Loose Lips Have Sunk This Shi...

By bottomluke

16.4K 1.2K 311

It was funny how Luke found himself striving to impress Michael, doing anything to gain the older boys attent... More

Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Character Ask
Chapter 11:
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13:
not an update
Chapter 14
Chapter 15:

Chapter 10:

922 75 15
By bottomluke

The fact of the matter is, Luke's filter has gone and fucked off, and at the worst possible time too. He didn't have to go and offer up a blow job when Michael seemed perfectly content holding him down and pretending Luke's subtle movements weren't affecting him. But the words spewed from his mouth effortlessly and Michael's eyes grew wide.

"Kiss you?" He sounds offended which is impossible - they've made out at least twice in the past two day and Michael seemed very content popping up for another round. That being said, the shock on his face left Luke feeling light headed and anxious.

Luke doesn't know what to say, his words have failed and Michael looks absolutely uncomfortable. "Well, I thought..." He doesn't know what he was thinking, that's the problem. Michael stares down at him, lips parted like he wants to speak. He stays quiet. "I just thought -"

"Go brush your teeth."

And if Luke hadn't already been rolling in pools of embarrassment, he is now. They are close, close enough that Luke could easily catch Michael off guard and kiss him, which means morning breath is a very noticeable thing, at least in Michael's case. His cheeks, already flooded with red, fill more and he prays the mattress will swallow him whole.

Michael rolls off of him slowly, touching his arm as he lays down on the pillow beside Luke. He smiles and it's soft. "Come back though." He's not teasing and Luke is grateful. There are boxers on the floor, and while Luke has absolutely no idea whether they're clean or not, he's not planning on keeping them on for long, and tugs them up his legs quickly.

It smells like Ashton's shampoo in the hall and the bathroom mirror is foggy from steam. Luke scrubs the mirror with a hand towel and hangs it back on the hook he'd picked it from. There are a set of mismatched socks near the trashcan and the bath mat is soaked - Luke will be sure to pester Ashton for that later.

He can hear them puttering around downstairs, Calum at least. He's noisy in the morning, especially after he's come back from a run and is banging cabinet doors shut in his haste to make one of those disgusting vomit-pink health smoothies he and Ashton found a recipe for on We Heart It. Ashton's just as bad - usually - but the bathroom mirror is steamy enough that Luke's sure Ashton hadn't made his way downstairs just yet.

His toothbrush lays against a half used tube of toothpaste, right beside Ashton's. It's green and stripped and has smears of blue paste on the back - Luke isn't too good at washing it off after using it.

Ashton hums, towel in hand as he scrubs at his hair. It's all wet, curling and a mix of dark blonde and brown streaks. He grins at Luke, eyeing the younger boy up. Luke busies himself wetting the toothbrush and squeezing out a bit of paste onto the bristles.

"Have fun last night?"

Luke's face fills with heat as he brushes his teeth, eyes locked on his chin. He's already started drooling the foamy paste and sort of looks like a rabid dog. Ashton throws his towel over the door. He looks all too pleased with himself, like he knows something that he shouldn't. All in all, Luke wouldn't be too surprised.

"Yeah." Luke spits, licking at his lips. His heart is racing, thoughts traveling back to the half-naked boy in his bed. That's where he wants to be, not stuck in the bathroom with remnants of a shitty brush job on his lips and Ashton's teasing. He rinses his brush off, teeth as clean as they'll get and the dirty taste of night covered with a fresh mint.

"Back to lover boy?" Ashton laughs, rocking back on his heels when Luke attempts to rush by him. The blonde nods, cheeks flaming even hotter as Ashton lets him barrel by.

Luke slams the door shut behind him, not bothering to give Ashton the satisfaction of his beet-red face. He breaths slowly and looks to Michael. The older boy looks surprised at his hasty entrance, lips curling slowly into a smirk. He's spread out on the bed, left foot tucked under the blankets and the other half off the bed.

"Hi," Michael says. He's tucked a hand under his head, the other on his stomach near the head of his cock. He looks good like this, all spread out and waiting. Luke's cock twitches in his boxers and goosebumps play on the back of his neck.

He swallows, stepping towards the bed. Michael's room is a mess, although it seems to get worse everyday. The older boy's grin hasn't diminished and Luke's confidence is slowly building. He knows what he wants, and he knows he has the opportunity to take what he wants, but there's a heavy stream of nervousness building in his stomach as he watches Michael stroke himself.

"H-hey." Luke barely musters up enough strength to speak and he knows his cheeks have filled with color all over again. Michael grins despite as Luke crawls onto the bed, pausing near Michael's feet.

Tentatively, Luke touches Michael's ankle. He barely grazes the soft skin when Michael groans. Luke's gaze flits up to Michael's eyes and then back down to his cock. He's leaking, head a shiny pink that makes Luke's mouth water. He's never done this before, he's never done anything before and the fact that it's Michael only adds to how badly Luke wants to do.

"Come on." Michael coaxes, voice gentle. He's not that scary, not when he's naked and spread out for Luke to play with.

Luke nods, for himself and in response to Michael before he trails his fingers higher on Michael's leg. He's doing a decent job at not ogling Michael's cock, but the urge is there and the realization that he'll probably be choking on it in the next seven minutes.

"Take your boxers off?" It comes out as a question, probably because Michael doesn't want to scare Luke away. The blonde nods but makes no move to pull them off. His fingers shake as he scoots further up the bed and in-between Michael's legs.

Luke looks at Michael's dick for a few seconds. It's thick and flushed, and there's this vein going right up the underside and Luke just wants to get his mouth on him. He locks eyes with Michael. "Can you kiss me first?"

