My Best Friend Is a Stalker...

By vampireluvr107

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A strange dream shows Jenny a side of Jack she never imagined. Is it true or just a dream? Will this lead her... More

My Best Friend Is a Stalker, Killer...& a Child Molester?
What's wrong with Jack?
What?! ROFL :P
The Truth
What the hell?
Why? What Happened?
Holy Crap...
No, Not Happening
what is wrong?
If that's true then...
What if the plan fails?
What happened to him?
No this can't be happening?
this was never my fault
Is this all a lie?
I'm stuck here...w/ out Jack?
christmas is almost here
it's my birthday!
to the beach and a...surprise?
Is this simply a game?


708 9 2
By vampireluvr107

I know I haven't uploaded for this story in a while...oops. writer's block but i took a nap ad i got this amazing idea, here goes nothing.


Mason had been in the hospital for a week and Jack and I had been living happily. We had a tutor to help us stay on track, get all our credits and graduate. 

I smiled as I sat on a chair doing some math homework. Jack had left to go do some stuff, but I was enjoying the alone time. My mom came to visit alot, which I was glad for. 

I could walk more easlier now. I finished up the homework and stood up. I went out into the beautiful porch with the garden and the pool. I stood there enjoying the sun for a while. It felt so wonderful. 

Since Mason had been at the hospital in critical condition it had felt so calm. I felt like my future was all set with Jack as my husband. He hadn't lost control, something I was also glad for. High school was almost over and life seemed exciting. I still felt weird about having a kid at a young age, but maybe it would be fun. 

Two arms wrapped around my waist. "Hey girl," Jack whispered in my ear. "Hey handsome" I replied as I turned around and hugged him. He hugged me back tight. I felt safe in his arms like nothing could get to me. 

"What do you want to do today?" he asked as he pulled away. "Not sure, I guess it doesn't matter" I shrugged as I grabbed his hand. He squeezed it tight. "Wanna catch a movie?" he asked. "Not really, but we could sit and cuddle watching a movie here" I suggested.

He nodded and we walked back in. Jack had a theatre room which was pretty cool. He led me to the room and we entered. The screen was huge and so were the speakers. There was a couch and some random bean bag chairs. I sat at the couch while he looked in the closet for a movie.

 "What do you want to see?" he asked. "Fast and furious" I said smiling. Jack chuckled, "Why are you so excited to see this movie do you only want to see it because of Vin Diesel?" he asked as he popped it into the dvd player.

"Why would I want to see Vin Diesel when I have you?" I asked smiling. "You are too sweet" he said as he came and kissed my lips. We seated ourselves on the couch close together. 

The movie started and we we sat there quietly. I started getting sleepy as the movie progressed. We were at the part where they're racing through the tunnels trying to escape from the guys who were chasing them.

I was int the park looking at the ducks when somebody touched my arm. I turned smiling, but it was Mason. I tried to scream and run, but I was frozen. He grabbed my arm harshly. "Let me go." I said struggling, but his grip just got tighter.

"Jack took something away from me and now I will do the same to him" he said flatly. I tried pulling out of his grasp, but he pulled me closer and threw me over his shoulder. I kicked and struggled. He threw me into his car and was driving like a maniac. 

We hit a car head on and we flipped a couple of times. I got hurt, but not too bad, Mason was unconscious. I got out of the car with difficulty. My leg was bleeding alot, but it didn't hurt. I was walking towards the other car when I noticed it was Jack. I started to run to the car, but in that instant it exploded with him in it, and I suddenly opened my eyes.

I was gasping for air, I realized it was only a dream. Jack and I slept seperately so I was worried about him. I stood and walked to his room. It was dark and I couldn't find the light switch. I didn't remember where his room was in the dark. I went back to mine. 

I grabbed my phone and called him. There was a couple of rings, but there was a sleepy hello.

I sighed. "You're okay" I whispered as tears fell down my face. "Of course I'm okay, Jenny, what's wrong?" he asked. 

"I just had a nightmare" I said. "I'm coming to your room. He came in a few seconds. When he got there he wrapped his arms around me. "Don't worry, I'm okay, eveything's okay." he said as he stroked my back.  I hugged him back. I don't know what I'd o if I lost him. 

We pulled away and I looked into his grey eyes. "Do you want to talk about it?" he asked. I nodded and slowly started telling him the dream. He looked angry, but then his face softened. "It's okay, he's in the hospital he won't come looking for you." he said softly. 

Henry had been okay he had gotten out of the hospital lik a day ago, but he still had to be super careful.

"Can you stay with me tonight?" I asked looking up at his eyes. He smiled and nodded. We layed down on the bed and I fell asleep realtively quickly. I woke up and Jack was gone I stretched and walked over to the bathroom. 

I showered and brushed my hair. I walked over to the kitchen and decided to make some oatmeal. It was almost ready, so I sat while I waited. I texted Jack. 'Hey goodmorning sunshine' I waited and the oatmeal was ready. I was going to pour it into a bowl when my phone vibrated.

