Snow Boy [Zarry]

By Prisonerwithavision

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Zayn goes searching for inspiration, and finds it in a pair of innocent green eyes. * * * * ©2016 Prisonerwit... More



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By Prisonerwithavision

"Why are you acting so nervous? It's a party, Harry. Loosen up." Nick smirked at the younger boy, nudging him with his elbow after sitting next to him.

Harry smiled a little, inching away from Nick.

He'd been sitting by himself for almost half an hour, upstairs on some strangers bed, looking around their bedroom.

Harry liked parties, but this one had quickly gotten out of control, and he wanted to go home.

He, even though he was a bit ashamed, called his best mate Louis to come get him.

But that was over an hour ago.

"You shouldn't be up here, you know." Nick said, his eyes lingering on Harry's plump, shapely lips.

"This is where people come to have sex." Nick said quietly, leaning closer to Harry.

Nick had been aiming to wreck Harry for ages.

The innocence that radiated off of the boy drove him crazy.

"Um, you're right." Harry said, swallowing and glancing at Nick.

"My ride's supposed to be here soon so....I'll just go," He said, standing from the bed.

He could feel the bass from the music downstairs through his shoes.

"Thanks for inviting me." Harry added, not wanting to be rude.

"Hold on, I don't think we're done here." Nick said, grabbing Harry's wrist and pulling him back down onto the bed.

"No, I-I want to leave. What're you doing?" Harry spoke up as Nick aggressively pushed him down across the bed, and moved on top of him.

Nick looked down at Harry in the low light, the sight of Harry's parted lips and confused expression turning him on.

"C'mon, you don't want to leave just yet. I was hoping to make this party fun for you." Nick said softly, sliding his hand down Harry's torso.

He dipped his hand beneath Harry's jeans and boxers, unable to reach his cock before Harry suddenly pushed him away.

"I don't....I just want to go home." Harry said, moving to the other side of the bed.

"C'mon. You're a virgin. Aren't you just aching to get it over with? To let me touch you, and make you feel good? To finally have sex?" Nick asked.

"No, I'm really not. I'm saving myself." Harry said calmly.

"For what? Marriage?" Nick scoffed.

"Maybe." Harry mumbled, looking at his lap.

He was saving himself for someone who truly loved him.

Not just some horny, drunk idiot.

Nick stared at Harry for a moment, knowing then that Harry wasn't going to let him take his virginity.

Not that it was of any value to Nick, he just found Harry sexy and wanted to fuck him once or twice.

He certainly didn't want a commitment with the curly haired boy.

He knew that Harry was the type to fall fast, and hard.

Nick didn't have time for a commitment, or anything like that.

"Whatever." He muttered, getting off of the bed and walking toward the door.

He'd just find a wasted twink downstairs to fuck.

As Nick opened the bedroom door, he almost ran into someone.

The two made eye contact, and Nick instantly recognized him.


"Is Harry in there?" Louis asked, disgusted by Nick's presence.

"Yeah, don't worry. Your little boyfriend is safe." Nick teased.

"Get out of my way." Louis ordered, not in the mood for games.

He knew he shouldn't have let Harry come to this party.

Yes, Harry was old enough to make his own decisions, and no, Harry wasn't Louis' son, but Louis still felt quite protective over Harry.

Especially since Harry started college.

Louis knew what went on at college parties, even if he had only been a student for a week before quitting.

"Have a nice night." Nick said, shouldering past Louis.

"Cocky bastard." Louis muttered, walking into the bedroom.

"Are you alright?" He asked Harry, walking over to him as he got off of the bed.

"Yeah, I'm glad you're here." Harry admitted.

"Let's go." Louis said, nodding for Harry to follow him.

"Oh, it's snowing." Harry grinned as they stepped outside.

"Yeah, we don't have time to stop and frolic, keep walking." Louis said, knowing Harry would stand out here all night if he had the chance.

"Weather report says we're supposed to get six inches." Harry told Louis as they got into Louis' car.

"Lovely." Louis said, shivering as he reached to turn the heat on.

"So, was tonight enough of a lesson?" Louis asked Harry, looking in the rearview mirror as he began to back out of the driveway.

"What?" Harry asked, just now paying attention.

He'd been too busy watching the snowflakes collect on the windshield.

Harry knew he'd be outside tomorrow taking loads of pictures.

Even though he wasn't a professional photographer yet, he knew that snow scene photos were some of the best.

This would probably- well, hopefully impress his professor.

"Now you know what college parties are like. Am I going to have to come get you from any others?" Louis asked.

