The biggest fan

By Lara1DFan

1.6K 163 105

Hello ;) My name is Lara and this is my first book or something! Umm a book is about a girl who didn't give... More

Travelling to London!
Talk with Niall
Night trip
Music awards
Football match
Happy/Bad day
Movie night
Back on the stage...
The late late show
Ex boyfriend
Plan B
Step by step
Secret of Simon's company
I love you and hate you
New beginning
Reborn love
Secret revealed

Bad blood

45 5 5
By Lara1DFan

Kendall's p.o.v
Why the hell all this shit is happening to me?
Walter was holding me against the cold  wall. "Who did you call?!!?" he yelled and started choking me even more.

I couldn't tell him. If I tell him he will kill Hailey and I really don't want her to be part of this shity shit!
So I think this is it. This is my the end.I am gona die today?! I have never imagen that I am gona die like this. Police will find my body in some lake or maybe never find it.

For god sake I am so stupid. I want to punch myself in this stupid face right now!
I am not gona die like this. I am too young to die.

"Who did you call?" Walter said angrily.
"Your mom!" I answered. Good one, I know, I am so proud on myself, but I am in troubles even more now. How fucking great!
I really have to bite my tongue sometimes, but I was never good at that. I have to be more careful whit words.

Walter slaped me very hard. I tasted blood on my tongue. I am bleeding ohh great.
"I am not gona repeat!!"
"Me neither!"
He punched me in my stomach.
I think he just broke few ribs.

I am going to wreck his ugly nasty face.
Thomas walked in the room.
"Hey!! what are you doing?" he yelled at Walter and pushed him away from me.
"She called someone!!"
"Can you please leave us alone!?" he said to Walter.
Walter angrily walked out.

"Look baby! It's not what you think! I am doing this, because of Walter. He said that he will kill my family if I will not help him! I didn't have a choice!" he said

I almost believed him, but nope. I am not buying his shit.
"There is always a choice Thomas!"

"Kendall you have to believe me! I can help you, but-"
"But what?" I asked.
"Not yet, we have to wait just a little more!"
"What do you mean? What do you want from me?"
"Walter want money! Hailey and one direction will pay a lot of money to get you back."

"I was thinking, what if we escape together when all this will end?" he said and he smiled.
This is not a perfect moment to think about future.

I have no idea why I dated him? Don't ask! He was diferent, he was better person! But now he is not a person anymore. He is a monster! This is not a boy who I met in high school. The boy who was like an angel to me. Not anymore! Well, people change.
"You are probably the last person in this greedy world who I am going to escape with!"

"But why? I still love you Kendall, I always did" he was trying to convince me.
"You cheated on me, is this fucking love for you? You are showing your love on a very odd way!"

"That was a mistake, I know and I am sorry!"
Oh so sweet! NOT! What, are you going to cry on your knees now or what?
"Ohh you are sorry! But now is too late to say sorry! Can't you see?! I moved on, I forgot you!!"

"No, no you didn't! I know you didn't!" he was trying to convince himself.
"Did you forget that you wanted to shot me with a gun few hours ago!"
"That was a mistake too, we all do mistakes, don't we?" he said in his defense.

"All your fucking life is a mistake!! You cheated on me, you wanted to kill me and now you are lying to me!! Did you expect that I am just gona fall in your arms or what?" I yelled.

"Give me a second 'chonce' Kendall! I promise I will be good with you!" he begged.
He is so annoying!
"Thomas there was so many second chances and you spent them!"

"Please Kendall remember how we met, how good time we had together!"
I rolled my eyes.
"Why are you keep trying?! We are done! D-O-N-E!!!"

"It's not over yet!!" he yelled.
"And who did you call!!??" he yelled.
And here it is, the rough Thomas!
He took a gun out.
"Tell me or I will kill you!"
"Go on! Kill me if you want so badly!" Few second ago he was begging me to take him back and now he want to kill me! Dude you really need help.

