Immortal Hearts 2

By Jack__Gilinsky

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"Some secrets can kill your closest friends/loved ones" More

Chapter 1: New Years and Christmas Rolled Into One
Chapter 2: Hickeys
Chapter 3: Sweet Kisses
Chapter 4: On the phone with a vampire
Chapter 5: Trip to the hairdresser
Chapter 6: Schedule Changes
Chapter 7: NightMares
Chapter 8: Unease
Chapter 9:A Promise in the Dark....Sealed with a Kiss
Chapter 10: Pretty close
Chapter 11: Blood
Chapter 12: Spending the night
Chapter 13: Best Day Ever
Chapter 14: Cupid's Chokehold
Chapter 15: Misery Loves Company
Chapter 16: Many Times You've Been Close To Breaking
Chapter 17: Catching Up
Chapter 18: Spin the bottle
Chapter 19: Fighting Dirty
Chapter 20: Fighting it out
Chapter 21: Detention Buddies
Chapter 22: My girl
Chapter 23: Feeling
Chapter 25: Clean Hands
Chapter 26: Fun in the Shower
Chapter 27: Ex-Girlfriend
Chapter 28: Torn
Chapter 30: Were You Weak, Was I Strong?
Chapter 31:Rumours and Therapy
Chapter 32: Happy Valentine's Day
Chapter 33: Love and Loss
Chapter 34; Final Chapter: Changes

Chapter 24: Crushes?

2.7K 80 20
By Jack__Gilinsky

-Carmen Silvers POV-

"And we can only see each other, we'll bleed together, these arms will not be taught to need another when we're the special two," I bobbed my head to the song playing on my cell phone. It was the same song I was singing to Austin a while back in my room; before all this chaos started with Caleb.

Most people would wish to go back in time to that time when it was relaxing and it was just us two, but I don't. Because then I'd have to relive this horror with Caleb again. I wanted to shoot forward into the future and see if I actually managed to save Austin. And if I did, then I wanted to stay there with him. And if I didn't...well...I wouldn't mind going back in the past but changing everything to prevent this from ever happening.

As I walked into school, my earphone was suddenly pulled from my ear and I yelped in surprise, head whipping in the direction that the earphone was pulled out of.

Alex grinned, "Relax, it's just me."

"Jeez, Alex, you almost gave me a heart attack!" I exclaimed, hand over my chest.

"Sorry," he said sheepishly, "I was calling your name but you never answered."

"Oops, I guess my music was a bit louder than I thought," I chuckled, the winter wind blowing my hair into my face.

I impatiently shoved it back behind my ear as we walked into the building and he put my earphone in his ear.

He listened for a moment, bobbing his head along to the music, "This is a really good song," he said, surprised.

"Yeah, I love it," I said honestly, feeling slightly sad as I once again remembered Austin.

"You know," he said slowly, looking thoughtful, "We could do this for the dance."

I arched an eyebrow, "Seriously?"

"We can always try it; it's amazing," he said enthusiastically.

"But I wanted to do another song where we both sing," I pouted.

He pursed his lips for a moment before he lit up again. He took my hand and rushed off down the hallway, me stumbling after him at high speed.

"Alex?" I asked as he continued quickly down the hallways, earning us weird looks from everyone.

"I've got an idea!" he announced excitedly as we pulled into the arts section of the school. He turned down the music hall until we reached our usual room. He opened the door with a huge grin and I hurried inside with him right on my heels.

"What's this all about? That's the second time I've ever seen you go any faster than a walk in the hallway," I remarked as I pulled my coat off.

He tossed his on the chair that we kept forgetting to get rid of when Austin sat in on our practice before he sat down at the piano bench.

"Play that song again," he said, fingers tapping quickly against one of the keys without making any noise.

I unwound my scarf from my neck as I unplugged my earphones and played the song from the beginning out loud.

He listened to the whole song one time before he started to play the beginning. I played the song a few more times before he started to get the hang of it, but he still played the song slightly slower than the normal version.

"At lunch I'm going to print out the lyrics and we'll work on this at lunch, okay?" Alex asked as the bell rang, signalling that we had seven minutes to get to our first period class.

