
By helloimsarah

314 8 7

Slash doesn't have many friends and is a loner at school when Anastasia isn't around. She's not a normal kid... More

2. Whispers (EDITED)
3. Whispers
4. Whispers
5: Whispers
7: Whispers
8: Whispers

6: Whispers

21 2 1
By helloimsarah

I ran back upstairs to my suite and jumped into the shower, washed my face, and hair-and brushed my teeth.

I looked at my face in the mirror, I looked way different without all the makeup. Soft blue eyes, dark hair...

I shook my head and grabbed all my makeup. I put it all on, and sighed.

I threw on some black skinny jeans and a black All Time Low shirt. I walked out of the bathroom and Amy was sitting on the floor, she looked deep in thought.

"You ok??" I asked

"Um, yeah... Just thinking about someone at school."

Oh yeah!! I had totally forgotten Amy had gone to my school! Amy Richards! She was in like three of my classes.

"Who?" I asked, politely

"Cole, Cole Star..." she said, with her head down.

I grabbed Amy's phone and typed in Cole's number, "text him, i'll be back later!" I said, smiling.

Amy had a smile on that she couldn't hide, she was trying to frown-but it didn't work.

I zoomed down the elevator, and walked out the door to go find Jasper.

"Jasper?" I called

"Yeah, im up here." he said, in a really high tree.

I began climbing the tree and he said, "No, you could get hurt.."

What did he think I was? "I bet I could get higher up than you." I proclaimed.

Jasper hopped down and we both began climbing up branch by branch.

Jasper was currently in the lead but, that was gonna change-for sure.

I hopped up two branches and Jasper had stopped saying, "ok ok you win! You win!!"

I looked around and I was near the top of the tree. I continued to climb, because what was the point of backing down now? I had like two more branches to climb.

I placed my foot on a branch not knowing it was unstable and the branch broke.

"Shit." I mumbled.

I couldn't hold onto the branch any longer as my hands were getting blistered.

"Slash! Stay there, I'll get help!" yelled Jasper.

I let go of the branch falling down, for what seemed like forever. I landed on my feet, amazingly and wiped off the bark from my arms and hands. I examined my right arm and there was a huge cut on it. I wiped off the blood and walked over toward Jasper.

"Geez Brooklyn! You couldv'e really hurt yourself! Lemme see your arm." he said, "that can get infected-lets go inside."

"No. Why do you always treat me like a baby Jasper? I'm obviously FINE, if I just jumped out of a fifty foot tree and landed on my feet--wiped the blood from my arm and walked over here." I said, walking into my house.

"Was it a break up?" asked "dad".

"No!!! I'm not going out with Jasper!!" I yelled.

I hopped into the elevator and went up to my suite.

"Amy." I said, "I hate my life.", I called-grabbing a blade from my bathroom drawer.

"No!" said Amy, "dont you dare!"

I raised the blade toward my wrist and said in a bland tone, "what are you gonna do about it."

"Brooklyn. I know things are hard for you right now and everything but, I just want you to have the best life you can. You have so much. I don't want you to be scarred or hurt in any way. When my dad lost his job, things were really hard for us. And I care about you... Like a sister.." Amy said.

"I have an idea." I said, "but its just for today."

I ran into my bathroom and grabbed my 'temporary blond hair dye'. I put it in my hair and washed it out, blow dried it-and it fell into my natural soft, wavy curls. I took off all my makeup and just applied some simple natural tones. I took out my blue eyed contacts revealing my natural green eyes, sometimes they were blue though. I brushed my hair, and walked out to Amy.

"Its me." I said.

Amy gasped and ran to hug me, when Jasper came out from the elevator.

Jasper gasped and almost fainted as my dad caught him.

"She's beautiful..." everyone said, simultaneously.

I laughed revealing my perfect smile. Heck, I'd better have a perfect smile from braces for three years. And a retainer for two.

I decided to listen to everyone's thoughts...

(she looks just like her mom....)

thought "dad".

(why was she ever Emo?)

thought Amy.

(she's so beautiful.)

thought Jasper.

I twirled around and everyone was still in amazement.

They might think this look would last forever....

But they were wrong.

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