Beneath The Mask

By sarahannamj

85.3K 6.5K 5.5K

'You look beautiful in that white dress. Too bad your boyfriend is not here to feast his eyes!' The message o... More

Welcome All!
1. The Departure
2. The Creeps!
3. A Cup Of Coffee
4. Just The One I Need!
5. Party Overloaded
6. Please Go Away!
7. First Day
8. I Just Don't Hate Him Anymore
9. You Just Bring Out The Worst In Me
10. Doesn't All Love Begin With A Fight?
11. Don't Make Promises You Cannot Keep
12. This Is Not Her!
13. I Used To Love Him
14. I Killed Her!
15. Let's Do Something We Might Regret!
16. I Did What?!
17. Anything For That Smile Of Yours
18. Nice Defense Rapunzel
19. Thank You For Not Being Rude
20. Sorry And Thank You For Everything
21. A Lot Can Happen Over Coffee.
22. This Could Be An Interesting Day Too
23. It's Over!
25. More Than Just A Kit Kat Break.
26. Blake! Blake! Blake!
27. Jealousy Looks Best When A Guy Wears It For A Girl!
28. I'll Try To Be As Caring As Possible
29. Coast Is Clear!
30. I Am Calmer Than The Freaking Buddha!
31. I've Finally Got A Sister!
32. Michael Is One Heck Of A Prince Charming!
33. Even If I Say I Love You?
34. My Personal Punching Bag!
35. I Messed Up Big Time!
36. When Did My Life Get So Messy?!
37. I Did Not Kill Him!
38. I'll Be Meeting You Soon!
39. Because I Love You!
40. You Really Are A Bad Psychologist!
41. Booyah!
42. Payback Is a Bitch Baby!
43. Yay! We're finally going to be arrested!
44. Uh Ho! We Have Been Caught!
45. That Was Such A ClichΓ© Movie Moment!
46. You're Mine Samantha!
47. The Heart Really Is A Monkey!
48. Save Her Like Superman!
49. Who Knew Facebook Could Come In So Handy!
50. Damn You Heart For Being So Stubborn!
51. He Was My Home!
52. Looks Like You've Been A Naughty Girl!
53. Princess Catherine, The Future Queen Of My Heart!
54. Sorry Pepsi! Rest In Peace!
55. From The Lovely Mr. Michael Herman!
56. This Is The Story Of My Love!
57. I Am A Smart Girl!
58. I Only Play The Players!
59. Looks Like You've Found Your Match!
60. Pictures Are Worth A Thousand Actions!
61. You're mouth is just as slippery as mine!
62. Keep Dreaming Stalker!
63. I Am Your Satan From Hell!
64. A New Padlock And A Pen!
65. That Is The Thing You Claimed As A Face!
66. Bearded Guys Are An Added Bonus!
67. He Was Mine! Only Mine!
68. Never Use The B-Word With Me!
69. Two Can Play The Game!
70. He Just Had A Thing For Roys!
71. Never Mess With The Girl In Heels!
72. Hopefully, This Time He Would Understand!
73. Like I Ain't Perfect Already!
74. Don't Be A Nanny, Old Man!
75. Since Michael And Samantha Are Never Silent Together!
76. I Wouldn't Have It Any Other Way!
77. I've Finally Found My Emma!
78. Why Does Love Have To Be A Confusing Mess?
79. I Said Yes!
80. That Shit Was Bullshit right?
81. Perfect Awkwardness!
82. Because Mater only listens to his McQueen.
83. Her Enchanted Lover!
84. Finding Daniel!
85. I Cheated On Him With His Brother!
86. Because I Am So Going To Kill Him!
87. I Was Doomed!
88. You're The Kind Of Guy I Would Always Fall For!
89. Ladies, It's Time To Put The Seat Belts On!
90. Always!
91. What's A Lil Fight, Without A Lil Kiss?
92. We are our greatest problem!
93. Wait! Did I Just Flirt With The Hot Guy In The White Shirt?
94. Damn! I need to refill my popcorn now!
95. A Day Out With My Girlfriend's Ex-Boyfriend!
96. Follow my lead, my lady!
97. My Lips Taste Like Sweet Strawberries Topped On Whipped Cream!
98. Mine Own Lief, Lady Samantha!
99. She's Gone!
100. I Am Not A Lovesick Puppy Dog, I Am A Damn Wolverine!
101. Now That's A Really Bad, Bad Friend!
102. Denial Is Definitely Not A Sign Of Lying!
103. Wait! What?!
104. Because We're Going To Play Detective!
105. You're A Bad Betty!
106. Well, That Would Be Fun, Wouldn't It?
107. Because John Legend Was A Legendary Fish!
108. If Only I Could Believe That!
109. Blake's Ready To Bake!
110. Now That's The Everyday Life Of Daniel d'silva!
111. I'll Be Deaf, Dumb, And An Illegal Immigrant From Mexico!
112. Love Momma's Coming For Ya!
113. Maybe, Just Maybe!
114. The Things I Do For Love!
115. Nothing But Eternal Love For You!
116. I Am Going To Seduce Her With Sexual Frustration!
117. For There Is No Michael Without Catherine!
118. Some Doors Are Best Left Unopened!
119. Old Boys Die Hard!
120. Chivalry Is Never Old Fashioned!
121. You're More Of A Kitchen Scientist?
122. You Can't Find A Face You've Never Seen Before!
123. I Knew John Green Eavesdropped On Our Conversation!
124. God, Just Kill Me Young!
125. Maybe Fairytale Endings Are Not For Everyone!
126. Afterall, Boys Know Boys Better!
127. Maybe Nightmares Do Come True Too!
128. Screw You, Love!
129. And I'll Be The One For Widower Sam!
130. I Wish I Hadn't Loved Him At The Moment!
131. Show Me Why I Loved You In The First Place!
132. I Am Definitely In Love With Shakespeare!
133. Who Knew Cath Could Be So Demanding!
134. A Lil Bit Of Chilling, And A Lot Of Adventures Of Sabrina!
135. No Sam. No Cath.
The Final Cast!
!!!!Book 2!!!
*Author's Note!*

