
By AnAdventurer

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A collection of poems and short stories that don't belong anywhere else. These are my random ideas and feelin... More

A Change of Seasons
False Truths
Silent Wishes
Wasted Thoughts
The Mind Killer
A Particularly Grumpy Ogre
Freezing Rain
The Old Man's Scythe
The Plunge
The Bigger Man
My Fight
Lost and Alone
Burdens I Bear
Empty and Alone
Shadows and Demons
Shadow of the Day
Litter and the Leaves
Broken Stage
It All Falls
Just Underneath
State of Failure
Spiralling Further
Long Gone
Dragonborn Comes
Deaf Ears
The Role Playing Game
After the Storm
A Sad Conclusion
All the King's Men

Creatures of Darkness

150 9 10
By AnAdventurer

The beast's rank breath filled my nostrils as it poked its snout into the hollow I was hidden beneath. Its black nostrils flared as it sniffed the air. I held my breath, holding myself perfectly still, hoping it wouldn't detect me. My arms were getting sore holding my legs back against my chest but I could not give up, if I was discovered it would mean certain death.

The monster's breath was rank with blood and decay, revealing it must have been fresh off of a kill. I scrunched my nose in disgust, Werewolves were so uncivilized. That being said, they are formidable creatures and should never be doubted.

The wolf's tongue peaked out of the beast's open mouth. The sounds of its breathing pierced the silent night air, keeping me alert and weary. All I could see was the end of its snout, that was all that fit in the tiny opening on the top of the fallen tree. I continued to silently wish that the scent of rotting wood would overpower mine.

Too late for wishing, the werewolf picked up my scent. It retracted its snout in a flash and I could hear howls echoing around me. So I had been followed by more than one.Not exactly my plan but I liked a challenge.

There was a rough scraping on the outside of the tree. It sounded like the beast was trying to claw its way through. I snickered silently, knowing the wood was far too thick, even if it was partially rotted. My laughter turned to fear in an instant as a giant clawed hand broke through, coming within inches of my face.

The hand opened and closed, searching for me. I snapped my head forwards, sinking my fangs into the soft, furry flesh. The beast's thick blood flowed into my mouth, heavy and metallic. I spat, the taste was far worse than human blood.

The monster howled and pulled the claw away, whimpering slightly. I pressed my advantage, bursting from the hollow and lunging onto the surprised creature. I pinned it's shoulders to the ground and bit hard into its neck. I tore back, ripping open its windpipe. The creature instantly fell limp. It deserved far less mercy.

Howls filled the air around me, seemingly everywhere. How many of them were there? I lifted my head, my chin dripping blood. Even though it was night I could see perfectly. I wished that I couldn't as the horde of beasts was revealed, hidden in the trees high above me.

My heart sunk, I feared this may spell death for me. I hissed, breathing a warning into the air. I was outnumbered, not helpless. 

I was met by growls, a warning of their own. I slowly rose, my hands held out and in sight. If we didn't have to fight then I would be fine with that. Keeping my life is far more important to me then ending a few of theirs.

I scanned the area, making eye contact with a few of the creatures. Some growled more intently while others looked away, fearing my empty gaze. A smile formed on my pale lips as I began to slowly step back, heading out of the forest. This was going well . . .

I felt a thud behind me, causing my heart to spike. I spun, fearing what I would discover. Before me stood the largest werewolf I had ever seen. His silvery white hair gleamed in the light of the moon that filtered through the sparse leaves above us. His lips were pulled back in a snarl, revealing pearly fangs resting in black gums. He extended from his haunches and puffed out his chest, displaying his true size. He wasn't the alpha for nothing.

The air buzzed as the beasts began to growl in unison, seemingly goading the alpha on. They wanted to see a fight. They wanted to see me ripped apart. The alpha stretched his sinewy arms and bounced on his feet. He was ready, was I?

Before I could answer myself the creature lunged forward, swinging a giant clawed paw at my face. I quickly ducked, feeling some of my black hairs ripped from my scalp as the beast's claw passed over my head, narrowly.

I sprang up and bolted past the monster. This was a fight I knew I could not win. The beast howled as I ran, signalling a chase. I could hear as the rest of the horde leapt from the trees, joining the hunt. The night seemed to thunder as the werewolves ran, their paws beating the ground as they went.

My legs were going as fast as they could go, my boots crunching the soft earth beneath me. I leapt over fallen logs and darted around trunks as I sprinted for my life. I could hear beasts above me, leaping through the trees.

All of my hope left me as a group fell to the ground in front of me, their arms outstretched as if to embrace me. But it would be an embrace I would not survive. I dared a peak behind me, and concluded their was no turning back. I powered my way forwards, intent on smashing the monsters in my way.

I turned my right shoulder so that it faced forwards and drove it into the chest of the beast in the middle of their wall of wolves. I felt as claws scratched at me but I doubted any major damage was done. The wolf toppled backwards, it had not anticipated my charge. I made sure to stomp on its face as I continued running.

I could see a faint light of a village at the edge of the forest. I was near the exit! The beasts would not dare go out. The feared humans with torches and pitchforks more than a lone vampire.

Seeing the light renewed my spirits and some of my energy. I ran faster, mustering all my might.

Then a great roar pierced the air and the alpha dropped to the ground, blocking my path. The earth shuddered as its feet made contact. I stopped dead in my tracks, there was no escaping him, he was just too large.

The brush rustled around me as I was surrounded by other werewolves. The same buzz of growling filled the air. I sighed, resigning to my fate. I would put up a fight though.

I raised my fists and taunted the great beast. It howled and stomped its feet. 

"Come on!" I yelled, hiding my fear.

The monster began to charge, the ground shaking with each leaden step. I steeled myself, awaiting the sharp claws and pointed fangs heading towards me. The world seemed to go silent as I droned everything else out, focusing. There was a shred of hope that I would survive, the beast just had to make a mistake.

A twang of steel broke my concentration. I heard a pain filled yelp as the beast crumpled to one knee, a silver bolt protruding from its back. Another twang and anther bolt stabbed into the giant's body, answered with another cry of pain.

The other werewolves fled, leaving their brother to his fate. I quickly ran behind a wide tree as the humans stepped out from their places, hidden in the brush.

They wore heavy black hats and held crossbows in their hands, all loaded with silver bolts. They walked around the dying creature, just watching. It continued to whimper and cry, the silver causing excruciating pain. It writhed and lashed out, crying for mercy.

Twang. A silver bolt passed through it's skull and the monster fell limp. The men still stood around it, watching, waiting to be sure it was dead. They were always careful, the superstitious fools. Little did they know regular steel worked just as well, as long as it was crafted properly.

It was then that I took my leave, disappearing into the night. I did not want to overstay my welcome and I knew perfectly well how humans treated unwanted guests.

There was a whoosh of icy wind and I was gone.

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