Salubrious (Jason McCann)

By AlexisIsAWeirdo

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*Book Two of the Neurotic Series.* Salubrious [suh-loo-bree-uh s] : favorable to or promoting health; healthf... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70

Chapter 36

23.9K 743 631
By AlexisIsAWeirdo

Gif is Peter


Malarie's POV

Stress, nothing but pure stress. All I've done this event filled day, is clean, scold children, clean, and watch after my children. Hell, it feels like they're only mine. Jason hasn't been home in a whole damn week. Don't even get me started about him completely turning off his phone, so I'm pissed off. It's hard taking care of five kids, especially if they're all needy and very impatient. Damn you Jason, they get that from your impatient ass. Oh yeah, on top of everything I've been slamming around pots and pans frustratingly in the kitchen.

I just want to make a good impression on Pattie's mystery man, Peter. Choosing a proper dinner meal is very essential to first impressions. I would hate to make a crappy dinner, and have him feel some way about Pattie... or me. He's supposed to come over for that long overdue dinner with our family. I hope everything goes well, only God knows.


An hour later

"This is such an amazing dinner, Malarie." Peter, Pattie's new beau compliments my meal I slaved over. "Thank you Peter, I appreciate the praise, but it's really nothing. I'm just glad to finally meet you." I give him a pleasant smile, snapping my fingers at Joel and Jacob poking each other. They're truly starting to act like brothers now.

I continue to feed Jasper and Ariel some of my mashed potatoes off my plate, not really having an appetite this whole day. Jason hasn't come home, nor have he texted or called, which sends red flags for me. He also missed Jacob's soccer game two days ago, which clearly made Jacob very angry. He kept asking were his dad was, every time he made a score. I felt terrible for lying, but I had to tell him he was out working again. He hated that, only making him lash out on the other children. That got him an entire hour of sitting out, and not going back into the game anymore. I just wish Jason could've been there, because our son is lacking that male role model, lately.

I can tell Joel is lacking it as well, he's beginning to show some signs of a learning disability. As well as having a little anger streak of his own. I've witnessed it first hand when I saw Jacob hitting Joel repeatedly in his head earlier on today. I could tell he was getting irritated with Jake doing it, yet he kept saying stop and not retaliating. I guess he got fed up of being hit several times, and punched Jacob dead in his lip. Blood was drawn; not too much, but I couldn't be upset at him. Jake was harassing him first; although I made them both apologize to each other.  They hated that idea, but still did what mommy said and apologized to one another.

"You look so beautiful today, darling." Peter pushes a piece a hair behind Pattie's ear, smiling at her. "Thank you, Pete." She pecks his cheek, going back to eating her dinner.

"You're welcome, and I truly do apologize for being late, sweetheart. Driving is a pain, when it's rush hour traffic." He speaks lovingly, looking completely disappointed in himself. "Honey, it's okay. You made it, that's all that matters. I still can't believe your cat scratched your forehead before you got here." I watch as she lightly rubs the scar on his head, being as gentle as can be.

"Yeah, her nails are pretty sharp. But I love my little Whiskers." They share a chuckle, with me smiling at the both of them. "Aww, you guys are so adorable." I place my elbows on the table, staring at the two lovingly.

"Excuse me mama, can I have some more juice, please?" Tasha speaks with manners, with me nodding my head to her. "If you will excuse me, I just have to refill the juice pitcher." I stand up, leaving the twins to sway lightly in their swings. 

I make my way out of the dining room- a dining room we only ever use when we have company over, special occasions and or holidays. I make a quick right, walking down the hallway, humming a nice tune. Holding my head down lowly, I think about Jason. He makes me worry about him so much, and it's not even funny how much I do. I don't really pay attention to what's going on around me, so I just push open the swinging doors leading to the kitchen, screaming at the sight of having multiple guns pointed to me. I go to scream again, but someone covers my mouth quickly.