24. He Likes You.

919 80 21
By sarahannamj

Note : Daniel's bandmates will be making an appearance in this chapter. If you have forgotten, they came in chapter 11. That was a long time ago. So here is a short reminder.

Blake - Blond drummer.
Harry - Brown haired electric guitarist and co-singer.
Zoran - Red head keyboard player.

Cath's POV:

3:55 pm.

Tick tick tick...

3:56 pm.

Tick tick tick...

3:57 pm.

I checked my phone for the 27th time in the past half hour. Michael would be coming here in exactly 3 minutes. I waited for a whole week for this but couldn't wait any longer as the day had arrived.

Sam and I got ready way too early. She had a little work to do. So she stayed in the room and told me to inform her when Michael arrived. I on the other hand didn't know what to do with the spare time. Being prepared too early does have its disadvantage. Sitting didn't help my dancing feet. Huffing I got up from the couch and paced to and fro.

The chiming bell sound made me jump. I rushed to the door and stopped right in front of it. I smoothed out the creases on my shirt and let out a heavy breath. I opened the door with a wide grin but it faded as fast as it formed. An unknown guy stood in the porch with a large red rose bouquet in his hand.

"Who are you?" I've never seen him before. Could he be here for Sam?

"Greetings mam, I'm from Daring Dreams, a flower shop. I have a delivery for..." He pulled out a clipboard from his red bag and skimmed through the paper on it. "Miss.Catherine."

"That would be me."

"Ooh, then here you go." He handed the sweet smelling red roses to me. "Please sign here." He pointed to the blank space next to my name. I did what was instructed.

I handed the paper back to him and looked for any name tag in the bouquet. "Who is it from?"

"It's from Mr.Michael Herman and it comes with a message." He pulled out a white paper from his pocket and gave it to me.

"Thank you." I tried to contain the excitement within my body but the wide grin splitting my face didn't help.

"Have a lovely day." He smiled and left. I closed the door and rushed to the sofa. I hugged the flowers with one arm, making sure not to wither them and unfolded the paper.

"I can't make it today. I'm sorry for making that smile fade away. I promise to make it upto you.

                      - Love, grumpy Mike."

There you go again! Why can't something I wish for happen just for once? Who am I kidding? I'm Catherine, nothing ever happens my way. I slumped back on the sofa and bit my nails in disappointment.

