Louis And Katelyn

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Louis POV

"Niall my hand is not food." I said calmly to Niall trying not to burst out into laughter

"I'm not trying to eat your hand I want the sandwich in you hands." Niall replied trying to grab my sandwich that I just moved away making him fall onto the floor

"Louis." Niall whined standing up rubbing the back of his head

"Ha" I laughed

Then my phone went of indicating u had a text.

From BriBri: Louis, Louis, Louis hey I'm bored

I laughed to myself and Niall looked over at me trying to find out why I was laughing.

"Bri texted me, you can have my sandwich now." I said to Niall smiling at him cockily

"Oh, so now you give me your sandwich. And tell Bri I said hi and thanks for the sandwich." Niall snatched the sandwich out of my hand

From Louis: Bri, Bri, Bri hey! Niall said 'Hi'

I didn't feel like explaining the whole sandwich thing.

From BriBri: HI NIALLER!! I'm so hyper today and so is Katelyn. I want to go shopping!

Clearly she's hyper I chuckled to myself. Too cute!

From Louis: go hang out with one of your friends I'll hang out with Katelyn for a little while!;)

Maybe it would be cool to hang out with Katelyn after all she is Bri's little sister and since I fancy her sister it would be good to get to know Katelyn.

From BriBri: are you sure? Hyper Katelyn can be a handful!

From Louis: Yes im sure I'll be by in twenty

Bri's POV

From Louis is AWESOME: Yes im sure ill be by in twenty

I answered Louis back before running upstairs to go tell Katelyn Louis was coming.

I walked into Katelyn's room watching her look up from her dolls seeing me standing by her door.

"You might want to get dressed into something that's not your pajamas." I smiled at Kate

"Why?" She asked laying her dolls on the floor

"Louis is coming to pick you up so you guys can go hang out." She smiled widely as soon as I said Louis

"Why aren't you hanging out with Louis?" She raised her eyebrows

I do t know why but Katelyn keeps trying to get me to go out with Louis.

I guess you could say I fancy him but I dot know if I want to have a relationship with one if Niall's best mates. Clearly he fancies me he's told be several times and tried to ask me out but I don't really have feelings for him. Don't get me wrong Niall's and awesome guy but I like him better as a friend.

"Zip it and put your dolls away." I couldn't help but blush a little. Thank God Katelyn turned around quickly so she could put her dolls away.


Louis' on his way and Katelyn's all ready to go in her purple jean shorts with black converses and a black t-shirt.

Ding Dong

"Come in!" I shouted from the kitchen where I was sitting with Katelyn having some tea.

"Hey!" Louis said approaching the kitchen door way

As soon as Katelyn saw Louis her face lit up and she ran over giving him a huge hug and he swooped her off her feet spinning her around making her laugh so loud.

"Nice to see you Katelyn!" Louis said placing Katelyn back on her feet

"Hey BriBri." Louis said coming over and giving me a little hug

Honestly though I didn't want to let go I love the feeling of hugging Louis, a lot.

Louis POV

We said bye to Bri and I helped Katelyn into the limo that I had brought to drive us around tonight. I wasn't planning on dropping her off early since its already 4:00pm

"Want a smoothie?" I asked Katelyn

"Yes please." She said politely

I told the limo driver where to go and them we were off.



Sorry that this chapter sucked and its so short but the next chapter will be longer and better!!!!

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