"Um...okay then," I said, still mystified, "Are you going to tell me your idea then?"

He grinned, "Yes, I just have to plan it out first."

"Fine," I sighed as we got up to leave, "Let's go before we're late. Besides, I have gym and Lena will kill me if I don't arrive on time since she doesn't have a lock for our gym locker."

"You have first period with Lena?" Alex asked as we walked out of the music room with our coats and bags.

I smirked, "Yes. Would you like me to tell her you say hi?"

His cheeks turned just the slightest pink color, "No, no. I was just curious."

"Uh-huh," I said, still smirking, "Just curious."

"Carmen," he groaned.

"What?" I asked innocently.

"Don't say it," he pleaded.

"I wasn't going to say anything," I said, still playing innocent even though I knew full well what he was talking about; his crush on Lena. He claims he didn't have one but I knew better.

And boy did I really know better.

"Maybe not," he said, shaking his brown hair out of his eyes, "But you were thinking it."

"Guilty as charged," I grinned.


" you have any ideas aboutAustin?" Lena asked as we jogged around the indoor track for our warm-up, first period gym class.

I sighed, "Not a clue."

"Your demon friend doesn't know any other demons that might help?" Lena asked as the teacher yelled at us to slow down. We both ignored her; we were barely even winded and we were way ahead of the class.

I shook my head, "I asked but she hasn't stayed in touch with any other demons and if she did, they died," I frowned, picking up speed, trying to let out my frustration at not being able to find a solution.

"She did give me some tips on how to keep Caleb from making me flip out and Change," I said as Lena sped up to keep up with me, her black pony tail bouncing from side to side as she ran.

"Really? Like what? Tape his mouth shut?" she teased.

"If only that would work," I laughed, "But no, she just told me not to listen to him. That everything he says is normally a lie just to get under my skin. The times he says something true is just to get me started; the lies come out when I'm too angry to realize they're lies."

"So just ignore him?" Lena asked as we rounded the last bend of the track, "That'll be hard."

"No, it's not just ignoring him," I said, "It's just whenever he says something it'd be a good idea to actually pay attention. You may learn a thing or two since he has no trouble spilling his guts sometimes," I shook my head in disbelief, "But anyways, Natasha said that once he starts trying to get under my skin and lying, that I should take what he said and convince myself it's just him trying to make me angry and then back up my theory with an argument to prove he was wrong."

"I think I follow," Lena said slowly, "Can I have an example?"

"Oh God, um..." I scrunched my face up as I thought, trying to think of another example other than the one that Natasha gave me. "Wait, we'll finish our sprint and while everyone's finishing up I'll give you one since I'm having trouble thinking of one."

She nodded and we both kicked into high gear, sprinting the last stretch of the track and shooting right past our teacher who was writing down times.

Lena and I became amazing actresses now; we pretended to pant and be winded and have cramps but if you actually paid attention we weren't even sweating. We continued to pretend like we were exhausted and dying of thirst as we walked to the far side of the field to get 'water'. As soon as we were out of earshot of the teacher I gave Lena an example. She caught on pretty quickly and then we moved onto other random subjects.

As we walked back to join the few classmates who had arrived Lena and I sat down near the teacher, but far away enough that we couldn't be overheard by anyone in our class.

"So how are you and Alex doing? Ready for the dance yet?" Lena asked, stretching her legs out in front of her before she bent her body forward and touched her fingers to her toes.

I did the same and chuckled, "Nowhere near ready; I had no idea it took so long to learn a bunch of songs perfectly," I said, changing leg, "And then like a week before the dance we'll start rehearsing the songs with other people who will be doing drums and stuff."

"Yikes, you must be getting stressed. It's like three weeks away," she said, eyebrows raised, "How are you going to get everything done in time?"

I shrugged as I did the same toe touch stretch thing but with both legs, "I have no idea," I said honestly.

I had no idea how I was going to be able to ready for this dance....when it would be Austin's last night.

Natasha estimated that Austin would be completely taken over a few hours before the dance even ended.

So I dreaded that night; it made me sick to even think of it. But I could do nothing to stop it from coming or happening. I could only wait for it to arrive and pray to God for a miracle.

