Hidden Hearts

By 52Mila52

357K 16.5K 2.6K

*This is a fan fiction based off of C. L. Stone's Ghost Bird series. Sang Sorenson is a very perceptive girl... More

Chapter 1. The beginning
Chapter 2. She who sees everything
Chapter 3. She who says it all
Chapter 4. She who hears everything
Chapter 5. Mr. Blackbourne
AN: Just a quick explanation...
Chapter 6. Gabriel
Chapter 7. Victor
Chapter 8. Kota
Chapter 10. She who disappeared like a ghost
Chapter 11. Back to the beginning
Chapter 12. The half-naked girlfriend
Chapter 13. Dead meat
Chapter 14. Group hug!
Chapter 15. Silas
Chapter 16. Storm
Chapter 17. Nathan
Chapter 18. Dogs and bitches
Chapter 19. Grumpy bear
Chapter 20. Dreams and wishes
Chapter 21. First day
Chapter 22. First day part II
Chapter 23. What one does for family
Chapter 24. Sleepover
Chapter 25. First kiss
Chapter 26. Dominatrix?
Chapter 27. Missions and Retribution
Chapter 28. Moving
Chapter 29. Toasts
Author's Note
Chapter 30. The Academy - Aware
Chapter 31. Academy - Present
Chapter 32.
Chapter 33. Fire
Chapter 34. Family
Chapter 35. Bonding
Chapter 36. Academy - Request
Chapter 37. Academy - Inside
Chapter 38. Stalker
Chapter 39. Laying down the law
Chapter 40. When truths come to light
Chapter 41. Shortie!!
Chapter 42. Girls
Chapter 43. Boot camp
Chapter 44. The end

Chapter 9. And so it begins... or not?

7.3K 358 50
By 52Mila52

The sound of a single merry laugher reverberated through the corridors outside of the infirmary. Inside were three kids, one little girl sitting properly in a chair in front of a desk, spine straight, face red from embarrassment, one hand ballet in a fist on her knee the other raised with a finger poking her lips. Behind the desk sat a grey eyed boy in formal clothing, every hair in place, with a very stern expression, frowning at the blonde boy who was currently rolling in laughter at the floor, much to the embarrassment and exasperation of his companions.

"Are you done yet Sean? You are embarrassing Miss Sang." Groused the first boy.

"But..." *Gasp* "Owen! She..." *Giggles* "...she did it again!" and more laughter.

"So I notice Sean, now do stand up and sit back down on your chair so we can properly discuss what is to happen now." Ordered an apparently irritable Owen.

He was indeed irritated with Sean for his laughing and causing Miss Sorenson embarrassment, but he wasn't mad with her for taking matters in her own hands, again. Actually he was rather proud of her, the girl didn't cease to surprise him. I will need to step up my game, this girl works faster than a cheetah on steroids, at this rate me and Sean will never catch up.

Looking back at Sang once his best friend was done laughing and back at his chair, Owen told her. "I hope you know that we both are very proud of your accomplishments, Miss Sang. The only reason Sean was laughing is because he found his own slowness in all this case embarrassingly funny."

Raising her eyes from where their study of the floor, she looked first at Sean, who smiled reassuringly at her, and then at Owen. Seeing the sincerity and pride in his eyes while he looked at her, she sucked in a deep breath and offered both boys a stunning smile.

She'd been sincerely afraid that they would think she had overstepped with bringing the academy to the attention of the boys, after all she wasn't really a member yet and though Owen had promised to help them she wasn't sure that he planned to make them into members too.

She knew that if the Academy was indeed what she thought then it was the perfect place for her little group of musketeers, but still it wasn't her place to meddle the way she had.

Flushing in shame again she lowered her eyes and told them "Even so, I would like to apologize for taking on a job that wasn't mine in the first place. I'm sorry, guys."

"Now, now, don't look so ashamed Pookie. You did the right thing. You saw a good opportunity and took it and that is what we often do in the academy. Owen might like to always have every little thing planned beforehand, but sometimes a little improvising is necessary. Beside... what is the point in being clever if you can't prove it?" He asked her with a teasing smile drawing a giggle from her.

Smiling a little millimeter at the sound of Sang's infectious giggles Owen sat up even straighter in his chair and cleared his throat to call their attention. "Very well, gentleman and lady, now that we have this matter out of the way let's discuss what is to be done from here on. Sean and I have used our academy contacts to acquire information on the families of the boys and I believe to have found a solution to all of their problems." He began saying quite seriously.

Sang eyes lit up and she fixed all her attention on him, while Sean smiled on. He might make fun of Owen's tendencies for excessive planning, but even he had to admit that the ideas that came out of that brain were always impressive.

"First, for Mr. Morgan, he will be the easiest one from all. His parents are very preoccupied with appearances and have enough skeletons in their closets that we should be able to put a stop to the abuse with a little use of blackmail." He said, leaving Sang a little stunned. She understood the use of blackmail for the better good, but she didn't really like it. However, thinking back to poor Victor's tired face the other day she decided that she could live with this choice without regrets. She didn't like seeing such a sweet and kind guy being so completely drained from his strength by his own parents.

Nodding her head with face set in grim and determined planes she agreed with Owen's plans without saying a word.

