Demigods take flight - Percy...

By liquidnight

3.6K 94 788


First day of school! try not to blow anything up
Nicos Room mate

Demigods take flight - Percy jackson/ Maximum Ride/ Highschool!

2.4K 28 735
By liquidnight

Percys P.O.V

I was walking on my way to my house when all of the sudden I was grabbed from behind and knocked out, pushed into a van, and dragged to Florida.

All in all not as bad as it could have been. Now I was sitting in a dog cage with five sleeping kids next to me, I wasn’t strong enough to conjure any water, but I knew it was there, thankfully I had my Achilles curse.

  Now I know what you are thinking "But Percy that got washed away!" well I being the complete seaweed brain that I am did it again, lets just say Annebeth very nearly killed me. I even picked a new spot; it was a spot right under the thickest part of my armor on my back.

 Just like last time I focused on Annebeth and it worked. I started to think of Annebeth and that had me feeling better already I had a system, every time someone came in I would pretend to be unconscious and they would leave me alone.

  I did see them take the other kids though, kicking and screaming might I add, but the wolf men type thingies always won, I noticed they never took more then one of them at the same time.

  I never actually opened my eyes, I felt like they would have cameras, and I heard the kid’s waking up and starting to talk about me "Poor guy, I wonder what happened to him? He’s been out for days" I heard a guys voice say and a little girl sigh "To bad, there’s one coming now that’s gonnna take him, awake or asleep."

   I got the feeling these people weren’t normal and then the same small voice said in my head "I’ve been reading your mind nothing to personal just basic information. I wont tell the other but that little act of your isn’t gonnna work for much longer"

  I grimaced and said aloud "Thank you, but I need five more minutes, you know how to make a distraction" I opened my eyes and they all gaped at me, they couldn’t see me so I knew they where just amazed that I had started to talk.

  I stretched and the girl laughed "I have no idea how you pretended to do that for like five days" I shrugged "Been through worse" She looked sad "I know" I raised a brow "what happened to not going to deep?" She pouted, " I tried, but your just so interesting! I skipped over really personal stuff"

  I blushed, great six year old digging through my head, just what I need "You don’t need a distraction, they are going to be here in five" I laughed "good, they haven’t been giving me water, just weird milk stuff that I seriously don’t trust, Ill get you out, but if you have any water throw it at me" they all did so quickly and I felt regenerated good as new.

  I now heard someone at the door and went to reach for rip tide, cursing because I knew I couldn’t use it on them. I felt the pipes under the building and when a group of scientist came in, I made water burst from the ground, knocking them out.

  I freed the other and we ran as fast as we could, me haphazardly shooting water at people. The other kids got in some good punches and kids and none of us looked at each other.

 We got to a window and they jumped out, one guy grabbing my arm and I screamed "My uncles gonna smite me! Lord Zeus please don’t kill me!"

  I started praying to him in Greek then something amazing happened, the kids grew wings. yup. freakin.wings.

 It wasn’t that weird though considering all that I’ve been through. Another guy grabbed my other arm and we soared through the sky, them whooping and laughing in glee.

  I smiled and joined in, they all looked at me and their eyes bugged out. Yup time to talk.

Maxs P.O.V

I don’t know who this kid was, what he looked like, or what he was, but I can tell you that I will never be able to repay him.

 We jumped out the window and I knew the guys grabbed him and we laughed. I forgot he was there for a sec (Authors note: I’m not breaking up Percabeth) until I heard him laughing with us and I turned to get my first look at the guy who had saved us.

 Lets just say I almost fell out of the sky, he was gorgeous. Sea green eyes, black tousled hair, great smile, but completely not my type. I looked at Nudge and saw that a huge crush was forming on this boy.

  We traveled for a few hours, sometime weird rolls of thunder would hit and the guy would cringe. Wait a minute, we kept referring to him as the guy, maybe we should introduce ourselves...

  I decided to start "My name is Maximum Ride, sort of leader of the flock, Max for short" He had an easy going smile plastered on his face.

 "Are we doing full tittles?"  I quirked an eyebrow "Perseus Jackson, Slayer of: The Minator, medusa, Kronos, Chimera, countless other monsters, savior of Olympus, Praetor of Camp Jupiter, head councilor to cabin three, one of the seven, defeater of Gaia, survivor of Tartuarus son of Poseidon. Percy for short" he chuckled and I looked at him shocked.

  I didn’t know what most of that meant but I had a feeling it was quite impressive "Well that some of it, if I told you everything I did then we would be here for days" His face paled "Annebeth is going to kill me"  

  Angle giggled and he looked at her "so six year old that apparently went snooping through my very darkest places of my mind, what’s your name"

 Angle shivered "I am not touching half the stuff in your mind, disturbing and petrifying, I am surprised your sane" Percy smiled softly "To be completely honest so am I " she smiled at him sadly.

