Individual Role-play.

By RavenFeather1

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Feel free to roleplay with these characters! I'm editing them right now, some may be trashy so just bare with... More

Boy of Broken Ties
Two Daggers
Skittish Much?
No, I'm Not Related to Quinn...
'Let It Snow Let It Snow Let It Snow....'
Beach Boy
Albino Bride
Jesus Christ; Why Can't You Just Believe Again?
Sleeping Beauty?
.Masochistic. Suicidal. Homicidal.
Could You Be Nice?
Gimme a Snuggle?
I Can See Through Your Idiocy
XXXRed is the Color of PassionXXX
smaerd gnitniap
Hoodies Dont Suck
Sunshine in the Middle of Night
Your Bully
These Are the Rules
Understand Your Own Deceit
Someone That Listens

.Blushing Too Much in Front of Guys.

232 11 327
By RavenFeather1

 Name: I approached the kid full well knowing his name. Almost everyone knew it by now because of the rumor going around school about that crazy party. Poor guy got dooped up in a mean trap. Stereotypical people wanting to "out the gay" while playing with his feelings and ruining other personal meanings. He seemed to hear me coming, lifting up his head from the desk and making cautious eye contact with me, "you must be the person who's here to interview me right? It's Adam Uplet. Sure been worn out." He grumbled to my nodding head as I sat down a chair opposite to him. 

 Age: When asking about his age, which actually wasn't already mentioned in his form yet, he tells me, "I'm sixteen, seventeen and eighteen." 

 I raised my brows, not much older than him but used to this question dodging. His mindful smile played further games as he kept quiet and slightly leaned on the plastic desk surface, "go with the best guess and kill it good. Nobody in the whole wide world cares enough to go figure it out for real." 

Gender: "Everyone loves when the ladies call me 'she' these days."  Adam responded as both eyes shimmered galaxy from moving them towards the outside. Today was unbelievably sunny, clouds swollen with the threat to rain despite not raining yet at all, "but yeah I've got a cock so please refrain from letting my friends know, they'll put a bow on it." 

 Appearance: As I asked him to describe minor details and what-not, Adam's expression began to slide from being a little confident and took on tints of hurt, "whenever I think about what I look like, it's kinda difficult to explain. I just want to look different enough to stand out, but never get the attention of who I want looking at me." He said, "maybe if I looked just right more guys would notice me? Yeah that's extremely stupid but not really when you're nobody's ideal." 

 "Guys like you look just fine..." I mumble out with a playful smile, reaching out to snag his chin and lift it for better facial veiwing. 

 (Describing him correctly comes from the word s n a c k. His body isn't really atheletic, but narrow, lean, and small enough to be extremely nimble for exercise. The shortness comes with an overall smaller body type. Adam is most noticed by the blush that manifests naturally beneath either eye. It typically stands out because of his lighter skin tone and natural contours. Thin pins usually keep drab pebble-browned hair away from most of Adam's face. The original color is highlighted by a bright maroon stained on his bangs. He usually keeps everything aside from these bangs cut short, accentuating his elegant neck and face. Lastly, both eyes take on abnormal blossomy colors like lighter shades of purple and pink. This is labeled as a beautiful birth defect and affects his ability to see long distances.)

Wears: By the time I let Adam's chin go, his cheeks had flushed a dark scarlet and he'd been squirming. It was hard for him to answer my question at first as his eyes darted around. Easily, he searched for hidden cameras, crowds of peeping teens, but none came. 

 "I wear bright shirts, hoodies, and skinny jeans. Even my shoes like bright colors. Got me some neon laces now nothing gets by me without checking out the haps." He started while motioning to his turqosie-toned Vans... that didn't have laces at all.

 "Since I only have a few, my favorite two hoodies gotta be the hot pink and yellow-gold. That one has a lion on the back in silver and it costed me my best pair of earbuds." Adam informed me while flicking the zipper earings he sported, "these and my jacket are the reason I don't shoot up the school. People should be careful when they mess with me, gangside parakeet with lots of zippers."   

Personality: Adam started chuckling, looking deep inside himself for the best word to describe who he was on the outside, "honestly I'm way too dependent on people and get super depressed about not dating anyone yet. Everyone has their girlfriends and boyfriends. You get by elementary fine, middle school... okay okay sure bud- but highschool? I feel like a black sheep." He paused for a second before making a pained expression at the ceiling, "I'm also really annoying because I can't stop talking about dating." 

(Adam seems to be the type that lets everything roll off in public, but cries himself to sleep wanking off because it feels nice to be self effcient during times of great need. He appears to be a complementary people person, outgoing and absolutely daring when it comes to being pushed the extra mile. Adam's curiousity doesn't tend to be let down easily, as he is naturally sneaky and usually gets rude when people try to discourage him. 

 The guy spends his time trying to be "one of the guys" despite already being shunned by most of his male peers. He instead attracts girls, which isn't a nightmare because they often befriend him for spilled tea or good times. Often Adam uplifts people, unable to contain flirtatious outbursts or be very respectful to authority figures. He views them as getting in his way, and likes shoving road blocks aside being they've been around most of the way during life.) 

 Sexuality: "The entire world knows I'm gayer than rocks, and that's gay because they're all looking at each other hard 24/7 haha laugh at my joke!" Adam ended up barking, sounding pushy despite the grins on our faces. He leans away from me to grab his backpack, pulling it on the desk and zipping up exposed notebooks, "and yes, I was going to skip the next class. Gym hates me for every crime. If it were a crime to be a pervert... police would arrest themselves and I would too." 

Random Facts:

 We'd long ditched the musty classroom, traveling instead out of the building where a few dorm buildings stood tall. Didn't seem likely there would be dorms at a highschool, but, behold anyway, "I have one of those. They were made for orphans like me with no money and lots of community service. Which is one of the things I do. Basic janitor without no maid outfit. Unacceptable." Adam informed, leading us inside one building just to climb stairs upon stairs of quiet. 

 "Hobbies hobbies hobbies let's see... I drink a lot, party even more, going out is always better than staying in I think. So usually school isn't a priority and more of somewhere to be if I'm not hungover and sleeping in a bathtub outta place." He went on while unlocking the door to his room and slipping inside, "there's also a trade for um.. some.. illegal stuff. I'm good with guns if  that's- definitely surprising." 

 He caught my mouth gaping just a tad at the rifle hung over his bed. One big bad whammy that looked too heavy for Adam to carry, much less effeciently shoot from, "let's see. I'm an artist, love reading, love, stalking is also fun. Kinda makes me happy in specific, solid ways."

 "I have an empty fridge, not a lot of self control... I'm also called Zippy sometimes. Don't ask why. Never, ever ask why. I'll run away faster than you could pin me down and wrestle the answer out. Personally, I'd like that too much anyway."

(Marshmello - Alone (Slushii Remix) - - This fits the overall attitude Adam brings to the table when exploring his energy drive and undertones of dared risk-taking. Things like getting involved in dangerous business while trying to find love at the same time is represented well here as too.)

Scenario #1

"Damn mother holy heaven God unearthed!"  Adam gasped out in heavy breaths. He was sprinting in long strides which were quite current in evading the football team's angriest coach. Jumping a tall fence came fluid even though he clumsily botched the landing and stumbled back into darting around the small half circle that started their field. Another weighted landing told him the coach was fast behind, but Adam ran faster from being panicked by the fact. Today he sported his famous yellow-gold hoodie fitted with classy white skinny jeans and always tropical Vans. Said hoodie flailed around his rushing arms, catching dust and wind as a breeze passed. Any yellow reflected like bright lemon beneath today's even brighter sun, causing Adam to resemble someone's lost shooting star.

 "I just wanted to peek! I didn't do nothing else!" He practically screamed when realizing other practice players, much bigger than himself, take notice of the coach flagging for their help. They gave chase with Adam cornered for an exit other than the long green feild of shirtless, sweating, muscular hunks of- dangerous jocks approaching fast as hell. Half of the team went for this precious exit while the other parted to meet their stalker half way. 

 Adam was so close to being free he knew there weren't many other options. Taking a deep breath, he dove to the dirt just feet before about six strong arms. His daring roll took a sideways angle, knocking the legs of these football players right out from beneath them like they were bowling pins due to speed. They all yelled in obvious pain before dropping like flies while Adam scrambled out from behind them and tore into the locker rooms by debris storm. A few guys were late coming out to practice, catching sight of a familiar yellow hoodie and scratching their heads when he pounced between them all fury no smiles. 

Once all was said and done, Adam was back in school against one of the walls panting when someone unexpected approached. 

Scenario #2

Get creative! 

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