.:Miraculous LadyBug:.~ LadyN...

By t4ek00kUwU

22.7K 1K 357

Hello!! I'm more used to making Sonamy fanfics buuut, these ships are sooo popular right now and I am one of... More

Jealousy ( Part 1)
Jealousy (Part 2)
Be My Penguin? (^ω^)
Marinette One-shot .:Dreaming:.
Valentine's Day ~~ Pt.1
Valentine's Day ~Pt. 2~
Here you go!!
-Same Hair Stylist-
Adrienette one-shot •Dancing Partners• (Part 1)

¤Adrienette one-shot¤ ฯ{Movie Time}ฯ

1.7K 103 41
By t4ek00kUwU

Requested by:  Cool576

"The movies?" Adrien questioned. "Yup, I'd like to watch that new horror movie that's coming out tonight" Nino spoke. "Alright then" Adrien agreed. "Meet me there at 7pm" Nino said leaving Adrien, he also left towards his home.

~With Alya and Marinette ~

"Zombie Nation?" Marinette questioned. "Yeah this movie is so popular right now" Alya spoke. "Sure, why not?" Marinette replied. Good thing it's Friday.

"At what time?" Marinette asked. "7pm at the cinema" Alya replied. "Ok, so should-...", a beep was heard on Alya's phone interrupting Marinette. "It's my mom" Alya lied, it was actually Nino. " I gotta go. Well, see ya later!" Alya spoke leaving.


"So, did he say yes? " Alya questioned. "Yes he did. How about Marinette?" Nino stated. Alya nodded.

"Yes!!! " Nino exclaimed. "Now the question is...  How are we gonna spy on them?"  Nino added. "Let me think..."
" I got it! " Alya spoke dragging Nino away into a store.

    ~|Later on: 7pm (Cinema) |~

Adrien already had arrived at the cinema, although Nino wasn't there yet. He might of well buy his snacks while he waits for him.

Soon, Marinette also arrived. She searched the place for Alya, but only to find out she hasn't arrived. She wandered around more.
Eventually , her eye caught what looked like Adrien. She quickly turned around and was about to leave that spot, but Adrien called out to her.

"Hey Marinette!" Adrien said. Marinette froze in the position she was. She knew she wouldn't be able to make a complete sentence, maybe not even a word. "H-hi A-adrien" Marinette spoke. "It would be a dumb question if I ask you what are you doing here, because obviously you came to see a movie... So, which one you're gonna watch?" Adrien asked.

"N-no you're not dumb, I mean it wouldn't be dumb, nothing you say is dumb... Gah!! " Marinette stumbled. "I-I came to see             Z-Zombie Nation..." Marinette spoke. "Really? So did I" Adrien said. "I'm supposed to meet here with Nino, but he hasn't arrived yet" he added.

"I was also going to meet Alya here, but she also hasn't arrived.
"I'll try calling her..." Marinette said , dialing Alya. "Maybe I should also call Nino" Adrien said as he too dialed Nino.

But, neither of them answered. "That's odd" Marinette said, dialing again. But still no luck. "Their phones must be off, but why?" Adrien questioned.

"It's already 7:20 and the function if supposed to start at 7:30" Marinette stated. "Well, let's wait if by any chance they'll arrive." Adrien spoke. "Alright" Marinette replied.

Minutes passed and Alya neither Nino came. Instead just a lovely old couple came in"They haven't arrived. And the movie is about to start" Marinette spoke. "Well, let's see the movie together. Since Nino and Alya didn't come " Adrien stated.

Marinette nodded and was internally screaming. She was at the cinema with Adrien. Then, Adrien and Marinette entered the projector room (I don't know what they're called) and they sat down in the middle row seats.

The lovely old couple also entered the room and sat 2 rows above them with their snacks and all.

"They look so cute together..." The old man spoke. "Yes they do, but keep quiet! " the old woman replied. "Oh right, do you think these disguises will work?" He questioned. "Yes, now pass me the binoculars." She replied.

Obviously the old couple was Alya and Nino. "What are they doing?" Nino asked "They're just watching the trailers, nothing much. By the way didn't you bring your binoculars?" Alya questioned. "Oh yeah,  I almost forgot about them" Nino spoke taking out his binoculars.

The trailers had finished, and Nino was trembling along side Alya. "Man up Nino!!" Alya whispered. The movie also had jump scares. Alya was still watching them closely. And one thing she could point out is that they were sharing the popcorn. "How, cute.. But we need action. But how?" Alya spoke. "Bingo!!" Alya spoke getting out of her seat.