Ten minutes later, I lazily got up from my seat and dragged myself to the showcase to get a vase. I removed the flowers from the wrapper and arranged it inside the vase. I made sure to do everything in a snail's pace. If I kept myself busy, I needn't have to deal with the reality that my expectations were ruined.

The door bell rang again. I placed the vase carefully on the table and opened the door. Someone stood in the doorway with a huge flower basket full of white roses, large enough to cover their face and upper body.

"Is this Michael's way of telling me not to punch him on his face the next time I see him?" I crossed my arms against my chest and leaned against the door frame.

"No, it's his way of saying sorry for being late." He chuckled and moved the flowers away from his face. Michael.

I pushed myself away from the wall with wide eyes. "What are you doing here? I thought you weren't coming."

"I wouldn't miss this for the world." He grinned.

"Then what about the note? It said.." He cut me off. "Yeah, I know. There was a slight.." He scratched the back of his neck. "Confusion. Now everything has been taken care of. I hope you accept this as my apology."

He handed me the heavy basket and I almost dropped it. How did he hold that for so long? He chuckled and held one side of the basket. We carefully placed it on the table. I inhaled the fragrant white petals. "These are lovely."

"So are you", he said.

"What?" My head whipped to his direction.

He pointed his hand up and down my body with a smile. "You are beautiful. Like always."

"Thanks." I muttered and turned away. Compliments always made me uncomfortable. Especially the ones about my appearance. I wish people never see the exterior of something as beauty. A lot of people could have a better life if it weren't for the judgemental eyes.

Michael cleared his throat, making me come out of my trance. "Shall we leave?"

"Yeah." I nodded. "Just a second, I'll call Sam." I climbed half the stairs and shouted for her to come down. I walked back to the sofa next to Michael and sat on it. Michael had his gaze set on the floor. He seemed to be thinking about something, something happy I guess. The genuine faint smile on his lips was a rare exhibition.

Loud laughter and footsteps echoed in the silent hall. Sam and Daniel climbed down the stairs, playfully shoving each other.

"Woah, what's going on here? I didn't know you both could tolerate each other so much." Michael smirked.

The duo stopped laughing and stared at him. "Look who has finally come down to planet Earth!" Daniel chirped and clapped his hands in fake enthusiasm.

Michael rolled his eyes. "Have I really been so blind? Never thought you two love birds would be so fast." He chuckled and punched Daniel's arm lightly.

"What?!" Daniel and Sam shrieked in unison.

Michael narrowed his eyes suspiciously. "You two are going on a date, aren't you?"

"No!" They both screamed together again, making me laugh.

"Then where are you both heading to?" Michael blinked.

"Do you need to see a doctor?" Sam placed her hands on both sides of his head and stared at him.

"No, the injuries have healed. Why do you ask?"

"Because I think you suffer from a severe case of amnesia!" She pulled his hair and shook his head violently.

"Ow!! What the hell are you doing Sam?" Michael screamed in pain and pushed her hand away from him. He rubbed his head with his hand.

"Making you remember you dumbo. We're all supposed to go out now aren't we?"

"Ooh." Michael drawled like he finally understood what was going on. "We're all going together?" He asked it like a question and stared at me.

"Yeah. I even invited Daniel's bandmates too. My first meeting with them didn't go exactly well." I winced as I remembered the scene I created when we went out for dinner. "I thought that this might be a nice chance to start over. That is if you don't mind."

Michael's eyes dropped to the ground. He nodded his head lightly. I had a feeling that he wasn't as excited as me about the idea. Or it could be just me.

"Michael?" I called and he lifted his head to meet my eyes. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." He nodded and smiled but it didn't quite reach his eyes. "Let's get going." He stormed out the house before I could say anything.


Sam's POV:

The tree was doing a good job at hiding me but I needed to find a safer place. A place that nobody can find me. I could feel the predators around within a few feet. I peeked from my position.
A dispropotionate shadow passed across the wall behind the tree. Could it be the movement of a rival or just the trick of my eyes?

I can't risk it. I pushed my back against the rustic bark. A pile of large stones were on the far end to my right. A better hiding place than my current one. I looked around. Coast clear!

I held my gun close to my body and sprinted to the next tree.
I continued in the same fashion until I reached the stone pile. I ducked behind and grinned in victory. Nobody can find me now.

