4. Whispers

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"Um... Yeah..." said Cole, "I left my phone at home, uh see ya later." he said

I stood there. Pale...

"Slash??? Slash!!" said Ana, "talk to me!"

"Cole." I said

"Cole what???" she replied

"He's my secret..." I said, fainting.

"Slash!!!" screamed Ana.

I woke up in a hospital bed.

"Ana?" I called.

"Hey sleepyhead." she replied, "I've been here for six hours."

"Wow." I said, looking at my arm. "ouch." I whispered

"Yeah, you fainted and broke your arm, it was a hard fall, onto concrete. They said the faint was because of... drugs?" said Ana, "you don't do drugs... Do you?"

"No!! I took some anti-depressants but... thats all." I said, "Ow my arm really hurts, and I'm really thirsty."

"I'll get the doctor." said Anastasia.

"Hey Ana..." I called, "thanks, for everything... And, I forgive you."

Ana smiled and walked out to get the doctor.

***Ana's POV***

I walked into Slash's room with the doctor carrying a cup of ice water.

"Brooklynn?" said Dr. Richens.

"Hi Drew." she said.

"I prefer to be called Dr. Richens by my patients..." he said, glaring. "anyways, yes some discomfort is normal, you hit the concrete pretty hard... I'd like to do some memory tests with you."

"Okay... Let em' rip!" said Slash

"What is your full name?" said Dr. Richens

"Sl... Brooklynn Nicole Richie. Nickname, Slash." she said

"What is the last drug you've taken?" he said

"Um... Some anti-depressants, but I don't take anything else." said Slash

"Well, you're free to go... take it easy on that arm." said Dr. Richens


It was finally halloween. Everyone was gonna wear their costumes to school, even though we were probably too old for that.

For halloween I was a wearing a sexy devil costume. Yeah, I'd probably get suspended for my costume--but, im devilish. Ana was gonna wear the angel one.

I put on my costume which consisted of, a super short dress that didn't even go past my thighs, it was red, with black lace going down it. It was strapless, and lets just say it wasn't covering much, the back of it rided up a little bit so if I bent over, it was over, black long thin socks, 5 inch high black high heels, a mini pitch fork, and a devil horns headband.

I walked out of the house to meet Ana and our outfits were perfect, Ana was wearing a white same length dress as mine, with white lace around the top, it was strapless also, she had white long thin socks, a pair of white high heels, a gold crown, and a pair of wings.

"You look awesome." we both said simultaneously.

Cole drove up behind us and said, "Wow... Who are you guys trying to impress?"

Ana and I giggled, we hopped in his black Ferrari and drove to school.

I don't know why we never drove to school.... Oh us... Cole was dressed up as Adam Sandler, he even had on a matching wig.

We arrived at school and the first thing that caught my eye was Zach, he was dressed up as Zac Efron, Zach really did look good with brown hair, I must admit.

I hopped out of the car. I flipped my hair, it was long and even--I let it grow out after I got out of the hospital.

I knew that was the right move because I caught Zach staring at me. I looked less emo now, my tan skin, my dark brownish-blackish hair, my blue eyes weren't hidden beneath my bangs. But, nonetheless-I was still part of the emo club, just a new look.

Zach approached me, "Uh, hey." he said

"Hi." I replied

"I love you and your friend's costumes, their great." he said,

"Thanks, well I gotta get to class," I said, showing off my million dollar smile, "see ya round."

I walked off and looked back at Zach, I caught him staring at my ass... Oh Zach... Don't try to hide it. I thought.

As soon as I thought that I heard the whispers again. This time all they were saying was mumbo-jumbo. Really, I couldn't understand a thing. And I really needed to stop these things. Ana finally caught up to me and we both flicked our hair at the same time. Wow I dont know how girly girls do this all the time. But Ana, everyone stared when I flicked my hair, and when she flicked her blonde hair. I felt like the queen of the school.

I got to my first class... With Mr. Smithens, I took a seat in the back and listened to his thoughts.

(Hmmm... I haven't seen Brooklynn today, OH!! There she is, seated in the back, she needs to come sit up here, ASAP.)

"Brooklynn!" he called ,"be seated up here please."

I made my way to the front, and sat down.

(Oh my gosh, that is such a hot costume! I kinda feel like a pedophile thinking about her like this, but she looks amazing with the long dark hair, always parted to the side, falling over her D cup, how do I know she's a D? My friend's her doctor.) Mr. Smithens thought smiling.

Ew. That, makes me uncomfortable. I am switching doctors ASAP.

"Good day class, today we are going to do an exercise, everyone move your desks to the back of the room, and sit back in your chairs." said Mr. Smithens

We did so.

" Then all the girls sit with their legs crossed please. This is helping your um... Balance!"

Oh how I hate this teacher.

*******AFTER SCHOOL********

"Slash?" said Zach

"Yeah?" I said, smiling

"Wanna go to the movies with me Friday?" he said

"Yeah! Sure!! That sounds great! I said, "anything specific I should wear?"

"Um... That!!" he said.

Wow. He wanted me to wear my halloween costume. LOL

"Ok! See ya then!" I said, catching up to Cole and Ana.

"Guys, I want to find my real dad." I said.

Ana and Cole stood their in shock.


and no I didn't plan Slash's name to have "Nicole Richie" in it, lol- that name just fit, brooklynn nicole richie! seven pages on word!!

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