"My name is Angle ride, my full brother is Gazy" I nodded and a blonde kid spoke up "The gasmen ride, but I prefer gazzy, part of our pyro team. You don’t want to know how I got my name" Percy raised a brow and nodded

 "Uhhmmm I-I’m Nudge R-Ride, I’m the fashion designer, I want to go to Paris!" Percy’s eyes went wide then seemingly on auto Pilot he said "Paris France, home to the Eiffel tower made in 1889 by Gustove Eiffel" he looked like he was about to say more but Iggy snapped in front of his face

  "Dude you a robot or something?" He chuckled looking embarrassed "sorry wise girls fault" No one really questioned him and fang went

"Fang Ride, second in command, not a pyro" Percy looked him over "You remind me of my cousin, Nico, I think you'd like him" Fang just nodded and Iggy was next

  "Iggy ride, residential cook and other half of pyro team, never give max anything to do with cooking unless you want her to use it as a weapon. I'm also Blind" Percy's face softened in Sympathy "My friend Ryan went blind, sorry dude that must suck" he nodded and Iggy groaned

 "Dude your really heavy, are you fat or something?" I wanted to knock him upside the head but Fang beat me to it "Nope opposite actually" Percy stated, he took a pen out of his pocket and opened it, Iggy and Fang almost dropped him, he sliced off his jacket in one fluid motion to reveal a tight fitting orange t-shirt.

 I swear I saw Nudge swoon, we all gaped at him and he smelt something before looking up, like a kid on Christmas morning "Oh my gods there’s an ocean, fly that way." We did as we where told and I laughed.

  The lower we dropped the easier it was for the fourteen year old boys to lower what looked liked a muscular seventeen year old in between them.  We where still really high, taller then the empire state building by a few feet. Percy nodded "OK, alright good nowww drop me"

  We looked at him like he was crazy "what?! You escaped a super evil scientist lab to drown yourself?" I screamed and Angle laughed

   "Its ok, drop him. He can travel to different bodies of water" Percy looked a little surprised but it was gone soon

  "Yes and I’m already going to be in trouble as it is, Annebeths probably had a fit and I wasn’t even there for her" he said bitterly and I finally asked "Whose Annebeth and why is she having a fit?"

 Percy grimaced "Annebeth is my amazing girlfriend" I saw Nudges face contort with jealousy "She might have a fit because we where tortured for seven days and I promised her I would be there for her. This isn’t the first time I’ve been kidnapped, last time it lasted for months, although I didn’t get kidnapped by bad people, I was kidnapped to help people"

  Nudge looked guilty for having ever been jealous of the poor girl "You'll die" Percy scoffed "Please I've jumped of the Empire state building before. As you can see I‘m very much alive" He huffed and screwed his wrists a weird way making the boys drop him "Byyyyyeeee and thaaaaannnnnnkkkssss" we heard him yell as he dropped down. 

Percys P.O.V 

as soon as I hit the water I felt like nothing could stop me I quickly went to camp half blood and charged out of the water. On the beach I saw Annebeth crying "Annebeth" I yelled and she looked up "Percy?"

 I sprinted over to her "Its alright I'm back" she sobbed before putting me in a head lock  " Where were you?" she hissed

 "Kidnapped. Weird. Crazy. Scientists. Bird. Kids. Need. Air" I chocked out and she let go letting me breathe. I pulled her onto my lap and buried my head in her hair and breathed in her honey vanilla scent "Explain" She stated so I did, I told her every last detail.

  She furrowed her brow "I’m sure those kids are worried" I shrugged, "I was in a rush to get back Sorry" She laughed and sank into me, I kissed her and we where interrupted by "Percy!" and about all of camp running up to me

 "Where have you been?" "is there trouble?" "Did you bring us souvenirs" That last one was complementary from the Stoll brothers "I was kidnapped by mortals, weird scientist that messed with peoples DNA. Kinda screwed up actually " I wrinkled my nose " I saw a mix of a hawk with a mouse, it tried to eat itself, I was so disturbed"

Everyone shuddered, "Just saying, everyone should travel with three or more others from now on, these people where really hard to escape from and I had 5 genetic mutant bird kids helping me" I didn’t elaborate all of the sudden Chiron came galloping up.

 "Percy! I heard what happened, Apparently busting out of a lab with five flying kids can get a small amount of attention" I laughed, whoops.

 "We have decided that it is safest for you to go to high school where you will be surrounded by people. We are sending you in groups to different schools" he cleared his thought and pulled out his scrolls. i had gone to Goode freshmen year but not last year. guess ill be a junior, Chiron started to read out the schools and groups

"Goode High school:

Percy Jackson

Annebeth Chase

Travis and Conner Stoll

Katie Gardner

Clarisse La'Rue

Chris Rodrigez

Grover Underwood

Nico Di' Angelo

Thalia and Jason Grace

Piper Mclean

Leo Valdez

Hazle Levesque

Frank Zhang

Juniper Brazer ( I made her up a name cause it never states her last one) "

I gaped, I could don’t have been luckier with the group I had, seriously all my close friends. Chiron winked at me and I smiled. He read off all the names and schools. We all went to our cabins and started to pack up.

Max's P.O.V

We all kept looking down, expecting him to come back up but he never did. "He's fine, " Angel rolled her eyes "Right about now he’s probably rushing up to help his girlfriend." She said soothingly.

We all continued to fly "So Max where are we going?" Nudge asked quietly, I could tell she still had a crush on the boy and was concerned. "New York, I know you guys want a little bit more normality in your life’s so, we are gonna go to high school for a bit I think." Every ones eyes widened.

"REALLY!" I nodded, I had thought a lot about this and I felt like they deserved to be normal kids for once. "What better way to hide the to be surrounded by people?"

They all cheered and I smiled, being a leader was one of the hardest things you could do, but I know that I made the right decision. I hope.

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