He shot me in my leg.
I sreamed so loudly and started to cry.
That fucker acully shot me! My body started to shake.
"If you don't want to get a second hole in your leg tell me with who were you talking on the phone!?"
That hurts so badly. Blood was all over my clothes. Fuck this hurts!! "H-Hailey!" I said.
"Good girl!!" he said and he left the room.
I hate him so freaking much! I curse every single minute I spent with him. If he will touch Hailey I will kill him and throw his body to sharks in the sea.
I know it sounds very evil, but he don't deserve anything else.

I can not stand the blood. I was about to throw up. I lie down on the floor. It was so cold. Last think I remember was dark in front of my eyes.

Hailey's p.o.v

"Wait what did you say?" said Harry confused.
I started to cry. Niall came up to me and he hugged me "Why are you crying?"
"Kendall is kiddnaped!"

Niall looked at me so surprising.
"Please tell me that this is a joke Hailey!" said Harry
"Does it look like it's a fucking joke Harry?" I yelled.

"What did she say!!?!" Harry asked.
"Thomas and Walter kidnapped her, she is in old factory!"

"Thomas! That bastard! I will kill him when I get him in my hands!" he yelled.
"Harry you have to calm down!!" said Louis.
"Louis I can't be calm right now!" he responded.

What if they kill her? I will never forgive myself for that. What they even want from her? My head is a mess right now. So many questions , buy no answers!
I was shaking.

"Hailey listen to me! You have to calm or things will get even worse! Take a deep breath! She is a smart girl. She will not gona let them to break her down!!" Niall said. I hugged him so so tight.
"Niall what if-" he cut me off.
"She will be fine! They are not gona hurt her till they don't get what they want!"
"How do you know that?" I said.
"I watched a lot of movies."

I smiled. He can make me smile even in the worst situation possible.
"Be strong Hailey! For me! And Kendall!" He kissed me on my forehead.

I stoped crying! I wiped my tears.
"So what are we gona do?" Liam asked.
I rolled my sleeves up. "I will cut their dicks out of their pants and throw it to a dog! It is not good to mess with me! They kidnapped the wrong girl and they will pray for their lives!! They kiddnaped my best friend and if they just touch her they will have to deal with me!"

"What a speech!" said Harry.
"You know Hailey, I am sometimes afraid of you!" said Louis.

My phone rang "That's weird it's Kendall!"

"Kendall?" I said in the phone.

"Hello Hailey!"
This was not Kendall.

"Who are you? Where is Kendall?"

"I am the one who is asking questions!" he responded. It was Walter. That son of a bitch.

"You bastard how dare you, how dare you?!! I swear I will kill you if you hurt her!!"

"Be careful with words if you don't want her dead right know Mrs. Rose!"

"What do you want?"

"I want 500.000.000$ in cash and you have 24 hours to get it!"

"Oh you fucker!"

"If you will be late I will send a peace of her every hour! And if I see just one cop I will kill her, no police, do you understand?"

Harry grabed my phone.

"Listen you fucker!! We will do exsacly what you want, but I want to be sure that she is okay, I want to talk with her!!" Harry was yelling.

"Sorry Styles, she is sleeping right now!! I will call you again!"

Harry gave me my phone back.
"Whay did he say"Niall asked me.
"He want 500.000.000$ in 24 hours or he will kill her!" I responded.
"Ohh fuck!" said Louis.
"We can do this!" said Liam

I sat on the couch. Niall sat next to me "Are you okay?"
I leaned my head on his shoulder "I am scared!" I took a deep breath.
"Everything will be fine!" he said and kissed me on my cheek. I crossed his hair with my fingers.

Kendall's p.o.v
I opened my eyes. I was tied up o a chair again. My leg was fine. Someone took care of my leg.

Thomas put chair in front of me and he sat down. "How is your leg?" he asked. "Why do you care?"
"Why are so rude?" he asked.

