Lot's To Do

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"Bri! Come on!" I heard and just moaned and rolled over. "It's tomorrow, just a day away get up and get your wallet!" I heard a whine coming from the side of my bed. "If you don't get up soon I'm going to jump on you!" I slowly opened my eyes, looking at my little sister who clearly already had her cereal, considering she had a big milk stache. "What time is it?" I moaned and and tried rolling over but got stopped by Katelyn who freaked me out when she told me it was already 1o'clock in the afternoon.

"I didn'tsleep that late did I?" I asked now sitting up and wide awake.

"Yes you did and I've been trying to wake you up for 1 hour already and all you did was moan and roll over. We have allot to do today the concert is tomorrow and we still need to get One Direction shirts and a new outfit." Kate said literally dragging me off my bed and onto the floor.

"Didn't I just buy you a 1D shirt a month ago?" I said as I stood up from the floor and made my bed.

"It was more then a month ago! And besides since then Liam got a hair cut and Harry faded in the dryer because someone stinks at washing clothes." she said in a sassy tone I just rolled my eyes for a girl who wants me to do so much for her she sure has an attitude.

I started rummaging threw my draws to see what to wear today I ended up picking a pair of blue short shorts that reached just under my butt and a peach lacy shirt and my white Toms. I lied my outfit on my bed next to Katelyn who was now laying on my bed watching some show on Disney channel. I really wish I could afford to take her to Disney she would love that.

"I'm going to take a shower, you can either stay on my bed and watch TV or go down stairs and make a sandwich for lunch or something." I told her as I started to walk down the hallway to the bathroom. Katelyn is a really good kid she's kind and she's really easy going except for when it comes to 1D, but mostly she can do things for herself and she's sweet.

I walked into the bathroom and slipped out of my clothes throwing them in the hamper I hopped into the shower. the warm water felt so good considering this was going to be a busy day I took an hour long shower just to make me comfortable. When I got out I wrapped the towel around me and didn't bother to dry my hair because it drys fast and then is all wavy. I shooed Kate out of my room and got changed and put some mascara and eyeliner on making my green eyes pop. I looked at myself in my body length mirror on the back of my door, I quickly braided my hazel colored half back length hair to the side and walked out of my room.


After Katelyn got dressed and bathed I settled her down in the car hopped into the front seat and turned the radio on as we headed to the outside mall out -lit. And like always even though it was only 62 degrees out Katelyn begged me to roll down her window she loves to wave to people and see who waves back. She's such a weird child, but I love her and don't know what I'd do without her. We were about 10 minutes away from the outfit and Kate was looking out her window when all of the sudden she shrieked and made me swerve really quick into the other lane.

"What's wrong?!?!" I asked Katelyn sounding really worried.

"WAWAWA-ONE D!!! The. Tour. BUS!" she said in between shrieks.

I turned my head looking out my drivers window as a huge tour bus with 1D on the side of it in read and and a big British flag painted on the side and all the boys faces. I could see eyes peeking out there was five sets. 2 brown, 2 green, and 1 blue. It was kind of creepy that my little sister could tell me what set of eyes belonged to who. But she should since she mad me buy and hang up literately 100 posters of them in her room, mostly of that blond kid Niall I think his name is. Her whole room is as she liked to call it directionized.

Since the traffic was stopped I just looked at the five sets of eyes looking around and Katelyn sat there waving like a freak. I didn't think they would be able to remember me tomorrow when Kate and I met them back stage so I just stared looking in each set of eyes but one pair of light green eyes caught my attention. They were beautiful, they were almost the same shade as mine except mine are darker. I know I'm a freak but I couldn't help but stare at them and then it got evn more weird when his eye met mine. Call me crazy I don't care I swear the lightened up when we looked at each other.

Kate snapped me out of my gaze when she spoke, "Louis is looking at you I think." Oh, so that's Louis!

"Maybe?" I said trying not to sound like a thirteen year old fan girl.

I turned my head back to looking into 'Louis' eyes and what are the chances he was still looking at me the all the eyes disappeared from the certain.


Finally we pulled up into the driveway of my flat. I got Kate out of the car, walked to the door and, unlocked it. I plopped down on the couch and turned on the tv to some gossip channel which i got really interested watching and immediatly found out what channel it was os I could watch it again.

"Kate go put your clothes out for tomorrow night and get your pj's on, brush your teeth and go to bed I'll be up in a minute to tuck you in." I said to Kate as she walked upstairs with her shopping bag and I turned off the TV and followed quickly behind her carrying my new 1D outfit in my hand as I walked upstairs. 'yippee' *sarcasm


HOPE YOU GUYS LIKED IT! i will update soon just comment and vote!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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