Individual Role-play.

By RavenFeather1

15.6K 253 2.3K

Feel free to roleplay with these characters! I'm editing them right now, some may be trashy so just bare with... More

Boy of Broken Ties
Two Daggers
Skittish Much?
No, I'm Not Related to Quinn...
'Let It Snow Let It Snow Let It Snow....'
Beach Boy
Albino Bride
Jesus Christ; Why Can't You Just Believe Again?
Sleeping Beauty?
Could You Be Nice?
.Blushing Too Much in Front of Guys.
Gimme a Snuggle?
I Can See Through Your Idiocy
XXXRed is the Color of PassionXXX
smaerd gnitniap
Hoodies Dont Suck
Sunshine in the Middle of Night
Your Bully
These Are the Rules
Understand Your Own Deceit
Someone That Listens

.Masochistic. Suicidal. Homicidal.

334 12 201
By RavenFeather1

Name: I ask his name as soon as I enter into his containment  room,"I'm Thorn Metallic...." he answers in a voice to which spins my nerves. It's dark, therefore I have to find the light switch. Surprisingly, I'm successful. A dim light fills the room then, illuminating his features to me. 

Age: To this, he raises an eyebrow and rolls his eyes, "I couldn't tell you even if I knew..."  

(Thorn is the age of seventeen, given note on papers. He's never had a real birthday)

Gender: There is a slight hum to his tone as he comes closer on all fours, "oh me?" he purrs seductively while making an award winning smirk towards me.

 (Male he is, I wouldn't recommend checking though, to all you curious)

Looks: While tilting his head at me innocently, Thorn grins, "I've never seen myself in the mirror, so I couldn't tell you that either, but all the masters enjoy how I look...." he trails off slightly while averting his gaze to the wall.

 (Thorn has a long metal tail to which is split after three razor-like notches. These razor-like spikes appear up his back and become pointed upright along his neck and to his head. These makeshift weapons are controllable, he can make them appear and disappear at his will. When these weapons are summoned, his entire body beneath the skin turns into shear metal as if a robotic transformation. The skin is only a covering. But when these weapons disappear his body becomes flesh, blood, and bone again. Normal as if a human's, a body that can feel. Thorn has one ravenous red eye. The other, to which is concealed with soft coal black hair, is an innocent green. This hair falls past his chin, yet most of it is brushed to the side so this bright, dangerous looking eye is showing. Thorn also has long, claw-like nails and very sharp teeth. His canines are longer and sharper than the others, to note. Thorn's skin is very pale and soft to the touch as well. His lean and very slender form makes everybody seems to want to possess it, drool over it. Take it.)

Wears: When asking this, Thorn comes out from the shadow and reveals his full body,  "Please, observe as everyone else does," he purrs while giving a elegant yawn and stretching his back to an arch. 

 (Thorn's outfit is very revealing. His pants are a inky black, from the ring of it around his ankle, it is cut open up the side to show his pale legs. The fabric slides into place at his ass, leaving nothing revealed there. When his tail appears the fabric tightens around the base and mends itself together after it disappears. His top, from the strapped collar there up front, is open into reaching the ends of his shirt. The back is open for two reasons. One; others just like that skin. Two; a painful punishment for disobeying. This shirt reveals the small of his back, along with his abdomen and a bit of his hips. He doesn't wear shoes at all, they annoy him just as much as clothing, he merely tolerates what's on him now. (If I didn't explain it very well, he wears exactly what's in the picture.)

Personality: He right away begins to eye me with suspicion, I guess my question sent him a loop, "well.....What do you think?" Thorn asks, seeming to regain internal composure while licking his lips seductively.

