Dare 11

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Me: Ohayo minna-san!

Kuroneki: Ohayo.

Haise: Hello!

Shironeki: Yo.

Me: Soo, we have a dare from TokyoGhoul_Juuzou!

/Juuzou: I dare Shiro&Kuro to try and get their wallet from me~
Juuzou re: I dare Haise to go kiss one of your squad members. *evil laugh*/

Haise: Why are you doing this to me Juuzou?! I always give you candy. ;;--;;

Kuroneki: Ohh~my wallet!

Shironeki: You mean our wallet. -____-

Kuroneki: It doesn't matter. We're the same person anyways.

Shironeki: Whatever.

Me: Soooo.....Let's start with Kuroneki and Shironeki!

Timeskip brought to you by Juuzou's sweets (Juuzou: Who said sweets?!)

Kuroneki: Sooo....where are we gonna find him?

Shironeki: According to what Haise said, Juuzou likes to stroll every now and then. Usually, he wonders to streets that have candy shops.

Kuroneki: Dude, Japan is freaking huge. There are a hundreds of streets and candy shops. We don't even now what ward he's in!

???: Ohhh~ sweets! I wanna have them! Heheheh.

Kuro&Shiro: *looks at the unknown person's direction*

Juuzou: Lalalala~yummy. *sparkle sparkle*

Kuro&Shiro: There he is.

Shironeki: So here's the plan. You distract Juuzou by giving him sweets while I go get our wallet.

Kuroneki: U-uh yeah sure. But how do you know if our wallet is even in his pockets?

Shironeki: He just brought it out. -____-

Kuroneki: A-ah. Sorry. \(^-^)/

Juuzou: Ohh pretty butterfly~ *follows butterfly*


Kuro&Shiro: Run!

10 minutes after chasing Juuzou

Kuroneki: H-he *pant* stopped.

Shironeki: Y-yeah.

Juuzou: *Sitting on a bench* Huhh. I'm hungry. *grabs lollipop*

After getting some more sweets (Kuro)

Juuzou: Aww~ no more sweets.

Kuroneki: Here it goes. *sits beside Juuzou* *gets out chocolates* (AN: Since Kuro is a ghoul. And this form of Kaneki hasn't mastered how to eat human food without vomiting, he hasn't put the chocolate in his mouth.)

Juuzou: Ohhhh~ Yummy. *staring at the chocolate*

Kuroneki: Want some?

Juuzou: A-ano, could I?

Kuroneki: Its all yours.

Juuzou: Yehey! Arigato.

Shironeki: *sneaks behind the eating Juuzou and grabs wallet.*

Kuroneki: *sees Shironeki with the wallet* E-tto, I need to go now. Bye.

Juuzou: Thanks for the sweets mister!.....wait, isn't that Kaneki Ken? Meh, he gave me sweets.

Ask OR Dare Kaneki Ken (Kuroneki, Shironeki And Haise)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz