Unexpected Love(Louis Tomlins...

By NiallsPrincess326

24.3K 480 96

20 year old Bri Luxten has full custody of her younger directioner 7 year old sister Katelyn ever since her p... More

Unexpected Love
Lot's To Do
Concert& Meeting Them
Dinner& Sleepover
Date With Who?
Poor Thing
Date Time
We Need To Talk
The Talk
Louis And Katelyn
Part two of the last chapter
Wedding Day

Keep It A Seceret

1.1K 20 3
By NiallsPrincess326

Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Comment Please and tell me what you think!!

I just started a new story called 'I'm A Dad?' It's a 1D fan fiction about Niall Horan. Please read and I hope you Like it.


Bri's POV

I just got out of work from 'Dunkin Donuts' and I picked up Katelyn on my way home from her grouch of a babysitter. I plopped myself down on the couch not even caring that I smelt like coffee and donuts. It's been about two weeks since I left the boys house and todays the first day I started to feel better. 

Katelyn ran upstairs probally to take a nap. She went to the park with the baby sitter today and she was really tired. I layed down for like five minutes but then got up and ran upstair I went in the bathroom and stripped out of my work clothes and hopped into the shower. When I was done I hopped out then dryed off and put a pair of baggy gray sweats and a hot pink t-shirt. 

I grabbed my phone and walked down the hallway to check on Katelyn who was sound asleep in bed. I walked downstairs and went into the kitchen I grabbed a spoon and a pint of 'Ben and Jerry's' Ice-cream. I sat on the couch and put a blanket over my lap, turned on the TV to that gossip show I saw the other day.

"Niall seen with some mystery girl who's name might be either Bri or Katelyn. Who is she is she? Is she Niall"s girlfriend or just a friend? Here are some pictures of them at the carnival together. Hugging, holding hands, playing games, and more" the talk show host lady said as pictures popped up on the screen of us at the carnival doing pretty much everything.

I just sat there with my mouth hung open in shock. I'm just Niall's friend!

I took out my phone and called Alivia. I've been telling her everything going on lately since she's my bff.

(A=Alivia B=Bri)

B-hey girl can you come over?

A- ya sure why????

B- Tell you when you come. Long story it will be easier to tell you in person than over the phone. C u soon;)

And with that I hung up. Well I was waititng for her I decided to text Louis.

Bri-Hey Lou!!

Lou- HEY BRI!!! How are you feeling??

Bri-GOOD!! Wats up?

Lou-Nm just hanging out at the flat eating pizza

Bri- Everyones pants still up? lol

Lou-Yes...for now hehehe

Bri:Only you! So I was wondering if you wanted to maybe hang out with me Saturday? You don't have to, if you don't want to.

I didn't get a reply for what felt like ever. I was staring at my phone which was on my lap when the doorbell began to ring.

Ding Dong

I jumped making my phone fall onto the spot next to me. I picked up my phone and walked over to the door. I peeked through the peep hole and saw Alivia. I opened the door and let her in.

"The door bell scared the crap out of me." I said well laughing at my stupidity

"Well you knew I was coming! Speaking of me coming, what up?" She said making me remember I wanted to talk to her.

"Well it's kind of about Ni and Lou!" I said as we sat down on the couch

"What about them." she said and I just stared out into space realizing I was thirsty

I really need to start focussing better.

"Do you want a drink?" i asked her as I made my way to the kitchen door then stopped to look at her

"Sure, can I have some ice tea? And by the way your talking to me!" She demanded

"OK" I yelled from the kitchen

When I returned back into the living room Ali was sitting in the same spot I left he rbut she was playing on her phone.

"Here." I said making her look up from her phone and take her drink.

"Thanks! Now what's going on with you Lou and Ni?" she asked taking a sip of her drink and putting her phone on the coffee table. I sat down on my previous spot with my tea in my hands.

"Well... you know how me and Niall went out and then Louis took care of me the next day blah blah blah?" she nodded as in saying 'Yes Go On'.

"Well I think I'm starting to have feeling for them. And I really don't want to because they're my really good friends but I do." I said going on as she told me to.

"Who do you like more?" Ali asked sounding really curious

"I really don't know but I only have had fun with Niall without the boys, Louis doesn't count because I was sick. So I text Louis and asked him if he wanted to hang out with me but he didn't respond and he answered all my other messages right away." I whined like a two year old

"Well if you haven't realized Louis happens to be in a world famous boy band, the chances that he's busy right now are really high." She said making a point and I nodded

"True I guess I just need to relax and wait."I said sighing and leaning my on the top of the couch

"Yep, now do you want me to leave so you can relax?"she said and my head came back up

"No stay I'm so bored and I don't want to sleep so stay here and wait with me pleeeaaassse!" I begged yet again sounding like a two year old

We just sat there for the next hour silently waiting for the text well watching 'Dance Moms'  this show is so dumb but I love it. I'm weird, don't judge.


We both both whipped our heads from the screen to the coffee table was. My phone was buzzing. I picked it up and unlocked the screen.

"It's LOUIS!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed not even reading the message

"What does it say?" she asked looking at my phone that was in my hands

"I'm so sorry I took so long to answer we got called to the studio. And I would love to hang out with you on Saturday. Can't wait what are we going to do?" I read the text aloud

"So what are you guys going to do?" I'll watch Katelyn if you want all I'm doing is going to get my nails done and she can come with me and get hers done too." she offered

"That would be great. I would ask Harry but I don't really want the boys to find out about this date, because I don't want to hurt Niall if he thought we went on a date too." I explained quoting the word day with my fingers

"Well tell Louis that you have a sitter for Kate and you really would appriciate if the boys didn't find out and you'll explain later." I nodded at her

"Ok" I said well typing back to Louis

Bri:Ya that's fine I have a babysitter for Kate and I was wondering if you wanted to go for dinner and ice cream then bowling? If you want

Lou: SOUNDS GREAT! Iove bowling ;-)

Bri:But lets keep it a secret from the boys and stuff if you don't mind

Lou:Ya that would be a smart idea  i'll be at your house at 4 to pick you up, ok love?


"Ok me and Lou are going out to eat and then bowling! So be here around 2:30 so you can help me get ready and watch Kate." I said to Ali who was text 

"Sounds good.I'll do your hair and make up casually and then we'll pick out a cute outfit. My nail appointment is at five so this works out great. I have to go now."

Ali left and I sat back on the couch thinking about Saturday and wishing I didn't have to wait three more days.


Sorry guys this chapter stunk! The next one will be on there date, I should have a new update before Thursday hopefully I've been trying to keep up but it's hard Summer time is keeping me busy!

stay beautiful

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