ThumbeJimin[A Jimin Fanfic]

By HanaQi

9.8K 631 402

Chloe Summers, 18 There is nothing fair in life. However, it changes when she comes across a little guy, the... More



413 22 16
By HanaQi


"Banana pancakes!" I heard the chef saying as he rang the bell. Walking swiftly to the kitchen, I placed the order carefully onto the tray before carrying it to the respective customer.

You might be wondering, why do I still want to put up with that family of mine...wouldn't I be better off on my own? That's what I thought, and I do still believe.

In a few months, I would be free... With the money I earned from my part-time jobs, I should be able to live on my own. With the grades I'm getting in school, I could earn myself a full scholarship to pursue my education in a university.

I just need to wait a few more months...

"Chloe! There's customers at Table 6!" I heard the boss shouting from the cashier. Snapping out of my thoughts I hurried to the table.

"Is there anything else?" I asked before I placed the order to the chef.

"Why, aren't you that hoodie girl earlier.." I heard a bitchy girls' voice. I lifted my head to see, Regina.

"Hoodie girl? What do you mean?" a guy that is casually hooking his arm across Regina's shoulders began to question.

"Her..." she chuckled before she pulled her boyfriend close to her and began whispering stuff into his ears.

I walked away, slightly annoyed that she would still remember about that incident I had with Jin. Not only that, but actually deciding to tell it to someone irrelevant. I could swear I see a smirk forming on her boyfriend's face.


"Here," Regina's boyfriend said as he threw several bank notes onto the floor. "Your tip," he smirked.

"Go on! Pick it up!"urged Regina as she giggled, along with her few friends. "Don't you need your tip~~" she poked fun at me.

"Bend down at a 90 degree angle! Go on!" they continued.

I bent down to pick up the notes just like they asked. 

"Ugh, she is no fun..." Regina began as she yawned. "I'm out of here..." she said before she calls out, "Come on, babe!"

Strutting in her high heels, she walked out of the diner and slammed the door shut.

I got up to see her boyfriend eyeing me, merely smirking before he left to follow his girlfriend. What is wrong with these people, seriously.


I slipped the pay I got for this month into my bra before I exit the diner. I hurried back home before it gets any late because the later it gets, the darker the woods become.

I froze in my steps when I see a beaten up white truck parked right outside my house. That could only mean...

"Ah! Dad! She's back!" Cole shouted after my dad before he slung his bagpack over his shoulders and run down the steps. "Thanks by the way~"he whispered in my ears before he ran out to the streets.

What did he mean...

"Guys! My lovely daughter is back!" my father chuckled as he took a swig of his beer before he smacked his lips.

Big tough guys, covered in tattoos and piercings appear at the door and chuckled loudly. Like my father, they reek of alcohol and smoke.

I could feel my insides churn in sight of them. "I got to get to my room," I stated to them before I walked past them, upstairs. They stood dumbfounded for a moment but it wasn't for long.

Right after I locked my room door, they started banging at my door.

"CHLOE! YOU OPEN THIS DOOR THIS INSTANT IF NOT-" I could not hear any of my father's words as I took in the sight in front of me.

My drawers were all overturned. Everything in my room is ripped apart and turned upside down. 

"No way..." I mutter to myself as I rushed to my bathroom, to see the crack up at the ceiling. My stash of money, kept for my life in college is taken.

On the mirror, a post-it note was stuck. 

"I found your money! I'm taking it for now.. Thanks, sis! 

-Love, Cole"

I felt my insides burning. Rage coursed throughout my whole body. THAT, was my everything. It was my only way of getting out of this hell. Now, it is all gone. Burnt into ashes. That jerk Cole, took it.. Every. single. penny. 

It didn't get any better as the pounding on my door continued. The hinges creaked and that trashy wooden door came crashing down, yet again.

"You dare to defy me?" my father shouted into my face as he yanked me up by my hair. I squinted at the very sight of him. I loathed his friends. And yet, I couldn't do anything. Nobody would believe me...

"I will show you who is the boss! You are sleeping outside in the woods tonight!" he shouted as his friends, cheered on being drunk. He pushed me out onto our lawn and slammed the door shut.

Getting back up on my feet, I got extremely frustrated. Tears began pouring out of my eyes. I wanted to get away from here. I had hopes but now everything is ruined

"I just want to get away from here!!" I finally screamed as I took off. My legs carrying me further, deeper and even deeper into the woods.

I jumped over the protruding tree roots, stepped on branches and fallen leaves. I don't know how long I've been running because everything looked the same.

Until the ground gave way beneath me. I gasped and screamed as I braced myself for impact. Covering my face with my arms, I rolled down the slope and came to a stop. 

I slowly opened my eyes and I was stunned by the beauty of this place. A small creek flows through this part of the woods. Under the moonlight, it glowed and shined. There was the faint sound of insects. Several fireflies flew past me.

Most importantly, beautiful purple flowers covered the entire floor of the forests. It looked so magical. My thoughts cleared and I stopped crying. I sat, leaning against a tree, careful not to step on any of the flowers.

Despite being in the middle of the night, this part of the forest shines bright. Everything can be seen by the naked eye. 

"It feels so relaxing here..." I mumbled before I closed my eyes to enjoy the sounds of nature.


I could hear the birds chirruping and the warm sun on my face. Did I fell asleep in the forest?

I sat up and stretched. Rubbing my aching back I opened my eyes and winced at the bright sunlight pouring into the forest. I got up and head to the creek to wash my face.

The cool water is so refreshing that I smiled. 

"Yeah, you look prettier when you smile.." I heard a voice from somewhere in the forest.

I was shocked as I thought I was alone. Turning around I tried to look for the origins of that voice. 

"I must be imagining things," I mutter to myself as I grinned and rubbed my temples.

"Imagining what?" 

There it is again! That voice! A small voice but high enough for me to listen.

"Who...where..are you?" I said getting a little bit freaked out.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself..." the little voice began.."I'm down here!" it said.

I glanced down and squinted my eyes, trying to see.

"Down here!"I hear him say.."By the flowers!!" he said.

And then I spot him. A tiny little boy, the size of my thumb, in the middle of the purple flower petals.

"Hi!! I'm Jimin!!" he waved at me with a bright smile, enthusiastically.

"Wha....what are you?" I said stunned as I fell on my back.

::posted on 16 Feb 2016::  

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