"Shit, put your guns down, it's just Mal." Alex voice is filled with stress, as he fiercely runs his fingers through his messy hair. "I'm going to let you go now, Mal Pal. Don't scream, it's okay, don't be afraid." Cal speaks in my ear, with me nodding my head, letting a tear roll out of each of my eyes.

He releases the hold on my mouth, giving me the go ahead to look at all the men surrounding me. I wipe the tears away from my eyes, still feeling frightened by the guns that were just aimed at me. A person would think I'd be used to seeing guns around here, but I'm not. They terrify me, and I'm not afraid to say it. It never fails though, I always walk in on something, just to have several guns pointed at me.

I turn around in a slow circle, looking at everyone, and man do they all look like complete and utter crap. Nothing but blood, scratches, and lots of dirt all over their entire bodies. A groan I've heard before snaps my head to my left, seeing Jason wincing at something hurting him. A huge bruise on the side of his head grabs my attention.

"What's happened now?" I don't even give him sympathy because he puts himself in this position every time. He knows exactly what he's doing, he knows this lifestyle is dangerous. "I'm hurt, I-I got stabbed in my back, and in my leg... next to my man area." He says the last part in a whisper, almost making me not able to hear him.

"He also got a hit to his head pretty hard, so he's a little in and out. I already popped his arm back into its socket, I just wasn't going by his dick. I'm leaving you with that. You know, since you've seen it before." Alex says what he has to say, walking over to the sink, getting him some water from the faucet. "Yeah... no. You all figure it out, I have to get back to dinner. Seeing how you both are late, your mom is really sad, and embarrassed her two sons hasn't showed up to meet her boyfriend." I look at Jason, but I'm speaking to Alex as well.

"Malarie we had to do this mission, it was quite significant if you ask any of us. We didn't know we were going to get attacked, making us late to this stupid ass dinner. Even Cal gotten stabbed, he was crying, and I'm on the damn verge of losing my dick." Jason speaks over dramatically, wincing as he got up. "Jason sit down, man." I see Ryan rush over to him, placing an ice pack on his neck.

"No, I literally have to show her proof for her to believe me," he pushes Ryan away, walking up to me. "You think I'm playing, then tell me what in the hell is this." He turns around, showing me a knife imbed into the back of his black shirt. I'm nearly sick to my stomach, causing me to stumble back.

"Jason, dude you nearly killed her." Kim holds me up, weirdly rubbing the side of my face. "Will you stop caressing me like a kitten?" I look up at her, seeing how she gives me a smirk.

"You're Jason's kitten, but you can be mine as well." She flirts with me, just for Kevin to pull her off me. "Kim, control your clitoris. Damn, you're thirsty as hell." He roles his eyes, handing me a glass of water.

"Thank you," I take shaky sip, watching as Jason limps over to me like a zombie. "Jase why didn't you go to the hospital? Why didn't any of you guys go to the hospital?" I receive nothing but shrugs. Ugh, they get on my nerves.

"I wanted you to clean me up, because you have always taken care of me when I'm not feeling well, or when I'm hurt. I know you will, because you love me so much. Plus, you can hardly ever say no to me." He places his hands on my hips, gently massaging my hipbones. "You're such a manipulator, Jason. You're so used to me always being here for you, what happens if I'm not? I'll help you, but we have to talk some things out, some very serious things." I look at him seriously, crinkling my nose at a foul order coming from his breath and clothing. Ugh, I know that's not what I smell! Seriously, Jason?

"What's going on? Why is your face all ugly and scrunched up like that?" He asks his question like nothing, but I take a little offense to it. "You would act all clueless huh, Jason?" I move his hands off me, still aware of the others around watching us. "You smell like nothing but cigarette smoke, are we going back to our old ways now? Do you know our children can get asthma from secondhand smoke? Do you know my asthma can come back?" It was like all I said went through one ear and out of the other.

"It's okay, I've been smoking for a while now, and you've never smelled it. You only smell it now, because I didn't take off my clothes and get in the shower." He places his hands back on my hips, with me shrugging him off. "Ugh, you stink. Let's just get this over with, so you can get cleaned up." I walk pass him, just to hear shuffling behind me. I turn around to see everyone following us.