  (Thorn is very sadistic. When fighting he causes as much pain to whatever he is fighting until the end of it's life in the arena as he can. His fighting skills are the greatest. He is the top fighter in the Cage Fights. Therefore he can be greatly defiant. Being only a part the basic definition; having distaste for being told what to do. This disobedience usually resulting in harsh Masters and crude punishment. On another half, Thorn enjoys praise. He also enjoys making others feel uncomfortable and lustful. Thorn does this frequently and of course, on purpose. He's also a masochist, but not by choice. He was formed out to be that way. A heartless fighter and dangerous beast. He lives for pain and pleasure as it seems. Deep down inside however, Thorn is lonely and frightened. He can't show it to anyone though, nor does he wish to in the dark place he is in. He gives no mercy, not to anyone. A bit more in adding, Thorn can be very arrogant, but not completely selfish. He has the three deadly sins mixed within him, but love too. Something he will rarely give, something he rarely feels.)

Sexuality:  Thorn gazes at me with a  tinge of confusion before shaking his head, "I don't understand..." 

 (This topic is classified as unknown..)

Random Facts:

 By this time he has to return to fighting for his life, he doesn't look back, I don't blame him.

(Thorn is a victim of taint. He was stolen as a child and forced into fighting, already a hybrid. He's just as attractive and feisty now than when first brought into this life. His family is an unknown topic too, being that they died long ago. Since Thorn isn't allowed to stand at all, he has grown used to moving around on all fours. Running was something important to surviving and winning in these fights. Therefore he learned to run on his hands and feet, when running, he looks as if a cheetah. Very quick and in control.

 (In the picture is how he usually walks. In that picture, he was either interesting in something, ready to jump, ready to run, checking out his opponent, or is getting a present of some sort.)

 When fighting he uses his tail for balance and attacks as if a wolf or some other great predator. He is fast and elegant when running, when fighting. He likes the feel of killing and fighting, it usually feels comforting to stretch his limbs out. He purrs like a kitten and snarls like a proud dragon. He hates the vet and shots, the other kind of shots however, involving alcohol....They are another story. Vodka is his sweet weakness. He loves it. Thorn is as if a wolf, a pet. Without discipline he gets out of control, when fighting without praise he gets snappy and moody. Without proper attention he gets vicious and needy. But with the proper care and love, he can become slightly attached and loving. 

No matter how bloody and dirty Thorn gets, he still smells strongly of jasmine and ginger. He once tasted gingerbread as a treat from a Master who was extremely kind and loving. Thorn absolutely loved it from first nibble, therefore he likes Christmas, although he has never celebrated it. 

 Thorn reminds most people of a agile, flexible tiger. But others of a fragile, dangerous beast. 

    What will he remind you of? -----

(He asks, "Is it sick of me?" .... "Is it sick to say?" ...."Am I beautiful?" Well, what do you think? Totally his song. In This Moment - Sick Like Me)     

 Thorn was worried. 

Simple as that. He didn't want to leave his current Master, it's not that he was treated well, its that he didn't want to be treated any worse. He paced in his cage, this was placed in the very back of the stage. He couldn't see anything because of the curtain over his cage, yet heard the crowd of bidders waiting. They chatted with each other, wondering how Thorn was to be presented. These were all people who participated in the fight Cages, all of them wanted this champion so badly.. some could nearly taste the victory and events to unfold if they possessed him. After a little more time passed, Thorn was let out of his cage and his Master clicked on his leash to the black leather collar worn.

  Thorn didn't even look up as he spoke, "please don't sell me...." he whispered while walking on all fours in pace with the blue haired male. 

 "Don't speak," his Master hissed before putting on a fake smile for all the bidders who cheered as he was led to the center of the stage.

 Thorn changed in front of them, arching his back with a famous groan while grinning evilly, "the amount will start at one hundred. You may begin," his Master said while clipping the other end of his leash to the center pole and leaving, "mail me the money, Mark. I've already signed the papers." 

And just like that, The Master disappeared.

 Thorn crouched on his hind legs, one hand touching the ground while the other messed with the clip connected to his collar. He grinned out at the audience, hiding his distaste and anger very well. As the amount of the money grew, his tail began to coil and recoil in impatience.

Thorn was beginning to get scared. 

And it began to show no matter hard he tried to swallow it down and hide it.

                             Suddenly all went silent as the highest price was called. 

 The price that won. Called by the person that would now possess Thorn.


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