Breaking Pointe

By compassrose26

145K 5.3K 1.1K

Arabella threw herself into ballet when she lost her mom. Her whole life revolves around dance and she will d... More

Breaking Pointe
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
I want to hear from you!!
Chapter 17 (FINALLY)
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter Fourteen

5.2K 263 26
By compassrose26

Arabella was jittery on the way to ballet the next day, which was understandable. Audition day! Tyler was driving, as usual, and he could sense her nerves. He reached over to take her hand, which helped for a while. They pulled up and he went around to help her out, swinging her around in the air and making her laugh. 

“You’ll do great!” he laughed, brushing her hair aside and kissing her sweetly on the forehead.

“Arabella, I expected more from you” said a stern voice and she turned to see Tina with Maddock and Jordin in tow. She had seen the whole thing. “I hope you know that my star can’t be distracted by some boy. Don’t even bother auditioning.”

The old Arabella would have turned, ran home, and cried the night away. Standing there with Tyler, though, she realized had changed. She was stronger. “Wait” she called out, loud and clear. The three of them turned around. Jordin’s smug face made Arabella even more determined. “He hasn’t been distracting me, he’s been helping me. He plays the cello for my audition piece.”

Tina raised her eyebrows. “That doesn’t explain what I just saw there.”

Arabella stepped closer. “Remember when you told me you saw something different in me? You told me to keep it. It’s him.”

“Fine” she snapped and started to walk back inside. “This better be good.”

Jordin’s face fell, she was stunned. Her mouth hung open. It was obvious she had tipped Tina off and was mad it hadn’t worked. She must have seen Tyler dropping her off every day. Arabella winked at her and left to change.

Once in the dressing room she stepped on the scale. She had lost three pounds. It wasn’t much, but it would have to be enough for the audition.

She went to the room where auditions were being held and saw Tyler already set up. Tina sat with a few other staff members at a table and Maddock winked at her. The rest of the company dancers had shown up to watch and were sitting on the floor at the edges of the room.

Arabella was first. She took a deep breath and gracefully walked to the center of the floor. The music started and she went into her routine. She had done it so many times she almost didn’t even have to think about it. Instead, she thought about the way she felt when she was with Tyler. Confident, whole, and beautiful.

When she finished the crowd erupted in cheers. She smiled and sat down next to Tyler to watch Jordin. Arabella knew she had done well because Tina nodded and Jordin totally had her bitch face on.

Jordin carried that anger with her when she danced. Although she had good technique, she was stiff. She tried to keep herself composed after a shaky jump landing, but couldn’t quite keep her feelings from her face. Everyone clapped politely when she finished.

The staff members huddled together and everyone was silent. Arabella’s breath started to hitch in her throat from nerves, but a quick wink and a grin from Tyler calmed her down. The meeting broke up quickly. Maddock winked at her and her heart immediately sped up to double speed. Did that mean...?

“Arabella. I have never seen you dance like that. I’ll admit I was wrong. The boy isn’t a distraction... for now. The part is yours, but the relationship follows my rules.” Tina said.

“Of course” Arabella said calmly. She didn’t stay calm for long, though, because the entire room went nuts. There were people everywhere congratulating her and cheering. 

Before she knew it she was wrapped into a pair of strong arms. “I did it!” she said, her voice muffled by Tyler’s chest.

“I knew you would! Let’s get out of here and go celebrate.”

“We need to celebrate!”...

“I need to get home” she said, and he understood. The anxiety she usually felt when she had a flashback away from home wasn’t there, though. She remembered this one clearly and it made her happy. She still wanted to get home and carve it, though.

The apartment was empty when she got there. She had said goodbye to Tyler at the truck because she was exhausted and planned on going to sleep right after she went into the tree.

It was her first audition and she was extremely nervous. Her mom was driving her to the studio and her dad was already there waiting. 

“You’ll do great!” her mom said, but eight year old Arabella wasn’t so sure. She had been taking classes and practicing for two years to try out for the competitive company at the studio.

She sat on the ground after warm ups and watched the other dancers audition. She was last. When she got onto the floor for her turn, she was even more nervous than before. She remembered something about imagining the audience in their underwear. They were already in spandex, though, so that didn’t work. Instead, she looked at her mom and dad. The sight of them calmed her down. She danced beautifully (for an eight year old) and made the cut!

“We need to celebrate!” said her dad, picking her up and spinning her around.

“Let’s go out to dinner! I’m so proud of you” said her mom, holding her hand and leading her out. They went to a fancy restaurant and ate some mac n’ cheese.

So much had changed. Her dad didn't even know she had auditioned, let alone watched. Her happiness from getting the part was clouded. She missed her parents and the family they used to be.

A/N: Badass Arabella what whatttt! I promised I would upload as soon as I hit 100 votes and here it is!:) Thank you to everyone reading, voting, and commenting. Seriously guys, keep it up!:) What do you think of Arabella standing up to Tina a little bit? Was it a one time thing or will she keep on doing it? Hmm. He's the inspiration for when she dances! Can I get a "awwwww" hahaha:)

Do you guys want to follow me on twitter? You can if you want, I WANT TO BE YOUR FRIEND. Lol my username is hannah_brenner and I'll follow you back if you want!:)


Hannah Rose

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