I started to laugh. "Because you are the one who kiddnaped me! Are you really so dumb? I fucking hate you!!" I yelled.

"You should thank me because I took care of your leg?"

"Oh yeah I will say 'thank you' because you shot me! Thank you Thomas so much for shot me in my leg! Shot me againg ha!?" I yelled.
He ignored me.
Are you hungry?"
"Yes, I didn't eat all day!"
"I will cook something for you!"
I don't know if he is serious ,but I really have to eat something!
Thomas left the room and then Walter walked in. Oh Can I be 5 minutes alone?
"Guess with who I talked on the phone?" he said smiling.
What's so funny?? ughh
"I don't know!?"
"With your friend Hailey or whatever her name is?" he responded.
"She is not a part of your games, leave her alone!!" I yelled.
"They will pay 500.000.000$ for you!" he said and started to laugh.
This is a lot of money.
Thomas came back "I made a soup for you!"
"You finally done something good for me!" I said to him.
He threw plate of soupe on the ground. Okay I take my words back! He made a soupe and then threw it on the ground. Wtf? No logic here!
"You need help, but the problem is that psihyatrist can't help you anymore!" I said.
"Shut the fuck up!" he responded and he put a peace of tape on my mouth.

Niall's p.o.v
This is a horrible day!! We all sat on a couch and we were staring at Hailey's phone. We were waiting Walter to call us. Hailey broke the silence between us. "I am not gona sit here like an idiot?" She stood up.
"So what are you going to do!?" Harry asked.
"I am going to eat!!"
I smiled. Louis was sitting next to me and he pushed me in my ribs.
I gave him a serious look.

I want to turn back time. Few hours ago I was having fun with Theo and my gem, Hailey!"
She left in the kitchen.
After few minutes she came back. Her hands were full of food.
She put all her food on the table. There was ice-cream, popcorn, chocolates, Nutella, cookies, lolypops...
We all looked at her. She gave us a look 'what' "I am sad okay? And when I am sad I eat! A lot!!" she responded.
"And you will eat all this?" I said.
"Yes!!!" she said.

Wow! she eats a lot! I like her even more now. She started to eat a chocolate. I was looking at her. She looked at me "What?"
"Nothing, you look very hungry!"
"I didn't know we have so many sweets in the house!" said Louis.
I want to hug her so badly right now. My world is falling apart when she is sad.
She finished her second chocolate and then she started to eat some cookies.
"Hailey food will not help you!" I said.
"I can't believe you just said that! Aren't you the one who eat a lot?"
I can't stand this anymore, I will kiss her!

I grabed her head and and kissed her on softy pink lips.
I kissed her in front of the boys for the firs time since we played a game few days ago. She droped a cookie in her hand and she put her hands around my neck and started kissing me back.
I saw Louis in the corner of my eye looking at us like he saw two people kissing for the first time.
"I am hungry too, I think I will eat something as well!" said Liam and he left the couch.
I heard Harry 'couching' "Uhhm...I have to call my mom" said Harry. Call a mom?
Harry grabed Louis by his elbow "Cmon Louis, let's go!!"
They went out of the room.
Me and Hailey were all alone in the room. Boys knew that we need some pravicy. Thank you boys!
I tasted chocolate on my tongue. Her kisses really are sweet. My heart was melting like ice-cream on the table.
She broke our kiss and then she smiled "I don't know why you done that, but-"
I cut her off "I wanted to do it so badly!"
Should I tell her? I think this is not a perfect moment, I will tell her when all this will end, when Kendall will be safe.

Hailey's p.o.v
Harry came in the room and he said "Niall I am very proud on you!"

Niall was laughing.
I shyly smiled and naughtily said "So Harry how is your mom?"
"Umm..hmm, she is fine!" he responded. He didn't call her.

Phone on the table started to ring. I grabbed it.


