Ask OR Dare Kaneki Ken (Kuron...

By SimplyZandea

9.7K 322 533

Basically, You guys get to ask or dare us,Kaneki Ken. Kuroneki: Black haired Kaneki Shironeki: White hair... More

Dare 1
Dare 2
Truth 1
Dare 4
Dare 5
Happy Birthday Haise!
Truth 2
Truth 3
Dare 6
Dare 7
Dare 8
Truth 4
Dare 9
Dare 10
Dare 11
Dare 12 & Truth 5
Other Account!
Dare 13
Truth 6
Dare 14
1.03K Reads?!
Self-Promotion -___-
Dare 15
Dare 16
Dare 17
Dare 18
Truth 6
Dare 19
Dare 20
Honeymoon Special?
Dare 21
n u g g e t
A/D Finale!

Dare 3

449 16 16
By SimplyZandea

Haise: Hey!

Kuroneki: And we are back with another dare.

Shironeki: Yeah and it's from...

Author-chan: Me!

Kanekis: ⊙.⊙

Author-chan: Don't worry it's harmless. *Smirks*

Kanekis: Okay.

Shironeki: So we need to kiss Touka-chan at the same time. Kuro on her right cheek, Me on the left cheek and Haise on the...LIPS!

Haise: Whoo! *Does a little victory dance*

Kuroneki: That's unfair! Why does Haise always get close to Touka?

Shironeki: Absolutely.

Author-chan: Reasons.

Haise: Sorry for your lost *fake cries*

Shiro&Kuro: Shut up Haise!


They spotted Touka drinking coffee at the shop.

Kuroneki: Hello Touka-chan.

Touka: Hey guys, what are you doing here.

Shironeki: *mumbles* On a count of 3

Touka: ha?

Haise: Nothing we just want to say something to you.

Shironeki: 3!

Touka: What-mmph!?

The Kanekis kiss her on both of her cheeks and lips.

Touka: *Blushes madly* What the fuck was that!?

Haise: How was the um...kiss?

Touka: Sweet.

Haise: U-uh ok-okay.

Kuroneki: Bye Touka-chan! *runs away*

Shironeki: See ya!

Haise: Bye Bye.


Kuroneki: Well that went well...

Shironeki: Yeah.

Haise: So Author-chan we did the dare.

Author-chan: You guys did did you like it?.

Kanekis: Well, it was...great. *blushes*

Author-chan: Haha, Okay guys. We'll see you soon. Say bye Kanekis.

Kanekis: Bye!!!


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