Cureless (h.s)

By doersandbelievers

3.4K 191 39

"The worst part of loving a girl who is cureless isn't dealing with the hospital visits and the medication, b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Authors Note
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 31

44 2 0
By doersandbelievers

Chapter 31: 

"Loueh! Come to Tesco's with me!" I shout down the corridor towards his open door to his bedroom. 

"Was that interrogative or imperative?" He asks sassily, peeking his head out and raising an eyebrow at me. 

I roll my eyes playfully, "It's both, we have no food in this flat because you pigs ate all of it," I explain myself. 

He scoffs and walks out of his room towards me, pulling on a hoodie, "I guess I'll come with you, but I beg to differ about the pig thing." 

I giggle and we both inform the other boys of our whereabouts. Most of them are sleeping because it's pretty late at night, but at least the paps won't be around very much because of how late it is. It's funny to think that all of the general public just assumes that we all have people get our groceries with us and we send them away like slaves. And by 'we' I mean the people that are popular in the media industry. 

On the way to the shop, we blast music in the car which earns us strange looks from oncoming traffic. All of the top hits play, including Adele, Ed, and Selena Gomez. Funny how Louis has met all three of those people. We shamelessly belt out the lyrics and high notes as loud as possible. I haven't had this much fun in a car for quite some time. I just realized how suggestive that sounded....ugh.

"Do you have the list?" Louis asks once we exit his car and are in the parking lot of the store. 

I dig in my bag and triumphantly pull out a small slip of paper with a list of items we need to get. Louis chuckles at me and we enter the store. He grabs a trolley and I direct him towards the produce section. 

"Broccoli, lettuce, bell peppers, apples, lemons, bananas, oranges, plums, cucumbers, avocados and," I stop in my tracks for a moment after naming some items in the section off, snickering at the last food that caught my eye, "carrots.

Louis gives me an 'are you serious?' look and I giggle, grabbing a bag of baby carrots and tossing it into the trolley. As we find more foods and I cross them off the list, I take the opportunity to ask Louis the questions I've asked everyone so far. 

"So, Lou, I have a few questions to ask you, but I need you to be completely frank," I tell him. He nods, examining a few lemons. "Have you ever thought of leaving the band?" 

He pauses momentarily and looks at me thoughtfully, "Of course not, Em. I love doing this even if I'm the oldest. The only thing that would stop me is if everyone else wanted to end the contract." 

His answer is relieving, but makes me worry even more about Zayn. The poor boy, he's not enjoying this as much as the others, but I wouldn't tell the boys without Zayn's confirmation. 

"What do you think you'll be doing after the fact, then?" I question, pushing the trolley towards the bread section. 

He shrugs, "Probably just sit around, have a family, get older, I don't know. I want to get involved with more footie." 

I watch as he picks up some bakery bread and places it with the fruits and vegetables in the basket. Once he's finished I push the contraption towards the frozen part of the store and read off some more items for Louis to pick up. 

"What's up with the questions anyways?" He grins curiously at me. I open a freezer door to grab a few pints of chocolate and peanut butter ice cream, my absolute favorite. 

"I just need answers before, you know," I trail off quietly and Louis nods understandingly. Thankfully he isn't accusatory towards this and totally against the fact that I might die in the next few years. Some are like that and it just makes the situation more awkward because, hello, the person with a life threatening disease is more ready to die than the person against it. 

Louis tosses a few frozen pizzas into the basket and as I'm pushing the trolley, he stops it by resting against the opposite side with an interesting glint in his eye, "So, since you're asking me questions, can I ask you some?" 

Huh, no one has ever had that comeback before. Then again, Louis is pretty zany. No pun intended. Kind of. 

"Sure, why not?" I nod for him to go ahead and he comes over to walk with me as we traverse towards the next aisle. 

He takes the list from my bag which I placed in the trolley and reads over it, absentmindedly asking me, "When are you and Harry getting married?" I stop walking out of shock and observe as he picks up some overly sugary cereal. I cannot believe that he just casually asked that big of a question. To be honest, I didn't think that Harry and I would ever get married or even engaged because of my condition. I think it would sadden him too much if I were to pass while we were still engaged. 

My cheeks redden anyways and I shake my head dismissively as he smirks cheekily at my reaction, "I have no clue. I didn't think he'd ever pop the question to be honest." 