"You should really talk to Alex," I said suddenly, hoping to change the topic while diverting the attention from me to lena.

"What?" she blinked in surprise as we stood, stretching out our arms.

I repeated what I said and felt a grin stretch across my face when Lena started to get flustered.

" would I....I've never...." She swallowed hard, cheeks a bright pink color.

I laughed, "You like him, don't you?"

"Of course I don't!" she protested, "I mean sure he's a nice guy and pretty damn good looking but..."

"He's a vamp?" I sighed.

She nodded, chewing her lip, "I know it sounds racist of me but come on! That can't be normal for one of us to be with one of them."

I shrugged, "Maybe. Maybe not. You never know; if we can exist then who's to say we can't exist together without feeling the need to rip each other's throats out?"

"'s just weird," she shook her head, "I can't picture myself being friends with a vamp."

"Well, you kind of are. When I almost changed you guys brought Alex along and you were fine when he came over that time with Lance and the rest of the gang," I pointed out, hand on my hip.

She said nothing.

"You know if you have any questions or anything you can ask me right? Even about the vamps?" I prodded her.

She looked down at her feet.

"Lena, I'm not going to freak out if you say anything about them. I'm not going to bite your head off or anything considering I'm friends with Alex and....well....I'm not quite sure what's going with Austin but still," I touched her warm arm.

She looked up at me, "Okay, I think I may like Alex...just a teeny tiny bit. Like a friend you know? But I'm a bit afraid to do anything in case Matt flips his shit on me."

I rolled my eyes, "Matt can't do anything. And if he tries something I'll take care of him. Besides, he can't say anything to you if you want to be friends with Alex," Or more than that, I thought, "Mainly because he lets me be friends and hang out with Alex."

"That's different; you're Alpha," Lena protested, "You can just tell him to buzz off and he'll do it."

"But that's the difference; I don't tell him to buzz off. I don't want to order you guys around; you're my friends and that's just stupid. I rather ask you guys nicely since I know if I ask you'll actually want to do it instead of being forced too," I explained.

"Honey, you are way too nice for your own good," Lena chuckled, shaking her head, making her black ponytail swish from side to side. "I don't know how you'll beat Caleb unless you smother him with niceness."

"If only that and the duct tape would work," I sighed heavily.

She patted my arm sympathetically, "You'll figure this out; you always do. You beat him once and you can do it again."

"Yeah, except I wasn't the one who physically beat him," I said, chewing my lip, "Austin was the one who beat and killed him."

"Maybe so, but you held your own against him until that time," Lena said, "Stop putting yourself down; you can do this. You know Caleb and you're a good fighter and you're smart; you'll be able to save Austin. I just know it."

"You make me sound like Superwoman," I teased, trying to keep my thoughts off of Caleb since it made my stomach twist.

She laughed, "That would be cool but I'm not too big of a fan of her costume."

"Ditto; I'm not one for wearing limited clothing in public," I said as we joined our group.

We couldn't talk anymore since the teacher demanded our attention and then told us we were doing javelin today. She proceeded to show us the technique for it before she handed half the class a javelin each and sent us to the football pit, better known as 'The Pit'. Creative, huh?

Lena and I were in the first group so we stood in a line with four other girls. We all took turns throwing and since we were at the end of the line we were last to throw.

Of course, while I was waiting my mind started to wander and then I thought of Savages from Pocahontas.

I started dancing and shaking my 'spear' to the song and Lena gave me a weird look until she recognized the song.

We both started dancing and singing to the song and laughing until we threw the javelin.

After gym I headed to art with Liam. We were making movie posters for made up movies.

"Hey! Check out mine!" one kid said excitedly. Liam and I looked up at the same time and saw a very poorly drawn vampire on a large white sheet of paper.

The vampire looked like a rotting corpse with fangs and blood running down its chin in pencil and it kind of reminded me of a zombie.

Talk about inaccurate.

"Is that a zombie?" Liam asked, frowning deeply.

"It's a vampire!" the boy insisted, "I mean look at it! It has fangs and blood!"

Liam and I snorted in union before I looked around the class. I was disturbed to see many mythical creature posters, mostly of vampires that were so inaccurate it was both disturbing and reassuring.

