Individual Role-play.

By RavenFeather1

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Feel free to roleplay with these characters! I'm editing them right now, some may be trashy so just bare with... More

Boy of Broken Ties
Two Daggers
Skittish Much?
No, I'm Not Related to Quinn...
'Let It Snow Let It Snow Let It Snow....'
Beach Boy
Albino Bride
Jesus Christ; Why Can't You Just Believe Again?
Sleeping Beauty?
.Masochistic. Suicidal. Homicidal.
.Blushing Too Much in Front of Guys.
Gimme a Snuggle?
I Can See Through Your Idiocy
XXXRed is the Color of PassionXXX
smaerd gnitniap
Hoodies Dont Suck
Sunshine in the Middle of Night
Your Bully
These Are the Rules
Understand Your Own Deceit
Someone That Listens

Could You Be Nice?

129 11 17
By RavenFeather1

Name:  I meet with the male in the local flower shop, it's surprisingly easy to find him. I wonder if he knew I was coming and purposely stayed by the roses at the entrance. Approaching him isn't intimidating at all, therefore it's fairly pleasant. When I introduce myself, he doesn't flinch. I'm glad that I didn't frighten him. 

 Asking my first question feels just as breezy as his reply, 

"it's a silly name," he shyly says as his cheeks heat up to a light blush, "but here it goes, I'm Olive. Olive Feo."

Age: With a huff, he breathes out his response rather politely, "I don't look like it of course, but I'm sixteen, my seventeenth birthday is on Christmas Eve...To most people I look Thirteen or something...But I wouldn't lie to you. There is no big reason Miss." 

Gender: Olive makes the most adorable expression when this question is asked. I wonder if he gets this a lot. I know I'd be annoyed if constantly asked about my gender. Yet, as we walk off to look at the white variety of roses, he doesn't seem angry in the slightest.

  "I'm a male. I mean, I would understand if others think differently...but..." his sentence flows into a whine and we both giggle then. 

Looks: "Well. I'm not tall at all to start with. I look like I haven't even hit puberty yet! So sad...." Olive begins. It seems that he doesn't mind being short. I'm glad he doesn't complain. With this promising start, I wait for some more. Yet, Olive gets sidetracked when a bright yellow butterfly flutters into the store. Instantly, we make it out life goal to catch it.  

(I guess since he started off with his body, we'll go with it. His frame stands at a short, lean one. He seems to not be very smart and easily over powered, yet no one really knows if that's true. I wouldn't believe it. Looks can always be very misjudged. Over his form is a pale sort of skin tone. It's usually soft to the touch. Moving to his eyes, you can tell they match to what he does. They stay a bluish green sort of color. It makes it hard to be put into a group during class times. His eyelashes are rather long and dark, this gives them a doll-like appearance. These eyes aren't hidden by his hair. It barely does this and is easily swept away to the side. This hair is a ghostly sort of blonde. In the light, it looks rather whitish. It usually stays in a bed head sort of state, which fits with his personality quite well. In fact, most of the time he doesn't try to fix it up at all.) 

 Wears:  We pause in our butterfly catching agenda in order for him to answer my new question. As we inspect some nice looking petunias, Olive begins to think about it. 

"Hmm...I don't really have that much of a variety...I have a few sweaters...some black sweat pants, a pair of skinny jeans....The regular school uniform..." with a shrug, he gazes down to his feet, "oh, I can't really afford proper shoes, the ones I had before were black sneakers, but they wore out and the shoe laces were cut up by some kid at school. So now I wear some black slippers. They're really warm and comfy though!" 

Personality: Making our way outside was rather easy, being that the shop wasn't normally busy on Mondays. We walk out to the sand lot beside it and find a bench. On the way, as I ask my next question, Olive finds a stick. With the stick he draws a few small designs in the sand.

 "It took me long enough, but I finally found a word that would work. How about....eccentric?"

 (Ah, eccentric indeed. Olive is a gentle, very loving soul. He will rarely snap at people, always nice and understanding. Olive adores nature as well, it plays a nice part to get away from the actual world. To disappear into his wild imagination and rarely come out is another piece of it. Despite this, Olive is not the most adventurous person in the world. Being sleepy and mellow is just that one thing he's talented at. Olive is also a very passive male, not up for fights or things that include a lot of activity. Instead he is inspired in his own ways. Being one of the people who don't like getting very social, Olive usually stays away from others and keeps quietly to himself. He fits in the wallflower category and falls into a silent, watchful nature.)

