Daddy Issues (Criminal Minds...

By hungaagames

39.4K 1K 143

After a series of murders taking place in a college in New Jersey the BAU are called in to find the Unsub. Th... More

Do I Know You ?
Life On the Line
Cover Blown
Where Do I Go From Here?
Next Step
Welcome to Quantico


2K 56 20
By hungaagames

Derek's P.O.V.

"Hey Babydoll," I greeted Garcia as I wondered into her lair.

"Are my eyes deceiving me or is Derek Morgan in work a whole hour early?" Garcia stated sarcastically. Before I could even reply, she stared at me blankly and said, "What do you want?" 

"Well, since you brought it up. Can you get me the address for a Louisie O'Connor?"

"Chocolate thunder do you doubt my powers after all this time? I can feel my ego bruising," she commented faking heartbreak. "You do know there is more than one Louise O'Connor in America. Any other information on our mystery woman?"

"She is from Quantico and is about my age."

"Okay,hmm. Let me work my magic. Em sorry Thunder there is no Louise O'Connor of any age from Quantico," Garcia said warily.

"No Garcia there definitely is look again," I said getting frustrated. Garcia noticed as soon as I said her name instead of a nickname.

"Derek if it was here I'd know.." Her face immdiately dropped and she started typing in silence. Something was up.

"What is it?"

"There was a Louise O'Connor from here... but Derek she died years ago."

I couldn't believe it, she couldn't be I'd know. I know we didn't end on the best terms but surely someone would of told me if my ex died. "What that makes no sense... how did she die?" I ask finally accepting it.

"Em I'm sorry Derek, she killed herself, slit her wrists."

"Oh.." That's all I could say. Louise was such a happy person sure she had her demons like everyone but she was always so open, Just proves you see what people want you to see and never actually know what is going on with someone.

"Can you find the address of her sister Rebecca?"

"Sure. Derek I'm sorry, was she a friend of yours?"

"Something like that.." I wasn't in any mood to elaborate. I just wanted answers, I wanted an explanation to this.. to everything.  

Hayley's P.O.V.

I woke up from a surprisingly good sleep, no nightmare, no deaths. It took me a minute to realise that I wasn't in my bed. I actually didn't have a bed.. I was in Spencer Reid's bed! But I was alone and it didn't look like anyone slept beside me which meant Spencer didn't sleep in nothing happened! Oh what a start to the B.A.U. that would of been.

I walked out of the bedroom to find Spencer sprawled out on the fold out bed, looking peaceful and innocent. This Spencer didn't look like he spent his days around police and murders. When you describe being a profiler like that it sounds like a punishment instead of my dream job. But when you describe it as serving justice and saving lives, it sounds heroic, and that face could belong to a hero.

I didn't want to intrude but I thought it would to make Spencer breakfast as a way of saying thank you, as I knew it would be the only thanks he would accept. 

I got to work on making in breakfast and when it was close to ready Spencer started to stir in his sleep, before waking up a minute later.

"Morning Sleeping Beauty, breakfast is almost ready. Hope you don't mind. I was hungry and you have a nice selection of food that was calling me."

"Morning..em no help yourself. You didn't have to make me breakfast."

"Don't be silly, I was hardly going to feed myself and leave you to starve. Plus its my way of saying thank you. Also I am nervous for my first day and this was welcome distraction because I am an awful cook so instead of being worried about work I was worried about burning or serving raw food.. Now I'm nervously rambling about being nervous," I laughed feeling embarrassed and not being able to look Spencer in the eye.

"The food tastes good that's one less thing to worry about and work will be fine, but we probably should get ready soon so you make it," Spencer reassures me.

"First day and I show up after spending the night in a coworkers bed, that should be fun to explain," I laugh but I did notice a hint of a blush from Spencer.

Derek's P.O.V.

I took the day off work and drove to Washington. Now I was sitting in my car outside Rebecca's house. I needed answers and she was the only person who I knew could and actually would give them to me.

After half an hour I still hadn't gotten out of the car. I knew the second I that I'd see Rebecca Louise would be gone at least sitting in the car there is a tiny chance that Babydoll was wrong and Louise was okay.

I was knocked out of my daze by a knock on my car window, Rebecca. "Derek? Derek Morgan?" She questioned before guessing why I was there. "So when did you find out?"

"An hour ago."

"Better come inside," Rebecca said before turning to walk back to the house.

 I went in and took a seat on her Sofa while Rebecca went to get snacks and a drink. 

"So what do you want to know exactly," Rebecca said with a sad smile as she entered the room.

"What happened? Why didn't I find out until now?" I said confused by the situation.

"To be honest Derek, I don't know. I mean Hayley came in from school and found Louise. God, she was only a child she tried to save her, the paramedics got there an she was still alive but.." Rebecca explained before choking up. "She died in the ambulance. That was it. We didn't get a note, a letter, a reason anything. Hayley never said anything about it. I think she just blocked it all out, wasn't able to process everything. And why you didn't know, I mean no one wanted to complicate things for Hayley. I was in no position to raise a child and no one could help her. It was the best thing for her Derek honestly. I mean you were mentioned but my parents were having none of it. Everyone agreed it was best that she got a clean break from the situation." Rebecca broke down after explaining, I tried my best to comfort her and I did until I came to a realisation.


"Yes I'm so sorry Derek, I know you had rights and everything but when you left Louise when she was pregnant it wasn't really a indicator that you were father material-"

"Hold up. Louise was pregnant.I have daughter?"

"Wait you didn't...crap," Louise muttered realising her mistake.

"No I didn't know! Where is she? What is she like? How old is she?"

"I don't know where she is Derek we reached out to her but she didn't want anything to do with us. She resented us for putting her in the system I guess. She'd be about 21 I guess. We have been trying to get in touch with her but it's like she disappeared off the face of the earth. The police said not to worry so I guess they know where she is or else they would have her down as a missing person. All I know is that she was a student in Brownwood High six years ago, that's the last bit of information I have."

"How could you do that to her? To me? Put her in the system? She is your sisters child for crying out loud?"

"Don't you think I know that Derek! She is like a clone of Louise, she looked just like her, I mean the necklace and all. I couldn't cope with that, either could my parents. Now if you wouldn't mind I need you to leave."

"I was just about to!" I stated before storming out of the car.

When I got in the car, I began to process everything Rebecca said. Poor Louise. And Hayley.. I had a daughter.

Suddenly all pieces seemed to fall together, the necklace, she looks just like her, has no parents, It couldn't be could it? Is Morgan Hale my daughter?

So here it is , my return to wattpad! I kept trying to write this chapter but I had wirtersblock. Hope this makes up for the reallllyy long wait! 

Thank you so much for all the votes and comments, the fact that people keep reading although I haven't updated in so long broke through my writers block :)

Until next time - A.M.

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