"What's going on?" Questioning extremely confused, I wait for my answer. "They need to be fixed up too." Jason answers, giving me a pained face. "So now I'm a nurse?  For not only you, but all of you? That's not even my major I'm studying to be." I grow very irritated, because Jason always feels the need to add things without my knowledge. He just sprung this on me. "Man Malarie, just do it, okay? I'll make it all up to you." I can tell by his fist being balled up by his sides, that's he's growing a little embarrassed about my "back talk".

"Let's just get this over with, I've already been gone way too long." I quickly leave the kitchen to go into the bathroom. "Do you need any help?" Cal comes by my side, with me rolling my eyes.

"No I don't Cal." I say as simple as that, yet I place a First Aid kit in his arms. "Of course you don't, Mal Pal." He chuckles, walking out the bathroom with me.

We make our way back in the kitchen, with the guys... and Kim, waiting for me to bandage them up. I save Jason for last, only because his situation is a bit more time consuming than the others. I literally have to pull a knife out of his back, as well as taking proper care of his leg wound close by his man area. I just wish he would stop all of this- all of them in fact. We all know there's only two places they'll possibly go if they stay affiliated with this stupid ass gang life. Prison... or the grave.

"Ahh shit, babe it hurts. Stop really quick, just stop for a minute." Jason whines holding my head with his hand. "I've already stopped five times, stop being a big ass baby and let me clean your leg. And would you quit being rough with my head, one of us still needs our brain for this relationship." I take his hand off my head, adjusting myself on the bed.

He's lucky he didn't get stabbed in his penis, we all know he would've killed himself. Not only because he's suicidal, but because his male organ means a lot to him. He does have a small hole in his leg, a hole he wanted me to sew up. That was too much for me, so I of course refused and called our Doctor to do it. Everyone and their mother knows I'm not too lucky, because our Doctor couldn't come over. So instead he walked me through the sewing of his leg, process. I nearly got kicked in the face the first time I impaled him with the needle. I wasn't going to let that happen, so I called Cal and Alex to hold him down. Of course Jason thought Cal was looking at his bulge, though he wasn't. Well I don't know really, but I believe he wasn't. After I was done with the sewing of his inner thigh, Jason shooed them out of our room.

Let's not even get me started on the knife being deeply plunged in his back. I literally had to sit on his back, with Alex holding his arms down, with Cal being at his feet holding those down. Yes, I called them back in to help me. Jason's a very strong man, and I didn't feel like getting accidentally hit with any of his body parts. I had to cut his shirt off, to see how deeply the knife was in his back. He's lucky, it wasn't too deep, but it was deep enough. I don't know how Alex did it, though he got Jason's mind elsewhere and gave me the go ahead to pull the knife out. In reality you're not supposed to pull it out, a doctor is supposed to. He didn't want to go to the doctor, so I had to do it. I kept hesitating and tensing up- I didn't want to hurt him more than what he's already feeling.

He's so grateful he wasn't paralyzed. Trust and believe, it's not a great feeling at all. If he was in that predicament he'd mope around all day long and be nothing but depressed and angry. There's probably a reason he's Jason McCann and I'm Malarie Dawson. I couldn't even imagine being him, along with being a man. He can just forget about being me, he wouldn't be able to take it a second. Knowing him, he'd just finger himself, or rub on his breast. Okay, what the hell am I getting at? Christ, he's making me think up weird things.

"I have to clean around it, so be your ass still, it's not my fault you got stabbed!" My voice coming off annoyed and aggressive. "It hurts babe, and it kind of is. I couldn't stop thinking about you... or the kids." He shakes his head angrily, with me rolling my eyes, pushing him to lay down. He winces, because his back is still stingy from when I had to pull out the knife.

"Maybe that's a sign that you need to stop all this gang stuff." I speak softer now, giving him a little shrug. "I don't know." He covers his face with his hands. You better know, boy.

"Well think about it, I'm going back downstairs. Maybe you and Alex will join us a little later." I leave him be, walking towards the door. "I love you." He says once, and I nod, walking out.