Sexuality: To this, Olive looks up from his drawing in thought. 

"Oooh....well....That's kind of like being a flower," I tilt my head, wanting to understand more, "See, it's like this. The person sees you, thinks you're pretty. Then, they might walk away, or pick you from the stem. They could put you in water, keep you around for awhile, or give you away to someone else. But, they could also replant you and share the happiness." 

 Random Facts:

Olive continues with his drawing again after a moment's hesitation. It's almost like he's wondering where to begin or what exactly to say. 

 "Well, I've lived alone for most of my life so far..." He states softly while giving a hum, "My parents, when I was born, were nice people. Teaching me things, enrolling me in school, telling me that the bullies would leave me alone if I just didn't listen or react. It helped a little. We lived deep within country, miles away from the hospital. We grew and hunted our own food too. My father taught me how to shoot, how to cut up and process things in that aspect. He taught me self defense, how important that was." 

 Pausing, Olive joins me at my bench from the ground and continues to speak, "He also showed me how to be innocent when I needed to, that it isn't wrong to need things. To love, to look the way I do. My father said that there is no wrong way to love as well." Olive slightly giggled at it.

 "I remember that talk. It was awkward at first, but it came to be that he was the one to talk to about small crushes and such. My mom had little experience when it came to stuff like that, but she was always the sly, knowing one who was ready to embarrass me at any moment. My Mother taught me how to cook, sew, be patient and loving to all no matter watch and wait for good things, but grasp them for myself when I feel the need to. She also taught me that nature is important, something to be nice to all the time.

"Sadly, both died from disease when I was fifteen. No one knows, accept you and I. I buried them in the garden just before I grew the different plants there. Living there is peaceful and happy for me. The bus lady is kind enough to drive out, pick me up, then take me to school. After, the driver continues her kindness and takes me all the way home too. When there is prom or something like that, she also insists that I come, therefore she picks me up and takes me home. She also pays for my education and sometimes buys me small things for holidays and my birthdays. I return the favor and grow her favorite flowers. For Thanksgiving, her small family comes over and treats me like a member of's really nice..." Olive smiles happily, but the smile slowly grows sad. 

"Other holidays are kind of lonely though...Anyways, I have a garden growing inside of the house too. I like the garden at the school as well, the principle allows us to eat where we wish, during warm days I eat outside. However, when there is bitter cold, I eat in the old school attic. It has a nice view." 

 It was on that note that he becomes quiet. We both do. It's nice. 

(This song is by Of Monsters And Men, called Numb Bears. I felt that it was very fitting for Olive.)

The brightest day shown as Olive stepped from the bus and nearly fell as the steepness of the last step caught him off guard.

 "I've told you to watch out," chuckled the bus driver, Marion. 

"Yeah..." Olive replied with a soft smile, "you know I can't remember. It's the fourth time this week isn't it?" 

 Good-byes were said as Olive walked on through the small trail towards the large school building. He was early to school today, for there was a special occasion set in motion. In his arms, he hugged two potted plants. One flower purple, the other a soft pink. They were filled with a fragrance that made Olive's cheeks flush to the same shade of pink in his arms. His eyes were dazed, nearly closed as he let himself lead to a special place. Today, he wore his normal clothing rather than the uniform, no one had to wear their uniform today. Olive's baggy black sweater shown a small portion of his pale shoulder, not much though. His skinny jeans, the same nice color, soaked up the sun. As he continued on his way, Olive began to hum. Such a tune transformed into the words. 

 "So love me mother and love me father.... and love my sister, as love me mother, and love me father, and love my brother, as well," his soft voice carried something so rich and gentle that the flowers seemed to sing as well,"I met a man today...and he smiled back at there are thoughts like these, that keep me on my feet, on my feet." 

As one of the last verses left his lips, the hum returned. Today, Olive couldn't be happier. Why? Because today was Earth Day. 


Make one! 

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