"Hello from the other sideee!" Walter sang a song by Adele

"I don't have time for your stupid jokes!"

"Watch your mouth young lady!" he said angrily.

"You will bring me the money! On the west, 3 hours from London is an old factory, do you know where is it?" he added.

"Yes, I think!"

"I want my money tomorrow at 6 PM. And come alone or Kendall will get hurt! Don't forget NO police!!" he said.

"So?" said Harry.
"He want his money tomorrow at 6PM." I responded.

"That's all?" said Louis and he sat next to me.

"He want me to bring him the money!" I said.
"Okay and I am going with you!" said Niall.
I looked at him "Just me or he will kill Kendall!" I said to Niall.
"No! I am going with you" he said.
"But Niall he said-" he cut me off.
"No! You are not going alone!!"
"He will kill her!" I said.
"There is no fucking way! I am not gonna let you!" he yelled.

He stood up "No Hailey! You are not going alone, end of story!" he yelled.
I huged him. "I will be fine Niall!" He put his hands around my waiste "No, please don't go!"
I put my hands around his neck. I looked him in the eyes "Kendall is my best friend! I don't want to lose her!"
"And I don't want to lose you, again!" he said sadly.
"You won't, I promise!"

"We have to raise our money!" said Louis.
"You have right!" said Niall.

"I will call on the bank!" said Harry.
"I will borrow some money from my parents!"

*Four hours later*
We got the money! It was a lot of money. We put it in two briefcases.
It was late, 23:49.

I went on balcony. Wind was playing with my hair.
Few minutes later someone put a hand on my shoulder. It was Niall "Hey, are you okay?"
"Yeah, I am fine just little nervious!"
"You will give them the money and Kendall will be fine, you will come home and we all will be happy!"
"I don't know, I have a bad feeling about that!"
He gave me a serious look.
"Everything will be fine, believe me!"
"I am sorry Niall, that was not suppose to happen!"
"You are talking shit, it's not your fault!"
He huged me "Cmon let's go inside!"

"I am going in my bed!" I said.
We reached my room.
"If you will need something, you know where to find me, good night!"
It will be a long night.
"Night" I said
I was about to go in my room, but Niall grabed my elbow and he huged me so tight. Then he looked at my eyes and he wanted to say something, but he left.

I went to sleep.

"Hailey, Hailey wake up!"
I slowly opened my eyes.
Louis was sitting next to me.
"It's time to go!"
"What?" I mumbeled.
"You have to get ready!" he responded. "Ready for what?"
"Did you forget?" he asked.
"No! I know, I know!"
"Dress up and come in the kitchen as fast as you can!" He left my room.

I was about to get out of the bed but I fell off the bed. How great start of the day, I hope it will end soon! I was just laying on the flor covered with my blanket. I was so tired, I didn't sleep well today!
Niall walked in my room and he said "What are you doing on the flor?". "I fell down!!!"
He started laughing.

Kendall's p.o.v
I opened my eyes. I fell asleep yesterday on the flor. My back hurt like hell. I didn't sleep very nice. I saw Thomas sitting next to me "Morning"
"Don't talk to me!" I said.
"Just a few hours and you will be free!" he said kindly.
"Yeah me free and you in a prison!"
He started to laugh. "Don't forget who is boss here love! I can kill you right now!"

"Thomas what happened to you? Where is Thomas I used to know?"
"People change!" he answered.

Hailey's p.o.v

I went in the kitchen with Niall.
I sat down. Everyone were quite.
I looked at them. They were looking me very serious.
"Okay did someone died or why are you looking at me like that?" I said.
"We decided that you will take a gun with you!" said Louis and he put a gun on the table.
"Ohhhh noo! No way!"
"Why not?" said Harry.
"I don't know how to use it! And I don't want to shot somebody!!"
"Okay, just take it for your safty Hailey!" said Niall.
"I have to go to pee!" said Louis and he left in the bathroom.