"As for Mr. Coleman, now that his father who was the real abuser is out of the picture all we need to do is ensure that his step-mom can keep a good job to be able to provide for him. She is a very good hairdresser and an academy member who owns a beauty parlor and is in need of workers has offered to hire her. We must, however, ensure that her drinking habit is handled. She can't go to work drunk."

Again Sang nodded silently.

"Mr. Lee problems must be handled by the proper channels. A counselor will be sent to his house to talk with his mother. She needs to take on her responsibility of protecting her children and go to the police. The academy will then back her, offering the services of its lawyers and psychiatrists to help with her family adaptation to a safe environment. Sadly the same can't be done for Mr. Griffin, since he don't have another parent or familiar to take care of him in the case of his father arrest we can't risk he going to the system. Ensuring that he is legally adopted by an academy member would be too complicated, and we can't afford it yet. We got lucky however in that his father is an airplane pilot. It will be easy to keep him too busy with work to come back home. Another academy member will be assigned as his legal guardian in his father absence."

Happy that all was falling in place Sang and Sean smiled at each other.

"Last, but not least, there is Mr. Taylor." Pausing for a moment to gather his thoughts, Owen pushed his glasses up his nose. "He brings a bit of a surprise actually..." he said musingly.

Frowning Sean asked "What do you mean, Owen?"

"Well, it seems that his uncle, with who he lives with is an academy member." He said.

Gasping Sean and Sang just stared at him, with their mouths gaping open.

"WHAT!" Sean exclaimed, puzzled.

"How is that possible, Owen? An academy member being neglectful of his nephew, are we mistaken?" asked Sang, slightly disturbed.

"Sadly Miss Sang I don't think we are mistaken. But this should actually be the easiest problem to solve. I believe that all we need to do is have a serious talk with the elder Mr. Taylor. I have met him before and know that he is a good man, but very busy with academy business. It is actually a problem that many academy members possess. They are so busy with their life in the academy that they often neglect their lives at home, add to that the fact that the younger Mr. Taylor is such a joyful young boy and he probably didn't even notice that the boy was feeling lonely and abandoned. He does love his nephew; he just needs to be made aware of the situation."

Feeling suddenly sad for Taylor's Sang agreed with him "Very well, Owen. We will do it your way, but I want to be present on this meeting." She said determinately. She wanted to look this man in the eyes and see if he really cared for her mischievous friend.

Nodding his agreement he smiled a tiny bit again and said. "I would expect no less from you, darling."

Smiling at his endearment she turned to Sean, who was also smiling at her, and said. "Well, now what? When do we begin?"

"We begin immediately. Dr. Roberts is already on his way to the Morgan household. It is better that an adult handle such matters for they would not take us kids seriously." Owen replies, then turning stern eyes on Sang he adds. "Once the boys are all settled you will be accepting our help, Miss Sang." It wasn't a question or even a suggestion, but a command.

Nodding her head and smiling happily she answered "I am willing and will obey, Owen."


By the end of the school day Sang took the bus, together with Kota and Nathan, to head home. She was excited about helping them, but knew she couldn't yet tell them everything. Owen and Sean had asked to introduce them all the next day so they could talk about the academy and their immediate future.

Skipping out of the bus ahead of her sister she went inside her house to be met with complete chaos.

There were cardboard boxes everywhere and most of the furniture had been dismantled.

"What? What is going on?" she asked startled.

Her father came into the hall then, looking tired, and said. "Sang, Marie, come into the kitchen. Me and your mother need to talk with you girls."

Walking into the kitchen the two girls sat in the table, side by side, their parents across from them.

"I've been promoted in my work. They are in a hurry and we will be moving tomorrow. Gather all your things quickly." Her father said expressionlessly.

"What? Where are we going? We can't move now! We have school tomorrow!" Oh my god! This isn't happening now! What am I going to do? I need to warn the boys!

Her mother suddenly stood from the table in a fury. "How dare you question us? We are your parents; if I tell you to pack you better go and pack!" She screamed, face going red.

Cringing Sang asked again "Where are we going? Do we get to go to school again tomorrow?"

"No. We will be on our way in tomorrow morning." Her father told her.

Her mother made her way around the table and grabbed Sang by the hair, pulling her from her chair. "Shut up you insolent child! WE aren't going anywhere! Me, your father and Marie will be moving to another state, YOU will be going to a boarding school where you will be taught how to behave yourself! I am tired of you disobedience and laziness! This house is a mess and it is all your fault!" she kept on screaming while dragging Sang back to her room.

She knew then that she had to run. If she stayed she would never see the boys again! Fighting her mother's grip on her hair Sang began to scream as much as her sore throat would allow. "Let me go! I am not going! If you don't want me so just leave me here!"

They were in the middle of the stairs now when her father suddenly appeared on the bottom. "I can't just leave you Sang. I promised your mother, on her deathbed that I would ensure you were taken care of." Deathbed? My mother? What is he talking about?

Just then the woman who she always thought to be her mother turned around "DON'T YOU TALK ABOUT THAT WHORE IN MY PRESENCE!" and pushed Sang down the stairs.

Her body flailed, suspense in the air for a couple of seconds before falling, rolling down the stairs, the steps hitting her body until she reached the bottom hitting her head on the ground she had only a moment to feel the pain before darkness overtook her.

AN: Please don't hate me for this. I promise this story has a happy ending... they will just have to work for it...


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