Ma☆Sori (Version 1)

By JongiePuppy

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SHINee Lee Jinki/ Onew FanFic This is Sori and Onew's story- More

•~Three Years~•
•~Moving In~•
•~Onew & Jinki~•
•~Close Call~•
•~Something's Off~•
•~You're Leaving?~•
•~Oka San!~•
•~Catching Up~•
•~Only You~•
•~Enough Is Enough~•
•~PandaMoiii's Note~•

•~Drunken Mistake~•

57 4 8
By JongiePuppy

Chapter Nine:

~• Jinki drove them to a local club that wasn't to far from the house. "I'm guessing this is where Tony usually comes?" She asked lowly. "Yeah, we use to come here a lot when we were younger" he answered parking the car. Sori looked out the window as others made their was to the entrance "I think I'm under dressed for this." Jinki looked at her as she slouched in her seat "What's wrong with what you're wearing?" She gave him a look "Onew, I'm in jeans, sneakers and a t-shirt, those girls that just walked in were wearing stilettos!" she cried with a cute face. He only laughed at her "You look fine, come on, the others are already inside." She hesitantly got out of the car and followed him inside. The music hit them hard once the door swung open and the people were just as loud. Jinki took her hand and pulled her a long to their table where the others were already seated and drinking. "Jinki!" David waved as he came up the steps with adoring behind him. "Glad you could join us Sori" he smiled and she smiled back. A woman that was seated to his right suddenly stood up and David introduced her "This is my wife, Jewel." She bowed politely with a warm smile "Annyonghaseyo" Sori bowed back, blown away by her beauty "Annyonghaseyo." Jinki let her sit down next to her before sitting as well "Where's Tony?" he asked, basically already knowing the answer. "At the bar, he's had at least five beers since we've got here" answered jewel. Jinki sighed before taking a sip of his own and Sori sat still. "Would you like a drink?" she jumped a little and Jewel smiled "Oh, no thank you, I don't drink much these days." She nodded and turned to her "So, you're Oka-San right? From ElecTro?" she asked the excitement clear in her face. Sori looked surprised, she didn't think she would recognize her "Neh." "Omo! It's a nice to meet you! I love your music and your dancing is amazing!" she squealed with giggles. "You're her favorite out of all the members" added David eyeing the two. "Really? Wow, kamsamnida" she bowed lightly with a smile and Jewel returned it cheerfully. "See, it's not as scary as you thought, right?" said Jinki with a grin. She looked at him "I guess not."

~• As the night went on the drinks kept coming. The boys had definitely had their fair share of alcohol for the night. Sori was pretty sure that her and Jewel were the only ones still sober and able to walk. Tony had left the club with some girls a few hours earlier, and with the sun scheduled to rise in a couple of hours, the girls decided to call it a night. "You sure you don't need any help?" asked Jewel as she buckled her wasted husband in the passenger seat. "No, I think I can get him home from here. Thank you for all the help though." She smiled "No problem, I hope I'll get to see you again soon" she waved and Sori made her way to the car to begin the long drive home.

~• "Yah, easy, be careful!" Sori warned helping Jinki inside. He giggled a little as he tried to put his feet in place "Mi...mianhae". She managed to get him to the sofa since she didn't have the key to his room. She set him down and and went to get him some water. "Oka-San~! Oka-San~! Oka~Oka!" he sung her name as he slid down onto the floor. She helped him sit up against the leg of the chair and handed him the bottle "Here, drink." He did as he was told and started drink as Sori looked back at him. He actually looked kinda cute when he was wasted, he was definitely more appealing than Tony ever was. Jinki wiped his mouth then gave her a big smile showing all this teeth. "Someone had fun tonight" she smirked and he tilted his head "Is that someone you? Did Oka-San have fun?" She smiled with a nod "Oka-San had a lot if fun tonight." He smiled before throwing his hand up in the air then letting them drop back down in any direction they wanted. "That's what I wanted. For you to have fun, and to smile. I'm happy now knowing that. Jinki had fun too" he took another drink of water as Sori sat still thinking about what said. He really wanted me to have fun tonight, didn't he? Everything he did tonight was to make sure I enjoyed myself. Maybe he actually does care. But then again he's really drunk... "Ah!!" They both jumped as the glass slipped out of his hand spilling water all over his shirt. Sori quickly took the glass from him and set it in the coffee table "Jeez" she rose to her feet and hurried to the kitchen for paper towels. Jinki on the other hand decided to just change his clothes. He'd taken off his shirt and jacket and Sori was sure that if he didn't decide to wear another shirt underneath his clothes today, she would have panicked. Just his arms were exposed, and that was enough to make her turn red. She walked back and leaned over him a little to clean the water off of the table. Jinki was staring at her as she cleaned and couldn't help but notice how curvy her body actually was. "Looks like you're clumsy even when you're drunk Onew." she sighed wiping up the last of the mess. "Why can't you just call me Jinki?" his breath hit her ear and she turn to see him leaning foward. He was very close and seemed to have blocked her in "You moved." she gave him a blank look and he pouted. "Sori-ah~please say it, just once?" he begged and she went redder than before. "Onew, what are you-" "Ani yo! Not that! Say my real name!" "But why?!" she squealed feeling his arms fit around her waist, now locking her in place. "Because it sounds sexy when Sori says it and it turns Jinki on" he said with a straight face that Sori was shocked at. Not only at what he said but the tone of it and the look he gave her while doing it. Her heart was racing beyond it's limit now and she wasn't sure if she could take it. "L-Let me go..." "Not until you say it." he grinned and she looked away "I'm not gonna say it." Jinki frowned "I'll give you something sweet if you say it" She raised a brown in confusion "What-" Sori flinched as his lips hit hers softly. She didn't have time to push him back before he deepened the kiss to a point where she couldn't think straight. His grip on her waist grew stronger as he pulled her forward to his chest. Sori kept her hands on his arms, that were incredibly muscular, to keep him from pulling her any closer. He kissed her soft and slowly to where she found herself kissing back on impulse. They continued like this for a while, getting more lost into each other each time their lips touched. Jinki finally broke away for air and looked at her, but it didn't last long. He gave her a peck this time before glancing into her heavily dazed eyes again. Then kissed her again, stopping to look back, to catch her reaction. He repeated his, each time making the kiss longer by a few seconds. He smiled in between as did she even though she wasn't sure if she should be. When he kissed her for the last time it sent chills through her whole body. Their lips parted with a light smack that echoed in the quiet room, and Jinki stared at her licking his lips with a playful grin. Sori stared back motionless, still dazed from what had just happened. She couldn't process what had just happened and was confused in what she should do. "Jin-Jinki?" she let out a soft breath so quiet that it would only be audible to his ears. He smiled bigger than ever as his eyes disappeared into the wrinkles on his face. "Jinki~" he mimicked her with a laugh "Lee Jinki~ That's me~" he released his hold and sat back against the sofa with a huff and dropped his head. "Jinki's sleepy Oka..." he yawned and Sori jumped to her feet "Y-You should get some sleep then" she grabbed the blanket on the side of the sofa as he got comfortable on the floor. He went silent, so she took it as her Que. to leave. "Oka-San..." he stopped her before she could get up again. She looked into his tired eyes as he reached for her hand "Stay with me until I fall sleep?" he asked tugging her to lay down. She looked down then sighed "Neh." She laid down beside him and his hands found her waist again. He pulled her toward him and cuddled her like a stuffed animal. "Oka....San..." He moaned before immediately drifting to sleep, leaving Sori in his embrace with her heart fluttering and her mind a mess.

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