I put a gun in my purse. "So are you ready?" Liam asked.
"I don't know!"

I stood up "So I should go!"
Boys stood up. Liam huged me "Be careful!"
Then Harry said "Call us if anything get wrong!"
Niall huged me and he gave me keys of his car "Drive safe!"
"I will!" I took two briefcases with money off of the table and I was about to leave the house "Hailey!" I turned around "Yeah Niall?"
"Promise me that you will come back alive!"
I sadly looked at him, turned around and left the house. "Hailey please!" he said.
I sat in the car. I leaned my head on the wheel "Sorry Niall!"
I started the car.

Niall's p.o.v
How could she just walked away with no goodbye? Fuck! If someone just touches I will kill him.
I sat on the couch and covered my head with blanket and then I sreamed. "Are you okay?" said Harry. "Noooo, fuck Harry!!" My voice was breaking down.
"Niall are you crying?"
"Just leave me alone Harry!!" I yelled.
He sat next to me "I know how much she means to you!"
"She means a world to me, she is my world!!"
"I know!"
"Harry give me your car keys!"
"Why?" he asked.
"I am going after her!"
"No, no Niall you can't or Kendall will get hurt! Please Niall I love her, I can't live without her!"

I angrily left in my room.
Few minutes later Liam came in my room and he said "Niall have you seen Louis?"

Hailey's p.o.v

I was driving about half an hour.
"So Hailey where are we going!" said Louis from the back seat.

"Oh my god Louis, what the hell are you doing in the car??" I yelled and stoped the car.
Louis went out of the car and he sat on a passenger seat.
"Get out of the car Louis!!"
"But-" I cut him off. "Get out now!!" I yelled.
"No, I am not going anywhere!"
"Look Louis I don't want to fight with you!" I said kindly.
"Me neither, I just want you to be safe!"
"Okay, so you are going with me? What if they see you?" I said.
"They won't!" he said.
"Driveeee" he sreamed.

I started to drive. "How you got into the car!" he started to laugh. "Do you rember when I said I have to pee!?"
"Yeah, but you went in the bathroom."
"We have a window in the bathroom and I sneaked out!" he said and smiled.
I started to laugh "Ohhh you fox!!"
My phone rang. "Who is it?" Louis asked. "It's Niall!"

"Hey Niall"
"Hey do you know where Louis is we can't find him?"
I smiled.
"This little idiot is with me, he sneaked in the car!"
"Really?" he asked.
"Can I talk with him?"

I gave my phone to Louis "It's for you!"

"Niall! Vas up?"
"Louis I just wanted to say thank you!"
"No problem mate!"
"Keep eye on her! And don't let them to touch her! Thank you so much!"
"I will, I promise!"
"Okay, bye!"

Louis's p.o.v
I will do anything for her safety.

We were driving about 2 hours. We were talking about Thomas and Walter. I think she is scared.
She turned left and then she stoped the car.
"What is it?" I asked.
She was looking at the factory on the left, not so far from us. "This is it!" she said. "Louis put your head down we don't want them to see you right?" she added.
"Right!" I responded and started climbing on the back seat. I layed down. She started the car and few minutes later she pulled over near the factory.
She was looking trough the window and she said "Louis before I go I have something to tell you!"
"Under my seat is an envelope give it to Niall and if I die today tell him that I love him!"
"What? You are not gona die, I am not gona let them to hurt you! And I knew it, I knew it that you love him! I KNEW IT!" I said smiling.
She smiled. "And If I am not gona be back in half an hour-" I cut her off "I am going after you, I understand!"
"I was not about to say that! Goodbye Louis!"
She left the car with briefcases.

Hiiiii :* how are you guys? Having a good time? Hope you do! So what do you think what will happen to Kendall, Hailey, Louis?? You will see, get ready!! So comment and vote! Thank ya all for reading! Love you to the moon and back!

Have a nice day-L xx

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