More Than Complicated (Harry...

By frostybirb

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"Why did you run away?" Harry tried changing the subject. "You're a coward Malfoy, you know that? You left yo... More

Chapter 1: Midnight Fly
Chapter 2: Unwanted Encounter
Chapter 3: Hide n' Seek
Chapter 4: Petrificus Totalus
Chapter 5: The Encounter
Chapter 6: Into the mirror
Chapter 7: Gathering
Chapter 8: Sober thoughts
Chapter 9: Complications
Chapter 10: Morning Relief
Chapter 11: The Owl Mail
Chapter 12: The Plan
Chapter 13: Kingsley Shacklebolt
Chapter 15: 4 PM
Chapter 16: Dementor's kiss
Chapter 17: The Return
Chapter 18: Hospital Wing

Chapter 14: Memory Flashes

10.1K 381 115
By frostybirb


Draco had stumbled out of the cloak. His face was merely on the verge of a breakdown with his wand pointed directly at his own father.
Lucius seemed to find it all rather amusing. He stared at his son, then gave a small nod. "Draco," he finally managed to say. "Son."
Harry was sure he heard Draco sniffle.
"Don't call me that if you don't mean it." His voice was all crackly despite he tried his best to conceal it. He slowly put his wand down.
Dear gods, there were so much family history that Harry had absolutely no clue about. And here they are, glaring at each other with body language speaking more than words.

"You let me down, Draco," Lucius purposely pronounced his own son's name as if it was foreign--as if he didn't know him anymore. "I knew you'd amount to nothing than a failure to our family."
Don't listen to him, he's trying to break you!

Lucius inched closer to Draco. Draco stumbled backwards and his back pressed against the cold ceramic walls. Harry and Hermione couldn't do anything but watch. Hermione's breath quickened. Harry's fist clenched.
If you dare lay a finger on him.. He thought. I would personally step out and hurt you, badly, and leave you crumbling away to your death just like Voldemort.
But Lucius continued. "I didn't raise you to be a disgraceful, cowardly traitor. You've dirtied our Malfoy name."
Draco gulped and stared in his father's ice cold eyes. He could not see himself in the man he strived his whole life to be. Harry was right, he was not his father. And right now, he is, in a way, glad that he isn't. Out of all the things Lucius called him.. traitor, maybe. Stepping dirt onto his own family's glory? Without a doubt. But cowardice is never something he'd want to be associated with again. He was a coward once, when he stepped onto the Death Eater's side during the war. When he almost killed Dumbledore, and its half his fault that he's dead now.
But not this time. Not today. Today he will do what is right, not what is easy.

"I'm not a coward."
"Then how do you explain why you decided not to show up last night? After all that planning, Didn't you not see my letter?"
"I forgot about the meeting." Draco lied bluntly. It was a poor lie. He was looking down and breathing shallow breaths.

Hermione mouthed to Harry "show up where? What letter?"
Harry shook his head and put his index finger to his lips to silence. "Long story," he mouthed.

"Thank goodness she's gone now. Your mother will be ashamed of you if she knew that her own son declined to help out his own family."

Draco fought back his tears from the rage building up inside. His lip quivered but didn't dare to speak again. Lucius didn't break the stare, and pulled out his own wand from a pocket. "If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear."

  It was almost too clear to Harry what was going to happen next.
Lucius was going to perform Legillimency on Draco. The charm used to get into someone's mind and force to see all their memories. Snape had did it to Harry when training him to defend himself against the dark lord. But he failed each time to conceal his memories, no matter how hard he tried. His emotions were just too on surface and easily accessible.
Harry almost stepped out of the cloak. He would've, but he was outnumbered a wizard with a Time Turner and his armed body guards. If only he could somehow snatch out the the golden Time Turner dangling on his neck..

Lucius had his wand pointed at Draco from a feet away. His icy cold eyes showed no remorse before he shouted. Legimens!"

And Draco was always great at Occlumency, the strategy of defending the mind against any tresspassers forced mind-reading. Bellatrix had taught him well before, and that was how he'd been able to hide his plan for killing Dumbledore.
He'd done so because he neglected his emotions. He was never in touch with his feelings and slowly been able to shut down his pity and sympathy completely.

If only he could do that now.

Green dust and particles zipped around Draco. He started flinching and gasping like a seizure, as if an invisible hand had grasped tightly around his neck. The sight of it was horrid. Draco's face was stricken with shock and panic as his body writhed against the force, almost like a Cruciatus curse.

Hermione squeezed her eyes shut and cupped her hands over her face.
But Harry felt his head throb with extreme pressure. And suddenly, somehow, he could see everything.

It wasn't clear to him how he could witness and experience the sudden flashes of memories that Draco was seeing. Although he didn't understand every blurry images he saw, his heart raced.

There were days that passed with no news. Alone and forced to face boredom, Draco's only entertainement was the Daily Prophet. Being enclosed into a home for all these months allowed him to practice a few new spells and tricks. Days passed on. A clock ticked in Draco's bedroom. The days grew longer turned to months. With no social interactions, he was as lonely as ever. Alchohol was lifted to his lips more and more each day. There was no news from his father nor the rest of his family. He had actually longed to go back to Hogwarts at one point, but he couldn't. The plan needed to be followed.

Then the memories flashed faster, Harry needed to focus intensely to catch on the flashing memories.
There was running. Black shoes hitting the forest floors with such urgency, in a dark atmosphere. A wand was pulled out, and a flash of the Malfoy Manor was shown. Harry was seeing everything now in Draco's point of view. He sat at their dining table. There was yelling and a huge argument between him and this unknown well-dressed man, and then tears streaming down his face. A photo of Narcissca was held into his hands as more silent tears fell as he sat alone in his room. Multiple glasses of liquor was poured as he drank his pain away. She died, Harry's body froze for a second.

Then there was a letter in his hands. Harry felt the pang of anger flash in him as it did to Draco.  Lucius's letter was about him escaping. Draco was overjoyed that he could see his father again, but as he kept reading the letter, more anger overwhelmed him. He had broken out out Azkaban not to see Draco, but for his own lust for power.

And then, there Harry saw himself through Draco's eyes. And the emotions were almost engulfing him. The next flashes were quick and lasted about 20 seconds in total.
Petrificus Totalus! Harry dropped to the ground in the foggy and damp forest.
Draco walked behind the sleeping Harry on his own bed.
They jumped into the mirror.
Draco angrily crumpled an Azkaban Wanted Criminals sign and threw it to the ground in Diagon Alley.
"POTTER, WATCH OUT!"--Draco was lunged on top of Harry from a Dementor whooshing by.
They were on Draco's bed again. The air was warm around them and their skins hot to touch.
Harry was on top of Draco. His lips caressing every inch of his skin that arose a small moan from him. His vision was hazy due to the alcohol, but his thoughts were still sober. It was heavenly, and yet so much lust and desperate need mixed into this intense deep sexual craving for that no good, extremely troublesome, Harry Potter.

Harry couldn't stand it any longer. He threw the cloak off of himself, still covering Hermione.
"STOP IT!" He shouted. "Will you please, STOP!"
Lucius turned his attention away from Draco to the sudden yell and released the upholding magic from the wand. Tufts of sparks evaporated from his wand.
Draco slumped back to the wall and fell to the ground from the energy drained from him.

Lucius glared at him with his mouth trembling, attempting to form words. Harry came in too late. He has already witnessed all there was to see. It was a hell load of information to wrap his mind around. Now that Harry was standing before him, wearing Draco's green Quidditch sweater, things ultimately did seem as impossible than it already was.


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