Worry has etched it's way into Luke's tone and Michael frowns. Luke drops his hand from Michael's leg and crawls the rest of the way up the bed. It's a last minute and completely unthought through plan, when Luke swings his leg over Michael's hip and straddles his stomach.

His heart is high in his throat, stomach twisting angrily as he gives a weak smile. He only wants a kiss, just one and that's really not that much to ask for. Michael grins in return and rests his hand on Luke's thigh. "Well, are you going to kiss me?"

Luke swallows, nodding. He leans down slowly, knocking noses with Michael and huffing out miserably before Michael's pressing his own mouth to Luke's. He's patient, as Luke freezes, the wet feel of Michael's lips on his own. It's unusual and weird but Luke likes it. He likes a lot of things he shouldn't.

Michael pulls away, blinking slowly. He grins again and touches Luke's thigh.

"I've never done this before." Luke clarifies. He sounds stupid and Michael shoots him a look similar to the his mum gives him when he has a smart response to something she's said. It's clear Michael isn't all that surprised Luke hasn't sucked dick but his hands never falter as he slowly pushes the younger boys boxers from his hips.

It seems Luke ends up naked with Michael too often, especially for people that hate each other. Luke's not even sure he can call it hate anymore, more like a mutual agreement to not enjoy each other's presence - although it feels wrong to say that as they're both naked and Luke's about to suck Michael's dick. There has to be something, hasn't there?

Okay, okay, okay. Luke's barely breathing as he climbs off of Michael's lap. He ignores the throbbing of his own cock and settles for staring at Michael. He's so thick, and Luke's mouth is absolutely watering. There has to be a label for people like him, that want dick in their mouth. But Luke isn't going to go searching for answers until he's satisfied he actually likes the act itself.

Michael looks at him expectantly, maybe a little stiff too. With a shaky hand, Luke grips Michael's cock. It's warm and hard but kind of soft at the same time, and he suddenly has forgotten how to give a hand job, which is pathetic because his hand is possibly his best friend. That doesn't matter, his mouth will do the trick, but isn't there like a code of conduct for these sort of things? A build up? Foreplay to the foreplay? Luke isn't a sexual person and Michael doesn't seem to be keen on giving directions, and holy shit, holy shit, holy shit.

Luke strokes him slowly, grip languid but tight enough that Michael stiffens even more and grits his teeth. That's a good sign, Luke's positive. Michael's cock dribbles pre-cum and Luke sits up, leaning in over Michael's legs to lick over the pearly drops. It's bitter, sort of tangy in a way that doesn't bother Luke all that much. Michael shudders above him and Luke licks again. His hand has paused and Michael's hips seem to jolt up the tiniest bit, straining to inch his hand along it seems.

He's not very coordinated and completely in amateur land, and god when Michael moans Luke almost dies right there. He's loud, doesn't even try to stifle the noises that fall from his lips and holy god, Ashton fucking knows they're in the room! There's no way he and Calum aren't outside retching in the bushes and trying to wipe their minds of Luke and Michael touching.

Luke licks down the side of Michael's cock and back up, humming as he opens his mouth around the girth and kisses up it. He's kept his gaze averted from Michael's for the longest time, but he can feel hard, green eyes burning into his forehead as he ignores them.

"Hollow your cheeks." Michael directs, seeming flustered at having to give directions. Luke attempts to follow Michael's orders, cheeks flushing as he tries swallowing Michael down. He chokes, eyes watering and pops off, gasping for air. He's got the worst gag reflex ever but Michael's staring at him with these soft, glazed over eyes like he's looking at Luke for the first time.

He tries again, sucking his cheeks in hard and attempting to slip his tongue around. It's not as easy as it looks in porn, and Luke chokes again. Michael spits out a curse, fingers tangling through Luke's hair as he pushes his head down. There's absolutely no air and Luke's crying now, tears leaking out of his eyes but it sort of feels good - like a high and all that good shit.

"Choke on my dick, holy shit." Michael grunts, hips rocking up before he comes, words trailing from a gruff tone to a squeak. Luke squirms as Michael finishes, breath rushing to his lungs when the older boy releases his hair. Luke pulls off slowly, spit and come spooling between his lips and Michael's cock, and he swallows.

He struggles for a decent breath of air before Michael's pushing him onto his back and kissing him hard. It's all teeth and tongue but Luke likes it, the aggressive touch and how Michael manhandled him so easily onto his back. His touch burned into Luke's sides, his stomach and shoulders.

Michael bites his lower lip, tugging it far from his teeth before pulling back, flushed and panting. Luke stares up at him, words and thoughts barely processing. His own cock aches, but Michael makes no move to assist him and Luke's too nervous to jerk himself off in front of Michael. Instead, he watches Michael climb from the bed and pull boxers on - the second pair that Luke had ignored earlier - and fix his hair in the closet mirror.

He's going to leave, Luke's sure of it and his stomach turns nervously. Twice he's been fucked over and left behind. To his surprise, Michael picks up Luke's discarded boxers and tugs them on his legs. He touches Luke's legs softly, kisses his thigh and then his cock.

Luke gapes at him, floundering for words as Michael licks along the underside of Luke's cock before sucking on the head. He watches Luke's reactions, drinks them in until the blonde comes down his throat with a breathy cry. Luke's body shakes as Michael pulls the boxers up his body the rest of the way.

"Second blowjob, huh?" Michael's eyes gleam as he teases.

It is his second, two in two days. A fucking record, Luke thinks as he relaxes against the bed and stares up at the ceiling. Michael crawls up next to him and touches his side. It's not very intimate, more like the way he sometimes coaxes Calum into cuddling with him when Ashton calls them for a movie night.

Luke doesn't mind though, he'll take what he can get.

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