Louis' mouth drops open at my honesty and he smacks my shoulder lightly with a box of Choco Rice, then places it in the basket. "Nonsense! You'd be surprised at what he shares with me," he says. I raise my eyebrows at him and his smirk falls off his face, "Oh wait, I probably wasn't supposed to tell you that," he trails off awkwardly and then avoids any more weird tension by wandering off into the next aisle. 

I huff and trail after the boy, struggling with the ratio of the weight of the trolley to my one good arm. That boy, I swear. 

On another note, did Louis just reveal that Harry might propose to me or something? Why would Harry even think of doing that? Weddings take a long time to prepare for and by the time we would get married, I'd probably be six feet under. 

At last, I find the man child who is gazing at shelves and shelves full of chocolate and sweets, but mostly chocolate. He looks like he's about to leave a puddle of drool on the floor. Has he eaten today? Now I'm concerned. 

"Uh, Louis? Are you okay?" I ask him, tilting my head in confusion. It looks like he snaps out of whatever trance he was in, and he grabs a few rather large chocolate bars and puts them in the cart without saying anything. We exchange a knowing glance because who doesn't enjoy chocolate? I hope he shares. 

After shopping for about another half hour, we finally make our way up to the front registers. Louis had to take over driving the trolley because my arm is too noodle like. Maybe I should work on that. Meh. 

As we wait in line, I scan over a few magazines and grin, picking up the Tiger Beat magazine. The boys are on the front with the headline having to do with their hiatus. Even though the magazine is mostly targeted towards the younger audience, I find the picture adorable with all of the emojis surrounding it. I flip through where there are pictures of the boys and Louis peeks over my shoulder to see what I'm doing. 

"Ooh, look at those fit lads. I wonder who they are," he says, pulling away once I turn to him with a sarcastic smile. Of course he would say something like that. 

Thankfully, the woman who is working the register was speedy and we were piling bags into the boot of Louis' car in no time. Then we were home bound again, blasting music from the stereo. Once Louis parks in the lot to the flat building, he sighs heavily when he turns off the ignition. 

I look at him and raise an eyebrow, wondering what on earth just came over him. "We have to bring the groceries inside," he groans and reluctantly opens his door, getting out of the car. I shake my head at how childish he's acting even though I feel the same way pretty much. 

"Do you think we can do it all in one trip?" I ask him, widening my eyes at the sight at all of the plastic bags in his boot. Why did we buy so much?

He puts on a determined face, "Anything is possible as long as you believe!" and at that, he begins picking up bag after bag with about five in each hand. Impressive. I only pick up three because that's all that he left. 

I can't help but giggle at how he's struggling, but trying not to show it. He's grunting with exertion every so often and walking really fast towards the elevator doors to get to the flat. 

Finally, once were in our flat and the door has closed behind us, Louis drops all of his bags, whining at the fact that his arms hurt now. I roll my eyes at him and nag for him to bring them into the kitchen so we can unpack. At least the cold stuff because I'm really tired too. 

"We should probably be quiet, Lou. I think the boys are sleeping granted that it is almost the next day," I tell him once he begins moaning and groaning like a baby. 

He sighs deeply, stomping his foot, but laughing anyways as he helps put away the cold items that need to be in the freezer or refrigerator. It's almost silent in the flat, but I can still hear Niall's snoring. He should get that fixed. Ever since I can remember he's been a snorer. 

I shut the fridge once we finish putting most of the food away and turn to Louis whose eyelids are drooping and a lazy smile is adorning his face. I wrap my arm around him, patting his back. He hugs me as well, "Night Lou," I tell him. 


Exhaustedly, I go over to my room and am sort of surprised to see Harry sleeping soundly in my bed. I try to stay quiet, but once I click the door closed he opens his eyes groggily and grins at my presence. 

"Hi, Haz," I say softly. He waves tiredly and I go into my bathroom, taking some pajamas with me, and get ready for bed. When I'm finished, I join him under my soft duvet and his arms wrap around my waist. 

He kisses my shoulder, "Hawaii in two days," he mumbles. This causes a smile to grow on my lips. Hawaii is in two days... I can't wait! I love the beach and the ocean. Plus, it'll just be the two of us soaking up the sun. 

"Can't wait. Love you, H." 

"Love you too." 




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