"Oh." Harry said, looking at his lap.

He hadn't expected the party to get so out of control.

It had started with just him, Nick, and a few others playing video games.

Harry knew he should've left earlier, but he was honestly trying to make friends.

Nick wasn't really a friend to Harry, he was just someone Harry knew from high school.

Harry didn't have any friends when he started college, other than Louis, who was more like an older brother to him than a friend.

Nobody in his photography class seemed very approachable, or friendly.

Even his professor seemed constantly irritated.

"Um, I guess not." Harry eventually answered, playing with his sleeves.

"Good." Louis said.

"I worry about you a lot, you know." Louis added quietly, glancing at his curly haired mate.

"I know." Harry smiled.

He was very thankful for Louis.

Harry didn't know what he'd do without him.

"What were you doing when I called you?" Harry asked, hoping he hadn't interrupted anything.

"Oh, um....I was actually just looking through YouTube." Louis answered casually.

Which was true, but what he had been watching on YouTube wasn't exactly appropriate.

Or something to share.

Harry nodded, reaching and turning the radio on.

"Hate this song." Louis instantly announced.

"Are we going to do this again?" Harry chuckled, remembering how his hand began to hurt from switching stations so much the last time he tried to listen to music in Louis' car.

"Possibly." Louis said.

He couldn't stand pop music.

It made Louis want to pop a bullet through his head sometimes.

"Put The Fray in." Louis said, turning his windshield wipers on.

Harry sighed, digging through Louis' messy console until he found the CD.

"Is that a condom?" Harry frowned, trying to see deeper inside the console.

Louis worked with a very attractive Spanish man, and he wanted to be prepared if the man ever needed a....ride home.

"Shush and put the CD in." Louis said, closing the console while keeping his other hand on the wheel.

Harry chuckled to himself, putting the CD in and pressing play.

"D'you want to stop and get something to eat?" Louis asked, feeling a bit peckish.

"I've got ice cream at home." Harry said, a small burst of excitement coming to him as he remembered.

"Okay, and?" Louis asked.

"I'm having that. I don't want to stop anywhere." Harry said.

"Mind if I do?" Louis asked, even though he planned to do so anyway.

"Of course not, Lou." Harry smiled sweetly.

He certainly didn't mind spending more time with Louis.
-The next day-
Any other time his vehicle ran out of gas, Zayn would've been far past pissed.

However, for some reason, being stuck miles from town in the snow actually made him feel content.

He liked the fact that there was nobody else around.

Plus, he was driving a rental car, so it wasn't like he was too concerned about the car or anything.

Zayn checked his watch, seeing that it was almost three in the afternoon.

He knew he probably should've called someone, but instead he chose to have a smoke and go for a walk.

Zayn got out of the car, carefully making his way across the ditch and into the field the car broke down next to.

He lit his cigarette, the snow crunching beneath his boots as he slowly made his way across the field.

All around him was nothing but untouched snow, and wilderness.

Quiet, and peaceful.

He inhaled deeply, loving the sting that the cold air left in his lungs.

Zayn began to kick up snow as he walked, liking the way it fell back down, resembling powdered sugar.

Just after he finished his cigarette, and was trying to make his way down a small hill, he slipped.

Of course the fall didn't hurt, but for a split second, he felt angry.

But then, he began to laugh.

He stretched out in the snow, chuckling to himself and staring up at the infinite white sky.

Zayn knew he hadn't smoked any weed since he was with Liam, but he certainly felt high.

And he loved it.

This was exactly what he needed.

To live.

He didn't know how long he was laying there staring at the sky, but the sound of someone approaching caused him to snap out of his trance.

Zayn then realized that he was numb with cold, and he knew he needed to get up.

"Um, are you okay?" He heard someone ask, making him instantly sit up and look at the stranger standing a few feet away.

"Fine, just a little cold." Zayn said as he got up and brushed himself off.

"D'you need me to call someone? ambulance or something?" The stranger asked, watching Zayn with concerned green eyes.

Zayn stopped, looking at the boy.

He had velvety brown curls that peeked out from beneath the beanie he wore, and shapely pink lips that stood out against his pale complexion.

His skin looked soft though, and his dark eyelashes made the size and shape of his eyes more evident.

His large, pale green eyes that seemed to go on further and further the more Zayn looked into them.

It almost felt like the boy's eyes were taking him somewhere.

Zayn blinked, realizing he'd become distracted.

"No, I was's hard to explain. But I'm fine." He said, unable to feel his fingers.