I looked at the text 'morning, how're u doin'?' i was going to put the stuff down to text him back when I heard a noise. I looked up and there stood Mason. "Hey Jenny" I gasped and I dropped the oatmeal and my phone. 

Mason stood there with his hair flat and messed up. He was heavily bandaged around his chest. I was trapped he had the edge. I felt frozen just like the dream, but I reached into a drawer and grabbed a knife. "You don't want to do that" he said smiling. 

I looked around and I threw a pan at him, he easily moved. "No please, just leave me alone" I pleaded. "You know I can't do that" he said as he came closer. I ran towards the counter and tried to jump over it, but he grabbed my waist and pulled me down. I kicked and screamed, but he covered my mouth.

I struggled, but it was no use. I had dropped the knife which wasn't good. I elbowed him in the chest causing him to let go. He gasped and grabbed his chest in pain. I used this opportunity to run. I ran outside to the patio. There was a tall brown fence around it, so I ran into the shed and I locked it. 

I hugged my knees and started crying. Where's Jack? I was going to call him, but then I remembered I dropped the phone. I'm so stupid. I was so scared. Maybe he didn't even know I was here, I thought hopefully. There was a bang on the door, I was wrong. I stood up and wiped away my tears. 

I started putting some chairs against the door to make it harder for him to come in. "I know you're in there Jenny, just make this easier and come out. I didn't know what to do. The knocking stopped and for a second I thought he'd left. The small window that I hadn't noticed was there shattered and glass flew in. Mason poked his head in. 

"Open the door" he ordered. I shook my head. "Do it or I'll kill Jack, right now." he smirked.

"No you won't" I countered. "Oh really, why not?" he asked. "Because it's me you want. You want to hurt Jack by taking me away, and if you kill him then you can't do that." I said. 

I can't believe I thought of that, but if I was right, then he couldn't kill Jack. "Fine you got me there, but that doesn't mean I can't just hurt him" he said. I froze. No, no. Jack would be angered if I came out, but he could get hurt and I didn't like seeing him get hurt. 

I started to remove the stuff from the door. "Good girl" Mason praised. I did it carefully. I saw a huge umbrella, if I could just hit him with it. I opened the door and quickly grabbed the umbrella. It was heavy and I didn't expect that so when I swung he stopped it and made it hit the floor. He grabbed my arm and pulled. I tried to pull away and I threw a punch at his chest. 

Mason flinched and backhanded me. I fell to the floor from the pain and the hit . I tasted blood in my mouth. I spit it out. "Don'thit me like that again or next time I won't be so nice" he threatened. "You call that nice?" I spat. He seemed to be thinking of a response and I used this as an opportunity to run. 

"Oh no you don't" he said. He grabbed my arm again, but I struggled. We were too close to the pools edge that when I pulled really hard. We both flew back into the pool. 

Water entered my lungs as I was caught off guard. I reached the surface and started to gasp. Mason hadn't had the same luck, he was struggling to breathe and find me. I swam out to the edge.

"Get back here!" he yelled. I assumed he was now running after me. I ran back into the house and locked the glass door that led outside. I slipped and fell on the ground.

Mason started to pund on the door. I crawled and I saw my phone. I picked it up and dialed. "Jack, Mason house help." I said through breaths and tears. "Wait waht?" Jack asked. 

The glass shattered into a million pieces on the ground. "Mason's at the house." I said sobbing, as I got up and ran. I was running through the hallway when I was tackled to the ground. "Jenny!" a scream came from the phone.

He pinned me and flipped me over smacking the phone out of my hand. "You shouldn't have done that" he said as if scolding a child. "But it's alright because now Jack gets to hear you suffer!" he yelled.

He leaned down and his face was only inches from mine. I turned my head, but he grabbed my chin. "Do not turn away from me. He pressed him lips against mine. I squirmed, but I couldn't push him away. He pulled away and asked, "Did you like that  Jenny? Did you enjoy that sweet kiss?" he said loudly. "Stop please." I begged through tears. "What's that you want me to kiss you again?" he asked smiling. "No, stop!" I yelled. "That's the spirit" he said smiling.

I struggled some more, but it was no use. He reached into his back pocket and put his hand over my mouth. When I breathed it made me dizzy and my head began to spun. The last thing I heard before I lost consciousness was 'Sweet dreams' whispered by Mason.


well there you guys go again i apologize for taking so long, but i will try to upload next weekend if i have an idea cuz this is as far as i got. you fans are amazing and know i wouldn't keep writitng if it wasn't fot the fact that i know some people actually read this and enjoy it.

Comment / vote / fan you guys are awesome and my inspiration for writing. please comment if i get at leat 10 comments and votes i will try to upload by next weekend. Support my story and know i love ur feedback and comments you guys are great and i lov you all.

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