Not what it seems

By maddslhorn_x

2.9K 133 41

A girl finally gets what she has worked her whole life towards. She worked hard to get away from her past and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30- epilouge

Chapter 2

165 9 0
By maddslhorn_x

Hi my lovelies so this is the second chapter and I hope you like it!  I decided to update again just to get the story started. It also holds a pretty big part of the story. Please leave any questions, suggestions or comments, I will always answer and if there's one I really like I will dedicate the next chapter to that person. Anyway I need you guys to share and vote and be lovely! Thank you and enjoy.....
2votes and a comment would be nice!
*Lacey's Pov*

I was shaken from my sleep gently. I quickly snap my eyes open to take in my surroundings panicked but instantly calm when I see Mark smiling kindly at me.

'We just landed dear, you ready to go to the studio?'

'Oh yes! Yes of course'

We stand up and shuffle our way from our sits and into the isle where I grab my luggage. I didn't have a lot of time and therefore only packed the minimal amount of clothes, products and shoes as well as grabbing all my money. I had two bags that passed as carry on luggage. Not trusting them out of my sight.

I walk with Mark through the airport until we reach the luggage pick up as he needed to collect his suitcase. I watch as he looks at me questionably before speaking 'haven't you got a suitcase?'

'No, it was a rushed packing. Didn't really think it through. Only grabbed what I could' I explain briefly, he looks at me as if he's trying to figure something out but doesn't question anything else. Which is something I'm thankful for.

I know he is probably wondering why it was such a rush that I didn't even pack properly but I couldn't tell him the truth. It had been rumoured that I wanted out and wanted to leave and therefore it made me have to push my plans ahead a week.

We continue to walk through the airport when we reach outside. I notice a man approaching us from the side and I see that he has a weapon in a holder connected to his belt. I was sure he wasn't police or security so I make sure to watch his movements as Mark looks for his driver that was coming to pick him up. 

The man draws nearer and I see as he reaches for the gun, resting his hand on it. As he gets into touching distance I see him move to grab Mark.

Without thinking I grab his arm and quickly spin him around while tripping him to the floor. Within seconds he was pinned to the floor his right arm twisted and held behind him in one hand and my knee resting on his back to keep him there.

I hadn't registered what I had just done until I hear a grasp from above and I see Mark staring wide eyed at me.

'Dear, he's the bodyguard I hired to accompany me to the studio. Obviously he mustn't be that good if you just took him out' he laughs and I'm extremely grateful that he hasn't grown angry or questioned me

I quickly apologise and jump up from the unknown male as I reach and help him up to, apologising again.

'Im Paul, the bodyguard. I'm sorry if my actions seemed as a threat' he eyes my warily

'Im Lacey, I'm sorry I saw the gun and you reach for Mark it's just reflexes you know'

He just nods as he leads us to a car and quickly jumps in the front with whom I assume is the driver.

I sit beside Mark and he quickly asks for the screen between us and the driver to be put up.

'This side is now sound proof, I know what you are or were dear' he states as he stares at me with an emotionless expression, I go to open my mouth panicked and to try to either cover it up or explain but he simply shakes his head

'Its fine Lacey. I understand that these things are often forced upon you and I'm sure that's what happened. Now this will remain between us but I have a proposition for you, if your willing to hear about it'

I stare with my mouth agape and I suddenly feel wary. How did he know? How does he know about it all? And what was this proposition?  I nod stiffly. My face void of any emotion and my body tense

'I had once required your assistance and it was said you were the best. It just took me a while to recognise you. Anyway, there has been some trouble with one of the bands, someone has infiltrated the crew or become close with the band that means them harm. Now we are unaware of why and who and the band have no idea about these threats. So my proposition is that if I sign you and give you the same manager as this band, you will protect them. I will pay you obviously and you will still produce music. Actually you will be their opening act on their tour so you can stay close'

I take in all the information and memorise anything that is important, it's so easy how I have slipped back into that world, my personality instantly becoming heartless as I listen to what my brain takes as a mission.

'Who's the band? Is there a main target? Who will know about my double job? And what threats are there?'

'The band is known as The Vamps, there doesn't seem to be a main target but different at each time. The manager and some very trusted body guards such as Paul will know about you. The boys must not know. And the threats differ, some are threats of abducting and some killing. We had thought they were from different people before examining the threats. The person is clever, and they tend to tease about how close they can get. Connor had suspiciously fallen from the stage. Tristan had been poisoned but we said it was something he ate and quickly solved it. '

I nod silently before speaking again 'what do you want me to do? How far do you want me to go? If I find the person what do I do?'

He smiles lightly before speaking 'you will protect them no matter what. Even if that means by killing. We will protect you from anything you do illegally'

That's the last thing we speak to each other throughout the rest of the trip. I'm calm and collected and I can see him smiling. This is the last one... I promise. Then I'm done. After that I'm going to be normal. After this mission I will no longer be an Assassin .

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