard to stay strong, but in the end... I can't. I've lost my family, I have demon blood, I'm a freaking prophet that's going dark side, and I have died. I bet you guys feel a lot of pain, but have you ever felt so much that you just can't hold on anymore? That you just want to give up? That you wish you could just die?" You stare at Dean, pain in your eyes.

"No..." He says, weakly. You look down. No one talks for a few minutes. You feel burning tears start to well up in your eyes.

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