I love him too; he's just giving me so much stress in my life.


"I'm back, I'm back. Sorry about that, I had to take an important call. But I saw Jason and Alex come in through the back door, so they'll be down in a minute." I take my seat, with me and Pattie sharing a knowing glance. "I hope they're all well cleaned up." She gives me a pissed face, but quickly replace it with a fake smile. I give her a small nod, eating some of my broccoli. I also place the juice pitcher in the middle of the table for anyone who wants a refill.

"They are; they'll be down in a bit." It's like what I said was right on time, because both Alex and Jason walked- well slightly limped in. "Hey mom, sorry we're late." They both say in unison, taking their seats. "Yeah, it's good to see you too." Pattie reveals a slight attitude as the two sit at the table, glaring at Peter.

"Hi, I'm Peter." He looks at Jason and Alex, giving them a little wave. "Hey." Alex says, not waiting to dig into his plate.

"Whatever." Jason mumbles under his breath, with me smacking him a bit. "Behave, give the guy a chance." I tell him in a hushed tone, taking Jasper and Ariel out of their bouncers.

"Hi daddy, hi Uncle Alex." Natasha smiles brightly, waving at her father and Uncle, blowing them both an air kiss. "What's up shorty, you're looking absolutely stunning this evening." Alex charms Tasha, causing her to blush.

"Thank you, Uncle Alex." She flips her hair over her shoulder, giggling. "Hi baby girl, I missed you." Jason turns to his right, kissing her on her head.

"I missed you too, dad." She goes back to her eating, with Jacob and Joel bickering at each other once again. "Hey sons." They stop their little argument, looking up at him.

"Hi dad." Joel waves, leaving the conversation at that. "Hi Joel, you have a good day today?" Jason asks probably thinking he'd get a verbal reply, but all he gets is a head nod.

"How about you Jacob, how was your day today?" He looks away from Joel in what seems like a saddened way. "It's okay. You missed my fun soccer game, I'm mad at you dad." It was like the words physical did something to him, causing him to look sick in the face.

"I'm sorry about that, I was at work." His voice is soft, although I can hear the hurt in his tone of voice. "You always at work, you always miss my soccer games." Jacob mumbles, swirling his spoon around his mashed potatoes.

"I know a-and I'm so-" he begins, but Pattie cuts in. "Let it go Jason, he'll forget about it in time." Jason nods, and we all go back to our silent eating.

At some point Jason even tried to pick up Jasper and Ariel, but they began to cry every time he went to hold them. I don't know what's going on, yet I do have a feeling it's because of his recent absence, and his constant in and out of their lives type behavior. This little situation is not good at all. I go to rub his knee, though he moves my hand away, beginning to eat his dinner- loudly and obnoxiously at that. He childishly keeps smashing his eating utensils into his plate hard as he can.

"So what happened to you guys, you look pretty messed up." Peter suddenly speaks, looking from Alex to Jason, waiting for one of them to answer. "We just got into a little altercation is all." Alex answers, staring down Peter. What do you know? Peter stares him down as well.

"Oh I see, you both should be more careful next time." Peter gives Alex and Jason- from what I can see, a fake smile. "Yeah, you too man. I see you gotten hurt as well." Jason points to the scratch on Peter's head.

"Yes, unfortunately my cat loves to claw at things. She got me earlier today, she doesn't want me to see your lovely mother." Jason nearly lunges at Peter for saying that comment, but I squeeze his wound on his leg, causing him to groan out in pain. "Dad are you okay?" Tasha stands up from her chair, touching Jason head.

"Yeah, I'm fine baby girl. I just have a stomach ache, a really bad stomach ache." He shoots me a glare, with me shrugging uncaringly. "Maybe you should eat slower." She takes her seat again, but keeps a concerned look on her face. She's definitely a daddy's girl. Always worried about her father.

"So where do you live, bro?" Alex guzzles down his drink, raising an eyebrow. "I live here in Nevada; Alamo to be exact." He places a kiss on Pattie's wrist, making her giggle like a school girl.