"Wow, no wonder Nino wanted to see this movie" Adrien said. "Still can't believe he didn't show up..." Adrien added. "Neither can I about Alya" Marinette spoke.

Then Alya , disguised as the old lady, walked down to them. "Excuse me have you seen my glasses? They fell on the floor and slid down somewhere..." Alya spoke with and old lady like voice. Adrien and Marinette looked around and on the floor, only to find nothing. "No ma'am" Adrien spoke. "Blast it..." The elderly woman spoke. "Oh would you look at that, my husband has found my glasses." She spoke. Nino , also still disguised as the old man, came towards them. Then he handed her the glasses, and puts them on. "Oh, how adorable. Now that I can see clearly... you know, you two remind me of my husband, Gerald here and of me when we were young. When we were young and started dating we used to come to the movies every Friday night." The old woman stated.

This commentary made Adrien and Marinette blush wildly. Marinette covered her face with her hands, her heart beating quickly.

"N-no, we're n-not dat-..." "And you were probably sharing popcorn...like we did" she interrupted Adrien "ma'am we're not-" "Well now, off I go to my seat. Bye-bye love birds"  she now interrupted Marinette and left to her seat.

As soon as the old woman left, Adrien stared blankly at the floor. Marinette looked away.

They were still blushing. "Well,    t-that was awkward..." Adrien spoke. "Y-yeah" Marinette spoke. Then they just stared at the screen. Adrien biting his lip and Marinette nervously fiddling with her fingers.

Adrien quickly glanced at Marinette and back to the movie screen, she did the same quick glance.

They were now half in the movie and Nino had fallen asleep, while Alya was still awake. Watching closely Marinette and Adrien.

Suddenly, a zombie came out of nowhere on the screen and made everyone jump in fear. Including Marinette. She holded on tight to Adrien, then realizing what she did. Marinette quickly let go if him and laughed nervously. Adrien just have her a smile and spoke..

"If you get afraid you can hold on tight on my arm if you want to"
Marinette nodded slowly. Then resuming her eyes on the movie. Adrien kept staring at Marinette, smiling like and idiot. She felt his gaze on her. Although she didn't bother to look back to avoid an embarrassing moment.

Soon, Alya noticed that Marinette was no longer grabbing from the popcorn, not moving any muscle. Her hands were resting in one of those things were you put your arms to rest or where you put the drinks. Suddenly, Marinette's head slowly dropped on Adrien's shoulder. Adrien turned around and saw Marinette's head. She was quite asleep. "Marinette..." Adrien whispered. She didn't answer.

Adrien smiled and also rested his head on hers, so as his hand on her hand too. Marinette smiled, even though she had no idea of what was going on.  This made Alya fangirl inside and shook violently Nino. Making him wake up.

"Nino , Nino , Nino!!" Alya whispered. "What?" Nino asked. "Look!" Alya replied pointing towards Marinette and Adrien. Nino's eyes widened and grinned. "You know I think we should leave them alone.." Alya spoke standing up . Nino nodded and they both left.

"Gah! What day is it?!" Nino asked. "Uh... March 4, 8:15 pm why?" Alya questioned. "I thought it was 2020 already..." Nino started. "Oh you..." Alya spoke punching playfully Nino's shoulder.

Before leaving Alya headed towards a employee there and whispered something. The employee nodded understandingly. "What'd you say to her?" Nino asked. "You'll see.." Alya spoke.

Marinette woke up and found it hard to see because of the sudden light. When her eyesight came back, she looked around and saw everyone leaving.

She turned her head to her right and saw Adrien asleep. Right next to her. Marinette freacked out. "Adrien!!" Marinette spoke. Adrien didn't wake up. He just cuddled even closer to Marinette.

She blushed slightly and sighed, trying to find a way to get out of that situation.

"Adrien!!" Marinette yelled and quickly covering her mouth. But she got Adrien to wake up. He slowly opened his eyes and blinked. His eyes darted everywhere and saw people leaving. Then his eyes stopped on Marinette. Her cheeks hot red. He then realized what he was doing and stud up. "U-uh... sorry" Adrien spoke scratching the back of his head. Marinette also got up and smiled sheepishly "It's alright" Marinette said.