"Are you staying anywhere near here?" The boy asked him.

"Not at all. I left my hotel to go for a drive car ran out of gas, so here I am. Sort of in the middle of nowhere, really." Zayn said, smiling a little as he looked around.

"Oh, well...if you need somewhere to get warm I live just through those woods." The boy pointed.

Zayn stared at the boy for a moment, figuring he was safe.

He certainly didn't look threatening.

"Alright, thanks." Zayn nodded.

"I'm Harry, by the way." The boy said, looking at Zayn as they started walking.

"Zayn." He nodded, sliding his hands into his pockets.

The two walked in silence for a while, each of them curious about the other.

Harry wondered why this beautiful human being was here, of all places.

He thought that people like Zayn only existed in Hollywood.

Of course, Harry didn't mind that Zayn was here.

He was certainly a little nervous, but he didn't mind.

"Watch your step." Harry spoke up as they walked through the woods, avoiding holes and stepping over fallen trees.

Zayn followed him, stepping only where Harry stepped to avoid slipping, or stepping in something dangerous.

"Here we are." Harry announced when they reached his driveway.

Zayn looked down the rest of the driveway, seeing that it led to a small cottage.

He followed Harry onto the porch and inside, thankful for the warmth he felt after he closed the front door behind them.

"Um, d'you like tea?" Harry asked.

"Not particularly." Zayn replied, trying to stay on the rug as he removed his outer layers.

He didn't want to get Harry's floor dirty, or wet.

Harry did the same, and the two stood awkwardly close as they undressed.

"What do you drink to get warmed up, then?" Harry asked, stepping out of his boots and onto the floor, a good distance from the mysterious, yet attractive stranger.

"I guess hot chocolate? Or coffee?" Zayn shrugged, hanging his coat next to Harry's by the door.

"I might have some hot chocolate." Harry said, shuffling off toward the kitchen.

"Wait, you don't have to....fix that for me." Zayn said, not wanting to be a bother.

Plus, Harry didn't have to take care of him or anything.

All he needed was to defrost, and he'd be on his way.

"I want to." Harry said, glancing at how red Zayn's nose and cheeks were.

He knew that Zayn was freezing.

"Are you sure?" Zayn asked.

"Positive. Let me show you to the lounge first though." Harry decided, leading Zayn into the lounge.

"Have a seat." Harry told him, motioning to the sofa.

"D'you want a blanket?" Harry asked Zayn after he sat down.

All that Zayn was wearing now were socks, black jeans, and a grey jumper.

"Oh, no, I'm fine." Zayn said, shaking his head.

"Okay. D'you want the little marshmallows on your hot chocolate?" Harry asked.

Zayn smiled at him. "That'd be great, yeah."

"Coming right up." Harry nodded before he walked off into the kitchen, hoping Zayn hadn't seen him blush.

As Harry chose the perfect cup for his guest, his phone started ringing from where it rested on the counter.

He leant over and picked it up, balancing it between his ear and his shoulder.

"Hello?" Harry asked, standing on his tip toes to get the box of hot chocolate packets out of the cupboard.

"Hey Haz. Enjoying this weather?" Louis asked.

"Oh, yeah it's great." Harry said, realizing that he still hadn't taken any pictures.

"Have you been frolicking today?" Louis asked.

"I have." Harry replied, tearing open one of the packets with his teeth.

"What're you up to?" Louis chuckled.

"Making hot chocolate for Zayn." Harry answered casually, sort of excited that he had met someone new who seemed genuinely friendly.

"For who, now?" Louis asked after a short silence.

"For Zayn. I met him today." Harry smiled, getting a measuring cup.

"Describe him to me." Louis demanded.

"Um," Harry began, lowering the volume of his voice.

"He's....nice. And...I think he's American." Harry said.

"I don't care about all that, is he fit?" Louis asked.

Harry blushed, knowing very well that the answer was yes.

There was no doubt about it.

But he knew how Louis would act if Harry admitted that he thought Zayn was fit.

"Um, maybe. Didn't really look at his face." Harry lied, measuring out a cup of milk and putting it in the microwave to heat it up.

Louis huffed. "Fine, but keep me updated yeah? And don't let him do anything to you until I've met him, and had a proper chat with him."

"Okay, whatever." Harry blushed, hating when Louis went all dad.

He could take care of himself, regardless of what Louis felt, or thought.

Harry planned to get to know Zayn a little better, and perhaps make a new friend.

A/N: Thank you for the positive feedback on the last chapter :)

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