Daddy's Little Assassin

By SanC-Rylie

6.1M 198K 40.1K

At the age of only 13 years, Kathleen Miller witnessed something that no child should --her parents being kil... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Author's Note
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
The End
New Story
New Book 🚨

Chapter 30

108K 3.8K 932
By SanC-Rylie

"Where are we going?" I asked as Gio continued driving.

"You'll see." Gio chuckled.

"I know I'll see, but I'd still like to know where." I pouted.

"You'll know when we get there." Gio chuckled again.

"Okay, I guess you really aren't gonna say anything?" I asked Gio.

"No I'm not, besides we're almost there."

"Really? What's near to here?" I said mostly to myself.

After I had thought about it for a while, I had a pretty good idea where we were going.

"Fantastica," I announced. "You're taking me to your hotel aren't you?"

"I'm not saying anything." Gio said but I could tell by the look on his face that I had guessed it correct.

"I'm so right. I've got you figured out Gio."

"Oh, is that so?" Gio asked amused.

"Yep, well maybe not fully but I'm getting there." I told him.

"Wow. Well aren't you just a great detective." Gio chuckled.

"You have no idea." I laughed.

We had finally reached Fantastica hotel and like I had guessed, that was in fact where Gio stopped after he drove to the hotels parking lot.

"I knew it."

"Well I'll give you an 'A' for excellent this time." Gio chuckled as we both exited the car.

"Come on." he said as he led me inside the hotel.

Inside was just as amazing as the outside, it was really beautiful. I've never been there before but I had always heard and known that hotel was an amazing one. As Gio led me to the elevator, a few people greeted him. They were either staff or other important looking people. Gio responded to them with either a simple nod of acknowledgment or a hello.
When we entered the elevator, I had noticed that it seemed different from the main one. I then realized that must've been his personal elevator. I watched as Gio entered a code before he pressed the 26th button.

"Hmm, the 26th floor." I said as we started moving up.

"Yeah, that's where my penthouse suite is." Gio smiled as he leaned back on the rail behind us in the elevator.

"Oh." I smiled. "By the way this hotel is amazing like rumours have it."

"I take it you've never been here before." Gio said to me.

"Well no I haven't. My Dad and Brother owns a few hotels here and over the country as well so I've never had the chance to visit any that didn't belonged to them."

"Really? Who is your Dad and your brother?" He asked curiously.

"I don't think you know them." I said quickly.

"Oh come on Lexi, I'm a businessman I know almost all the other hotel owners like myself, so I think I may know them if we're in the same game."

"Well I hope not. I mean what if they're like your rivals or something? I wouldn't want you to hold that against me now would I?" I smiled.

"I guess not. I'd probably kidnapped you or used you as leverage to get back at them." Gio joked.

"Okaayy. Keep saying things like that and you're definitely gonna see less of me." I said to him.

"Lexi I'm kidding." Gio laughed.

Just then the elevator stopped and the doors opened. "Come on, this way. But just so you know, I'll probably soon find out who those Millers are anyway."

"I doubt that." I replied under my breath as he led me to his penthouse.

I had noticed he punched in another code before we were able to go inside.

"Wow, this is amazing." I said as I entered inside.

"Thank you. Give me a minute, I'll be back." Gio smiled before he left me alone for a while.

I took the opportunity to look around. Whoever built and designed the hotel was truly amazing at their job, even more the penthouse was definitely alluring.

I thought about what Gio had said about, probably finding out who those Miller's are soon enough. He would have definitely came up blank if he expected that he would have figured out who my Dad and brother was, using that name. I hadn't told him my name was now Luciano or that my real parents were the Miller's and they died. I never gave him too much personal information about me. So he thought I was named Miller and that my brother and Dad who were hotel owners are also Miller's. He was in for a big shock.

I looked around the living room area of his penthouse and hoped that I could see something that would have determined whether or not Gio was in fact involved in or the boss of another mafia family. I mean, of course he was Italian and that night when Lucas caught me upstairs at the club he had been acting really weird. But otherwise from that, I didn't noticed anything else that could have linked Gio to being connected to any Mafia. His behavior and actions towards me seemed completely normal. Although he could have just been be a very good actor. I also thought to myself, 'what if he was just an innocent, normal business man? Would it be alright for me-who had this close connection to the Mafia- to be getting close to him?'.

After all I wasn't a normal 21year old. I was the daughter of an ex Mafia boss and sister of present boss. I had killed before, more times than I could possibly remembered. And while most 21year old would have been scared or fearful of doing such things, I didn't think twice about doing such tasks. I hadn't regretted  anything that I've done. But if Gio was indeed innocent to my world, would it have been wise for me involved him more in my life? And what if I had gotten too close to him and he turned out to be an enemy of my family, what then?

"Hey, what are you thinking about so seriously?" Gio broke me out of my reverie as he handed me a glass of wine.

"Nothing, I was just wondering who your interior designer was." I lied.

"Thank you." I took the glass from him.

"Alana Myers, One of the best. I could hook you up with her if you want."

"I'd like that. Whenever I do buy my own house." I said to him. "That's if my Dad ever decides to let me go on my own."

"Ah, the overprotected Dad." Gio teased.

"He means well," I defended as I took a sip from the wine. "He's just trying to protect me. He's far more experience in this world than I am, he's just trying to keep me from danger, and he feels like he can better do that if I'm near to him."

"Danger like what?" Gio smirked.

"I don't know. Just dangerous things."

"Like what? Men?" Gio laughed.

"Probably," I chuckled. "So tell me, Mr. Cavelli are men dangerous?"

"I can't speak for all men, I can only speak for this one." Gio smirked as he put down his wine glass and neared me.

"Oh really? Are you dangerous?" I asked seductively.

"In fact I am." Gio replied as he came closer to me.

"How dangerous are you?" I asked slowly as Gio closed the gap between us and took my glass from out my hand and put it on the coffee table.

"Very very dangerous Lexi." Gio whispered before he claimed my lips.

Just as I had started to respond he pulled away at looked down at me with a smile.

"Are you hungry?" He asked.

"Not really, I had a late lunch today just before you picked me up." I told him honestly.

I wasn't hungry, I had eaten something a couple minutes before he had came to picked me up
since I was feeling hungry that time.

"Well guess we can let dinner wait till later then."

"Yeah, we can." I smiled at him.

"Follow me." Gio smiled then took my hand and led me towards what I assumed was his bedroom.

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