Then, they began walking out and threw their trash away. When they were walking out an employee (the same one Alya talked to earlier), walked to them. "How was the movie?" She asked. "Uh, great" Adrien answered. "You two make  a very cute couple you know" she spoke. "Oh, n-no we're not dating" Adrien said. "Y-yeah what he said..." Marinette reassured. "Really? I thought you were a couple. Seeing you to enter together and come out smiling. Bummer, you two fit each other." She spoke then left.

Marinette and Adrien looked at each other and laughed. "It's like the second person to mistake us as a couple.." Adrien stated. "Y-yeah" Marinette replied.

As soon as they got out it was raining. "Man, I should of brought my umbrella" Marinette spoke. Then, Adrien's driver arrived. "Well, see you on Monday" Marinette said. "N-no!, I-I mean... I can't let you go home by yourself when it's raining come on I'll take you home. " Adrien spoke making direct eye contact with Marinette and vice versa. "I-I can-" "You'll get a cold" Adrien interrupted Marinette.

Marinette sighed and agreed. "Fine" she spoke and headed with Adrien towards the car and got in and, they see Natalie in too. Marinette smiled nervously and got in with Adrien. Adrien was in the middle, Marinette on one side and Natalie on the other. Then they drove away.

The gorilla, (Adrien's driver/ body guard... That's what he refers to him, right? I don't know another way to call him xD) looked at Adrien, so as Natalie. Like saying, "What's she doing here?".

"She's just a f-friend. I insisted on giving her a ride back home. I couldn't leave her out in the rain you know..." Adrien spoke. Marinette looked out the window, she couldn't bare to look him at him. The fact that he insisted to take her home was awkward enough, despite it being sweet... The gorilla (I feel weird writing it :v ) just drove away, probably a sign of agreeing with him. And Natalie went on with it.

The ride was even more awkward. Deep in silence, except for the passing cars and buses. They didn't even have any idea on what to start a conversation with.

"So uh, your parents own a bakery h-huh?" Adrien spoke, even though it was a dumb question. "Yeah" Marinette replied. "Are you entering the contest?" Adrien questioned. "What contest?" Marinette asked. "Students from your school must design a fashion line by this Wednesday, and the winner will wear the designs with Adrien in a photo shoot and be on the cover on a magazine representing the talent in young  people like you." Natalie spoke. Adrien and Marinette stared at Natalie puzzled but in awe. "I-I wanted to explain the whole thing because... Uh... Your father left me in charge to explain it" Natalie added then looked out the window. "Well, thanks Natalie. " Adrien said. "I didnt bear aabout the contest" Marinette replied. "They announced it yesterda- oh wait... I now remember that  you didn't come that day. Good thing it's not too late to enter." Adrien spoke. "You think I can win?" Marinette asked. "I know so, I mean that derby hat you created last time was quite beautiful. Despite it ignited my allergies because of the pigeon feather, Although it wasn't your fault. I was actually quite proud to wear it" Adrien commented, smiling warmingly towards Marinette.

Her cheeks turned crimson red. Soon, they've arrived to Marinette's home. "Well, thanks for the ride Adrien, I really appreciate it." she spoke getting out of the car. Good thing it wasn't raining that much like before. "Y-yeah, anytime. See you on Monday." Adrien replied, not before the taking off. Marinette waved to Adrien and got in.

She finds Her parents hugging each other smiling warmingly at Marinette. She found it kinda creepy, but smiled also. "I would say you're getting closer to that boy, Mari..." Tom spoke. The commentary sprang up Marinette and blushed lightly. "W-who? A-Adrien? Pssht, no we're just friends" Marinette replied nervously. "Of course dear..." Sabine said. Marinette looked around desperately, not long before she kissed her mom and dad goodnight and ran to her room.

Their parents stared at her as she left and sighed. Also aww-ing like always.
Marinette jumped to Her bed and crawled under her covers. "Finally, to get a goodnight sleep for tomorrow too start sketching those designs." Marinette spoke. "Today was a pretty good day, huh Marinette? " Tikki said. "Haha yeah... You know I'm begining to wonder if this movie thing was all plan of Alya and may be Nino too." Marinette spoke. " Well, that plan is all over now. Besides you had a good day." Tikki assured.

"You're right Tikki, well goodnight!" Marinette said cuddling onto Her bed covers. "Goodnight Marinette!" Tikki spoke, giggling playfully.


Well, finally I finished this chapter. Sorry that I always end up updating late. Untill next time! Remember to request! For those who have requested , I'll notify you when it's done or about to be published...


For those who read this in the day / evening...

Good morning! or day... §§ Good evening x3

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