"So you travel an hour and thirty seven minutes- an hour and twenty seven minutes without traffic. All just to see my mom?" Jason speaks with a hint of disgust, licking his dry lips. "Oh yes, I really like spending time with my Patricia." The way he smiles at her, causes Jason and Alex to gag.

"So do you have any kids of your own?" Jason feels the need to ask. "Children, how about you all go to the game room, yeah?" I sense Jason's anger ready to come out, so I dismiss our kids. I know he doesn't like them around arguing or heated discussions.

"Okay mommy, come Joe Joe come on Jake Jake." Tash uses her nicknames for her brothers, getting up from her chair. She also made sure to give her father a big kiss on his cheek. She's cute. "You no tell me what to do, I'm eating!" Jacob shouts loudly, with Joel rolling his eyes.

"Stop being loud, your done with your food anyway." Joel fires back, with Jason looking at me questionably. "He's getting comfortable here, so he's speaking more." I inform him, with him nodding in understanding. I also saw a little smile playing on his lips.

"Go on, go play in the game room." Jason says the final word, pointing behind. "Okay." The two of them follow behind Natasha, still bickering at one another.

"You never got the chance to answer my question, man," Jason yawns loudly, pointing to Peter. "So do you have any kids of your own?" He clasps his hands together, resting his elbows on the table.

"I have a son, and I have a lovely daughter. Unfortunately she was murdered by an ex." Peter says the words, but I could see the hurt and anger within his eyes. "Wow, that has to be some feeling." Jason replies, although I bump my thigh against his, wanting him to say something nice.

"Can you stop?" He looks at me sternly, kissing each twin on their noses. Oh thank God, they didn't cry. "But um, I'm sorry you had to go through that Peter. It must be hard to lose a child." Jason drinks some of his juice, looking at Peter.

"It's very hard, especially since the guy is still out there." I widen my eyes at the new found information, seeing how Peter gives me a nod in agreement to my stunned face. "Oh no, sweetie. Are the cops still searching for him, are they even still looking?" Pattie places her hand over his, sympathy washed over her entire face.

"Those cops don't care, Patricia. They don't care one bit. They failed me, and they failed on my daughter. No justice was served for my little girl." He seemed extremely upset, and I didn't blame him. I also was aware of Jason and Alex listening, but trying to read this mysterious man. "When did she die?" Alex asks out of nowhere, coming off extremely blunt.

"A while back, but it feels as if it was just yesterday." That's all Peter responds with, going back to his eating. "Peter is so nice, he wants to take me to the Bahamas." The giggle that comes from Pattie makes me smile at her enthusiasm.

"That's nice, when are you guys going?" I clap quite excitedly over the thought of the two vacationing. She deserves to be happy, she's been so sad for a very long time. "Tell them Pete, tell them." She rubs his back affectionately.

"Next week." He smiles when the words part from his lips, but two other people didn't smile at all. "Hell no!" They shout at once, beginning to speak their minds, which just sounds like a jumbled up mess.

"You don't even know him like that, why would I let you go with him?" Jason says, crossing his arms over his chest. "Yeah! Like why would you want us to worry about you, you know you mean a lot to us." Alex speaks his mind, looking at her as if she's crazy.

"Mom you've already been coming home really late; how can I trust you'll get back to wherever you're staying for bed?" Jason raises his eyebrow quizzically, with Pattie's mouth opened widely. "Or how can we really trust you're going to call us? Lately you haven't been checking in with either one of us, mom." Alex points at her sternly, just for her to slam her little fist on the table.

"Stop it, stop all of this now! You both sound like my parents, when in reality I'm yours. But I don't go around telling you what to do, because you're grown now. How is this fair that you think you can tell me what to do? You're my children, and I'm the mother. We all have a place, and I think you two should find yours. I'm happy, I'm finally happy. Why don't you want me to be happy?" Her stern face looks to Alex then to Jason. "Mom we do wa-" Jason begins to talk, though she cuts him off.

