chasing love ;; cth

By paradisin

2.1M 51.5K 27.6K

❝You chased me for a long time, so I figured it was time for me to chase you.❞ copyright © paradisin || 2014 More

Chasing Love (Calum Hood Fan Fiction)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 8

54.5K 1.3K 264
By paradisin

Chapter 8

"What are you doing here?" Was the greeting I was given when Elliana opened the door of her house. I know coming to her flat was a stupid idea but I didn't want to face my mother's interrogation of "Who did this?" and "How could you be this stupid?" because it always ends in me being grounded which I can't risk because I can't miss my audition next weekend. So the plan I had come up with is to see if Ellie would let me stay there till eleven and then I would go home and act like I had such a great time at the party. I am soaked from the pouring rain that I had to run through to get to my car, and my clothes are only saturating even more by just standing here. However, I am positive that I am mostly soaked from my tears.

"You were right," I admit to her. She raises a brow as she shifts her weight to her other foot. She gives me a look signaling me to keep talking, "Calum doesn't like me. They used me so that they could get away with having their party." She gives me a sympathetic look before wrapping me into a huge hug. This is how our fights usually end so I'm glad to see that nothing has changed. 

"Come on, let's get you cleaned up," She says as she leads me inside. She hands me a towel as I try to wipe off that make up. I rub especially hard at the stupid black face paint. The stupid black face paint that can mean so much to one person and nothing to the other. Once I'm all cleaned up we settle ourselves on the couch watching re-runs of Full House as we always used to. I told her everything that happened, which I probably shouldn't have because I know exactly what her reaction would be.

"I told you," She replies just as expected, "So does this mean you're over him? Because clearly nothing good happens to you when that boy is involved."  She does have a point, but I'm not sure if i'm necessarily done with him. I mean I do always end up getting hurt, whether he does it intentionally or unintentionally it still burns just the same. Maybe El is right. I mean I'm 17 and as embarrassing as it is I've never had a boyfriend or even my first kiss. I shouldn't waste my time on him if it only means heartbreak.

"I guess I am."

✴ ✴ ✴ ✴ ✴

When my alarm clock rings on monday morning, school is the last place I want to be. I instinctively pound the snooze button, even though 5 more minutes won't help bring me out of this extremely drowsy state I am currently in. When my alarm goes off I hit the snooze button again, 5 minutes turning into 10, 10 soon turning into 15. I hear my mum babbling on and on outside my room. I hide my head underneath my pillow to block out the noise but the voice get's louder and louder by the second.

"Why the hell aren't you up yet?" She yells followed by the loud bang of my door slamming against the wall, "It 7:20 Valerie you're going to be late," I instantly sit up and glance over the clock. I almost fall out of my bed as I run to my closet to get myself ready. I pull out my vintage 'Blink 182' band tee along with black jeans and converse, no different from what I wear everyday. Just as I am pulling my shirt over my head I hear the loud sound of gas exhaust and the loud ringing of an engine come to a halt. I pull my shirt down and run to the window to see the bus had already arrived. I watch as the kids at the bus stop pile in and at this rate I am never going to make it to school on time. 

"MUM I'M NOT GOING TO MAKE THE BUS, I'M GONNA NEED A RIDE TO SCHOOL," I scream from my room. She doesn't answer but I just assume she heard me as I continue to get dressed. I throw my hair into a messy bun and skip the make up. There's no time to get myself all dolled up, besides I don't have anyone to impress anymore. I run downstairs and grab an apple from the kitchen. I look around, but don't see my mum anywhere. 

"Mum?" My voices hollers through the empty house. I glide over to the window and peer outside to see her pulling out of the driveway. I quickly run back upstairs and grab my bag and run outside. By that time she's almost halfway down the street. 

"MUM WAIT!" I scream flailing my arms as I try to catch up with her car. But I'm too late, she had already made it on the main road without even noticing me. I slump my shoulders and sigh as I turn back towards my house. I briefly lock the door and resort to my last option of walking to school. I look at my phone to see that its already 7:34. School starts in one minute and it's 2 miles away which means it will take me at least half an hour to walk there. I decide to run hoping to divide that time in half and make it for the second half of first period. I run for about a mile and a half till I'm completely out of breath, and decide to walk the rest of the way. When I arrive at the front door it's already 7:55, so that took me about 20 minutes. I walk into the main office, trying to catch my breath back. The lady at the front desk hands me a pink slip for me to hand to my teacher. I briefly fill it out and make my way to my locker. After unpacking and getting my books for class I hesitantly make my way to room 203, where I have English with Mr. Roberts. I slowly turn the handle and pull the door open. I hate coming late to class because it draws so much attention to me, and attention is the last thing I want right now. 

"Miss Wells, It's nice of you to join us," Mr. Roberts greets me as I hand him the slip. He briefly looks it over and places it on his desk. "We just got finished discussing the last project of the year we have due this friday," I glance at Ellie at the back of the room and she gives me a weak smile. I turn back to my teacher as he continues talking, "Everyone has already picked partners, but I'll check my attendance to see if we can partner you up with one of the absent students." He grabs a clipboard and runs his finger down it checking it twice,

"Well there is only one student absent today," He says his eyes moving to me and back to his list, "So I guess that means you're partners with Calum." 

✴ ✴ ✴ ✴ ✴

Filler but I hope you all liked it.

2,000 reads is insane thank you so much

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