Do people really think vampires are that gruesome? How would they react if they found out vampires aren't at all like that? Hell, how would they react if they found out they had four vamps in their own school, with one more on the way.

"You know, I'm feeling very neglected," Liam pouted. "Werewolves are so underappreciated."

I shrugged, "There are more vampire movies than werewolf ones; besides vampires are the sexy, dark kind of characters. It's hard to make a good romance movie when you're a big fluffy wolf half the time."

"Still," Liam said, "It's sickening how people prefer them...especially when their versions are so far off the map it's almost laughable."

"Hey," I said, penciling in a face of a girl on my paper, "Be happy we weren't portrayed as being 'sparkly' in the sunlight."

Liam laughed, "Ah, Twilight. As horrible as the series is, I did enjoy the movies after I found out my dirty little secret. It made me feel better about being a lycanthrope."

"Ooh, big word," I teased.

"Shut up," he said, bumping my shoulder. "But it's true, would you rather be a sparkly vampire or a big werewolf?"

"Werewolf," I said easily, "Not just because of my own dirty little secret, but simply because I do not want to 'sparkle' in the sunlight."

I snorted, "Sparkle my butt; he looks like he's sweating."

"You thought so too?" Liam arched an eyebrow, "And here I thought all girls swooned at the sight of Robert."

I shuddered, "Not this girl. The only vampire in any movie I've ever watched that I actually liked was Count Dracula from Van Helsing."

"Dude, Dracula was totally awesome," Liam said, high-fiving me, "Let's hope Austin and his bunch don't turn into those weird bat things eh?"

I chuckled, "I sincerely doubt that that'll happen."

"You never know," Liam said mischievously.


"Okay, so what's the big surprise?" I asked as I walked into the music room at lunch, closing the door behind me before I flopped down next to Alex.

"Well, you said you wanted to do another duet, and I figured why not?" he said, running his slim fingers over the keys, "I've been working on that song I heard this morning and I think that my idea might work."

"Okay, but what is the idea?" I prodded, "Come on, tell me!"

"Well, I was thinking that maybe we could take that song you were playing and turn it into a duet," Alex explained, grinning, "I was working on it all of first period music class."

"Really? Then show me what you've got so far," I said excitedly as he handed me the pages of lyrics.

"Okay, I was thinking that we could either split the verses or you sing one verse and I sing the next or something," he said, "And then we'd sing the chorus together."

"Hmm, we could split the verse's and then the last two lines of both verse's are basically the bridge so we can sing those together as well before going into the chorus at the same time," I nodded, feeling excitement rising.

"Okay, you can sing the first half of the verse's and I'll sing the second half," he nodded, "Then the bridge we'll do together and the chorus too right?"

"Right," I confirmed.

"Ready?" he asked, grinning.

"Um...I think so but somehow I think I'll end up screwing up," I laughed.

"You'll do fine," he said, putting his fingers to the keys for a short moment before he pressed down and started to play.

"I've hardly been outside my room in days 'cause I don't feel that I deserve the sunshine's rays," I sang slowly, "The darkness held until the whiskey wore away, and it was then I realized the conscience never fades."

"When you're young you have this image of your life; that you'll be scrupulous and one day even make a wife," Alex sang, also slow as we tried it out, "And you make boundaries you never dream to cross, and if you happen to you'll wake completely lost."

"But I will fight for you, be sure that I will fight until we're the special two, once again," we sang together in perfect harmony. "And we will only need each other, we'll breathe together, our hands will not be taught to hold another's when we're the special two," we continued to sing, "And we could only see each other, we'll bleed together, these arms will not be taught to need another, 'cause we're the special two."

The door to the music room suddenly burst open, revealing a wide eyed, flustered looking Lena.

Both of us gaped at her.

In the split second that I saw her I wondered if she actually took my advice and decided to talk to Alex.

And then I saw her face. The raw panic so clear in her wide greens eyes and her black hair that was messy and escaping in wisps from her ponytail.

"Carmen! You have to come now!" she cried, hurrying inside as she grabbed my wrist, dragging me to my feet.

"Why? What happened?" I asked, panic setting.

And then she said one word that made my blood run cold.















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