"No, you don't want me to be happy. You both are acting like you're my fathers or something." Jase and Alex sigh, nodding to what she's saying. "Mom we just care about you." Alex finally breaks his bad ass façade, looking at her sadly.

"I know you do, it's just I'm a big girl. I know what I'm doing, I can handle myself. Peter cares a lot about me, sweethearts." She gazes at Peter then at her sons. "Excuse me, I have to go. Clearly you're not understanding where we're coming from mom." Jason gets up, heated as can be.

"What am I not understanding Jason?" She seems a bit reluctant to ask, but she does anyway. "I don't want anyone hurting you, again! I can't stand to see that; I won't stand to see it." He paces, running his hands through his hair.

"No one is going to hurt me, Jason. Peter loves me so very much, and I love him too." It was like the words she just said physically wounded him. "Oh, so you love her, eh? You love my mom; you love MY mother?" The possessiveness coming out, making me stand up to look at him.

"You're tired, you had a long day. Go rest, babe, go get some rest." I plead with my eyes, hoping he looks into them. "I'm not tired Mal, I'm upset about all of this." He grits, balling up his fist.

"I understand that, but babe you're getting angry. I don't want you to do something you'll regret, okay? So go upstairs, and I'll be there in a minute, yeah?" He shakes his head, looking at the ground. "We love each other Jason, we're not talking about marriage. We just like each other's presence that's all." Peter attempts to make the situation better.

"But in the back your mind, you want to marry her. Hell, who wouldn't, my mom is extremely beautiful. I just don't trust you, I don't. I'm not sorry about it either." The bluntness in his tone so thick and cold. "I respect that, and I hope we can work this out." Peter replies, with Pattie looking angry, though she receives a kiss from Peter, stopping her anger.

"Mom we care, we're just very protective over the women in our lives." Alex gets up, wanting to be the peace maker. "Do you even give Malarie this crap." My eyes almost bulge out of my eye sockets of the mention of my name- an angry mention. Chill Pattie.

"Yes we do." They immediately reply with no hesitation whatsoever. Yep, they're so protective it gets annoying. "I am the same with Natasha, and I'll be the same way with Ariel Rose. That's just how I am, I am a protective person. You should be happy, because I was very different before." Jase jaw all tight and sexy looking as he stares at his mom.

"You seem the same to me, I don't see much change from you Jason. You seem like the same bratty ass little boy to me. All you do his complain, whine, throw tantrums, act all tough, and be possessive over everyone. No wonder why Alex is my favorite!" Not only am I shocked by her words, but Alex and Jason are as well. "Okay, I see that's how you feel," Jason nods his head, although I know her words hurt like hell. "And you wonder why we aren't close anymore. Go ahead, go away with this man. Don't come crying to me when he beats you, go to your favorite... Alex. I'm going to bed, I'm tried." He turns away, waking out the kitchen.

I take my seat, my eyes and mouth still widely open. She looks just as surprised by her words like I am. Instead of telling her what she said was wrong, Peter just rubs her back, and tells her she needed to get that off her chest. Yeah, she could've got it off her chest with just her and Jason around. Damn it Peter, damn you. My mouth still hangs open, yet Alex closes it for me, giving me a weak smile. I watch as he stares at his mother sadly, not knowing what to say.

"I'll go check on him." Alex announce before walking out of the dining room. "Mhm." She mumbles, not wanting to cry.

"It's okay, honey, you needed to get that off your chest. You were already venting about all of this, don't be upset." Peter wipes her eyes, with me sighing lowly. "I never wanted to say it like that, I just was mad." Her voice brakes, with me looking at two chubby babies sleeping in my arms.

This dinner has been so messed up and screwed.


Jason's POV

"No wonder why Alex is my favorite!"

Those words just can't seem to abandon my memory. I just can't believe that's how she feels about me- I mean I know I'm a handful, but out of all people and my mother says it. My mom absolutely hates me, she said the words with so much disgust. My mom doesn't like me, she like my older brother more. He's her favorite. She used to my favorite girl, but now the places of my heart have been given to my daughters and my woman. Fuck, who am I kidding? My mom will always have a place in my heart.