"Gotcha!" A familiar voice made me jump and I turned around, still ducking. Daniel smirked with a gun pointing at me. Before I could do anything, he pulled the trigger and the ammo hit straight on my left shoulder, knocking me down. I fell flat on the ground. The pain throbbed across the area. The red liquid penetrated my shirt.

He strodded next to my head and bent down. "You're down." He smirked at my obvious situation and held out his hand. "You should have known that you can't win against me in paintball."

I placed my hand in his and pulled him down to the ground. He fell down next to me with a loud thud. I stood up and dusted my jeans. I turned around and moved towards him. I placed my legs wide apart with him lying in between and bent down in the same way he did. "Now you're down." I smirked. "You should have known that you can't win against me in anything."

I was about to move back but unknown to me, he had dashed his leg against mine. I lost my balance and crashed straight on his hard chest. Falling on the ground would have been better. And my wish became true. I was turned around to the ground while he straddled over me with both his hands on either sides of my head.

"Get off me!"  I shoved his chest but he didn't budge.

"I will if you accept." He smirked.

"Accept what?" I scrunched  my eyebrows in confusion.

"That you can't win anything against me."

"Backmailing now aren't we?" I smirked.

"Yeah. Now tell me you love me."

"What?" I chuckled. "I'm never going to say that." Love? No way! Why do people still believe in that crap?

"I have the upper hand here. You're going to do it."

"Oh yeah? What will you do if I don't?"

"If you don't I'll..." He drawled and stared at me. He leaned in a little.

"What are you doing?" I asked. Is he trying to scare me off with his face because that's failing. In fact I can admire him much better now without getting caught. What? I'm a girl too!

"What does it look like?" He said that in a husky tone, sending a shiver down my spine. Why does it feel so strange and uncomfortable now?

"I-I don't k-know." I hated how vulnerable my voice sounded. I shoved his chest again. I could even make a punching bag move but not him. All I wanted was to get away but the space to my side wasn't large enough to slide off. Why couldn't I be like one of those small petite girls who could move through the smallest of gaps.

"I dont know either." He leaned in slowly. Our noses were almost touching. "I think I'm going to lose." He whispered against my lips.

Wait! Was he going to kiss me? Was today going to be the day I get my first kiss?

"No." He chuckled.

"What?" I managed to bring my voice out.

"You're not getting your first kiss today." He grinned but came closer. Did I just blurt that out? Lord, please save me from embarrassing myself! Better yet paralyse my vocal cords when he is around.

The heat of his breath brought me back to reality. If he isn't trying to kiss me, what the hell is he trying to do? He closed his eyes like he was in peace. And the next second his face shrinked and he screamed right at my face. He slided off me and fell to my side on the ground.

Blake put down his gun and grinned at me. "Looks like I've won the game and also saved my princess from the dragon." He waved our team flag and held out his hand which I readily took it and got up. Blake and I were on the same team. Well he practically whined. Childish I know, but he was still sweet.

"Yeah thank you for saving me.  Or else I would have done something that I would've regretted." I would have given in and said that I loved him. And that would be my doom. He would never stop teasing.

I winked at Daniel who was still lying down on the ground. He stood up and walked away without a single word. Why was he getting upset over a game? Blake and I exchanged a look of confusion. I shrugged and followed the path Daniel went in.

"Wow!" I gasped. Stars glimmered in the dark night sky. The river gushed beneath the empty bridge we stood in. The yellow building lights on the dark backdrop held my breath. I held onto the railing. I climbed onto the bottom rail and leaned forward. The wind rushed against my hair and caused goosebumps on my skin.

Michael, Catherine and Zoran stood on one end of the bridge. Zoran goofed around animatedly and made her laugh. Michael seemed a little off. Maybe a little jealous I guess.

"Enjoying yourself?" Harry, the co-singer walked up beside me.

"Yeah, it's a beautiful view!" I smiled.

He nodded. "So what's up with Daniel?" He looked past behind me. Daniel crossed his arms and walked to and fro.

"Daniel? I don't know."

"I think you do." He raised his eyebrows.

I blinked. "What do you mean?"

"Did something happen before he turned so grumpy?"