Alex had come to see me, although I didn't want to talk to anyone at all. I told him it wasn't him, yet in reality it did have something to do with him. He left me alone, left me to sulk in my self pity. It's just the way I cope with things; being alone is how I help my myself. I know it may be a good idea to vent to someone- I don't want to.

"Ugh," I groan loudly, taking another drag from my cigarette. "This is some bullshit." I mumble to myself, holding the cigarette between my teeth, looking up in the moonlight.

The stars in the sky look amazing tonight; the way they twinkly, the way they shine so brightly amongst me. They usually calm me whenever I'm feeling down. I'd just go out on my balcony, and take a seat in one of my comfy chairs. Many of nights I've spent most of my time out here, just thinking about life. Just thinking about the situations I'm in, my family, or sometimes I don't think. If that's even possible. The darkness is what I feel most comfortable surrounded by, I think that's why I like the darkened sky at night.

"I hate when you smoke, Jase." Mal's soft voice sounds from beside me, with the lighten steps of her feet coming closer to me. "Well do you prefer for me to drink? Or maybe cut myself, because that's the next options. I'm not even smoking weed, or doing any other drugs, so you should be happy about that." I express in an attitude, not meaning to have one, but I'm upset about everything that happened at dinner.

"I am relieved, I'm just not happy your stressing out over what had happened earlier." She takes a seat in her chair, not saying anything. "Do you love me?" I make myself ask, still staring ahead of me.

"Jason, seriously? You're seriously asking me this question. Of course I love you, I love you with all of my entire heart. How could you even ask that when you know I do?" She seems truly hurt, although she covers it up with a weak smile. "I-I do know you love me, it's just I needed to hear you say it. Plus, sometimes we say we hate each other, and I just wanted to know if you tru-" her lips being placed on mine stops my nervous rambling about.

"Will you hush up. I do not hate you, I love you so much Jason. Yes, you're possessive, but that's just you. Is it annoying? Yes, but if you aren't possessive over me then you'll go on and be possessive over someone else. Then I'll have to go kick the woman's ass." She flips her hair over her shoulder, while I chuckle at her choice of words.

"No, I could never be possessive over anyone else. I also wouldn't cheat on you again, because I know this time you'll actually leave with all the kids." As I say this, she nods fast as can be. "True, so don't go messing around with other women, okay?" I nod my head in agreement, kissing her lips.

"Now give me a smile, because when you smile, I smile." She she smiles big and proud, making me mirror her image. "You're adorable, do you know that?" I question her, with her tapping her chin. "Yes I know, babe." She kisses my cheek, looking up at the moon.

"Just you and me..." I say to myself, looking at the stars. Yet Mal hears me loud and clear. "Forever, Jason. You and me, forever. I mean of course our children, but when they marry off, it'll just be you and me." I turn to her already grinning face, pecking her lips.

"Can we stay out here for a little while longer? I just like the night sky." A warm feeling washes over my cheeks from how pussy like that just sound coming out my mouth. "Aww, babe don't cover your face. Heck yeah we can stay out a little longer." She gets up from her seat, gently sitting down on my lap.

We stay on our balcony, conversing with each other, just talking about random things. I knew my Mal was trying her very best to get my mind off things, and I'm grateful for that. She truly did an amazing job at it too. Little by little the sky seemed to go from its darkened tent, to a lighter color; indicating the sun would be coming up soon. Who knew just talking with the love of your life, could make the time go by in an instant? Hell, I sure didn't know. Watching the sunrise with her was my favorite part of our whole time out here. I knew she was tired, yet she didn't say anything about it. She just set back and let me vent out my problems to her, being the friend I truly needed. As soon as the sun had fully risen, she couldn't take it any longer, and fell asleep right in my arms. Man she makes my life complete, she's all that matters to me.

There's just nothing like us.


- Chapter 36 has now come to an end. I always feel sad when I finish a chapter, but then I get happy again cause I go on to write the next one.

- Alexis -

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