"I don't know. He was fine during paintballing and when Blake came, he walked away abruptly. I think that's when he started behaving so strange." I turned to see Daniel huffing at Blake, who was cheerful and unaffected as usual. Who can hold on a grudge at a sweet guy like him? "Do they have any problem between them?"

"No, but I think you might lead them to one." He shrugged.

"Me?" I blinked. "What do you mean?"

"I mean he likes you."

"What?" I chuckled. "You're kidding right?"

"No, Daniel really likes you."

I shook my head. "You've got the wrong idea. We're not like that. We're just friends."

"That's what they always say. Just open your eyes and see what's in front of you before it's too late." He patted my shoulder.

Blake ran towards us and crashed onto me. I held onto his shirt for balance. "Watch yourself dude!" I steadied myself.

"Let's go bridge jumping!!" He yelled in excitement and shook my shoulder.

"No!" I shrieked.

"Why?" He frowned. "It will be fun!"

"I.." I scratched the back of my neck. "I'm scared of the water."

"Nice excuse but I'm not believing it." He laughed and I fidgeted with my dress.

"Are you serious?" He asked.

"Yeah." I looked away in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry babe. Too bad I had everything planned out for us. Maybe we'll try it in a different scenario." He winked at me and ran towards Michael shouting his name with the same enthusiasm. I chuckled and turned as I felt a pair of eyes on me. Daniel scoffed in annoyance and walked away in the opposite direction.

"I think you should talk to him." Harry patted my shoulder and walked towards where the others were standing.

I jogged towards Daniel. "Daniel!" I shouted. He looked at me over his shoulder and increased his pace. I sprinted and pulled him by his arm, making him stop.

"What?" He snapped.

"Why are you annoyed with me?" I asked.

"I am not!" He retorted. "I need to go now."

"Daniel!" I huffed. "Cut me some slack! What did I do?"

"Nothing." He shrugged and gritted his teeth. "I think you should join the others, your prince must be waiting for you."

"Samantha!" Blake screamed. We turned towards him. He removed his shirt and ran towards the railing and climbed over the other side of it. "I'm going to jump!" He waved at me and dived into the water.

"Told you!" Daniel said in a monotone.

"Do you have any problem with him?" I crossed my arms.

"No." He looked away. "Now let me go." I opened my mouth to speak but the sound of water splashing attracted my attention. Michael and Harry laughed and looked down at the water. Blake couldn't have jumped twice. Then who did?

Shit! "Catherine!" I shouted and ran towards them. The two stared at me. "Where is Catherine?"

"She just jumped off the bridge! It was so cool! She is a brave girl!" Harry chirped.

"What?" I gasped. She jumped! She jumped off from the bridge! Oh no, this can't be happening! I shook my head and my breathing fastened.

"Is something wrong?" Michael held my face and looked at me with concern.

I pushed him away and ran towards the railing. I need to save her. I need to do it. Tears clouded my eyes. I can't let it happen again. I can't be the reason again. No, I don't want to lose her for whatever the reason is. I climbed onto the top rail and was about to jump across it but was pulled back by my waist.

"Let me go!" I jumped and struggled but couldn't escape from the grip. The thought of losing her made me insane.

"Stop it Sam!" Daniel reprimanded and held onto me tighter.

Michael shook my shoulders. "Sam, look at me." He demanded and I obeyed. "I'll jump into the water and bring her back with me okay? Do you trust me?"

I nodded, trying to control the tears. "Good, now don't do anything rash. I'll be back with her." He kissed my forehead and removed his jacket. He jumped over the railing and dived into the water.

I removed Daniel's arms from my waist and ran towards the edge of the bridge. I wanted to look for any signs of movement. The place was too dark to know what was going on down. Please lord, do not punish me! I whimpered.

Daniel pulled me into a side hug. "It's going to be alright. She will be safe."

I pulled him into a tight hug and all the tears that I managed to control, broke out. He moved his hand up and down my back to calm me down.

"N-No." I stuttered. "She won't. She is not safe."

Sorry for being late. Hope this chap makes it up for it. As always  tell me what you think of it. Any suggestions or what kind of scenes would you like to happen?


And don't forget to show me your love!

All you need to do is click the star at the bottom! ☆

Love ye all with a big heart! ♡

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